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Everything posted by jondercik

  1. ntbackup can do this using vss.
  2. If your computer is doing this everyday its not a good sign to the health of the drive. Jim
  3. Cant be done. Windows remembers login credentials to network resources. Jim
  4. Do you really need the Pro editions or will the express editions which are free do the job?
  5. I wouldnt use the following line, I would, and actually do the following DONT USE AbsPath = Replace(WScript.ScriptFullName, WScript.ScriptName, "") Use currentDirectory = WshShell.currentDirectory & "\" Just my two cents Jim
  6. Bah how did I miss that. I like my version better anyway
  7. I would do something different for the choice box, something like choice=MsgBox("Do you want to run diskpart now?",3,"Run diskpart?") If choice = 6 Then Call ExecuteProg(AbsPath & "diskpart ", Answer) End If
  8. What errors is the script reporting?
  9. You could always kill the process
  10. Yes, you can use vbscript to crawl through your domain and copy the file to the correct location. Or, cant you set the screensaver to use a file located on a network share? Jim
  11. Why not just use nLite to integrate the patches as well? Also, why does it file have its own directory?
  12. Let em use USB equipment only and have only the hub reachable by them?
  13. Updates should work if they are generic applications. The update pack wont work because it is for Windows XP. I also do not know about the WMP11/IE7 addon. Easiest way is to try it in a VM and see what happens. Jim
  14. That is incorrect FAT64. Out of the box ordinary users can join up to 10 workstations to the domain. If you want to prevent them from joining workstations, you will have to change the default container the computer accounts are created in. Google is your friend.
  15. I am using it with no problems.
  16. Wscript.Echo "DNS Server Search Order: " & objItem.DNSServerSearchOrder
  17. On Error Resume Next strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration") For Each objItem in colItems Wscript.Echo "ARP Always Source Route: " & objItem.ArpAlwaysSourceRoute Wscript.Echo "ARP Use EtherSNAP: " & objItem.ArpUseEtherSNAP Wscript.Echo "Caption: " & objItem.Caption Wscript.Echo "Database Path: " & objItem.DatabasePath Wscript.Echo "Dead GW Detection Enabled: " & objItem.DeadGWDetectEnabled Wscript.Echo "Default IP Gateway: " & objItem.DefaultIPGateway Wscript.Echo "Default TOS: " & objItem.DefaultTOS Wscript.Echo "Default TTL: " & objItem.DefaultTTL Wscript.Echo "Description: " & objItem.Description Wscript.Echo "DHCP Enabled: " & objItem.DHCPEnabled Wscript.Echo "DHCP Lease Expires: " & objItem.DHCPLeaseExpires Wscript.Echo "DHCP Lease Obtained: " & objItem.DHCPLeaseObtained Wscript.Echo "DHCP Server: " & objItem.DHCPServer Wscript.Echo "DNS Domain: " & objItem.DNSDomain Wscript.Echo "DNS Domain Suffix Search Order: " & _ objItem.DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder Wscript.Echo "DNS Enabled For WINS Resolution: " & _ objItem.DNSEnabledForWINSResolution Wscript.Echo "DNS Host Name: " & objItem.DNSHostName Wscript.Echo "DNS Server Search Order: " & objItem.DNSServerSearchOrder Wscript.Echo "Domain DNS Registration Enabled: " & _ objItem.DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled Wscript.Echo "Forward Buffer Memory: " & objItem.ForwardBufferMemory Wscript.Echo "Full DNS Registration Enabled: " & _ objItem.FullDNSRegistrationEnabled Wscript.Echo "Gateway Cost Metric: " & objItem.GatewayCostMetric Wscript.Echo "IGMP Level: " & objItem.IGMPLevel Wscript.Echo "Index: " & objItem.Index Wscript.Echo "IP Address: " & objItem.IPAddress Wscript.Echo "IP Connection Metric: " & objItem.IPConnectionMetric Wscript.Echo "IP Enabled: " & objItem.IPEnabled Wscript.Echo "IP Filter Security Enabled: " & _ objItem.IPFilterSecurityEnabled Wscript.Echo "IP Port Security Enabled: " & _ objItem.IPPortSecurityEnabled Wscript.Echo "IPSec Permit IP Protocols: " & _ objItem.IPSecPermitIPProtocols Wscript.Echo "IPSec Permit TCP Ports: " & objItem.IPSecPermitTCPPorts Wscript.Echo "IPSec Permit UDP Ports: " & objItem.IPSecPermitUDPPorts Wscript.Echo "IP Subnet: " & objItem.IPSubnet Wscript.Echo "IP Use Zero Broadcast: " & objItem.IPUseZeroBroadcast Wscript.Echo "IPX Address: " & objItem.IPXAddress Wscript.Echo "IPX Enabled: " & objItem.IPXEnabled Wscript.Echo "IPX Frame Type: " & objItem.IPXFrameType Wscript.Echo "IPX Media Type: " & objItem.IPXMediaType Wscript.Echo "IPX Network Number: " & objItem.IPXNetworkNumber Wscript.Echo "IPX Virtual Net Number: " & objItem.IPXVirtualNetNumber Wscript.Echo "Keep Alive Interval: " & objItem.KeepAliveInterval Wscript.Echo "Keep Alive Time: " & objItem.KeepAliveTime Wscript.Echo "MAC Address: " & objItem.MACAddress Wscript.Echo "MTU: " & objItem.MTU Wscript.Echo "Number of Forward Packets: " & objItem.NumForwardPackets Wscript.Echo "PMTUBH Detect Enabled: " & objItem.PMTUBHDetectEnabled Wscript.Echo "PMTU Discovery Enabled: " & objItem.PMTUDiscoveryEnabled Wscript.Echo "Service Name: " & objItem.ServiceName Wscript.Echo "Setting ID: " & objItem.SettingID Wscript.Echo "TCPIP Netbios Options: " & objItem.TcpipNetbiosOptions Wscript.Echo "TCP Maximum Connect Retransmissions: " & _ objItem.TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions Wscript.Echo "TCP Maximum Data Retransmissions: " & _ objItem.TcpMaxDataRetransmissions Wscript.Echo "TCP NumC onnections: " & objItem.TcpNumConnections Wscript.Echo "TCP Use RFC1122 Urgent Pointer: " & _ objItem.TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer Wscript.Echo "TCP Window Size: " & objItem.TcpWindowSize Wscript.Echo "WINS Enable LMHosts Lookup: " & _ objItem.WINSEnableLMHostsLookup Wscript.Echo "WINS Host Lookup File: " & objItem.WINSHostLookupFile Wscript.Echo "WINS Primary Server: " & objItem.WINSPrimaryServer Wscript.Echo "WINS Scope ID: " & objItem.WINSScopeID Wscript.Echo "WINS Secondary Server: " & objItem.WINSSecondaryServer Next
  18. Any of the code samples on the following link help? http://www.activexperts.com/activmonitor/w...working/client/
  19. Buy the soundcard. Easiest way.
  20. Yes, what would have to be setup is a VPN or dialup solution that would connect as part of the authentication process. You would check the box on the logon screen that would "dial" the remote connection that you would have to setup for all users in advance. Jim
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