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Everything posted by Wraith

  1. XML is the sample Original Install one. Images are attached. images.zip
  2. Logfiles are definitely needed. Not ones from when you test it in a normal environment, but the one from within windows setup.
  3. You mean this screenshot? As for the CD drive letter, read the docs.pdf section 2.4. It should be exactly what you need.
  4. Okay. XPlodeAdduserPlugin.x4e The plugin that adds the capability to add/remove users and groups. <adduser> The command exported by the adduser plugin, that allows adding of users to the local system. <adduser.adduser>Adding user: #1#</adduser.adduser> <adduser.deluser>Deleting user: #1#</adduser.deluser> <adduser.addgroup>Adding group: #1#</adduser.addgroup> <adduser.delgroup>Deleting group: #1#</adduser.delgroup> The strings used by te adduser plugin for when it runs its own commands. <tokens> <token username="Spike" password="swordfish" /> <token username="Jet" password="hammerhead" /> </tokens> Specification of user tokens in order to log into other user accounds and run commands.
  5. Wraith

    Clean Up Problems

    If you try deleting them from XPlode, then yes, they will still be there, because they're in use.
  6. Nice Shot Wraith...... Just a little food for thought... If you save the file in MS Paint...It will compress the picture without losing any quality.. It then becomes this size.. 539 KB (552,572 bytes) Almost half the size.. Cheers dude Sorry, I had to increase the jpeg quality for something else before, forgot to set it back down
  7. Puzzling. Because neither XPlode.exe nor XPlodeExecutePlugin.x4e have changed since the last few alphas that got released.
  8. Just something a little different.... http://files.voidfx.com/2005-02-06.jpg (Watch out, it's 915kB )
  9. Firefox says: XML Parsing Error: mismatched tag. Expected: </item>. Location: file:///D:/Profile/Desktop/blah.xml Line Number 127, Column 9: Try opening the XML's in firefox to figure out whether your XML is formed properly or not. </item> <item display="hardware"> </execute> <execute display='Installing GeForce FX 66.93'> <program>#SOURCEPATH#\OEM\Drivers\Geforce66.93\setup.exe</program> <arguments>-s -f1"%systemdrive%\DP\Geforce66.93\setup.iss"</arguments> </execute> Surely you can spot the problem?
  10. Paid work takes precedence, so no, there are no set dates.
  11. As I stated in the documentation, the select plugin is not yet functional. Wait for the new version.
  12. It's not that simple. If it were to be implemented, the plugins would need to be rewritten, to allow for such a thing. Or XPlode just wouldn't execute the plugins. And you wouldn't get the display stuff. I have an.... idea... that I have been entertaining lately. It'll be with XPlode 5.0 (not the next release) and should implement something along what you've asked. I should stop giving hints out.
  13. Very weird. I'll go over the execute plugin again tonight.
  14. <execute display="..."> ... </execute>
  15. Wraith

    File Copy

    It'll be a while. I'm currently using a text-based browser for things - that should explain why it's taking a bit of time I have other things I need to finish first, but I hope to have File I/O done within the next week or so.
  16. Wraith

    File Copy

    That's because the final version of it doesn't exist. Hence, no documentation.
  17. I couldn't get line numbers working before, as the XML parser was a bit screwy. That was ages ago, I'll try doing it for the next version where stuff should work properly.
  18. http://files.voidfx.com/2005-02-03.PNG 3344x1080, 450kB... could take a while on a dialup connection
  19. Wraith

    Access denied ?

    @Everyone, esp Power350: Please leave out your serial numbers. Your Nero one is there. Might be wise removing it? @Power350: Can you post the log of the trimmed down version, along with a more descriptive passage of text outlining the problem? At the moment it seems like it isn't an XPlode-specific issue. The time at which you run the installs could be quite useful too.
  20. Yeah it'd be doable via javascript... dunno HOW tho
  21. This post is just so people don't suggest things that I already have on the cards. The official (but not complete) list of things to do, in no particular order: File includes Runaway RAM allocation in GFXinstall Re-add background image to GFX plugin Conditional statements This WILL be changed whenever I decide to add something, or have finished something, etc. etc. If you have suggestions post below. Colour list: Yet to be looked at Fixed in current beta version Awaiting more information Fixing bugs for next release
  22. It's not terribly feasible in the way you've described it - it completely changes the structure of the XML, and after going through 5 iterations of the XML parser, I don't particularly feel like rewriting it again. That said, I've been making another way to get stuff like that to happen, part of it was supposed to be in build 5.130, but there were enough bugs in it that I dewcided to leave it out for the moment. Stay tuned for the next week or so in the forum, I'll be announcing new stuff as I go along.
  23. Rather, the HTML retrieves the data from the XML and renders it itself.
  24. There was no File I/O plugin included in the archive. Should be maybe a week or so. Work didn't need it, so I finished the rest off first.
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