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Everything posted by cro-man

  1. Hi davoodking, Here is a nice ,simply and fast tool to compress dll and exe (convert windows dll to dl_ or exe to ex_) This utility allows you to drag and drop any file to it's window and have it run modifype and makecab with the LZX compression at it's highest setting (equivalent to the compression used on the Windows CD) on the file. The file is compressed and written to the same filename in the same location with an underscore replacing the last character in the filename. Please readt the instructions! DOWNLOAD
  2. Cheerz N1K 1680x1050 At Megaupload
  3. Thanks for posting, definitely put a smile on my face.
  4. SmartStartMenu helps you to clean up your desktop and 'Quicklaunch' toolbar by reducing your dependencies on them. SmartStartMenu helps you to reduce clutter on your taskbar by eliminating the need for the 'Address' toolbar. SmartStartMenu can also be used like the 'Run' command. With a little tweaking of your 'Start' menu you can configure ANY program, document, folder, or website to be opened by any two or three letter key-stroke that you want. To use SmartStartMenu you simply type a few letters of criteria and then select the list item that you want to open (or just press the 'Enter' key if the item is already selected) and the item is started just as if you had selected it from the 'Start' menu. It is actually VERY simple. With SmartStartMenu you can type commands like "control" or "notepad c:\mydocument.doc", path names such as "c:\Program Files" or "\\COMPUTERNAME1\share1", and web site addresses. DOWNLOAD
  5. AmitySource Userbar Generator is an easy-to-use program for generating unique and attractive userbars. With it you can create nice-looking userbar within five minutes and without any technical or artistical knowledge. It has everything you need for creating personal userbars: you can choose colors, special effect, pattern, a glow effect, an overlay image for your composition. AmitySource Userbar Generator allows to save the created userbar in different popular formats. DOWNLOAD
  6. Basic Nurbs Modeling Model a Helmet http://www.studioexistence.com/sections/Tu.../Helmet%201.htm Modeling A Head using Nurbs-Poly Technique http://www.3dm-mc.com/tutorials/maya/head/ Basic Curves http://www.animagraph.com.br/DeathBrain/Ba...ve_tutorial.htm Spiral Modeling http://www.christerb.com/tutorials/maya_mo...iral/index.html Braid Modeling http://www.christerb.com/tutorials/maya_mo...raid/index.html Creating Smooth Wireframes with Maya http://members.shaw.ca/visjes/tutorials/smoothwireinmaya/ Modeling a Spaceship http://www.ckk.chalmers.se/tutorials/maya/Pages/Lesson5.html Fish Modeling http://members.aon.at/bulletin/sushi/ Modeling a Webcam http://www.io.tudelft.nl/id-studiolab/comp...cam/webcam.html How to make rounded corners with nurbs http://www.gmask.com/tutorials/corners/corners.shtml Avanced Nurbs Modeling Modeling a Speed Boat http://www.animagraph.com.br/DeathBrain/sp...at_tutorial.htm Car Tire http://www.animagraph.com.br/DeathBrain/Mo...re_tutorial.htm Steering Wheel with Maya http://www.animagraph.com.br/DeathBrain/Mo...el_Tutorial.htm Sport Car Seat http://www.animagraph.com.br/DeathBrain/Mo...torial_main.htm Car Wheel Rim http://www.animagraph.com.br/DeathBrain/Mo...el_tutorial.htm Circular Fillet and Trim Modeling http://www.animagraph.com.br/DeathBrain/Mo...im_Tutorial.htm Its all in the Eyes http://www.3dluvr.com/rogueldr/tutorials/eye/eyes.html http://www.edharriss.com/tutorials/tutoria...eye_english.htm http://users.tinyworld.co.uk/steven_tubbri...stic_Eye_01.htm Basic Polygon Modeling Tennisball Modeling http://www.christerb.com/tutorials/maya_mo...ball/index.html Twist Modeling http://www.christerb.com/tutorials/maya_mo...wist/index.html Advanced Polygon Modeling Modeling an F1 Ferrari http://www.3dm-mc.com/tutorials/ferrari/ Subaru WRX http://www.gmask.com/tutorials/wrx_tutoria.../tutorial.shtml Nissan 350's tutorial http://www.cgtalk.com/showthread.php?p=1351828 Head Modeling http://www.maya3d.dk/Tutorials/HeadModeling/Intro.htm Ford Focus Tutorial http://www.3dm-mc.com/tutorials/maya/car/ Terrains in Maya Part I http://www.cgrenaissance.com/index.php?page=terrain Terrains in Maya Part 2 - Sloping Terrains http://www.cgrenaissance.com/index.php?page=terrain2 Modeling Using Connect Poly Shape http://www.highend3d.com/maya/tutorials/xen/ Head Modeling Tutorial http://www.thehobbitguy.com/tutorials/poly...ling/index.html Subdivision Surface Modeling Modeling Head using Sub-Di Techniques http://www.yiqunchen.com/publications/images/article1.jpg SubDivision Surfaces http://plissken.fatalunity.com/tutorials/subdiv/ Creating A 3D Ear http://users.tinyworld.co.uk/steven_tubbri.../T_S_Ear_01.htm Head Modeling http://www.secondreality.ch/tutorials/modelling/head.html Modeling of a Human http://www.highend3d.com/global/tutorials/subdmodel/page1.3d Rendering/Material Tutorials Maya Rendering Techniques http://smorigin.scm.cityu.edu.hk/intranet/...wTos/index.html Jittered Tiles http://www.digitalartform.com/archives/200...ered_tiles.html Maya & Mental Ray Volume Scattering http://www.jhavna.net/scatter/ Mental Ray Depth of Field http://www.jozvex.com/tutorials/dof.html Making Water Shader http://renderfast.com/tutorials/water/ Toon Shader http://www.fenriz.org/projects/maya/index.php Glossy Reflections http://www.jozvex.com/tutorials/glossy.html A full tutorial for DGS shaders http://www.highend3d.com/boards/showthread...&sb=&o= Realistic Reflections - Fresnel and HDRI http://www.cgrenaissance.com/index.php?page=Fresnel Hand Texturing http://artur.bluemoon.ee/cg/?dir=tutorials%2Fhand_texturing Camer Projection http://www.a3d.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/maya/c...projection.html Painting on 3D Objects http://www.personal.rdg.ac.uk/~sir01rw/msc...D%20Objects.htm Material & light tutorial http://www.io.tudelft.nl/id-studiolab/ide5...ial2_online.php UV Mapping in Maya http://freelance-animation.com/newwebpage/.../uvmapping.html Using Physical DOF lensshader http://www.worldofmaya.com/t_mrdof.html Human Skin Shading http://www.androidblues.com/shadetut.html Real HDRI with MR for Maya! http://www.highend3d.com/boards/showflat.p...o=14&fpart= Non Photo Realistic Shading in Maya http://www.3dtotal.com/ffa/tutorials/maya/...tic_shading.asp Breath Vapor Simulation in Maya http://www.digitalproducer.com/2001/11_nov...mayabreath.htm# Car Headlights / Misc Lamps http://www.animagraph.com.br/DeathBrain/Sh...a_car_light.htm Mental Ray Caustics http://www.jhavna.net/main.php?page=ref_caustics Randomly Shuffled Texture Tiles http://www.digitalartform.com/archives/200...mly_shuffl.html Animation/Rigging Tutorials Simple Animated Chain Tutorial http://www.alloypictures.com/HTML/ChainTutorial.htm Character Rigging Tutorial http://accad.osu.edu/~mderksen/tutorials/index.html Character Setup http://staff.ci.qut.edu.au/~barkerc/Final%...te/panindex.htm Character Rigging - PDF file http://www.subvoicestudios.com/CharRig101-JakeCallery.pdf Isolating bone Movement with Constraints http://home.cogeco.ca/~cgchris/Tutorials/h...traintpage1.htm Basic Face Rig Tutorial http://www.poopculture.com/dave/facetut/ Animating Tank Treads http://www-viz.tamu.edu/courses/tutorials/...resentation.htm Creating Easily Animatable Tank Treads http://www.noir.org/tutorials/Xen%20Wildma...t/treadtut.html Animating a Wheel http://www.lostpencil.com/wheelie.html Rigging of Cane-Toad http://www.cane-toad.com/tuteRig_Overview.htm Character Rigging for Maya http://www.spatiallight.net/tutorialsPage/jointTut.html Rigging A Vehicle http://www.gignews.com/kappmarch02.htm Specific Tutorials How to create DNA http://www.xfrogdownloads.com/Walli/mayatutorials/DNA/ How to create a Flower http://www.xfrogdownloads.com/Walli/mayatu...1/flower01.html gpExport - A Maya Exporter http://florian.loitsch.com/gpExport/ solve non manifold polygonal boolean operations http://kursatturkay.port5.com//maya/tutori...torial_list.htm NURBS- Artery with Maya http://www.3d-corner.net/eng_tutorial_artery1.html Mechanical Stairs http://members.tripod.com/llobera/tutorials/tutorials.html Low-Poly/SubD To Nurbs Conversion - A Tongue http://users.tinyworld.co.uk/steven_tubbrit/Tongue.htm Hydraulic Cylinder Setup http://www.gmask.com/tutorials/Hydraulic.pdf MEL - How to http://www.ewertb.com/maya/mel/ Hair/Fur Tutorials Using Softbodies and PaintFX to create dynamic hair http://www.gmask.com/tutorials/hairtut/hairtut.shtml Digital Hair http://www.menithings.com/manual/Tilt_Hair_01.php?action=how Using Fur to create a "BrushStroke" effect http://www.poopculture.com/chris/styles/tutor/paint_tut.html PaintFX Hair - Getting Started http://www5.domaindlx.com/htutorial/ Maya Fur: Adding Fur to the Tennisball http://www.christerb.com/tutorials/maya_mo...ball/extra.html Dynamics/Particles Tutorials Dynamics Tutorial http://www.visualart.ro/tutorials/cablu/cablu.htm Particles http://caad.arch.ethz.ch/info/maya/manual/...icles.doc2.html Websites With Various Tutorials http://smorigin.scm.cityu.edu.hk/intranet/...docs/index.html http://homepages.nyu.edu/~pdr206/sitefolder/tuts.html http://www.aliaswavefront.com/eng/communit...als/index.jhtml http://www.simplymaya.com/ http://www.simplymaya.com/movie_pages/cate...mhtml?cat_id=23 http://www.learning-maya.com http://www.digital-tutors.com/digital_tuto...y.php?vcat=mmod http://www.3dbuzz.com/ http://www.christerb.com/tutorials.html http://www.formula2complex.de/ http://www.scottsworkshop.com/ http://www.maxschoenherr.de/animation/Maya...t/pitIndex.html http://www.3dmaxer.dk/tutorial.asp?ak=666&type=maya http://www.caligraphics.dk/id2.php?content=tutorials.php http://www.ice.org/tutorials.php http://www.3d-palace.com/ http://sander0105.bigasp.net/ http://www.goat.com/alias/shaders.html http://www-viz.tamu.edu/courses/tutorials_copy.htm http://users.design.ucla.edu/~cariesta/May...body_index.html http://caad.arch.ethz.ch/info/maya/manual/MasterIndex.html http://www.visualart.ro/learning.htm http://www.cane-toad.com/tutorials.htm http://www.kolve.com/mt_overview/tutorials.htm http://www.maya3d.dk/links/tutorials/ http://avl.etsu.edu/Intranet/resources/polys/poly.html http://cade.scope.edu/courseware/notes/phenomena/ http://www.worldofmaya.com/index_2d.html http://www.jozvex.com/tutorials.html http://www.creativecow.net/show.php?forumi.../tutorials.html http://www.mtmckinley.net/ http://www.3dtreat.com/index.htm http://www.mtmckinley.net/tutorials.html http://www.web3dservice.com/maya_tutorials.html http://www.find.com.au/tutorials/3dsoftware/maya/ http://www.rhonda.com/Maya_TopTen_intro.html http://www.tutorialzone.de/tutorials.php?k...bkategorie=maya http://www.3dguidemagazine.com/ http://www.thegnomonworkshop.com/tutorials/tutorials.html http://www.highend3d.com/maya/tutorials/ http://www.zoorender.com/html/tutorials.htm http://www.3dcafe.com/asp/tutalias.asp http://www.ckk.chalmers.se/tutorials/maya/...rialLevel1.html
  7. E-mail ID ????. never heard.
  8. Nice tweak for an icon free desktop! Thanks!
  9. Here is my collection of handwriten fonts: Screenshot of a part of it FONTS
  10. -AdAware -Nod 32 -CCleaner -HijackThis -Killbox and I just test Ewido Anti-Spyware, seems to be good..
  11. Hi slimzky, I uploaded it on Megaupload,if you can`t download from there,give me an uploadlink from where you can download. NetFrameworks
  12. Microsoft has created a test drive website to allow people to tinker with Windows Vista before they decide to purchase the software. The online test drive is powered by Microsoft Virtual Server Labs and requires at least IE6, enabled Javascript browser, and installation of Virtual Server VRMC Advanced Control ActiveX control. TEST HERE
  13. Hi spidercop, This is part of the Display Panning CPL Extension which I think is associated with panning files that are larger than can be displayed on your screen. This seems to be a pretty common entry and it doesn't seem like the file being missing really causes any problems.
  14. Xoomer is a fully resizable magnification program that displays current cursor location as well as RGB and HEX color information of the current pixel. Features include: Various magnification factors from 1/2 up to 30x Smart Update feature to only update the display when the mouse is moved Normal or Always On Top mode Fully resizable - make it as big or as small as you need Current mouse position is displayed in X and Y coordinates Current pixel is outlined in a red rectangle for easy placement Current pixel color is shown in RGB and HEX Bottom band displays the current pixel color in a larger area Right-click menu allows easy zooming and configuration The +/- keyboard keys can also be used to make it zoom in and out The SPACE or RETURN keys can be used to pause or resume screen updates The CTRL-C key combination can be used to copy color information to the clipboard No risk install: the uninstaller removes everything - files, directory, registry entries Xoomer
  15. Cheerz. Vista drive icons Drive Icons
  16. Cheerz nuhi,i just saw the update. I'm going to try this new version today thx a lot for your great work
  17. cro-man

    XPero's utilities

    Hi XPero, Thanks a lot for your EXCELLENT work. cro-man
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