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Everything posted by larciel

  1. this doesn't correct error for me . i just enabled audio player
  2. is it me or does everyone can't see bottom part of WPI when res is at 800x600 ?
  3. when moving mouse arror to 'music' icon in WPI how do i completely remove 'music' feature on wpi4.0 ? i disabled it in option but there is now 'x' box on the bottom where the WMP10 used to be placed at.
  4. that makes sense, thanks works perfectly
  5. prog[pn]=['MSN Messenger 7.0816 Patched'] uid[pn]=['MSNMESSENGER7BUILD0732BET'] picf[pn]=['.\\pic\\msn.jpg'] picw[pn]=['128'] pich[pn]=['128'] desc[pn]=['Microsoft Messenger Portal Program. Mess.be patched'] textl[pn]=['Bottom'] texti[pn]=['1'] cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\winapp\\MsnMsgs.msi /QB'] cmd2[pn]=['%CDROM%\\winapp\\MsnMsgs.cmd'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Internet'] pn++ 'pic' folder insider wpi folder that is inside my $1 folder in my UA_XP cd
  6. is that 'dot' supposed to be there at the beginning of the location of pic file? anyways, tried both with and w/out 'dot' and it still won't work i get the old 'x' mark box
  7. trying to show icons, but it doesn't show in wpi i've put the location of the icon file to my local HD. and file is there what extension does wpi support? jpeg only? or gif too?
  8. dyna, you shot the problem dead on will try, i think it'll work now thanks
  9. q quick question. i'm running programs from my CD (wpi is running from C:\) but after upgrading to wpi3.6.1 .. wpi looks for program .exe in C:\wpi\winapp folder. here's my wpi.cmd @ECHO OFF REM Example, how to look for CDROM-drive. Must have a file called WIN51 in its root. for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\WIN51 set CDROM=%%i: echo Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM% REM Determine the WPI startup path. REM if wpi should run off the cd the replace %~dp0 with %cdrom%. set wpipath=%~dp0 REM Hide this command window. %wpipath%\Tools\cmdow.exe @ /hid REM Force resolution to needed size for wpi interface. --start %wpipath%\Tools\VideoChanger.exe 1280x1024x32@85 -q REM Font installation - the smooth and customizable way. --start /wait %wpipath%\Tools\fonts\fontinstaller.exe REM Calling the Unnatended Audio Player rem --Start %wpipath%\Tools\Music\uap2.exe REM Special registry tweak needed. regedit /s "%wpipath%\common\wpi.reg REM Make WPI directory the current directory. for /f "delims=: tokens=1" %%i in ("%wpipath%") do %%i: cd "%wpipath%" REM Start WPI and wait for its end start /wait %windir%\system32\mshta.exe "%CD%\wpi.hta" REM Cleaning up the desktop. del /s/q "%userprofile%\desktop\*.lnk" IF EXIST %SystemDrive%\backup RD /S /Q %SystemDrive%\backup IF EXIST %SystemDrive%\wpi RD /S /Q %SystemDrive%\wpi IF EXIST %SystemDrive%\temp RD /S /Q %SystemDrive%\temp REM Rebooting the sytem to finalize the installation process. rem --shutdown.exe -r -f -t 10 -c "WPI will now reboot in 10 sec..." exit :end
  10. sis 7012 updated driver http://www.sis.com/download/agreement.php?id=155808
  11. if this trend keeps up, you should divide DP_Lan into two, one for all, and other just for the Marvel Yukon driver. lol
  12. found the culprit! my regional setting is set to default at 'Korean' and that was why it was having problems. i switched to English default and it is working fine. but i don't know what the difference in 3.5 and higher is causing problem, because i'm using old version fine with current IME setting. if you need Korean translation, i can surely help . i'd love to get updated version on my UAXP_CD
  13. followed every step you pointed, and still no workie. let me try one thing. brb 5min
  14. arg! the same error of 3.5 still exists for me
  15. so you have to extract the DP_.7z files first then burn it onto a cd . right?
  16. anyway i can change CAT 5.4 from your DP graphic a with CAT5.6 ?
  17. robocopy wasn't in the system32 folder, so i manually copied it there m2, don't keep drv. everything else works perfect
  18. holy.. tried integrating m2 w/ latest base and patch Fast Editor gave me error at the last step (setting up) i think and all the files in my UA_XP cd root is not erased.. quite a mess here.. hehe
  19. i just found the mess patch for msn.. what a great program ! . i found silent switch is /S .. but was wondering how i can customize which option to check during silent install .. if anybody has insight.. plz share w/ me tia
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