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Everything posted by Kurt_Aust

  1. I'll join the chorus of disagreement, integrating storage drivers is perhaps the most important option, on many systems doing so is the only way XP x64 can be installed.
  2. Sorry but Windows (especially pre Win7) installations generally can't be transferred between systems with different chipsets, it's not like you're just changing the video card where Windows can fall back to a base VESA VGA implementation. This especially applies to storage device drivers which is the first thing that Windows needs in order to load itself, for instance with the old DriverPacks Mass Storage drivers were only ones that needed to be integrated into the textmode step. Note that things are different with Linux distributions which typically can be transferred between systems but that is due to both a radically different type of kernel implementation and by already having the needed drivers integrated.
  3. You're generally asking for trouble doing multiple passes on an .iso, while not guaranteeing issues you're increasing their likelihood. By the sound of it, at the moment you have a CD that takes a minute (two at the most) longer to load for the first time only BUT is compatible with far more systems. Just so it's clear, extra SATA drivers integrated into the install CD will not lead to any extra bloat on a new system as any such drivers that are not needed will not be installed.
  4. I can certainly tell you there won't be a 64-bit version of Windows 2000, that would require a near complete reworking of the code base. There is a 64-bit version of Windows XP, which effectively is Server 2003 with the server extensions ripped out and a few consumer items added. It was/is quite stable with the only real limitation being that not all manufacturers provided device drivers for their products.
  5. I take it that you are referring to NTlite and not nLite ? Then the answer is yes, nLite is for the NT 5.x (2K-XP-2003) series and NTlite is for NT 6+ (Vista onwards) but I personally have only ran it on a Windows 10 host in order to create a fully updated Windows 7 install disc.
  6. The only restriction is that it CANNOT successfully integrate a service pack for XP when running on a Windows 7 host, it has to be running on a NT 5.x (2K-XP-2003) host in order to do that.
  7. Changes - 31 Mar 2024 Updated SoftGPU to v0.5.2024.24-alpha2 Moved a few dead Microsoft links over to Legacy Update
  8. Changes - 2 Oct 2023 Added IrfanView Photo viewer & editor to the installed applicationsEnhanced the Revolutions Pack with extra icons and Vista style cursorsSplit off dotNET 2.0 into a separate installer due to instability on some systemsCleaned up the Win_98se_Updates.iso folder structureOther slight changes to the install guide for clarity and stabilitySimilar changes to the VMware Player guideTested on more old systems
  9. There's no point in copying my own personal places.sqlite across as I'm asking in order to fix one of the minor bugs in this guide: https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?p=277041 (the major bug is that certain Host CPUs don't like Windows 98se VMs) I'm using base KernelEx 4.5.2 with the updates from this reply: I won't have much time to test until the weekend.
  10. Changes - 19 Sep 2023 Added support for the Revolutions PackWrote a script for Windows users to apply the required VM settingsIncluded updated info from JHRobotics in the VMWare Player install guide
  11. Unfortunately using RoyTam's loader didn't help, nor did adding RaiseException=v4 to the Kernel32.dll section of kstubs24.ini Oh well, it's hardly a big deal, just a tad annoying.
  12. Strange, when Firefox regenerates it on my system it comes in at 32,768 bytes. However, I don't get a history.
  13. OK, it looks like the problem is caused by places.sqlite, if I delete that file from the profile folder, the issue goes away. It seems quite large for a history file (10MB), seeing as Firefox should not have really done anything yet. I take it you don't see any issue in removing it and letting Firefox create a new version?
  14. I've got a weird effect in that when I use the portable version of Firefox 38 (from the 1st post) it always crashes on exit but otherwise works fine. However if I use the non-portable version that it calls and is packaged with, there is no crash on exit, is this expected behaviour or is there something else I have to do?
  15. Changes -11 Sep 2023 Updated SoftGPU to v0.4.2023.19-alphaAdded Visual C++ 2008 and .NET Framework 2.0 to the installed applicationsAdded more terminal commands and adjusted the guide in order be able to install on AMD Zen2 Host CPUs (still unstable though)Found fix for Media Player Classic showing a black screen
  16. The guide as written is meant for a new install, I can't know what legacy issues might be in an existing Win 98se VM. However the failed PCI bus is a known issue when using SoftGPU on QEMU, as indicated of the main SoftGPU page. Your best bet for advice on performance limitations is to ask there and hopefully get a response from the creator of SoftGPU. Still in the end it is just an advanced software driver/GPU, it can't be expected to achieve the performance of real physical GPU. Now if you're agnostic about how you get to playing old games that no longer work on modern versions of Windows, you may want to consider a Linux distribution. Counter-intuitive I know, but I've gotten good results playing older games on Linux Mint using the Play on Linux front end for WinE. For one thing it sends the graphics commands to your actual physical hardware, for instance it had no problems running King's Bounty: Armoured Princess (including the 3D effects) on my system (i7-5930K, 32GB RAM, GTX 960-4G).
  17. Updated the guide, main change is to use the newly available SoftGPU video driver.
  18. Reposted from the defunct RyanVM forums This guide requires the downloading of 2.4 GB mainly via BitTorrent Some of you might also be interested in these similar guides for Windows 98se, 2000 or XP x64. So you want to create Windows XP (x32) SP4 installation media with a full driver loadout and scripted installation installs? Well here's how. So you are going to need some files: From MediaFire, the Config_WinXP-SP4_date.7z file and extract it, this will also setup the necessary directory structure (read \Misc\FileList.txt for contents). Also from MediaFire, extract both Files_WinXP-SP4_*_date.7z archives, targeting the same directory that you did with the config file. A - SHA-1: C14604183AA54F798B0379AEB778F3841EF1EA26 - 87 files that won't change B - SHA-1: 546D3A5928C5BB17F23140D68941E634AB1B2035 - 19 files that might change Download the unofficial service pack 4 for Windows XP from MediaFire or via BitTorrent (magnet link in \Torrents\). Download and extract the post SP4 May 2019 v2 update pack Using a BitTorrent client (or from MediaFire), download the 13 DriverPacks whose torrents you find in \Torrents\ (in the form of DP_*.torrent) to \Downloads\. Once all the DriverPacks are downloaded, run \Misc\DriverPacksPrep.bat to copy them to their required locations. Finally, to check that everything is accounted for you can open \Torrents\WinXP-SP4_date.torrent (includes everything except SP4 and the config files, but it will be very slow due to my upload limitations). If you haven't already done so, install nLite (a copy can be found in \Misc\) Now it's time to fire up nLite Note that nLite must be run with administrator privileges, you might need to disable anti-virus software and most importantly, slipstreaming Service Pack 4 must be done on a Win NT 5.x host (2000/XP/XPx64/2003/2003x64). It may be worthwhile to do a pass where you only slipstream SP4 and then burn an .iso, thereby obtaining a clean XP sp4 source disk as a base. Updated Intel AHCI & RAID drivers are used at the textmode step of installation rather than the DriverPacks as in my experience they are more often needed. To use those included in the Driverpacks instead, skip step 6 and enable TextMode at step 10. There are screenshots available of the process at MediaFire. Run nLite as an administrator and locate your XP source. Extract your XP source to \XP-nLite\ Load the appropriate session file from \Misc\ Slipstream service pack 4 Apply the May 2019 v2 update pack by running the slipstream.bat file Drivers - insert the single driver iaAHCI.inf in the "Universal 32bit Intel RST AHCI+RAID driver" folder and then when the popup box appears choose to install the SATA drivers in TextMode, selecting ALL the drivers (Ctrl-A) Unattended settings - this is the most important part (might need to load the session file again) Leave the Product Key blank Your RunOnce file must look like this:Ping -n 61 > nul CMD /R "%Source%RunOnce\Run1a.bat %Source%" Set it to autologon at least three times as the "Administrator" (Professional) or "Admin" (Home - administrator class) account with a password of "G1berish" Leave the Computer Name blank Make any tweaks you want, then run the process Fire up \DriverPacks\DPs_BASE.exe and target the \XP-nLite\ working directory Select all DriverPacks (only Graphics_PhysX in 3rd party) but don't include the Mass Storage drivers in TextMode Choose Slimstream Method 2 and Custom Finisher Start Disable Keep the Drivers and QuickStream Cache Choose ATI CCC new and nVidia CP both Check the settings and then slipstream the DriverPacks Copy all the contents of the \CopyFrom\ folder to the \XP-nLite\ working directory After you drag n drop anything else that you may want / need, go ahead and burn that image / DVD Installation Ensure the PC is disconnected from the internet, set your HDD as the first boot device then insert the DVD and optionally your USB stick. Boot to the DVD using BIOS boot options and then follow the standard textmode installation steps. If you have a removable media drive, you might get "No Disk" messages on reboots, just "Continue". If you get a BSoD when installing from a SATA DVD drive, try an IDE or USB attached DVD drive instead. The installation is fully automated except that it will ask you at one stage to provide a license key. Note that the PC will reboot several times while installing drivers and the like. The Administrator/Admin password is "G1berish". To install XP from a USB stick, download Rufus (copy in \Misc\) and run it to "create a bootable disk using" your new Win_XP_SP4.iso. You can place the \XP32\ folder for optional application installs on this USB stick. Before Installing Application AddOns: (do NOT place multiple versions of the same application in \XP32\) If you wish to install additional or updated optional applications then copy the folder \XP-32\ and all its contents to a USB flash drive and rename it to \XP32\. The following applications will be installed if they are copied to \XP32\, unless otherwise noted they will work with minimal rights (guest account) and maximum DEP (AlwaysOn). If a version number is given then that is the last version to work on XP without issues: ε=EMET protected Recommended and included on the DVD by default (versions might be outdated) . Visual C++ 2005-2015 - do NOT install Visual C++ 2019 or later ε 7-Zip .msi - Critical . HashTab v5.2 . Dexpot . Tool Tip Fixer ε FireFox - v52.9.0esr - Yank, Pom, Canuck & Aussie dictionaries installed ε FileZilla - v3.7.4.1 ε IrfanView - plugins installed . DOS Box . Daemon Tools Lite - v4.49.1.0356 - requires SPTD . ImgBurn - requires Nero BurnRights for non-admin accounts . UltraDefrag - one pass of boot time defrag, requires Admin rights . Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit - v4.1u1 - requires .Net 4.0 & Admin rights for configuration Recommended but not included on the DVD by default (will be installed if copied to \XP-32\ on the DVD) ε Java Runtime Environment - v8u152 ε Libre Office - v5.4.7.2 - requires Java for the database component ε Foxit Reader - v8.3.2 ε K-Lite Mega Codec Pack - v13.8.5 - lots of stuff option Supported (pick and choose to suit your needs and/or preferences) ε WinRAR ε ThunderBird - v52.9.1 - Yank, Pom, Canuck & Aussie dictionaries installed ε SeaMonkey - v2.49.5 - Yank, Pom, Canuck & Aussie dictionaries installed ε Opera - v36.0.2130.80 - April 2016 ε Google Chrome - v48 .msi - April 2016 . Adobe Flash Player plugins: Internet Explorer . FireFox & SeaMonkey . Chrome & Opera . Adobe Shockwave Player plugin . Microsoft Silverlight Player plugin . Notepad++ - v7.9.2 ε M$ Office 2007 - see \XP-32|XP32\Config\Office2007.html ε SumatraPDF - v3.1.2 ε Adobe Reader - v11.0.8 & patch (v11.0.23) - 1st run must be from an Administrator account ε GIMP - v2.8.22 - help files ε Google Picasa . Mihov Image Resizer . nLite - requires Admin rights . WMP11 Slipstreamer . AutoIt . Virtual PC 2007 SP1 (rename to VirtualPC2007x86setup.exe) & patch & patch . VirtualBox - v5.2.44 - Oracle extension pack supported . VMware Player - v6.0.7 OR VMware Server - v1.0.10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Server only - edit \XP32\Config\Run2.bat to insert your registration key, any DEP level except AlwaysOn ε Google Earth - v7.1.8.3036 ε Vuze - download - requires Java . AnyDVD - v7690 . DVD Shrink . CDBurnerXP .msi - requires .Net 2.0 or greater ε VideoLAN Player . Save2PC Light . BOINC Screensaver . VirtualBox Additions - copy \Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxGuestAdditions.iso to \XP32\, requires 7-Zip . VMware Tools - copy \VMware\VMware Player\WinPreVista.iso to \XP32\, requires 7-Zip It should be obvious, but installing these applications is completely optional, for instance there is very little point in installing 3 different PDF readers. Be cautious using AddOns at the nLite Hotfix integration step as they can break the install, however you can strip the actual executable out of the various AddOns created by others (copying the file to \XP32\) and then add the appropriate command to the batch files. The executables have usually been repacked as silent installers, but be sure to read the entries*.ini file to confirm this. You can have as many application install reboot passes as desired. To do this simply set the system to auto-logon (at step 7C) as many times as required and place the appropriate number of batch files in the \XP32\Config\ directory of your install media. Another 2 batch files are already written (at \Misc\) with the needed handover command, but if you need more they are fairly self explanatory. Be sure to install security software last. There are two files in \XP32\Config\ that affect setup, MenuReorg.bat will delete all program icons from the desktop and organise the start menu folders while boot*.ini will allow you to select DEP level easily at each boot (defaults to AlwaysOn, the most secure), move or rename them if you don't desire these effects. After installing See the Control Panel for Kel's bonus utilities and under "Add/Remove Windows Components" you should probably also add: Management and Monitoring Tools + Networking Services + Other Network File and Print Services If you're using .NET Framework 4.0 (installed by default) then every time you install a new update or application for .NET Framework you should run: %systemroot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe executequeueditems OR Post_dotNET_40_Update.bat to boost system performance and ensure reliability. Microsoft's EMET is a powerful and low resource security tool that hardens your system, the manual is included and an extensive application support configuration file has been applied. Another useful addition is Legacy Update which reroutes Windows Update so that it still works with older versions of Windows, unfortunately it can't be installed offline and isn't quite complete as it still depends on the whims ofMicrosoft. Stand Alone Drivers This disk can also be used as a driver store for already installed Windows XP systems, simply run DP_Install_Tool.cmd in \OEM\ (for CPU, Chipset, Mass Storage, LAN & WLAN, Audio or Video) or \DriverPacks.net\ (for Keyboard & Mouse, Monitors, WebCams, TV Capture, BlueTooth, Modems, et al). Testing I use VirtualBox for testing purposes (v5.2.44 for 32-bit hosts), highly configurable regarding choice of emulated hardware and also good for virtualizing Linux (some tricks needed for Windows 98se). For now use v6.0.24 or v5.2.44 or v4.3.40 as v6.1.x does NOT support Direct 3D on Windows XP. VirtualBox hints: To get sound working properly, update the AC'97 codec driver from SigmaTel to 82801AA via the device manager.Silent installation of Virtual Machine extensions is supported, once VirtualBox is installed there will be a file "VBoxGuestAdditions.iso" at "\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\", copy it to \XP32\ on your install media (requires 7-Zip) AND increase the number of automatic logins (at step 7C) by one.They are installed with VirtualBox's experimental Direct 3D support (/with_D3D switch) which allows some games to work (Doom 3 for example) but can also cause some minor glitches.If you don't want Direct 3D support, rename VBoxGuestAdditions.iso to VBGA.iso Other options are VMware Player 15/16 (64 bit only, post 2010 CPU - Win7{15}, Win8+{16}, Linux), VMware Player 12 (64 bit only, pre-2010 CPU - Windows, Linux) or VMware Player 6 (32 or 64 bit, Win8-). VMware hints: Silent installation of Virtual Machine extensions is supported, once VMware Player is installed there will be a file WinPreVista.iso at "\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Player\", copy it to \XP32\ on your install media (requires 7-Zip).When booting up the Virtual Machine click your mouse inside the VM and hit F2, this will allow you to access the VM BIOS, you can then alter the boot sequence so that it always boots off the CD first.If the BIOS flashes past too fast to access then add bios.bootDelay = "5000" to the VMname.vmx file, this will give you 5 seconds.
  19. If using an update pack then all the updates will be integrated into the source, if using individual hotfixes most will be integrated but some will be run silently at T-13. Only those run silently will show up in add/remove programs.
  20. I'd recommend sticking 5.2.x for the foreseeable future, not just for Win 98se but also because they dropped 3D graphics support for Win XP in 6.1.x
  21. It works for me using VirtualBox 5.2.x on multiple systems using several different operating systems. Have you checked the troubleshooting section of the guide?
  22. It used to be possible with older versions of the drivers, I'm not sure if it's still possible with the latest versions. You might want to look at this topic, especially the last post - Gigabyte K8NS Pro (NVIDIA nForce3 250) https://msfn.org/board/topic/136807-xp-x64-driver-integration/
  23. Although there are differences in the CD layout for an XP x64 source (mainly an extra amd64 folder) there are largely transparent to the end user. Work can be done on XP x64 on a 32-bit host with the exception that SP2 needs some tricks to be slipstreamed and some hofixes won't integrate (5eraph's works fine though).
  24. Due to the stupid WYSIsn'tWYG editor MSFN now uses I can't fix it when the main post goes awry, for instance when lists change from numbered sequence to bullet points. That is why it got moved to RyanVM, go by that version of the guide. Note that some options got removed, partly to simplify testing, but mainly because some things not longer worked with the pure hotfix method but still did when using 5eraph's packs.
  25. Just got back from holidays Now while I won't try to troubleshoot component removals, if it doesn't work without removing any components, ask yourself if you did the following steps correctly: Note that nLite must be run with administrator privileges, you might need to disable anti-virus software and most importantly, slipstreaming Service Pack 2 must be done on a Win NT 5.x host (2000/XP/XPx64/2003/2003x64). If working from a SP1 source slipstream service pack 2 then exit nLite (if nLite is open it can interfere with the WMP11 slipstreamer). These are the things most likely to result in a corrupt file error (assuming a clean source), note that all the Microsoft downloads should have a valid digital signature.
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