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Everything posted by mukke
i double that! thanks a lot
hi mimo, few minor typos.. changelog xp-extension .. KB2440591 (MS11-002: Data Access Components) .. should be KB2419632 (MS11-002: Data Access Components) associated entry table 2 .. links to wrong article KB2440591 .. but links to correct file (WindowsXP-KB2419632-x86-ENU.exe) chears and happy new year
hi Eveline, attached archive contains the 5 cleanup packages referenced under number 7 of the advanced features. i guess you were looking for them and not for the .ext files from the extras hfcleanup.7z
Thanks for your time and answer, if possible.. Eveline (edit: question 6 added) hi, if i'm not totally wrong i should still have those files (somewhere).. sorry, i'm very short these days, but i will try to come back to you within the next days..
hi, do you use this version? sorry, i'm very short these days..
@Martin H I can't agree with you. Have you verified that hfslip alters the files involved? See for yourself! Run hfslip and the integrator with Zacam's PatchAddon. Then compare each syssetup.dll byte-by-byte. They should differ in exactly 1 Byte (at offset 211753 (dez) = 33B29 (hex)). Imho hfslip is not able to handle the [HexEdit]s section of the entries_*.ini - at least as intended by the addon creator. Zacam's entries_*.ini contain information filename|version|offset|old_value|new_value (watch out: the offset-values given are dezimal-based - NOT hex-based!). The integrator patches these files on the fly. I dunno if it can be done by auto-it alone, but mirkes TinyHexer (powerful hex-editor with its own script-language) was involved if iirc.
You are still faster then your script .. just wanna report that msxml4 is optional (line 1152 of hfslipfc.cmd) and it's stating to be build 2010/01/13 But I found another one regarding KB968389 and the [recommended] optional updates KB970430 and KB971737: Your list calls KB968389 Advisory. You say you removed 'KB960225 (Schannel.dll 5.1.2600.5721) because it's replaced by KB968389 (Schannel.dll 5.1.2600.5834)'. Then you should also remove KB960803 cause it's superseeded by KB971737 - if KB971737 is inside HF (the File-Checker already checks dependencies). Maybe you should also mention that Advisory 968389 is handled like a security update by the File-Checker, although it is still optional. ps: Muppet Hunter's list and Freudi agree with me - or better said: I agree with them ;-) pps: keep on the good work - very much appreciated!
.. can't believe this .. gotta catch sum sleep first off .. before i consider my eyes trustworthy .. OMG
Thank you, gotta try this while little schnitzel eating on a sunday..
it's the offset value where the byte sequence to patch starts, read [HEX-Edit]-section for further information and then follow fdv's advice. goog luck.
pfff, maybe I need glasses but isn't the last link pointing to THIS same thread .. Zacam's PatchAddons are NOT compatible with HFSLIP because they involve hex-editing some binaries. You have to use them with the integrator (almost sure that nLite can't handle them correctly) or patch those binaries manually by the information given inside the entries*.ini's. Good luck.
.. INF Unlock refers to Disabling the check for M$ Digital Signature on the syssetup.inf file, flagging it as "Always Valid" so that it can be modified. .. 'can be modified' allows you the use of the reducers without getting errors ;-) 'INF Unlock' refers to SP2 era when 'Multi-Patch: SYSSETUP.DLL' included oobe patching as well (see changelog). .. like tommyp said you should read some more. Read all of it. It's worth..
edit: Windows Update Agent 3.0 was updated to version 7.4.7600.226. Here's the link to the updated version: http://download.windowsupdate.com/WindowsU...Agent30-x86.exe /edit I guess that on the list for XP the entry for WindowsXP-KB969898-x86-ENU.exe should be moved to the "have been replaced"-section, because it was superseded by WindowsXP-KB973346-x86-ENU.exe on July 14th 2009. For the german speaking audience: http://patch-info.de/artikel/2009/07/14/658 THANK YOU! Muppet Hunter for maintaining the xp-list, tommyp for this great peace of code and everybody contributed either way.
The file 'Creative Commons Legal Code.rtf' has to be present in the main HFSLIP folder (alongside the normal HFSLIP executable). dto
tain, both of the links MimO posted in this thread are working as well as those two on tommyp's list - at least for me. Maybe it's worth a second attempt (from another computer)? Good luck
Hi, just noticed that the DirectX link still points to the november redistributable. Here you go for the current version. Cheers
I'm not sure if it matters at all .. but the use "QUOTATIONMARKS" could be an answer - especially when it concerns the TEXTMODE (that uses a different redendering engine than SetupAPI. For this reason it's very picky and "dumb" - Troubleshooting Section of gosh's site) // hardly remembering similiar problems (quotationmarks and tagfiles ) some time ago that can really turn into a pain in the peep - so i compared syntax .. what winnt.sif concerns .. instead of you might try:[MassStorageDrivers] "NVIDIA RAID CLASS DRIVER (required)" = "OEM" "NVIDIA nForce Storage Controller (required)" = "OEM" good luck (edited for better readability)
or make use of the /i parameter
beside copying the pidgen.dll .. try also replacing the following files: DPCDLL.DL_ OEMBIOS.BI_ OEMBIOS.CA_ OEMBIOS.DA_ OEMBIOS.SI_ PIDGEN.DLL SETUPP.INI SETUPREG.HIV good look and please post your feedback
Not everybody, Gosh. I was glad to see you return to MSFN recently after a lengthy hiatus. I read every word you post. Your willingness--and that of a handful of other gurus--to share your expertise throughout the years made MSFN what it is today. The newbies come and go, but the learners keep their MSFN bookmarks handy. I'm one of them and I thank you. I totally agree - except that I have to make new MSFN bookmarks since my harddisk passed away last week (RIP)