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Everything posted by aviv00

  1. Manual Install (Setup.exe) i think did u recover setup.exe from d:\source to iso ?
  2. np anyway if u would like to install them all u could just integrate them with win integrator and then start vliting it
  3. so just KB976098 wont install ? i think i had that too its ok i guess its time saving update but if u wanna full updatability ask alex or the guys here for their ini about audit yea windows msg appear and its will restart
  4. if i work on vlite the old wimfilter getting installed so i cant use dism got its the new wimfilter so i reboot or reinstall the waik
  5. Yep, from my MSDNAA account. Can it have something to do with what you have under [Protection]? its might yea
  6. @Photek i think its might be cos ur config maybe u removed something important with vlite [not include winsxs] test it with my config
  7. u could try capture the os to wim image and lite it the system should be stable
  8. hey thx for this tool but could u adopt the present system file as vlite cos there lots of config
  9. try to reinstall them again after u did restart sometime same update dont install with another updates but in the end all got installed
  10. vlite remove files and update the reg hive if u have wim image with ur backup docs its wont touch it
  11. ofc dead0 np at all after all that belong to all the ppls that help here too
  12. Release Candidate (RC) for Windows Embedded Standard is here!‏ https://connect.microsoft.com/windowsembedded/Downloads We are excited to announce that the Windows Embedded Standard 7 Release Candidate (RC) build is available for download from Connect today! You may download Windows Embedded Standard 7, formerly known as Windows Embedded Standard 2011 here or via Connect under Downloads. The Standard 7 RC is an important build as it means we are very close to the final build of Windows Embedded Standard 7. Please download and test it right away! Use the Connect Feedback forms here to submit your feedback. Windows Embedded Standard 7 RC is being provided as 5 download packages: Windows Embedded Standard 7 RC Toolkit: this .ISO will install the Image Configuration Editor (ICE) tool which is meant to be run on a development machine Windows Embedded Standard 7 RC 32bit Bootable IBW: this .ISO will install Image Builder Wizard (IBW) for 32bit machines to be run on a target device Windows Embedded Standard 7 RC 64BIT Bootable IBW: this .ISO will install Image Builder Wizard (IBW) for 64bit machines to be run on a target device Windows Embedded Standard 7 RC MPEG2 Audio and Dolby Package: includes the MPEG2 Audio and Dolby Premium Codecs for 32bit and 64bit machines Windows Embedded Standard 7 RC Documentation: Release Notes and a What's New document that will help you focus your testing on specific areas Thank you for your continued participation! If you have any questions please feel free to contact ewtap@microsoft.com. -The Windows Embedded team
  13. u did install kb947821 ? and then try install msn ?
  14. yea its ok just add winsxs i just remove winsxs after applying this ini that why its not appear
  15. np i just tested it and its working here my ini test it 7_new.ini
  16. hey yes i success to install that : http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en edit i install successfully .NET4 beta 2 too
  17. gr8 try use kb947821 and then install the updates lets see if aelibey is right if yes i will remove Extreme tag
  18. Yea alex ur case is weird i cant install any updates with winsxs removed maybe ur config is the way to do that ?
  19. its must be the GroupPolicy-ClientTools-Package btw how u could update with winsxs remove that werid
  20. did u remove event log too with vlite ? try use dead0's ini there protected files that not need to be delete i think
  21. use vlite and remove the winsxs and remove the pending.xml from the dir it will remove the windows update too but get it to 200mb size check my guide for more info
  22. u could do 1giga for Win7 32bit maybe less u need to remove the printers drivers with win intergrator remove winsxs using vlite and remove manually pending.xml from winsxs dir and remove more files using dead0's remove bat file check my guide if u need help with winsxs removal http://www.msfn.org/board/guide-windows-7-...te-t139874.html i think with dead0 will done with it its will be even 700mb
  23. @ stefanRTR could u add back the old view of the packages ? so we could choose to go tree view or normal view thx
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