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Everything posted by BAM

  1. THNX, that is what i mean with some help!! looked over it really quick, i see that i need to do some really thinking with this, but it's a starter. Not exactly what i want, but what the heck, if i can make it work...i'm ok with it. First things first, girly wants me to do the washing part and the shopping for milk and so on... (she works now and i enjoy my vacation) After that i come back here and find out how to solve this HUGE (21inch) problem. hahaha Thnx again allready for ure reply.
  2. Just some little info for me: When i extracted the whole package, and wanted to replace the previous one, i saw that the ethernet dir had another extra besides the one i allready had! For ure info, i use the OEMpnpdriverspath. I removed the win2k drivers dir's, but in the ethernet directory i noticed that by now it has allready 3 directory's for winxp drivers, instead of 2 which i had before. Not only an NRM-dir, but also PreNRM-dir. So in order to manage those i want to know what do u REALLY use from the ethernet directory after extraction??
  3. Isnt there anybody who can help me out ?? Please give it a try, i ran out of options..
  4. Can u give us a small screenshot with that..? Perhaps its a permission thingy?
  5. hehe, its about time "bargoens" is coming up in this topic!! dan kunnen we nog eens iemand 'beseibelen'.. And yes, there is a dictionary for it.
  6. Hi u all, This one is a pain in the butt for a long time now! I did a search through the forum allready, but no info came available as far as i could see... Every thime when i have finished off an unattended install, with the OemPnPDriversPath for my drivers the only thing that doesn't seem to work is the drivers my monitor!!! Its driving me crazy by now. The monitor type is the 21inch IIyama Vision Master Pro 512. (HA202DT) I downloaded these drivers and put them in the right directory's etc etc. All my other drivers go well, but with this one i have go to my monitor properties, i will choose the driver to install, point at the drivers dir that was copied over during unattended install, and then point at the monitor dir. It shows the default AND the Vision Master Pro 512 there, with the yellow flag for not beeing digitally signed. My winnt.sif file has the following line: DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore Can anyone help me here or provide a good file that should work for me, because i can't get it to work. thnx in advance.
  7. @all of u, excuse my english. What i believe (or companies believe) is that they think: -Who is the big player on the market? -Who delivers the most (perhaps best) support? -And all that under warranties from 1 company? I discussed it once before with a big man from the banking business. (father in law ) And that is all he say'd..... that's what it is really about! That's why company's spend millions at microsoft: reliabilty from one company, not from a community! Home users are not the main thingy here to discuss ,we all know how many of you/us have illegal copies, so count them out, incl. Office copies. Count the amount of money they bring in for Microsoft now again.. Yeah, they do have unix based mainframes, but that's more about "we allready have it so lets keep using it". I feel it isn't so bad with the reliability and stability from Windows based systems anymore! So why should they leave the road they turned in?? Allright, Office suite's are bad and to expensive (except for the student discount) The freeware and cheaper apps perform even better! (lets all try the 30+ page scription with images and some default input for school in Office from microsoft... it crashes) But overall they don't deliver a bad OS anymore. So lets go in the mind of company, "why base it on open source, when we make good progress in delivering that what people CAN work with?" "When it works stable right now?" My gues would be: ure an id*** when do such things with a your company, when u have so MANY employees! EDIT: I doubt the cost for sysadmins when they have to maintain linux/unix or a Microsoft based system... Tell me: Will Linux/Unix be cheaper to maintain at this moment?
  8. Sorry, but the theme already has an *.theme file !! Well, the one i downloaded... When he puts it in the dir's i gave him before its copied over during install. IF he wants it to apply it through the WINNT.sif file he can just add the one provided with the theme. Secondly, youre right that should edit the .theme file if he wants another DEFAULT background. But in my opinion that was not wat he asked... he just wanted to bundle it. (You can always correct me if i'm wrong, so we don't have hard feelings )
  9. Hi Bullets, Simple solution: just throw them in your unattend XPcd It should look like this. $OEM$\$$\Resources\Themes Hope this will help you!
  10. @Glowy Ure right, normally the dutch kids get english from about 10 to 12 years old allready, so it wouldn't be a problem with just english. (****, stupid me id did a null vote...stupid me, should be dutch) By the looks of the poll this going to be a typically dutch / german game!! Lets vote dutch people, see what the germans do...
  11. You allready now what my favorite one is: Disconnect DSL line and do EVERYTHING at first logon through the XPlode proggie from Wraith. (only slipstreamed sp1a + hacked UXtheme) That way i can maintain it the easiest way without messing around with al those files from the i386 dir. And after that wait for SP2, test it and start all over again with the hotfix part.
  12. What means the: "espetado" way ??? And it was not my intention to point out lazy moods... sorry for that. Just wanted to help out a bit more.
  13. Hi Wraith, good to see ure doing a lot of good work again! But just a little thingy from me, i suffer the same thing... Pink colours in the guitransparent. Its no problem for me (except the that its PINK ) but just wanted to inform u that its there. I use mine at first logon, XPpro, sp1a slipstreamed. Perhaps of some use if u wanted to do something about it. grtz.
  14. Hi, just bumped in and willing to give u a hint.. For the OPK version you will find all you need/info here: MSFN-Official Unattend XP CD The redistributable can you find here: DX9redist When u use the /? u will get the strings to unpack it. ( thought it was: /c /T:<full path> ) From here i used it in my XPlode install with the following line: <item display='DirectX 9.0b'> <execute display='Installing DirectX...' program='%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Postinstall\Applications\DX9b\dxsetup.exe' arguments='/opk' /> </item> Hope this will help u on the way, because it doesn't give me any troubles at all! by the way when did a very small search, u would probably got the same result from other posts.
  15. Hi again Bâshrat, Hopefully to help u bit, here u can find a bunch of the Marvell drivers. station-drivers.com This site i just stumbled in and thought that i might be helpfull. (if u haven't allready found a better place) If so, perhaps u or someone else can provide me an adress of THE best place to look for drivers...!? Thnx in advance. EDIT: hmm the top dwonload does'nt look like they are the onboard gigabit drivers... So better forget this site, but i still cannot find official ones.
  16. This is something i'm going to like What about: Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T Adaptor !? These are standard onboard with my Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe mainboard. Looks good what ure doing here, keep up the nice work!
  17. U have a PM and it has the files u can use to test it! hear u later.
  18. No, he means only the UXtheme.dll But only the one u get when u updated and slipstreamed the xpcd. And than it should be the REAL one, not the hacked version. by the way, what says your winver? which build do you have? EDIT: missed ure last lines! hehe
  19. jrzycrim and myself should say: YW!
  20. Hi solidas, Mayby i can help you with a DUTCH version of a good and working patched UXtheme.dll To verify the version of Winxp u have just type at the command prompt: winver(start > uitvoeren) Then u will see what version and build your WinXP is. Write that down and i will see if we match up with the dutch version and provide u the files u may need. Including the default luna theme and so on. I check back here tomorrow for you. @ the others: Do u think that there is a difference between de localized windows versions and those files we are talking about?
  21. I used this one: -Navigate to ure Windows\System32 folder. -Remove or rename wuweb.dll. -After that remove the V5 folder from \Program Files\Windowsupdate\ Than go to: http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/en/default.asp and accept the installer again. If you just rename the dll file u can switch between V4 and V5 by just renaming!! This worked fine for me, so give it a try and share ure experience with us. EDIT: @jrzycrim, 2 people, almost same thingy!
  22. That's what i thought. So many language's available and no info whatever where to get an evaluation version. Since there are a whole bunch of dutch viewers here, i wanted to give it try this way. So i hope someone allready has the info i'm looking for.
  23. I've been looking all over the net and at the site of bitdefender. But i can't find anything about localized versions of this av prog. Does anybody know if there is a dutch version which i can try and see if this something for a few of my friends? I allways used norton/symantec, but it is starting to get annoying how much resources it uses. It becomes way too heavy for a lot of people who don't have the money ot buy themselves a huge machine! So, is there someone (maybe dutch) overhere that can help me out and has the answer if there is/not is a dutch version? thnx in advance.
  24. Well , i must say that over here at my newly unattend install i have exactly the same problem as you have! The "create new folder"button doesn't work but the right click option goes fine!!?? I did already gave up on this thing, so i'm very happy (?) to hear that i'm not the only one. This my custom cd, basically the same as Crusher: 1) registry tweaks 2) hacked uxtheme.dll 3) applications (only winrar3.3) 4) drivers 5) custom visual style Think this will be a hard one, because if this is caused by a registry tweak, there must be lots people on MSFN that suffer the same thing. That's because most of us use all the same regtweaks. I didn't found out why this happend so hopefully someone can help out to correct this very annoying little problem. RegTweaks.reg
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