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Everything posted by Inferi0r

  1. An hour ago I came back from my second vacation with schoolmates. I'll upload the pictures and clips soon (they are a lot of more funnier )
  2. Yes... you need the reg-entries first (or sometimes are there ini files in the program directory). Then take a look here, for how to create your installer.
  3. Really good XPero. vLite and Vize....not bad
  4. Updated and improved. Full silent one also available!
  5. Just take a look in MSFN's RegTweaks Collection. All nLite tweaks and many more. I would suggest to add more registry tweaks to Nlite, but as newsposter is that not where Nuhi is on concentrated.
  6. Added [23-08-07] SaveVideoDownload videodl Video.qooqle DownThisVideo Online Converters: Media-Convert Offline Converters: SUPER VLC (also media player) Review created
  7. It's all about Download, (Convert) and Watch. Best Downloader: Of the Firefox extensions is absolutely Unplug the best tool. Its supports all known media sites (what some of the other extensions also do), but Unplug scans the page and if it doesn't know there the data comes from it can guess. The guess function works most time like a charm. The extension can use extern websites like KeepVid and VideoDownloader to get better results. Also is there a FlashBlock workaround included and there is support for DownThemAll!. At last is there an option to play the media directly in your favorite media player of to stream (and save it) with VLC. I'm sure no it's not needed to use an extern program, or pay for a program, but later I will check this options. About all the sites, I would go for VideoDownloader.net (check the supporting list in this post). I'm haven't checked all the sites that VideoDownloader must support so discussion about this is possible. If you're going for the easiest solution, go for the All-In-One Video Bookmarklet. Just add the bookmark to your favorites. If you want to download a video from a site click an you bookmark, and the All-In-One Video Bookmarklet will give you the download links. It's supporting most sites, but not so many as VideoDownloader. You must know that video download sites using scripts like this bookmarket. The only different thing is that sites involves third party interaction. Best Converter: There are download sites that can also convert, but it's not so good as the regular converting sites. Sure is that Media-Convert supports most inputs and outputs (check the supporting list in this post). Also is it not needed to pay for a converter. Can anyone give a link to a better converter then SUPER (check the supporting list in this post)? An other option is to watch the downloaded video's directly in you media player. You can use VLC Media Player (so you don't need codecs), or just use a codec pack like the Vista Codec Package. So you can watch all media files in your favorite media player. Two-In-One Solution: I know only one Firefox extension which can download and convert. It's working, so if you like Ivy Video Converter Extension, use it. I've see really interesting extern programs, but I'm not sure of it's good enough to pay for, so I will later check this options. The best site I come across is ZAMZAR. Files up to 100MB in size (check the supporting list in this post). VideoDownloader.net supporting list: (still growing) Media-Convert supporting list: (still growing) SUPER supporting list: (still growing) ZAMZAR supporting list: (still growing)
  8. Hello. Welcome here! Never seen a real Dutch from another country
  9. Relative are there many Dutch people in the Unattended shizzle. So...you too welcome here. It looks like you have enough experience and that is what we need Share it!
  10. I'm busy with school...but will update my version soon as possible. Within a week sure!
  11. Firefox extensions: dowint.NET Download Embedded (only for embedded objects) DownloadHelper (also for embedded objects) Fast Video Download GetVideo Google Video Downloader Ivy Video Converter Extension (also converter) Media Pirate Ook? Video Ook! PBreak 2.6 dowint.NET UnPlug (all media files) Video Download VideoDownloader * MediaPlayerConnectivity (Allow you to launch embed video of website in an external application with a simple click) Programs: Ares Tube (browser) BPS YouTube Google Video Grabber $20 ImTOO YouTube Video Converter $29 KeepV My Video Downloader $30 Orbit Downloader (also download manager) TubeSucker VDownloader VideoGet $20 Xilisoft YouTube Video Converter $35 ZillaTube $30 Sites: dlThis dltube DownThisVideo FLvix.com (also converter) Hey! Watch (also converter) Kcoolonline KeepV KeepVid KissYouTube MediaConverter (also converter) SaveVideoDownload SaveTube Video.qooqle videodl VideoDownloader VidGrab Vidtaker Vixy (also converter) YouTube Downloader YouTubeX YouTubia Zamzar (also converter) Others: All-In-One Video Bookmarklet All-In-One Video Script Online Converters: Media-Convert Offline Converters: SUPER VLC (also media player) New Concept: MaroonBox! I'm still collecting... After that can I say what the best option is.
  12. This would be a nice list. I'm always looking for better. Let's look for the BEST All-In-One. KeepVid.com Supported list: (still growing) Google Youtube Break.com iFilm Putfile ------ Angry Alien ArtistDirect Blastro Blennus Blip.tv Bofunk Bolt Castpost Current TV Dailymotion DevilDucky FindVideos Free Video Blog Grinvi grouper Hiphopdeal LuluTV Metacafe Midis.biz Music.com MusicVideoCodes.info Myspace MySpace Video Code Newgrounds PcPlanets Pixparty REVVER sharkle StreetFire That Video Site The One Network VideoCodes4U VideoCodesWorld VideoCodeZone vidiLife VIDNET.com Vimeo vSocial Web62.com ZippyVideos
  13. Oh Alex you mean for your own version. Sorry I was wrong reading. Just add this: [Setup] AllowNoIcons=yes For automatically NOICONS must I take a look.
  14. nero- /VERYSILENT /NOICONS Other commands (not sure of all supported): /DIR="x:\dirname" (Default: C:\Program Files\Nero) /GROUP="folder name" (Default: Nero) /NOICONS (Don't install a StartMenu Folder) Here you see all the available components and tasks, but I'm not sure they all working anymore. They are a little outdated.
  15. Hi Alex I've also asked that here. My Inno setups are always created with /NOICONS but I'm not sure of Acheron this also used. Task and components switches are also visible when in the install_script.iss (by unpacking the Inno setup). But Acheron is using the latest Inno Compiler and the latest is still not supported by InnoUNP. Acheron can you give the switches please?
  16. You can also read my Guide. This is the new 7z SFX Tutorial, with new information. Here you're reading about how to make automatic a shortcut with your installer. This parameters: Should work
  17. Here can you find a lot of the people which are creating the unpackers (releases are posted). Registration required. REZiriz v1.0 [08/16/07] [*] Unpacking Eziriz .NET Reactor v3.3.0.1 [*] Unpacking Eziriz .NET Reactor v3.2.4.6 [*] Unpacking Eziriz .NET Reactor v3.2.0.6 [*] Unpacking Eziriz .NET Reactor v3.2.0.0 [*] Unpacking Eziriz .NET Reactor v3.1.0.0 Site Author Download For testing: the original installer of Eziriz protector. ArmaDetach v1.3 [07/20/07] [*] Unpacking Armadillo v3.78 to v5.00 Site Author (Check also this site for the very good other unpackers of apOx!) Download Forum Thread by apOx (creator) himself Forum Thread for all existing Armadillo unpackers (for other version). RL!dePeCompact 2.x Unpacker [*] Unpacking PeCompact v2.x versions Site Author Download For testing: Everest Poker.net Another example one of his very great programs. It's RL!dePacker 1.4. One thing: most time it makes only an unpacked.exe also for completely normal files. Maybe Nitro know what to do with it. Supporting list: aUS [Advanced UPX Scrambler] 0.4 - 0.5 ASPack 1.x - 2.x ASPack Scrambler 0.1 ASDPack 2.0 AHPack 1.x AlexProtector 1.x ARMProtector 0.x BJFNT 1.3 BeRoEXEPacker 1.x BamBam 0.x CryptoPeProtector 0.9x Crunch x.x CodeCrypt 0.16x dot Fake Signer 3.x dePack eXPressor 1.2.x - 1.5.x EZip 1.0 EP Protector 0.3 Escargot 0.x EXEStealth 2.x ExeSax 0.9x FSG 1.xx & 2.0 Fusion x.x Goat's PE Mutilator 1.6 hmimys-Packer 1.x Hmimys PePack 1.0 HidePX 1.4 HidePE 2.1 ID Application Protector 1.2 JDPack 1.x JDProtect 0.9 Just Another Pe Packer 0.5 KByS Packer 0.2x Krypton 0.x LameCrypt 1.0 MEW 1.x mkfpack NackedPack 1.0 nSPack 2.x - 3.x nPack 1.x NeoLite 1.x - 2.0 NWCC OrIEN 2.1x PECompact 1.x - 2.x PeX 0.99 PC Shrink 0.71 Polyene 0.01 PackMan & 1.0 PE Diminisher 0.1 PolyCrypt PE 2.1.5 PeTite 1.x PEStubOEP 1.6 PELockNT 2.x PePack 1.0 PC PE Encryptor alpha PackItBitch PEncrypt 4.0 PEnguinCrypt 1.0 PeLockNt 2.x PeLock 1.0x PESHiELD 0.25 Perplex PE-Protector 1.x PeTite 1.0 - 1.3 PKLITE32 1.x RLP 0.6.9 - 0.7.x RLPack Basic Edition 1.x RLPack Modifier Edition 1.x ReCrypt 0.15 - 0.80 Stone`s PE Encryptor 2.0 StealthPE 2.1 Software Compress 1.x SPLayer 0.08 ShrinkWarp 1.4 SPEC b3 SmokesCrypt 1.2 Simple UPX-Scrambler SimplePack 1.x SLVc0deProtector 1.x tELock 0.x UPX 0.8x - 2.x UPXRedir UPXCrypt UPX Inkvizitor UPXFreak 0.1 UPolyX 0.x UPXLock 1.x UG Chruncher 0.x UPX-Scrambler RC 1.x UPX Protector 1.0x UPXs*** 0.06 & 0.0.1 UPXScramb 2.x VirogenCrypt 0.75 VPacker 0.02.10 WWPack32 1.x WinUPack 0.2x - 0.3x Winkript 1.0 yC 1.x yZPack 1.x - 2.x 32Lite 0.3a !EP (ExE Pack) 1.x [G!X]`s Protector 1.2 RL!dePacker does the job RL!dePacker does the job RL!dePacker does the job RL!dePacker does the job NOTE: not all packages are supported. Request: can you add support to type a password if a RAR file is password protect?
  18. Here the pictures of my 2 weeks during holiday from a week ago in Switzerland (Schweiz, Swiss). Not with my sisters and brothers but with other family. I will also later post pictures of my vacation next week with friends. More then 500 hundred video clips and photo's. Ever seen fireworks with a value of thousands euro's? This Europeans people do the job. Check the video's. Hmm.. You must also know of course who I am. Here and here. do you see the 16 year old Dutch boy. Don't laugh if some photo's are a little funny.
  19. Hey gora, Thanks man for this helpful information. I test this first then I report. See You
  20. Sorry gora... i was thinking that it was better don't post unneeded information, but I make a fault. Set local extension? Never heard about that. I'll take a look into it. Edit: I read here: So I don't understand why use SETLOCAL EnableExtensions, because I haven't disabled them.
  21. off: the red-white-blue combination of flags is favo here Hey Gora. Thanks for you documentation on the 7z SFX site and your support here! I see in the post above that you know everything about a 'wait' in 7z SFX. Now I have (and many people with me) the following problem. I use this parameters: SetEnvironment="Var2=%ProgramFiles%\\Mozilla Firefox\\extensions\\*.xpi" SetEnvironment="Var5=%ProgramFiles%\\Mozilla Firefox\\extensions" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd FOR /f %%i IN ('DIR /b /a-d \"%Var2%\"') DO \"%Var1%\" -install-global-extension \"%Var5%\\%%i\"" There are are some (2 or more) *.xpi (can't know and use the exactly names of the xpi's). The RunProgram could normally install every xpi which stored in the "ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\extensions" folder. But the problem is that there is not enough pause between each extension (xpi). So one or none extensions will be installed. The 'ping localhost methode' doesn't work at all...so do you know a solution? Thanks in advance.
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