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Everything posted by BAM

  1. Uhmmm.. Thhnx Alanoll! missed that one, was very busy for a while. XPDeploy looks very nice. Ill take a look at it when i have the time tonight. Will do some testing with it, and hope there won't be anything to contribute
  2. No problem, now 2 people are happy!
  3. When u are (like u said) a noob with unattend installs and like to get familiar with it, give it a try over here and make ure own installation: Unattend XPcd Or perhaps try it over here : Greenmachine's XPcreate Later on u will find the excellent XPLODE program from Wraith somewhere in the forum! Enjoy it.
  4. Hahaha, i will dig them up! thnx!
  5. @x86: that's what i allways did, but i want i unattend of course @Greenmachine: Aah! Why didn't i came up with that... stupid me! I use the Xplode tool from Wraith, so i can add it in there see how it's going to work foor all of my users. (my girlfriend incl.) Thanx a lot for ure fast reply! Uhh.. Greenmachine, while u are are here anyway, can u help me with 1 or 2 other reg's that didn't work for me in the past? Because there are so many post about it i don't which one's to take!
  6. Hi u all, I searched the whole site, but did't find what i was looking for. Can anyone help me with a registry setting to get a shortcut to Notepad in my Send To options when u right click an item!? Love it the most when i get it done for all users that logs on to my machine. Looked almost everywere but i would be VERY happy with that Thanks in advance.
  7. Sorry to dissapoint u ExtremeMaC, but i didn't go crazy on it!! About 2 weeks ago i used the asus life tool and it came up with the 1010 bios version. Like i already had found out manually. I let it downloading and flashing my mobo...with version 1010!! here is the result of a screendump from system info which i made for u: (EDIT: hope its not too big??) Perhaps u feel the urgent need to help me finding out WHY they withdraw the 1010 and stayed with 1008version !? I just want to know what was the purpose of doing that because i cant find any info for it on the net. Thnx already for the answers ure about to look up for me!
  8. Hi u all. Was browsing through the files at the Asus site for my mobo A7N8X-E Deluxe. Recently bought it and flashed the bios to version 1010. I looked everywhere but couldn't find an answer why version 1008 shows up as the last bios they provided!! I have it at the 1010 version, so can anyone tell me what happend with it? Bcause i cant find an answer anywere. Thnx in advance.
  9. BAM

    isnt there ne?

    U can get it over here at Wraith's site under: links > XPlode download archive: XPlode There u find the v.1.00 chm.
  10. Auwch... think this i gonna hurt the busy man... This is driving him nuts i guess. What about XPwraith ?!!
  11. Here u will find everything u ever needed to know... Unattended XP cd enjoy the food.
  12. Nice thought, i'm curious if this is gonna work... :rofl: Will you even be able to replace a COMPLETE registry? Let me know if it worked out for you!
  13. When i looked over ure sif file that's the only thing i could came up with! Implement yours like this: [unattended]UnattendMode=FullUnattendedOemSkipEula=YesOemPreinstall=YesTargetPath=\WINDOWSDriverSigningPolicy=Ignore OemPnPDriversPath="Drivers\ATI;Drivers\NVIDIA;Drivers\CMEDIA;Drivers\NIC;Drivers\SATA;Drivers\nForce\AudioDrv;Drivers\nForce\AudioUtl;Drivers\nForce\Ethernet;Drivers\nForce\GART;Drivers\nForce\MemCtl;Drivers\nForce\IDE;Drivers\nForce\SMBus"By the way, i didn't use the " at the begin and end, but it worked allright for me! Give it a go. ps. what town do u live ??
  14. I will look a bit more over there. But i think it's hopeless. Thnx anyway, Ure a nice guy! :punk:
  15. U can (must) correct me if i'm wrong!! If i'm correct: Enjoy it.
  16. Hi TeeDeck, I'm sorry too... I use at work Acad r14 , (money thing) but all the later on versions i already know that it didn't work. Let me explain a bit more what i want: When u are browsing in an browser like this page, u want to navigate from the top down to the bottom of the page. Like when u have a very large drawing or an exel sheet. Thats all i want from my wheel to do for me wen i ROLL with it. But this seems to be impossible with the **** mx700 and cad/cam. Those dummies at logitech can't make it work, even with an advanced mouse like this one. All the other mouses the ever made are operating with this simple funtion. I'm using the latest drivers version 9.79. As for all the other functions i use them like u do (did): no scrollbars and so on. Untill i bought me this mouse... (going crazy over here by now) I also have an 21 inch monitor, which i bought me at home because i had a desillusion when i came home and saw my 17 inch thingy. Thanks a lot for ure help, i understand that it didn't work for u as well. Have one on me! :beer: If there is anybody out there in this universe where it works: HELP ME WITH MY MX700 SIMPLE SCROLLWHEEL IN AUTOCAD PLEASE !!
  17. Have done that and did a lot more... I'm already happy if the wheel works. Making drawings and scrolling with the scrollbar is not a nice thing to do. Hope u have a solution for me. I will be very, very happy with it. edit: Tell me, Which driver version are u using and what pointer is specified under the preferences?
  18. Thnx for ure reply TeeDeck, I just want to scroll up and down in my drawings with my wheel (and if possible with the two buttons under and above it) I use the other zoom functions from my toolbars. so no zoom in/out or pan. It seems to be a problem everywhere when people buy the F#*$ mx700 and use it with autocad. They said its solved with the latest drivers and provide even a little tool at logitech. But my wheel seems to be dead only when used in Acad. I really need some big time help with it!
  19. Come on guys, There must be someone who had the same problems with CAD/CAM software and the mx700....??
  20. Hi u all, I'm having some trouble with my new MX700 mouse under autocad. I didn't knew or expected this kind of behavior, but i found out it doesn't scroll when u use it within autocad!!?? I looked al over the inet and didn't find a solution. At logitech they know about the problem, but those solutions aren't working in any way. It works perfect under every other program but not in the **** autocad. I did try latest drivers and tools they provided, no luck with that. So please help me out here, because i reallly like the new mouse and have to use it for almost all day in autocad. Thnx in advance.
  21. I'm from that nice little country The Netherlands. Live near Amsterdam.
  22. BAM

    XPlode 1.0.5

    I've been testing it and gues what!! when u use "Standalone graphics mode" it runs like never before. ...wow... very fast. So now u know where to look for i hope, because the GUIinstall look so professinal.
  23. BAM

    XPlode 1.0.5

    @alanoll Sorry, next time ill just past the code instead of the zipped file. The main reason why i want the [GuiRunOnce] thing is because of the easy way to manage my files for an installation. No fooling around with all kinds of files and put them in all kinds differend directory's at my windows cd. Just a $oem$ and a sif file will do the trick for me just perfect. Then the XPlode replacement came up and i was just... happy. So' u saw my simple, pretty standard xml file, give it a go and i will test the one you can/will(?) provide me. I will also test the same one as before but now with the stanalone code in it and see what happens then. Perhaps ure right and is the GUIInstall code the reason of the "slow" install.
  24. BAM

    XPlode 1.0.5

    When i read ure comment i believe it means that u don't really know what can cause my problem? Perhaps someone can provide a good working set of files with only the standard things in the xml file so that i can give that one a try and see what happens!? edit: I mean the 1.05 version
  25. BAM

    XPlode 1.0.5

    Sorry for the slow responce, i got caught up in a family party. :beer: @Wrait/Alanoll As i promised i have used the v1.05 and did a full unattend install. Calling it from within my winnt.sif: [GuiRunOnce] "%systemdrive%\Postinstall\XPlode\XPlode.exe /log:#Systemdrive#\XPlode.log" But again it didn't work out the i think it's supposed to do.. Took like more than an hour to finish with the XPlode prog. I made an 1cd install on my second pc, and left office2k3 & Nav12k3 out because of space saving. When i looked at the log file, which i lost, it says that it took only about 12/15 minutes to finish. uhhh? it was around an hour! Even the hotfixes took a few minutes each. Next thing to do was burn a new cd with the v1.00 and that install went so fast i couldn't even finish a cup of coffee. Dunno what i do wrong or what's the problem, but i am very happy with the XPlode install that i'm willing do what it takes to help (me/you) I attached my xml file so tell me please what u think of it or what is wrong. Perhaps u can/will provide me an almost simulair one to test it again? When i get the english version running i will provide u a screenie of a dutch language install XPlode.rar
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