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Everything posted by aviv00

  1. someone pm and told me he had the same problem he change the volume of the cd so that what happend i think the volume of the hdd need to be the same of the disk btw he burned with the original volume and its got fixed so pretty sure its the problem anyway to fix it ?
  2. more info pls as an example, i mounted install.wim to folder c:\s2 using imagex & then ran this command: dism.exe /image:C:\s2 /remove-package /packagename:Microsoft-Windows-IIS-WebServer-AddOn-2-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~6.1.7127.0 i get package error: 0x80070005 error: 5 access is denied. did u use the wim tweak with /m switch ?
  3. here my workspace i use [for DISM.exe] for windows 6.1 [ windows 7 or windows server 2008 r2] 1.bat use this to open the cmd with wimdir already set just edit it to ur wimdir like SET wimdir=g:\Work\WimMount or what drive or dir u wanna use en.bat enable the feahters u would like to have pre-installed ad.bat add package / hotfix ff.bat get more info about same feather f.bat get the full list of the feathers u could enable or disable and the more info p.bat get the full list of packages [ofc after using the wim_tweak] if u adding same package u might not see it so u redo the wim tweak install_wim_tweak.bat run the wim_tweak on the wim image same examples En DesktopExperience [ or En.bat DesktopExperience ] en IIS-FTPServer En WirelessNetworking p >> pgs.txt f >> fs.txt re Microsoft-Windows-QWAVE-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~en-US~6.1.7100.0 thx dead0 for ur guide i will index it soon Workspace.rar
  4. Agreed, this tool was able to delete 600 MB in my winsxs reducing a vlited 7 RC installation to a fantastic 3.2 GB ! 64bit ? i did 3.2gb too with 32bit but not with the tool btw the guide is meant to be post-install 64bit ultimate. Vlited with this conf. Removed hiberfil and pagefile. Then used winsxslite. I think I used your guide but made the system instable. No problem with this tool AFAIK. I think this is the slimmest installed size I know. BTW if someone knows how to remove other components (IE, firewall, update) please let me know. sorry duno if its possible maybe sidebar but firewall ... anyways this footprint really nice how much it in iso file ? another thing i dont understand the hard linking with winsxslite does it already hard linked ?
  5. and upgrade to rc its public now
  6. another method copy iso the files to hdd make it bootable [nt6 bootable] and active run the setup and hold ctrl to cmd rename the bcd in boot dir to something else createstore with bcdedit start the setup by double clicking on it driver of the cd will not apear [ took from same blog i dont remember]
  7. Agreed, this tool was able to delete 600 MB in my winsxs reducing a vlited 7 RC installation to a fantastic 3.2 GB ! 64bit ? i did 3.2gb too with 32bit but not with the tool btw the guide is meant to be post-install
  8. Windows 7 RC download Removed by admin all the version 4 langs till now direct link
  9. aviv00

    vLite for dummies?

    there a gr8 guide here too look for it
  10. Manual Install (Setup.exe) gives
  11. Windows Server 7 will have classic Taskbar ? or just superbar like win7 ?
  12. some ppls say its could be mistake and the page was published before its should be hope its not true
  13. http://www.engadget.com/2009/04/18/windows...out-now-for-ms/ http://windows7center.com/news/windows-7-r...sed-on-may-5th/ https://partner.microsoft.com/US/40084742 download now if u partner "Download Windows 7 RC Partners: If you have a subscription to MSDN or TechNet, you can download Windows 7 RC now. Otherwise, you can download Windows 7 RC starting May 5, 2009." someone know what the bulid ?
  14. i found the problem DOSNET.INF should rename there too i will post good list soon edited: i didnt find the problem so i find way to bypass it check in post number #1 and post a better method to solve it check method 2
  15. good reason why not to use it but mostly in this sub fourm "Windows Server 2008 to Workstation" we dont have fast hdds 10,000RPM-15,000RPM like u said SuperFetch make a list of app that often used and pre-loading it to memory when the system is idle after booting its loading it self it doesnt use the hdd a lot didnt hear "thrashing" on server 2008 in vista maybe u are right...
  16. aviv00

    1 in April

    nuhi shoulded use 1 in April to fool us around with vlite 1.3 ow so many was fall for that i was too
  17. i checked the space that used and how much space used via properties saw only 1giga difference did a test with whereisit [app] saw that 7.2giga are dupes files mean they could be twice or 3 times or even 4 times in the hdd 7.2 GB / 8.6 GB total around 90% are dupes mean the real size that should be is 8.6-7.2 + 7.2/2 = 1.6+3.6 = 5.2GB there a big difference properties on the drive say 7.57GB anyway i gonna install it when the rc comes out @Guillaume just run search for wmv files in it
  18. i had samiler problem i change power supplier [the old one did freezing problem] my boot time cut in half just 26secs to windows 7 64bit gonna try again server 7 cos i had there huge boot time 2-4 mins GL
  19. windows 7 is already fast, why would you want to strip it!? its still bloat with files and backup files in winsxs dir movies get backuped in winsxs for what ?
  20. great i tested dism too bad its not remove files from winsxs dir and when i delete them[ the files that dism removed] manually the setup wont install same component and reset the setup :S if u need help with what could be remove i will love to help
  21. there a better way to install just apply the wim image to ur boot drive like c:\ [code: imagex /apply... or gimagex or 7-zip] copy the boot folder from dvd to boot drive and bootmgr file from the dvd to boot drive use easybcd to update the mbr to load the new boot manager add "windows 7" to boot menu make c:\boot\bcd accessible to everyone reboot ur system and start the setup by entering Windows vista or 7 notices: add windows xp too if u dual booting make a Windows PE at another Hdd drive or CD Disk for recovery
  22. what the build num of server 7 ?
  23. aviv00

    WIM Filter

    u dont have to download it use ur brain how to solve it
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