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Everything posted by Octopuss

  1. I meant automatically, not manually. Through some obscure registry edits or whatever voodoo. I know about this of course. We're talking about automated installation after all here
  2. Haha!! I expected that kind of reply Didn't think anyone would be interested, considering there's a ton of such on the internet already. @ECHO OFF echo Stopping GWX process taskkill /im gwx.exe /t /f echo. echo Removing GWX tasks echo. schtasks /delete /tn "\microsoft\windows\setup\gwx\launchtrayprocess" /f schtasks /delete /tn "\microsoft\windows\setup\gwx\refreshgwxconfig" /f schtasks /delete /tn "\microsoft\windows\setup\gwx\refreshgwxconfigandcontent" /f schtasks /delete /tn "\microsoft\windows\setup\gwx\refreshgwxcontent" /f schtasks /delete /tn "\microsoft\windows\setup\gwx" /f echo. for %%A in (2952664 2977759 3021917 3035583 3068708 3075249 3080149) do ( echo Uninstalling KB%%A... wusa.exe /kb:%%A /uninstall /quiet /norestart) echo. Echo Deleting GWX folders echo. takeown /f %windir%\System32\GWX /r /d y icacls %windir%\System32\GWX /grant administrators:F /t rd /s /q %windir%\System32\GWX copy nul %windir%\System32\gwx icacls %windir%\System32\gwx /deny Everyone:F echo. takeown /f %localappdata%\GWX /r /d y icacls %localappdata%\GWX /grant administrators:F /t rmdir /s /q %localappdata%\GWX\ echo. takeown /f %systemdrive%\$Windows~BT /r /d y icacls %systemdrive%\$Windows~BT /grant administrators:F /t rmdir /s /q %systemdrive%\$Windows~BT\ rmdir /s /q %systemdrive%\$Windows.~WS\ echo. echo Disabling GWX and OS upgrade echo. reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\GWX /t REG_DWORD /v DisableGWX /d 1 /f reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate /t REG_DWORD /v "DisableOSUpgrade" /d 1 /f reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate /t REG_DWORD /v "DisableOSUpgrade" /d 1 /f echo. echo Hiding GWX related updates. This may take a while. echo. start "title" /b /wait cscript.exe "%~dp0HideGWXetc.vbs" 2952664 2977759 3021917 3035583 3068708 3075249 3080149 echo. echo Telemetry echo. echo Stopping and deleting Diagnostic Tracking Service sc stop DiagTrack sc delete DiagTrack echo "" > C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Diagnosis\ETLLogs\AutoLogger\AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener.etl reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ScriptedDiagnosticsProvider\Policy /v EnableQueryRemoteServer /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f echo. echo Removing scheduled tasks echo. schtasks /delete /tn "\microsoft\windows\application experience\aitagent" /f schtasks /delete /tn "\microsoft\windows\application experience\microsoft compatibility appraiser" /f schtasks /delete /tn "\microsoft\windows\application experience\programdataupdater" /f schtasks /delete /tn "\microsoft\windows\autochk\proxy" /f schtasks /delete /tn "\microsoft\windows\customer experience improvement program\consolidator" /f schtasks /delete /tn "\microsoft\windows\customer experience improvement program\kernelceiptask" /f schtasks /delete /tn "\microsoft\windows\customer experience improvement program\usbceip" /f schtasks /delete /tn "\microsoft\windows\diskdiagnostic\microsoft-windows-diskdiagnosticdatacollector" /f schtasks /change /disable /tn "\microsoft\windows\maintenance\winsat" schtasks /change /disable /tn "\microsoft\windows\media center\activatewindowssearch" schtasks /change /disable /tn "\microsoft\windows\media center\configureinternettimeservice" schtasks /change /disable /tn "\microsoft\windows\media center\dispatchrecoverytasks" schtasks /change /disable /tn "\microsoft\windows\media center\ehdrminit" schtasks /change /disable /tn "\microsoft\windows\media center\installplayready" schtasks /change /disable /tn "\microsoft\windows\media center\mcupdate" schtasks /change /disable /tn "\microsoft\windows\media center\mediacenterrecoverytask" schtasks /change /disable /tn "\microsoft\windows\media center\objectstorerecoverytask" schtasks /change /disable /tn "\microsoft\windows\media center\ocuractivate" schtasks /change /disable /tn "\microsoft\windows\media center\ocurdiscovery" schtasks /change /disable /tn "\microsoft\windows\media center\pbdadiscovery" schtasks /change /disable /tn "\microsoft\windows\media center\pbdadiscoveryw1" schtasks /change /disable /tn "\microsoft\windows\media center\pbdadiscoveryw2" schtasks /change /disable /tn "\microsoft\windows\media center\pvrrecoverytask" schtasks /change /disable /tn "\microsoft\windows\media center\pvrscheduletask" schtasks /change /disable /tn "\microsoft\windows\media center\registersearch" schtasks /change /disable /tn "\microsoft\windows\media center\reindexsearchroot" schtasks /change /disable /tn "\microsoft\windows\media center\sqlliterecoverytask" schtasks /change /disable /tn "\microsoft\windows\media center\updaterecordpath" schtasks /delete /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\QueueReporting" /f rem schtasks /change /disable /tn "" rem schtasks /delete /tn "" /f echo. echo ... All operations complete. Reboot now. pause and the vbs file (which I didn't even look at because I don't understand programming one bit Dim hideupdates(7) hideupdates(0) = "KB2952664" hideupdates(1) = "KB2977759" hideupdates(2) = "KB3021917" hideupdates(3) = "KB3035583" hideupdates(4) = "KB3068708" hideupdates(5) = "KB3075249" hideupdates(6) = "KB3080149" set updateSession = createObject("Microsoft.Update.Session") set updateSearcher = updateSession.CreateupdateSearcher() Set searchResult = updateSearcher.Search("IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software'") For i = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1 set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(i) For j = LBound(hideupdates) To UBound(hideupdates) 'MsgBox hideupdates(j) if instr(1, update.Title, hideupdates(j), vbTextCompare) = 0 then 'Wscript.echo "No match found for " & hideupdates(j) else Wscript.echo "Hiding updates..." & hideupdates(j) update.IsHidden = True end if Next Next
  3. **** it's dead here. In addition to the above, does anyone know whether it's possible to configure Windows so that you never have to type the password? You can specify how many times should the system boot up automatically, and while it's possible to enter a ridiculously high number, I am looking for more "clean" way to do this.
  4. Oh yes. I actually saw this before. It's a bit complicated, and the person who wrote it certainly knows a LOT about scripting It turned out there's not a whole lot to disable/delete if you're not hysterically paranoid. One or two services max, some registry keys and several scheduled tasks. Plus it's probably a good idea to remove everything GWX related before too. I actually kind of combined parts of the above and https://tweakhound.com/2015/11/01/remove-and-block-gwx-in-windows-7-2/ and created my own simple batch file I am happy enough with.
  5. I want to write my own batch file to deal with all the telemetry present in Windows 7. Does anyone know about any site with up to date (ideally actively maintained, but that's probably too much to ask for) list of updates to uninstall and services/tasks to stop/disable/delete? Thus far I was able to find presumably outdated list of updates and this: sc stop DiagTrack sc stop dmwappushservice sc delete DiagTrack sc delete dmwappushservice echo "" > C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Diagnosis\ETLLogs\AutoLogger\AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener.etl Everything under “Application Experience” Everything under “Autochk” Everything under “Customer Experience Improvement Program” Under “Disk Diagnostic” delete only the “Microsoft-Windows-DiskDiagnosticDataCollector” Under “Maintenance” “WinSAT” “Media Center” and click the “status” column, then select all non-disabled entries and disable them.
  6. The latest forum "upgrade" pretty much made me leave. Not only does it look really ugly and confusing (really, do you have to change the colours and layout every single time?), it's also slow as hell. I see absolutely no reason why a simple forum should not load pages almost immediatelly. Opening anything takes anywhere between two and three seconds.
  7. I think someone posted a link to some performance comparison between Windows 7,8 and 10 some time ago here in the forum. Does anyone remember what it was and could give me the link please?
  8. For me, an OS is stable enough if it can run for a full month of your typical everyday's use If it doesn't slow down, throw some obscure errors or flat out crashes, it's good enough.
  9. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? The screen where various system drivers are being loaded scrolls down literally line by line, so it takes several minutes before the system boots up. Once I'm in the Windows, everything runs normally.
  10. I can confirm the web-downloaded isos contain wim images. Bye bye Media creation tool. Btw what's the difference between english and english international?
  11. Well, I downloaded an iso through the Media creation tool. Are there different isos somewhere?
  12. to put a check in that box[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Device Metadata] "PreventDeviceMetadataFromNetwork"=dword:00000000 Speaking of this, has anyone ever managed to get it to work? I have that tweak applied to the image and it's left unchecked after installation.
  13. Are there any settings related to the "Startup and Recovery" part of System Properties?
  14. Why release the ADK with Windows 10 sticker on it then? My brain just cannot process this.
  15. So I downloaded the Windows 10 ADK and wanted to see about creating an answer file for testing purposes only to realize what seems to be a release specifically for this version of the OS doesn't work with the new images (esd?). It only recognizes wim files. I might be missing something, but is this some weird joke from Microsoft?
  16. If you let this program touch your Windows installation in any any way, the best thing you can do is reinstall the system from the original disk. And why people still keep using it is beyond what I can understand.
  17. For the lack of better suited thread, I'll try asking here. Is there any way to download non-english (czech in my case) updates in at least semi-automated way?
  18. Ah! That's what I needed to know. Yup, ended up doing just that. But I ran into another oddity there - when checking whether a variable is defined, for some obscure reason you have to do it without %%. That is even more confusing. Are you also saying that xcopy ignores quotes in the path as long as they are paired? That's pretty weird! I learned a lot today, even if I made myself look like a clueless id*** who shouldn't dig into anything deeper than Windows GUI I never knew a lot, and combined with being unemployed for 3 years, I forgot large part of the little I knew
  19. One more mystery about all the quotes and whatnot. If set A="B" is wrong (I see it is now), how comes this works? :jaset architecture="x64"set language="en"set index="3"set personal="yes"goto :continue ...xcopy "e:\install\os\windows images\win7_%architecture%_%language%" d:\win7 /e /i /h /k /yIt correctly copies e:\Install\OS\Windows images\Win7_x64_en\ to d:\win7!!
  20. bphlpt, I can't say I understand. It seems like no matter what documentation I read, there is always a case where it doesn't apply somewhere. I thought I had to enclose the string I put in a variable in quotes to prevent the system from getting confused. You even said it yourself. And yet, here is a case where it is wrong. Btw I do use ss64 for reference most of the time. And yes, this is all pretty new to me. Not that I never touched batch files in the last 20 years, but this is about the most complicated stuff I ever attempted. It smells too much of programming, and my brain is just incompatible with that :/ Also, apparently it's impossible to insert empty string into a variable. Either there's a value or the variable is deleted. Expanding on that, and going back to the previous problem, is it even correct to do this? if "%brand%"==""Doesn't that actually check whether the variable equals two quotes rather than being empty? I've just gotten completely lost. I don't even know when am I supposed to use the quotes anymore. Guess all of this is lost to me. Even in such primitive form.
  21. I thought comparing strings is always the same, no? Well this is the (almost, edited the actual copy/whatever operations out) whole thing: choice /c:123 /m "Is this a: (1:desktop, 2:notebook, 3:my own PC, 4:N/A) ?"if errorlevel==4 goto :startif errorlevel==3 set type="-ja"if errorlevel==2 goto :ntbif errorlevel==1 set type=""goto :start:ntbset type="-ntb"set /p brand="Manufacturer's name: "if "%brand%"=="" (echo.echo No input. Try again.echo.goto :ntb) else (goto :start):startif exist d:\win7\boot\cs-cz\nul (set language="cz") else (set language="")...copy operationsif "%language%"=="cz" (copy "e:\unattended\keyb-EN-US+CZ-QWERTZ.xml" d:\win7\sources\$OEM$\$1\install /y) else (copy "e:\unattended\keyb-EN-US+CZ-QWERTY.xml" d:\win7\sources\$OEM$\$1\install /y)if %type%=="-ja" (...more copy operations)When the .xml file is being chosen, the if works with quotes. And it doesn't at the end. It makes zero sense. A string is a string. If command is always if.
  22. I am starting to think the whole thing is bugged. if "%type%"=="some string" ( ...several copy lines ) This didn't work at all until I removed the quotes around %type%!!!
  23. Ok... what does the & char do, and why does this work and what I did doesn't? Since I posted the question I tried it with the quotes, like so P.S. These are all stupid little scripts I use for myself when I occasionally prepare a Windows image, so there's no need for any user stupidity checks (OR maybe is, lol). edit: If bold and red font wasn't enough... ok, "%brand%" is what it needed. I don't get it though!! Nowhere I looked did it say you have to compare strings like this. Grr. Oh well. This works: :ntbset /p brand="Manufacturer's name: "if "%brand%"=="" (echo. No input. Try again.goto :ntb) else (goto :start)
  24. I have another stupid question (and I feel really dumb this time). :ntb set /p brand="Manufacturer's name: " if %brand%=="" goto :noinput goto :start :noinput echo. echo. No input. Try again. goto :ntb No matter what I type, it always ends up with "goto was unexpected at this time". I read some documentation about the various commands several times and still don't understand why it doesn't work.
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