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Everything posted by Inferi0r
* removed Check the new SOF on page 6
Hey! Thanks for the update man I've tested the new version and founds something At first I compress my unpacked driver with v2007.07.17. At second I grab the driver that I use now, with DriverGrabber from Siginet, and then I've compressed it with v2007.07.17. The maps were exactly the same except a few multilanguage files (not all multilanguage files!). I think this files will be used for the installation procedure of helpfiles. List of files: - nv3dNLD.chm - nvcplnld.chm - NVCPNL.HL_ - nvdspNLD.chm - nvmobNLD.chm - NVRSNL.dll - nvwcpnl.hl_ - nvwrsnl.dll You must know my current installed driver is also multilanguage and installed on the normal way. So if its normal that I miss these files, then they can removed with DrvComp also, or not? For a reason I don't understand I can't use this drive compressor to test of there are maybe other things that can removed. Maybe you can test it? I think i understand the problem in general. At first is hard to find the right regfiles (but that can the user do by himself) and at second it is often hard to convert regfiles to .inf on the right way. So I've searched and founded a program that can do that. Here is the Reg2Inf converter from n7Epsilon. The source code is included in the zip file, to make it easy. But its your program and time. Its just a linkage to help you.
Is there a normal desktop on the world that can cache that?
Thanks for the Dutch :
Take a look here. This batch file deletes unneeded helpfiles (of all: all options are optional ) and more unneeded files I have checked it and found all the settings of my sound driver in the register. So, that must not to be too difficult. Standard setting of my EAX-console is without Stereosurround. The sounds is without real crap. And the driver will be only installed for Creative Audigy SE Windows XP (Dutch) soundcards. So, if I had more pc's with the exactly that card and OS, I want on that pc surround sound. And keep in mind, give users choice with the optional option to integrate current settings. If you don't want; you don't get. I've checked it and saw that every program has an apart folder and an apart inf file. That why the driver is so little. Now i integrate it in nLite in 4 parts. It would be nice if i can make it one, but yeah I think I need a Dutch Control Panel.
Wow I like this very much. Its working on multilanguage drivers From the readme: Thats mean to keep the WHQL driver signing? Maybe is it possible to add a functional option to the program to remove helpfiles from drivers. Most people don't use offline helpfiles. 2th: this program would be perfectly if there is an option to add the current settings of your drivers (like device control etc.) to the compressed driver on an easy way. Maybe it sounds to hard. My 93.71_forceware_winxp2k_international_whql is unpacked 66 MB and compressed 20,7 MB. But my Creative SBA_PCDRV_LB_1_04_0061 is unpacked 64,8 MB and compressed 3,13 MB. Is this normal? Of lose I my Creative EAX-Console, Creative Soundssettings and Creative Device Control? Thats no problem if i can add my current settings for my sound driver of these 3 programs in the compressed driver as I say. Thanks in advantage
Wow man! very nice work. But i keep yours
I've found a very advanced 'SOF' With this very useful installer (in every language) en program you can set every firefox setting that you can see in about:config. @G3brown: you are asking for no prompt for unsigned extensions. Add this to your prefs.js: user_pref("extensions.checkCompatibility", false);
[Discontinued] iTunes without QuickTime
Inferi0r replied to Shark007's topic in Application Installs
Thanx man. Is it hard to make an installer in you own language, using your multilanguage version and your english version? Have i then only delete the right files and registry rows with orca? -
Thanx man! keep the good work. "SHORTCUT: Programs\Internet" Why not Programs\Skype ?
[Help] WinRAR (customized settings) & Daemon Tools
Inferi0r replied to biatche's topic in Application Installs
For WinRAR: Install a regfile before installing WinRAR like this one: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ; Settings for WinRAR Icons on Desktop, All Programs and Start Menu [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WinRaR\Setup\Links] "Desktop"=dword:00000001 "Programs"=dword:00000001 "StartMenu"=dword:00000000 ; Settings for WinRAR context menu [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WinRaR\Setup\MenuItems] "AddArc"=dword:00000001 "Addto"=dword:00000001 "Convert"=dword:00000000 "EmailArc"=dword:00000000 "EmailOpt"=dword:00000000 "Extr"=dword:00000001 "ExtrHere"=dword:00000000 "ExtrSep"=dword:00000000 "ExtrTo"=dword:00000001 "OpenSFX"=dword:00000001 "Test"=dword:00000000 ; Settings for WinRAR file associations [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WinRaR\Setup\.7z] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WinRaR\Setup\.ace] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WinRaR\Setup\.arj] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WinRaR\Setup\.bz] ;etc. -
I'm using this, at me working commands: regsvr32 -u -s "%PROGRAMFILES%\MSN Messenger\fsshext.8.1.0178.00.dll" DEL /s /Q "%USERPROFILE%\My Docs\My Sharing Folders.*" Helps that?
Possible in the follow version, now it installs automatically there Slowly and not enough silent install options
Sorry, I was on hollday Here is the new improved installer, happy painting
This installer is without the long during last screen where the installer say: 'Optimizing performance for your system.' What means: 'Click on the PayPal button.' Because there is no optimizing. Also are the extra packages removed. At last is this installer a much more configurable, for example you can install an bureauaccessoires icon instead of the standard Windows Paint and the Dutch language file is included. Paint.NET [Normal] You can use this switches: (Disable a task through placing a '!' for that task) Other commands: Current version: 3.8 (Build 2708.22782) Final Latest version: First Mirror - Second Mirror MD5: 2C29E8C52D8CFB4671C26F113DFD1950 Size: 1,63MB Paint.NET [by default Full Silent] Used Switches: (the tasks are default) Current version: 3.8 (Build 2708.22782) Final Latest version: First Mirror - Second Mirror MD5: C5393F9C3408B22AF423EF64D059D3D9 Size: 1,72MB Regards, Inferi0r
I have used the hard directory structure C:\Program Files\Foxit Reader You like the %programfiles% variable?
Foxit Reader and addons updated to version 2.0 Build 1316
How to make a 7-Zip Switchless Installer
Inferi0r replied to keytotime's topic in Application Installs
7-Zip 4.44 alpha 2 released. Works fine 7-Zip 4.44 alpha 2 for 32-bit Windows: 7-Zip 4.44 alpha 2 for 64-bit Windows x64: -
I have installed all the versions of XPize for the last months I had never this fail, also not by 4.5.1 but now i have also
Thank you Shark You are very fast
VSO Image Resizer opens webpage when installed.
Inferi0r replied to ajua's topic in Application Installs
Yeah right Inno Don't think if you compile the inno script if you have removed the line that you have the orginal installer, you have lost much things, if you want.. I can make tommorrow a new one ? -
that's nice work benners
All the install paths of my program begins with "%WPIPATH%/Install Is it possible to make a option in options where you can set your standard installpath ?
I'm for a few years in a MOHAA clan and can say you many players has your problem. There are different solutions for: Sometimes you must update your driver.. Sometimes you must use this patch: Link removed And for some people is the reason: They use a resolution that's not supported by MOHAA
Foxit Reader - 2.0 Build 1316 (3,99 MB) This Inno Installer includes Dutch, English and German languages and it installs only the language of your pc. GDI Module for an higher quality for graphics, Help Documentation and a pluggin for Javascript Support are also included. Use the following command for a full silent install: FoxitReader.exe /VERYSILENT /COMPONENTS=HelpFile,GDIPlus,JavaScript /TASKS=desktopicon,quicklaunchicon Other commands: /DIR="x:\dirname" (Default: C:\Program Files\Foxit Reader) /GROUP="folder name" (Default: Foxit Reader) /NOICONS (= Don't install a StartMenu Folder) DOWNLOAD Malarky,