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Everything posted by Monroe

  1. I found this mention and download dealing with MusicMatch Jukebox. I don't know anything about the program but it lists Windows 10. Can anyone help verify that this might be of some help for Roffen? https://softfamous.com/musicmatch-jukebox/ MusicMatch Jukebox Free Download - 25.49 MB Version: 10.00.4015 Runs on: Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista / XP If you’re looking for a tool that can not only organize and play back your favorite audio tracks, but also extract tracks from your own audio CDs, then MusicMatch Jukebox Plus is the software you need. This utility can easily record songs from your audio CDs – a process called “Ripping” – and to save them on your hard drive as high quality audio tracks. It can also write your music on audio CDs and download tracks from the Internet. The tool is quite versatile, to be honest! This media player is perfect for organizing your audio tracks into a comprehensive library on hard drive. You can create playlists for various things – from work to the gym – and use them on your MusicMatch media player, Also, it comes with the Burner Plus tool that helps you write your tunes on audio and MP3 CDs at speeds of up to 48x. All you have to do to use the burner utility is drag the audio tracks from Windows Explorer or the music library. Also, this program can split the tracks among several discs. MusicMatch Jukebox 10.00.4015 is licensed as freeware for Windows 32 bit and 64 bit operating system without restrictions. It is in multimedia players category and is available to all software users as a free download. ...
  2. Amy - 'Proxomitron Reborn' has has released a major new update a few days ago. Certificates generated with correct names and HTTPS working have been added. I am not going to say much about this new release as I am still trying to figure my settings out. I am understanding this new update better than I did 24 hours ago ... but I think I have more steps to cover. So anyone that likes or once liked Proxomitron ... hit on the link (Page 06) below and start reading ... on Page 08 now. http://prxbx.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=2331&page=6 Dec. 10, 2018 Amy RE: Proxomitron Reborn has been released! This version contains the following changes: - Add missing update of Host header after redirection This was a bug I introduced, which managed to creep its way through all the -Reborn versions. Thanks to rasczak for spotting it! - Certificates generated with correct names No longer deal with unfilterable HTTPS pages or "host name does not match" warnings/errors from browsers! The Proxomitron now generates certificates, signed by its own root, for each hostname to satisfy browser checks. - $REM() pseudocommand At the request of mizzmona, the $REM pseudocommand allows including commentary in filter expressions. Within the parentheses, write anything which will be ignored completely by the matching engine. Ensure to balance inner parentheses, or escape them and other special characters. - Add HTTPS to local.ptron Simply set the port in the new HTTPS settings tab to an unused one (e.g. 8443), restart Proxomitron, and visit e.g. https://local.ptron:your_port/.pinfo/ or any local path to see files served over HTTPS! https://localhost:your_port/ and will work too, thanks to the Subject Alternative Names in the certificate that it generates. If you don't need this option, set the port to 0 and it will stop listening for HTTPS. The new configuration file keyword is SslPort in the Global section, and its default is 0. - HTTPS configuration options for cipher suite selection and certificate error bypass Also present in the new configuration dialog tab are two fields which correspond to two new keywords in the global configuration file section: SslCiphers and BypassCertErrs. The former allows controlling the cipher suites which Proxomitron's SSL client (as presented to external sites) advertises support for; its format is a string that is documented at https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.0.2/apps/ciphers.html . Leave it blank to use the default, which is currently "ALL:!eNULL:!aNULL:!EXP:!DES:!RC2:!SSLv2:!PSK:!aECDH:!CAMELLIA:!SEED:@STRENGTH". This is useful for the advanced users to fine-tune their TLS/SSL configuration. The latter is a flexible way to specify sites which you do not want to be warned of certificate errors with; you can use any of Proxomitron's filtering language to construct an expression which will be matched against the hostname. This means you can use blockfiles too! Leaving this field blank (the default) means it will not match any hostname, and thus the behavour will be unchanged from before. - Add details to certificate error dialog The certificate error dialog now shows the entire certificate details instead of only the name and its validity period dates. Useful for troubleshooting certificate errors. - Add root certificate generation This is the biggest new feature, and is accessible from the bottom button in the new HTTPS configuration tab. If you have an existing certificate in use, you can still click this button and look around; it will warn you that if you try to generate a certificate, it will replace your existing one. This new dialog allows you to specify some fields of the certificate to be generated, and if you have an existing certificate it conveniently duplicates the same information from it and lets you generate a new one with a validity period of another 5 years. You can choose the key size and algorithm, keeping in mind that not all browsers will support the more advanced ones, and that this certificate is only used to "fool" browsers into behaving since Proxomitron does most of the work of encryption and validation now. It makes sense to choose the most "insecure" that browsers will accept, because it improves performance. If you click Generate, it will create/overwrite the proxcert.pem and proxcert_certonly.pem files, and then after restarting Proxomitron and installing the certificate as a trusted root in the browser(s) you use, you can start experiencing real SSL filtering! Enjoy! As always, please leave your feedback here and I will try to respond when I can. ...
  3. There was a new post from Amy at the 'The Un-Official Proxomitron Forum - Proxomitron Reborn' on Oct 29th. She mentions working with certificates and the newer version will be released in the future as 4.6 ... this may be in November. http://prxbx.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=2331&page=6 Oct. 29, 2018, 03:05 AM Post: #84 - amy RE: Proxomitron Reborn I have been testing the cert generation/caching for over a month, unlike ProxHTTPSProxyMII I've chosen to cache the last 1000 certificates in memory only and not bother writing to disk --- so if you restart Proxomitron it'll generate new ones again. (I also initially tried generating a new cert every time, which wasn't noticeably slower and I might've chosen to do that if it weren't for a bug in a certain browser which causes a crash if it sees two requests for the same hostname return different certificates...) Let me know if you see any problems with doing it this way, otherwise I'll soon (within a month) release 4.6 with this and the other features listed above. (Sep. 26, 2018 05:33 AM)rasczak Wrote: When using half-ssl with proxo reborn there's a bug where the Host header contains the half-ssl proxy prefix. For example, this site's Host header appears: Host: https-px-.www.prxbx.com You can reproduce the bug using sidki's latest config set, sidki_2011-12-22rc1, and turning on the half-ssl filters https://www.prxbx.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=1870 Will be fixed in 4.6, but if you really want to, I can add the fix to and release (which will only differ from .0 by this fix.) Your choice. ...
  4. Just finished reading all the information at the links ... I use to get PC Magazine in the early 2000's after getting my first computer in 1998. Knowing very little about computers back then, it was a good magazine for me to read for some computer knowledge. I remember reading the articles by John C. Dvorak ... surprised to read he was just fired Sept. 20th, 2018 ... not even a month yet. Thanks for the article link on Wayback Machine ... don't know what to make of it, his firing. Maybe he was making too much money and it was a way to cut costs ... who knows. All those 'mini cell towers' needed for 5G, that doesn't sound good. I wondered about the one sentence in the article that I posted about: 'The new cell network uses high-band radio frequency millimeter waves to deliver high bandwidth data to any device within line of sight.' 'within line of sight' ... so that explains all the 'mini cell towers' placed everywhere ... I'm not crazy about all the 'high-band radio frequency millimeter waves' coming in all directions. Living in the 'country' in a nice underground cave or home could be the answer ... but then you have radon gas to worry about and other possible radiation ... it's not an easy life in the new century. Tripredacus ... that last link in your post has good information. I always use the speakerphone when possible, don't like having the phone near my head ... but then for years (before cell phones) we all had cordless phones emitting radiation into your head. It maybe wasn't the strength of today's cell phones but it was something going into your head. ...
  5. I have a 'tin foil hat' ... do we also need a 'tin foil suit'? I just post this for reading but could there be something to be concerned about? "Among the many potential problems with exposure to 5G radio waves are issues with the skin, which is interesting when you consider that this technology is already being used in the military for crowd control purposes." "This kind of technology, which is in many of our homes, actually interacts with human skin and eyes. The shocking finding was made public via Israeli research studies that were presented at an international conference on the subject last year. Below you can find a lecture from Dr. Ben-Ishai of the Department of Physics at Hebrew University. He goes through how human sweat ducts act like a number of helical antennas when exposed to these wavelengths that are put out by the devices that employ 5G technology." "The U.S. military developed a non-lethal crowd control weapon system called the Active Denial System (ADS). It uses radio frequency millimeter waves in the 95GHz range to penetrate the top 1/64 of an inch layer of skin on the targeted individual, instantly producing an intolerable heating sensation that causes them to flee." https://www.naturalblaze.com/2018/10/5g-network-uses-same-emf-waves-as-pentagon-crowd-control-system.html 5G Network Uses Same EMF Waves as Pentagon Crowd Control System October 7, 2018 - Natural Health News By Terrence Newton The global rollout of 5G is well underway, and we soon may see new small cell towers near all schools, on every residential street, dispersed throughout the natural environment, and pretty much everywhere. But the safety of this technology is in serious question, and there is a raging battle to stop the taxpayer funded implementation of 5G. The new cell network uses high-band radio frequency millimeter waves to deliver high bandwidth data to any device within line of sight. Today’s cellular and Wi-Fi networks rely on microwaves – a type of electromagnetic radiation utilizing frequencies up to 6 gigahertz (GHz) in order to wirelessly transmit voice or data. However, 5G applications will require unlocking of new spectrum bands in higher frequency ranges above 6 GHz to 100 GHz and beyond, utilizing submillimeter and millimeter waves – to allow ultra-high rates of data to be transmitted in the same amount of time as compared with previous deployments of microwave radiation. [Source] One of the ways 5G will enable this is by tapping into new, unused bands at the top of the radio spectrum. These high bands are known as millimeter waves (mmwaves), and have been recently been opened up by regulators for licensing. They’ve largely been untouched by the public, since the equipment required to use them effectively has typically been expensive and inaccessible. Among the many potential problems with exposure to 5G radio waves are issues with the skin, which is interesting when you consider that this technology is already being used in the military for crowd control purposes. This kind of technology, which is in many of our homes, actually interacts with human skin and eyes. The shocking finding was made public via Israeli research studies that were presented at an international conference on the subject last year. Below you can find a lecture from Dr. Ben-Ishai of the Department of Physics at Hebrew University. He goes through how human sweat ducts act like a number of helical antennas when exposed to these wavelengths that are put out by the devices that employ 5G technology. The U.S. military developed a non-lethal crowd control weapon system called the Active Denial System (ADS). It uses radio frequency millimeter waves in the 95GHz range to penetrate the top 1/64 of an inch layer of skin on the targeted individual, instantly producing an intolerable heating sensation that causes them to flee. This technology is becoming ubiquitous in top world militaries, demonstrating how genuinely effective this radio frequency energy can be at causing harm to humans and anything else. U.S., Russian, and Chinese defense agencieshave been active in developing weapons that rely on the capability of this electromagnetic technology to create burning sensations on the skin, for crowd control. The waves are Millimetre waves, also used by the U.S. Army in crowd dispersal guns called Active Denial Systems. Final Thoughts The fight over 5G is heating up at the community level, and awareness of this important issue is spreading fast. For more background on 5G, watch this video from Take Back Your Power, featuring Tom Wheeler, Former FCC Chairman and corporate lobbyist, who delivers a rather intimidating and presumptuous speech praising this new technology. The fight over 5G is heating up at the community level, though, and now is the time to speak out against it. .... also this article from California: https://www.wakingtimes.com/2018/09/12/city-blocks-5g-cell-tower-implementation-over-claims-that-it-can-cause-cancer/ City Blocks 5G Cell Tower Implementation Over Claims that it Can Cause Cancer September 12, 2018 ...
  6. sdfox7 ... agree about the forum ... I would like to own another ThinkPad or two but I will stop at three. Several members there have made their own FrankPads and some are for sale from members. They sound interesting with better stuff installed. Some of those people there really own a lot of ThinkPads ... there is a thread titled: How many ThinkPads is too many? https://forum.thinkpads.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=125215 One member says he has 32, another says 20 ... that's a lot of ThinkPads !!! ...
  7. Further down the ThinkPad Forum home page that I listed in my earlier post, there are sections for various OSs .... perhaps you will find information there also. Windows OS (Versions prior to Windows 7) Operating System, Common Application & ThinkPad Utilities Questions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Operating System Discussions Windows 10 Windows 10 on Lenovo hardware Windows 8 Windows 8 on ThinkPads Windows 7 Windows 7 on ThinkPads Windows OS (Versions prior to Windows 7) Operating System, Common Application & ThinkPad Utilities Questions... Linux Question Linux on ThinkPads ...
  8. I own some old ThinkPads myself (three) and they are still in use in 2018. They are my main computers for everyday use ... I rotate their use. If you are not aware of the IBM ThinkPad forum, I will post here about it. The people there are very friendly and will jump in to help with any problem. I had to replace a fan on one machine and with help from the forum and Youtube videos ... everything went smooth. My only problem was that initially ... I hadn't yet discovered the ThinkPad forum and I ordered the wrong fan from an eBay seller. I found the forum on Google and went there for assistance. Got help right away ... was told there are 'long fans' and 'short fans' for various models. The picture on eBay seem to look like my fan but it was a "long fan' and my T41 takes a 'short fan'. Very glad I discovered the forum, had the fan problem fixed in two weeks. There are also members there that repair ThinkPads and have parts for sale ... some also sell ThinkPads known as FrankenPads ... A mix of everything but great machines. ThinkPad Forum https://forum.thinkpads.com// ... they also have a special section for ThinkPad T30 laptops ... ThinkPad T2x & T3x Series. NOT for T25-Retro https://forum.thinkpads.com/viewforum.php?f=28 ... my ThinkPads are all T4x models, so much of my time is spent there but there are many interesting sections. Maybe you already knew about the forum ... there might be others that didn't. ...
  9. Not 100% sure this is the correct place for this but it is a 'software' program I guess. For anyone using 'The Proxomitron' created by Scott R. Lemmon years ago ... Scott R. Lemmon - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_R._Lemmon Over at the 'The Un-Official Proxomitron Forum' there is a member by the name of Amy that has been working on Proxomitron for over a year looking for bugs and fixes ... the project has been named Proxomitron Reborn and she has released the latest update on Sep 04, 2018 ... http://prxbx.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=2331&page=6 ------------------------------------------------------------- Sep. 04, 2018, 02:45 AM (This post was last modified: Sep. 05, 2018 02:50 AM by amy.) amy RE: Proxomitron Reborn has been released! This fixes a lot of latent bugs which Scott never got around to (and some, like the multithreading ones, which wouldn't have been visible nor easily reproducible on the single-core hardware of the time), so it can be considered the first improvement release of The Proxomitron since 2003! Quote:- Fix opening local file URLs - Fix buffer overflow in proxy test function - Stabilise and refine header filter ordering - URL: filters are now applied first, and also show first in the list. They are sorted respectively alphabetically. - Clarify file URLs for opening blocklists: URL commands must be enabled to do so, and if not, a warning message is shown. - Fix date checking for If-Modified-Since in local file requests. Original code would always respond with "not modified", possibly causing caching problems with local file replacements. - Fix Show URL in browser for https and add option to include scheme. When adding a URL to a blocklist, the menu option to open in browser was broken for https URLs. Now that has been fixed, and a checkbox added to allow you to include the scheme (https:// or http://) when adding to the list. - Fix unintentional sign-extension in base-64 encoding. Non-ASCII basswords and such should now encode and decode correctly. - Fix allow IP range comparison. This was accidentally introduced in the rebuild and not in 4.5j. - Fix duplicate load and image handle leak when loading textures - Fix tray icon tooltip (now it says Bypassed when... bypassed) - Fix memory leak in $STOP() - Fix memory leak in SSLeayShutdown() - Fix handling of FEXTRA and FHCRC for gzip format - Fix Allow for Session certificate dialog with multiple parallel connections. It will not continue asking the same host if you have multiple parallel connections and already said Allow for Session once. - Fix erroneous check of return value when setting OpenSSL certificate callback - Fix header filter count decrement race condition. No more erroneous "Filters In Use" with 0 active connections - Fix saving and restoring window sizes (for multiple-monitor users) - Fix multithreaded OpenSSL initialisation race condition crash - Fix positioning of context menus for multiple-monitor systems - Various cleanup/removal of dead-ends in code. Thanks for all the feature suggestions --- better SSL/TLS filtering support seems to be "most wanted" at the moment, but here's a list of things planned for 4.6: - Generate and cache appropriately-named certificates (like ProxHTTPSProxyMII, but integrated) - A way to better manage the Certificate Error exception list and make it persistent (how about in blockfile format? ) - Allow local.ptron and proxy itself to be accessed via HTTPS, although I'm not sure what browsers can make use of the latter - $REM() for comments in patterns (requested by mizzmona) The following 7 users say Thank You to amy for this post: soccerfan, mizzmona, prxymouse, zoltan, referrer, usr, Callahan ----------------------------------------------------------- I mention this for anyone interested in and still using Proxomitron. ...
  10. I hope New Moon will not have auto-updating in any near future. First it was to change the name to something else and now auto-updating. I personally don't trust it will be 100% complete every time and then months down the road with weekly updates, it could be a mess. Only takes a few minutes to update but I have some of my own settings ... I remove all the search engines except for DuckDuckGo and I have a link for Google in Favorites. If you decide to go with auto-updating in the future ... also keep the plain type New Moon updates as you have now being released every week. I like to see what is going on and have some control.
  11. A couple of little extras I found about 'blue light' and then I will move on. For anyone here with a ThinkPad, there is a program that looks interesting ... not for XP, however. This looks to be like f.lux but for a ThinkPad only. Limiting Exposure to Blue Light - Lenovo Vantage Eye Care Mode https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/blue-light/ and also the Windows 10 people probably already know about this program, but in case someone doesn't. I found this on Google: "Microsoft has added a blue light filter option in its Windows 10 operating system. This feature was added in Windows 10 Build 15002. To use this option, you need to go to the display settings and look for the Blue light setting. Here, you get the choice to let Windows reduce blue light automatically or choose the settings manually." ...
  12. Yes, I was also calling it 'Shortcut' when I labelled some download folders, even before I posted the first time I did a check and had to do a correction. I had found the same information as you posted about ... that it seemed never to really work on XP, but I thought someone may have found a version to actually work. When some web sites say in 2018 ... 'Windows - All Versions' ... they really don't mean XP anymore. The terminology still fools me into wasting time to try a program out. I have a movie recorded from TV and I wanted to take out the commercials without having to encode it again. I have already encoded it to .avi, so I don't need to do that again just to do 'time settings' to remove commercials. I read with Shotcut you can do this but I can't find the information that I found last week. The program looks a bit complicated in 'learning' mode and for just removing commercials for one movie, probably not worth the time to do it ... but I was interested in experimenting. A couple of reviews ... might be a useful progam to someone with a newer computer. Shotcut review A free, open source video editor that makes movie making straightforward By Cat Ellis 2018-04-09 https://www.techradar.com/reviews/shotcut and ... Shotcut review: This open-source video editor is impressive Its documentation is spotty, so don't expect any hand-holding. By Samuel Axon - Contributor, PCWorld | Dec 11, 2017 https://www.pcworld.com/article/3240934/software/shotcut-review.html ...
  13. Does anyone here use this program with Windows XP? File Hippo and some other sites say ... Windows - All Versions ... but I have tried the portable versions and am not able to have it work. Also tried installing it, doesn't install. I get this message and can go no further ... seems like it might relate to Windows 7 ... Shotcut v18.08.14 The procedure entry point GetActiveProcessorCount could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll. Is this something related to WinXP? Found an older version from 2015 but the link doesn't work. Anybody have this program on their computer? http://www.softpedia.com/get/PORTABLE-SOFTWARE/Multimedia/Video/Shotcut-Portable.shtml ...
  14. Good article from the 'other side' of blue light information. In doing more reading since I first posted and also my own thoughts ... I decided to get some glasses that reduce or almost eliminate the the blue light plus I installed f.lux on my laptops to see how it all works out. There seems to be something about eye fatigue and blue light ... maybe other long term problems ... I wonder about the kids of today already on computers at 5 or 6 years of age and what if anything will show show up in 20 or 30 years.
  15. Why Some Computer Viruses Refuse to Die 14 August 2018 https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-44564709 There are zombies on the internet - odd, undead lumps of code that roam endlessly seeking and finding fresh victims to infect that help keep the whole ugly horde staggering on, and on. Most of these shambling data revenants are computer viruses and the most long-lived of all are worms. "Most of those worms are self-spreading - that's why we still see them moving around," said Candid Wueest, principal threat researcher at Symantec, who has hunted viruses for years. Typically, he said, when these malicious programs infected a machine, they kicked off a routine that scanned the entire net looking for other computers vulnerable in the same way as their current host. When they found one, they installed a copy that also started scanning. "All it takes is a few machines to get them moving around again," he added. The Living Dud ... One of the most active zombie viruses is Conficker, which first struck in November 2008. At its height, the worm is believed to have infected up to 15 million Windows PCs. The French navy, UK warships, Greater Manchester Police and many others were all caught out by Conficker, which targeted the Windows XP operating system. The malware caused so much trouble that Microsoft put up a bounty of $250,000 (£193,000) for any information that would lead to the capture of Conficker's creators. That bounty was still live and, Microsoft told the BBC, remained unclaimed to this day. Dr Paul Vixie, from Farsight Security, was part of the Conficker Working Group, set up when the malware was at its feverish peak. The group had managed to stem the tide of infection, said Dr Vixie, because of the way the virus worked. One of the ways it spread was by it checking one of a handful of net domains for instructions or updates every day. And the first two variants of Conficker picked one domain from a list of 250 randomly generated names. But some clever software reverse engineering worked out how the daily domains were generated. In 2008, Dr Vixie helped to run the net's Domain Name System so was able to co-ordinate a global effort to register every day's possible domains before the malware's creators did the same. And data sent from infected machines was then "sinkholed" almost neutering Conficker's ability to spread. "We got it from 11 million down to one million," said Dr Vixie. "That sounds like progress but one million is still a pretty big number." That zombie virus was still wandering around, said Dr Vixie. Statistics gathered by Symantec suggest there were 1.2 million Conficker infections in 2016 and 840,000 in 2017. India suffered the highest number of infections last year. "The population is gradually reducing in size because eventually computers wear out or they get upgraded or replaced," Dr Vixie said. And that is just as well because the concerted efforts to directly combat Conficker are all but at an end. Dr Vixie and some others still block a few of the domains its variants seeks out but only to sample the traffic they send to get an idea of the viral load Conficker places on the net. The good news was that Conficker had never been "weaponised", said Dr Vixie. His theory is that Conficker escaped too early and was too successful for its creators to risk making it more malicious. Data of the Dead ... But Conficker was not alone in persisting long after its initial outburst, said Mr Wueest, from Symantec. Its network of sensors across the net regularly catches a wide range of malware that has lasted for much longer than anyone expected. Symantec regularly sees the SillyFDC virus from 2007, Virut from 2006 and even a file infector called Sality that dates from 2003. "We do see Dos viruses now and then," he said. The disk operating system (Dos) is more than 36 years old and dates from the early days of the desktop PC. Even older versions ran on mainframes. "Our guess is that sometimes it is researchers that have found an old disk and its gets run and gets detected," said Mr Wueest. There were many others, said Martin Lee, technical, lead for security research at Cisco. "Malware samples can be long-lived in that they are continued to be observed 'in the wild' many months or years after they were first encountered," he said. One regularly caught in the spam traps by Cisco is another worm, called MyDoom, that appeared in 2004. "It's often the most commonly detected malware we get in our traps," said Mr Lee. But many viruses lived on in another fashion, he said, because of the way the cyber-crime underground treated code. "Malware is rarely static," he said, "computer code from older malware families can be shared, or stolen, and used in the development of new malware." One prime example of this, said Mr Lee, was the Zeus banking Trojan, whose source code was leaked in 2011. That code had proved so useful that it was still turning up seven years later, he said. The trend of zombie malware was likely to continue if more modern viruses were any guide, said Mr Lee. Mirai first appeared in 2016 but is proving hard to eradicate. "It has features suggesting that it will be exceptionally long lived," Mr Lee said. The bug infects networked devices unlikely to be running anti-virus software. Some cannot be upgraded to run any kind of decent protection. As the net grows and starts to incorporate more of those dumber devices, Mirai, like Conficker will probably never be eradicated. "With the source code of the malware leaked, and a simple method of propagation using default usernames and passwords to compromise devices, it is something that will be with us for years," Mr Lee said. ...
  16. Yeah! Some things never die... I still think that may have been to prevent eyestrain ... a little light in the room did seem better. However, it may just be one of the 'mysteries of the universe' ... or some might say 'the ocean' ! Now I have noticed something with that f.lux software program ... after being installed, it's always trying to connect to the internet. In Options I removed the checkmark to check for Updates but it still makes an attempt every so often. I have it being blocked by the firewwall. In the 'About f.lux' there is a line with an X that I removed also. It's kind of nonsense ... about sharing your f.lux settings with others, I see no need for that. However, it still occasionally makes an attempt to connect. Also, the main f.lux folder is a 'hidden folder' ... since I could not find it anywhere until I checked to see if it was possibly hidden ... that's strange. Just a heads up on this program ... a good firewall should stop it trying to connect to the internet but the question is why ... after the checkmark and X are removed? It does seem to do the job with making the computer better for the eyes. A person will have to decide if they want all the hassle. There aren't many programs out there like it that work with WinXP. One program requires NET Framework, which I removed several years ago. Another program requires Win 7 and above ... the only three programs I can find with f.lux working with WinXP. ...
  17. Found several sites that offer a 'test' of blue light coming out of your computer and if your glasses or screen filters actually work. Can't say for sure this is accurate but it's interesting. Just posting about two of them here: Blue light filter Test ... and How to check if my Monitor emits Blue light? https://iristech.co/blue-light-filter-test/ Another Way to Test Your Blue Light Filtering Eyewear Posted by Siriya Mitsattha on July 21, 2016 https://blueblockglasses.com/blogs/news/the-rgb-color-model-test-how-effective-is-your-blue-light-filter-eyewear ...
  18. i430VX ... thanks for the information on the 'slider bar' ... I saw that bar but did not realize it was a 'slider' bar. That's handy to adjust the light on my computer quickly. I am still working and learning with it. I really feel my eyes felt better after putting it on my computer last night ... less eye strain. However, it's been less than 24 hours and it may be all in my head. I will know after more use. You mention your iPhone ... there seems to be a f.lux version for everything ... the list: Download f.lux Free for macOS Download f.lux Free on Windows, for personal use Download f.lux Free for Linux Download f.lux Free for iPhone and iPad Download f.lux Free for Android * I just noticed this at a web page on 'blue light'. It may be old news: Blue Light News Apple Released Blue Light Filter In iOS Update For iPhones And iPads 7 Blue Light Facts: How Blue Light Is Both Bad and Good For You By Gary Heiting, OD https://www.allaboutvision.com/cvs/blue-light.htm --------------------------------------------------------- Tripredacus ... I don't ever remember anything about blue light with the older TV sets. As I remember, the real problem with those 'older' sets was radiation ... until better shielding was made on newer sets. Remember always being told to not sit too close to the TV ... not good for the eyes, but now I read that there was no harm to the eyes in that regard ... just from the radiation. In answer to your question however, maybe having some light on with the TV was for preventing eyestrain ... I remember it being said that not much light was needed, just some light while the TV was on. Not real sure but it could have been for preventing eyestrain. However, the newer screen TVs are harmful with blue light, so I'm reading. This is from the article link from above: 7 Blue Light Facts: How Blue Light Is Both Bad and Good For You By Gary Heiting, OD 1. Blue light is everywhere. Sunlight is the main source of blue light, and being outdoors during daylight is where most of us get most of our exposure to it. But there are also many man-made, indoor sources of blue light, including fluorescent and LED lighting and flat-screen televisions. Most notably, the display screens of computers, electronic notebooks, smartphones and other digital devices emit significant amounts of blue light. The amount of HEV light these devices emit is only a fraction of that emitted by the sun. But the amount of time people spend using these devices and the proximity of these screens to the user's face have many eye doctors and other health care professionals concerned about possible long-term effects of blue light on eye health. 2. HEV light rays make the sky look blue. The short-wavelength, high-energy light rays on the blue end of the visible light spectrum scatter more easily than other visible light rays when they strike air and water molecules in the atmosphere. The higher degree of scattering of these rays is what makes a cloudless sky look blue. 3. The eye is not very good at blocking blue light. Anterior structures of the adult human eye (the cornea and lens) are very effective at blocking UV rays from reaching the light-sensitive retina at the back of the eyeball. In fact, less than one percent of UV radiation from the sun reaches the retina, even if you aren't wearing sunglasses. (Keep in mind, though, that sunglasses that block 100 percent of UV are essential to protect these and other parts of the eye from damage that could lead to cataracts, snow blindness, a pinguecula and/or pterygium, and even cancer.) On the other hand, virtually all visible blue light passes through the cornea and lens and reaches the retina. 4. Blue light exposure may increase the risk of macular degeneration. The fact that blue light penetrates all the way to the retina (the inner lining of the back of the eye) is important, because laboratory studies have shown that too much exposure to blue light can damage light-sensitive cells in the retina. This causes changes that resemble those of macular degeneration, which can lead to permanent vision loss. Although more research is needed to determine how much natural and man-made blue light is "too much blue light" for the retina, many eye care providers are concerned that the added blue light exposure from computer screens, smartphones and other digital devices might increase a person's risk of macular degeneration later in life. 5. Blue light contributes to digital eye strain. Because short-wavelength, high energy blue light scatters more easily than other visible light, it is not as easily focused. When you're looking at computer screens and other digital devices that emit significant amounts of blue light, this unfocused visual "noise" reduces contrast and can contribute to digital eye strain. Research has shown that lenses that block blue light with wavelengths less than 450 nm (blue-violet light) increase contrast significantly. Therefore, computer glasses with yellow-tinted lenses may increase comfort when you're viewing digital devices for extended periods of time. 6. Blue light protection may be even more important after cataract surgery. The lens in the adult human eye blocks nearly 100 percent of the sun's UV rays. As part of the normal aging process, the eye's natural lens eventually blocks some short-wavelength blue light as well — the type of blue light most likely to cause damage to the retina and lead to macular degeneration and vision loss. If you have cataracts and are about to have cataract surgery, ask your surgeon what type of intraocular lens (IOL) will be used to replace your cloudy natural lens, and how much blue light protection the IOL provides. After cataract surgery you might benefit from eyeglasses that have lenses with a special blue light filter — especially if you spend long hours in front of a computer screen or using other digital devices. 7. Not all blue light is bad. So, is all blue light bad for you? Why not block all blue light, all the time? Bad idea. It's well documented that some blue light exposure is essential for good health. Research has shown that high-energy visible light boosts alertness, helps memory and cognitive function and elevates mood. In fact, something called light therapy is used to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD) — a type of depression that's related to changes in seasons, with symptoms usually beginning in the fall and continuing through winter. The light sources for this therapy emit bright white light that contains a significant amount of HEV blue light rays. Also, blue light is very important in regulating circadian rhythm — the body's natural wakefulness and sleep cycle. Exposure to blue light during daytime hours helps maintain a healthful circadian rhythm. But too much blue light late at night (reading a novel on a tablet computer or e-reader at bedtime, for example) can disrupt this cycle, potentially causing sleepless nights and daytime fatigue. Blue Light Filters And Protective Eyewear If you are using your phone constantly — especially if you use it primarily for texting, e-mailing and web browsing — a convenient way to reduce your blue light exposure is to use a blue light filter. These filters are available for smartphones, tablets, and computer screens and prevent significant amounts of blue light emitted from these devices from reaching your eyes without affecting the visibility of the display. Some are made with thin tempered glass that also protects your device's screen from scratches. Examples of blue light filters for digital devices include: Eyesafe (Health-E), iLLumiShield, RetinaShield (Tech Armor), Retina Armor (Tektide), Frabicon and Cyxus. As mentioned above, computer glasses also can be helpful to reduce blue light exposure from computers and other digital devices. These special-purpose glasses are available without an eyeglass prescription if you have no need for vision correction or if you routinely wear contact lenses to correct your eyesight. Or they can be specially prescribed to optimize your vision specifically for the distance from which you view your devices. If you have presbyopia and routinely wear progressive lenses or bifocals, prescription computer glasses with single vision lenses give you the additional benefit of a much larger field of view for seeing your entire computer screen clearly. (Keep in mind, though, that this type of computer eyewear is exclusively for seeing objects within arm's length and cannot be worn for driving or other distance vision needs.) Also, a number of lens manufacturers have introduced special glare-reducing anti-reflective coatings that also block blue light from both natural sunlight and digital devices. You also may want to consider photochromic lenses, which provide seamless protection from UV and blue light both indoors and out and also automatically darken in response to UV rays outdoors to increase comfort and reduce glare. Ask your eye doctor or optician about which type of vision correction and lens features best suit your needs for viewing your computer and other digital devices and protecting your eyes from blue light. -------------------------------------------------------------- I read some about this maybe two years but didn't follow up on it until last evening when the article I read brought it back into my head. This 'blue light' sounds like a real problem for everyone, maybe especially for young children. The 'macular degeneration' that some adults get later in life, maybe a connection or brought on by excessive blue light from electronic devices. I have to read more, I probably will invest in some blue blocking glasses. Those would stop the blue light from getting into a person's eyes. I'm not sure if that computer program actually eliminates blue light from the computer screen or just changes to an orange color but the blue light is still there. ...
  19. I'm posting this for discussion ... I've read about the 'blue light' hazard from computer screens for several years, now they've added phone screens. I am sure there are some members here who have researched this subject and can make some comments. In my case there does seem to be eye strain with to much time looking at a computer screen and there are glasses that will filter out the 'blue light'. After searching around tonight I found a program to put on a computer to reduce eye strain if you are on the computer at night. There are several things being said about 'blue light' and it's effect on the eyes and human body. This short article I just read tonight dealing with blindness and then I found other articles mentioning blue light and sleep patterns. They indicate that blue light should be blocked at early evening and night if you are on the computer and even smart phones I guess. New Research Shows Blue Light from Electronics Leading to Blindness http://www.wtol.com/story/38852544/new-research-shows-blue-light-from-electronics-leading-to-blindness By Amanda Fay, Anchor TOLEDO, OH (WTOL) - Our cell phones are practically connected to us. Now, scientists at the University of Toledo say the blue light that comes from electronics is doing permanent damage to our vision. A dark room at the University of Toledo is where researchers have found blue light, specifically, leads to macular degeneration. "Macular Degeneration is one of the leading causes of blindness in the United States and all around the world," said assistant professor in the UT Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ajith Karunarathne. That's right. According to this new research, blue light can makes us blind. The researchers said molecules that we need to be able to see, called retinal, turn into cell killers when they interact with blue light. "We don't really at this point know what is the major cause. We know how it happened because there are multiple paths that lead to the cell death," said Karunarathne. The researchers want to get to the bottom of that and develop some sort of eye drop to reduce damage. In the meantime, they suggest avoiding looking at your phone in the dark. "It's definitely eye-opening, in a pun sense. Wow, seeing that new research is definitely going to make me consider a lot on how much time I spend on my phone and looking at the screen," said UT student, Jordan Guyton. Copyright 2018 WTOL. All rights reserved. ... then I found this article from 2017 going into detail about blue light being harmful and using 'blue light blocking glasses' to help with the situation and also this free computer program is mentioned. I have been using it on my computer for several hours now and my eyes are feeling better with less strain. It takes a little time to figure the program out (10 or 15 minutes) and the various light settings ... I am currently using 1900k Candle Light and it seems to work OK. There are seven settings and extra effects and other settings ... plenty of settings to experiment with. How Blocking Blue Light at Night Can Transform Your Sleep https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/block-blue-light-to-sleep-better Written by Kris Gunnars, BSc on June 4, 2017 The article is long but here are some lines from it: "It turns out that perhaps the single biggest contributor to our collective sleep problems, is the use of artificial lighting and electronics at night. These devices emit light of a blue wavelength, which tricks our brains into thinking that it is daytime (5). Numerous studies suggest that blue light in the evening disrupts the brain's natural sleep-wake cycles, which are crucial for optimal function of the body (6, 7)." "Poor sleep is linked to heart disease, type 2 diabetes and depression. It is also one of the strongest risk factors for obesity (1, 2, 3, 4)." "Fortunately, this problem has a simple solution and there are a few actionable steps you can take to get rid of that blue light in the evening, potentially improving your health at the same time." "Blue Light Is Crucial in the Daytime... But a Disaster at Night" "Keep in mind that sunlight and white light contain a mixture of various wavelengths. There is a lot of blue light within (10). Getting blue light (especially from the sun) in the daytime is very important. It helps us to stay alert, while improving performance and mood (11). There has even been some success using blue light therapy devices to treat depression, and blue light bulbs in an office can reduce fatigue and improve the mood, performance and sleep of workers (12, 13, 14). But even though blue light is incredibly beneficial during the day, it can be a complete disaster if we are exposed to it in the evening. The problem is that modern light bulbs and electronic devices (especially computer monitors), also produce large amounts of blue light and "trick" our brains into thinking that it is daytime. When it gets dark in the evening, a part of the brain called the pineal gland secretes the hormone melatonin, which signals to our bodies and brains that it is time to get tired and go to sleep. Blue light, whether from the sun or a laptop, is very effective at inhibiting melatonin production (15, 16). This means that our bodies don't get the proper signal that it's time to go to sleep, reducing both the quantity and quality of our sleep. Studies have linked melatonin suppression in the evening to various health problems, including metabolic syndrome, obesity and cancer, as well as mental disorders like depression (17, 18, 19, 20)." "Using Blue-Blocking Glasses at Night Is a Simple Way to Solve This Problem The easiest and most effective way to avoid blue light in the evening, is to use amber-colored glasses. These glasses effectively block all blue light, so your brain doesn't get the signal that it is supposed to stay awake. Studies show that when people use blue-blocking glasses, even in a lit room or using an electronic device, they produce just as much melatonin as if it were dark (21, 22)." ---------------------------------------------------------------- ... this part is also from the article and mentions the computer program called 'F.lux'. "Other Ways to Block Blue Light If you don't want to use these glasses every night, then there are a few other ways to reduce blue light exposure in the evening. One popular way is to install a program called F.lux on your computer. This program automatically adjusts the color and brightness of your screen based on your timezone. When it is dark outside, the program effectively blocks all blue light from your computer and gives the screen a faint orange color. Although I'm not aware of any study on it, many people who use the computer a lot in the evening claim that this program helps them fall asleep." --------------------------------------------------------------- As I said earlier, the article is long but it has a lot of information and a chart. Here is the web site for 'F.lux' ... https://justgetflux.com/ "Ever notice how people texting at night have that eerie blue glow? Or wake up ready to write down the Next Great Idea, and get blinded by your computer screen? During the day, computer screens look good—they're designed to look like the sun. But, at 9PM, 10PM, or 3AM, you probably shouldn't be looking at the sun. f.lux f.lux fixes this: it makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day. It's even possible that you're staying up too late because of your computer. You could use f.lux because it makes you sleep better, or you could just use it just because it makes your computer look better." ---------------------------------------------------------------- ... any comments or blue light experience would be welcome ... I remember those old TV ads years ago about amber blue blocking glasses for driving ... before the home computer was all the rage. I think they were for blue light but maybe not. They were blocking something.
  20. I have been looking for a simple tool or program that I could install into New Moon to turn JavaScript 'on and off' easily and quickly. Someone at the K-Meleon forum gave me a heads up on a tool called JS Switch that works in Pale Moon ... I didn't exactly find that one with a Google search but instead found this one called 'Toggle JavaScript'. Seems to be the same program and simple to install. It also seems to work just fine with UBlock Origin installed. Seems to work with both NM 27 and 28. I will post the link if anyone else is interested. Toggle JavaScript https://addons.palemoon.org/addon/togglejscript/ ...
  21. Mathwiz ... thanks for moving some of the topic as heinoganda suggested. I did add uBlock Origin to Basilisk (Serpent) and will add it to NM 28 also. I may also add it to K-Meleon, the version that roytam1 is working on. I'm not sure how it works so I can have it installed and check the results over time. Also, thanks for this information and the user agent ... I will use it. ...
  22. Well, I was just confused with all the posts running togther and that they were connected in someway with certutil.exe and certadm.dll and Certificates Updater v1.3. After I did not find certutil.exe and certadm.dll on my machine after doing a 'search', I wasn't too concerned that any of this applied to me so I didn't check it out very much more. I have a Pentium M CPU with MMX, SSE and SSE2 support. I did get some assistance from Yogi at the K-Meleon forum as to why I could not install uBlock Origin to New Moon 28. He posted this: Posted by: Yogi Date: August 01, 2018 Web extensions work only with Firefox Quantum. Keep in mind that web extensions are less powerful than legacy extensions used to be since Mozilla doesn't provide the neccessary APIs anymore. Often legacy extensions are only a bad joke compared to what legacy extensions used to be. This is the legacy extension of uBlock which works with Firefox 52 and probably with its forks depending on how old the code of those forks is. https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/releases/tag/firefox-legacy- I don't use that extension so I can't serve you with more informations. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- However, siria, who also posts here at MSFN made a discovery about using an older version K-Meleon 1.6 with zippyshare ... and it seemed to work OK. Posted by: siria Date: August 01, 2018 Hmm.... now I'm confused. Mighty... It's been awhile that I've given up on zippyshare already, and at the time it drove me mad too, but out of curiosity now took another look again. Just googled for some random zippy link on msfn for testing. And am shocked - no Ads in my KM1.6! And only 1 single download link, no others to be found anywhere. This button is BIG and ORANGE though, usually screaming "Download Me! I'm fake!", but looks almost exactly as the screenshot over at MSFN (https://img2.picload.org/image/dlailwwl/certinfo.jpg), except for 3 small empty rectangles with "Advertisement" written over them. And that download link even works with minimal JS, only from inside the page, no external js-files needed, no Ajax, not even cookies or referer! Have even disabled "adblock.css", but still same result. Have renamed my HOSTS file and reloaded - still same result. Have allowed foreign iframes - still same result. Empty little rectangles, no popups or junk anywhere. But cannot toggle permissions.sqlite during session, and no idea if possible? Also, keep Popups blocked with a more restrictive whitelist, as once advised by JohnHell: dom.popup_allowed_events = change click dblclick #mouseup reset #submit #touchend dom.server-events.enabled = false And have only tested with minimal javascript for zippy, but for other sites have toolbar buttons for quickly toggling those on again if needed: javascript.enabled = true permissions.default.script (INT) = 2 (block all) permissions.default.xmlhttprequest (INT) = 2 (block all, ajax) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So I am going to put an older version of KM on my computer to experiment with this ... maybe I can just keep an older version of KM handy for all zippyshare downloads. ...
  23. Well I tried to install uBlock Origin to New Moon 28 and I got this message: The add-on downloaded from addons.mozilla.org could not be installed because New Moon does not support WebExtensions. This is the link I was at ... https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/ Also, I will add, the newer version of Certificates Updater v1.3 does not work for me. A little box opens with this information: "HTTPDL.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." The CU version 1.2 works just fine so I will continue to use it. I have never added the newer POS Ready updates to WinXP so I don't have any real problems with XP for now with everything being discussed dealing with certutil.exe and certadm.dll. I just thought I should probably update the Certificate Updater to the latest version 1.3 ... in fact I don't even have certutil.exe and certadm.dll in my WinXP setup. Nothing was found anywhere in a 'search' and I did not add those two items to my XP setup. I guess all this information and discussion about certutil.exe and certadm.dll is only for people using the POS Ready updates. ...
  24. Dave-H ... thanks for the information. Just wasn't sure why I was having so many problems this time with zippyshare. I have been there before a few times and didn't have the problems like I did last night. They may have added more ads ... it is nice to have a place to get downloads from people and nothing is exactly free these days but it was a real 'knock-down' last night. I'm anxious to look into everything Mathwiz just posted about New Moon 28, maybe that will fix things for the future. Monroe
  25. Mathwiz ... I just started to use New Moon 28 this past week-end with the latest update from roytam1. I am using NM 27 at this time but I will use NM 28 more and see how it works. I will check uBlock Origin out ... I am not familiar with it. I take it is a Firefox add on . I will check it out on Google and try to get it added or in place with New Moon 28. After my experience last night with zippyshare ... I want it installed or some form of ad blocking. That was sort of wild with things popping up everywhere. ...
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