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Everything posted by Wraith

  1. That's going to be up to you to find out - as you can gather, I haven't installed every program at T-12 I don't know of any problems though, you *may* run into user account problems if you try logging on as other users. If you look at the log generated, it's doing a NET LOCALGROUP ... ... ..., so not domain enabled. You can always use the <execute> tag to do stuff when connected to a domain instead.
  2. I'm not providing any support for 1.1.2 whatsoever. From memory, display within the <execute> tag is shown, that's all I can tell you.
  3. You can get on IRC if you want the beta, or you can wait for the final.
  4. If there are people that can't follow instructions, then I guess there's no point keeping this thread open. Way to go IRP! You've given me faith in the human race once again. Okay, now that I've had some breakfast, I'm not as angry. Thread reopened. IRP: It's shareware for corporations that gain money. If you had read the agreement like you were told, then you'd realise that for home/personal use, it's free. If you ARE working at a corporation, then you must abide by the agreement. The writing of this program is completely voluntary, and to date, I have received $0.00 for work done on it. I had a Paypal donation thing going for 6 months or so, and had nothing added, so I dropped it. Free for personal use, charge for corporations. So if you don't like the agreement, don't use the program. Simple solution really. Final note: XPlode 4 may well be the last version anyways. I don't have time nor the inclination to develop new features into a program when I can be working elsewhere and get paid for other stuff.
  5. If you use the current beta, the display="..." attribute of an <execute> tag will be shown.
  6. Well, I was threatened with legal action last year by some id*** that didn't know how to config it and screwed up his system. So I figure if people are going to have to read it at least once, then I'm pretty much covered. Unless there's some of those people that like to call themselves lawyers that want to poke holes in it...
  7. As only a few people have decided to help me with the testing, I've come to the conclusion that it's useless asking for testers. So here's a beta for people to test, it's not the ONLY beta, but it's probably one of two that I'll be posting on the board until final release. You can download it at: Actual link removed due to user incompetence. Read the agreement - the continue button is disabled for a reason, and to figure out how to enable it, you must read it. Anyone that says they can't enable it is going to get a swift kick up the bum.
  8. There is no possible way to have the progress of a certain application. Deleting files takes little to no time at all, and there's no facilitiy provided by windows to tell me where it's up to. This isn't the case with copying/moving - you should get file progress already. You're going to have to elaborate a bit more so I can figure out exactly what you want.
  9. Reopen the XML in wordpad and save it as unicode.
  10. It's taken ages and a lot of screwing around, but I've finally got a working GUI transparent plugin working Check out a screenshot.. For all you worried people... I have simple conditionals, documentation, and selectable display plugins to go. I *hope* to get it all working within a week. Which means it'll probably take two. XPlode 4 will get released in January. *back to being unproductive at work*
  11. To make the entity valid, you'd need to have a DTD. Which I'd prefer not to have to implement. Either make your own environment string for it, and use it elsewhere (docs coming soon.. I promise ), or be happy with entities being defined in the XML. As for include - it's screwing around with the rest of the execution of the program, so it's been omitted for the moment. I'll see what can be done with the other console output.
  12. I can possibly route the logging information to a console, if that's what you mean. As for conditionals - I haven't got the time to write a parser for such a thing, so you're out of luck. Unless you want to write an algorithm for me Simple conditionals based on env vars is a maybe, but anything more complex is going to be out of the question. What kind of conditionals would you be looking at? EDIT: This kinda what you were looking for?
  13. Wraith


    No offense, but you'll get better responses if you use english. At least, that's what'll be the case from me. You can wait for XPlode 4 documentation, because I'm NOT going to be rehashing stuff from XPlode 1.
  14. Can I get you to change XPlode so that it has: Website | Sub-forum | Screenshots Cheers.
  15. Wraith

    XPlode4 Teaser

    Okay, for people that can't get on IRC, I've set up a web interface for it: http://cgiirc.voidfx.com/irc.cgi PLEASE don't abuse this - it's quite heavy on resources. I've capped it at a maximum of 10 clients at a time, if it gets abused, I'll drop it to 0.
  16. Wraith

    XPlode4 Teaser

    That list doesn't (shouldn't) exist any more - that was back when I was running off the old server, and I haven't made a new one since changing webhosts. Normally that would've been where I asked, but seeing as it doesn't exist.... Maybe I'll make another one... EDIT http://xplode.voidfx.com/mailman/listinfo/...lode.voidfx.com
  17. Wraith

    XPlode4 Teaser

    Wow! Someone DID see behind it. You're not as dumb as you look! prathapml's right folks. I put those screenshots up in order to try and get some more testers, but alas, my thoughts that this would happen were wrong. Oh well. I go back to work today, and seeing as I haven't tracked down the problems with the display plugin, a release is going to have to wait.
  18. Wraith

    XPlode4 Teaser

    You can choose the font colours - the background is a PNG with alpha channel. Of course, you could make your own...
  19. Wraith

    XPlode4 Teaser

    Just thought I'd show you guys what will probably be coming with XPlode4... Check the last three Screenshots Surely that should stir at least some interest
  20. Going to release in an hour or two... ANYONE with Server2003 able to test?
  21. If you don't know what XPlode is, check the website, forum, or screenshots. If you feel like being a nice person, I wouldn't mind if it you did a test of the old version now, and got on IRC if you get either of the following errors. A special request for someone that can test with Server2003 - it has been the most frequent error-generator ---------------------------------------------------- This goes out to the people that apply: If you have problems loading the following plugins: Registry FSops Add User OR If you have problems loading XPlode with: The application failed to initialize properly (0xc00000005). Click OK to terminate the application. I need people with either one of those problems to go on IRC ASAP. XPlode4 is nearing a release and I'd like to iron out these bugs if they exist before I do so. irc.voidfx.com / #XPlode The reason why I want IRC is because I'll be releasing test versions every few minutes, if there's somebody there to test stuff for me. PM's and emails are just too slow. So don't bother PM'ing me if you want to help, get on IRC. I'll be telling people they can wait until the final release if they post here or via PM. I'll only allow myself to spend today on them, so if they're not resolved by the end of the day, I'm not going to look into it further. Mods: Sorry about the double post in diff forums, but I know that some people have stopped using XPlode due to stagnation in development. I figure I might be able to get some of the people from here, if they frequent this forum more than XPlode's.
  22. This goes out to the people that apply: If you once had problems loading the following plugins: Registry FSops Add User OR If you once had problems loading XPlode with: The application failed to initialize properly (0xc00000005). Click OK to terminate the application. I need people with either one of those problems to go on IRC ASAP. XPlode4 is nearing a release and I'd like to iron out these bugs if they exist before I do so. irc.voidfx.com / #XPlode The reason why I want IRC is because I'll be releasing test versions every few minutes, if there's somebody there to test stuff for me. PM's and emails are just too slow. So don't bother PM'ing me if you want to help, get on IRC. I'll be telling people they can wait until the final release if they post here or via PM. I'll only allow myself to spend today on them, so if they're not resolved by the end of the day, I'm not going to look into it further.
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