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Everything posted by damian666

  1. very very nice. i would love to see this stuff. Damian666
  2. i just checked, and it works for me man... maybe my host had a quick thingy, try again i would say ^^ Damian666
  3. yes, daedalus is part of the package, but you can always go to the rpl2k thread. daedalus is beta, but promising, personally i havent seen anything wrong with it, thats why we released it. we need user feedback. and well, i cant force you to try again man... you can always wait a few versions. and yes, i found out the scripterror, actually a stupid mistake... i fixed it, wait for new one. Damian666
  4. well, what can i say... its tested on windows with IE7, you cant expect me to test every programs compatibility now do ya? its most certainly a file that firefox uses, which is patched by me, just fully uninstall the pack. and see what happens, it should go away... firefox = no vistapack sorry Damian666
  5. @kontini cool man... you willing to help then? i remember myself fixing the shell32 ones, and man... that was a bitchy work man... @kurt aaah, now i get it... well, that should be able to work... thanx for the suggestion man. Damian666
  6. @kontine, no i was just asking why @kurt i will check out the commandline options. but using it on a non-admin account??? ofcourse not, you cant do that when installing stuff like this man... it needs full rights, it needs to patch a lot of files remember? Damian666
  7. well, can i ask why? mine are also that small man... you think they are better? Damian666
  8. hi mara, well, since IE7 has a lot of stuff allready vista-ish... i could take out a lot of stuff. this fixed it, now its not so heavely modified, which makes it that it gets detected as not modified, and thus needs no update. @wammie hi man, try to see if deadalus is still installed, and if so... take it out, OR see if teh color depth is correctly set to 32bit. also desktop bpp must be 32bpp. that can cause it too, and yes... higher dpi does that i am afraid... Damian666
  9. hi friend ^^ whats up with you? all well i hope? long time no spoke man... thanx for that, i will integrate it. and yes, i will be updating this too. untill the new pack is ready, which is going to be a long time ^^ i am allmost done with the updater which will install those updates ^^ do you know how i can set the palette in ntoskrnl? maybe a certain hexedit? Damian666
  10. *takes a clue-stick, and hts CBC on the head... lol man... Damian666
  11. thanx man, and yeah... its better ^^ damian666
  12. hmm... so update the logon doesnt work... :S strange... its just a matter of putting in a new bmp... oh well, i will see to it, and release a small patch thanx for reporting damian666
  13. updated... finally... Damian666
  14. i cant get it to download at all, installed the service stack, but after that... nothing at all man. multiple reboots lare even nothing... any ideas? Damian666
  15. good man i will fix last errors today... nothing special, just some changed resource adresses by m$ then i will send link tonight to you, thanx a lot anyone else? Damian666
  16. so... anyone wants to test the new 2000 version? where are all my testers??? Damian666
  17. fixed damian666
  18. pffffffffffff, now i am getting really tired of this s***... there is no virus in the pack, its made in autoit, which is flagged as a virus, its called a false positive... instead of posting crap like this, you should first think about it... or even try it out on virustotal, then if your still convinced of a virus, you can post... just get a good AV, only stupid free AV's flag autoit as a virus... Damian666 btw, you didnt even read the above dialog we just had man... there you could see it was told allready...
  19. so, i found a little patcher on the web, used it, and behold!!! it works great, no driversigning problems, no nothing and my speed went up just a little, which is ok, but what matters the most, i can browse and download at the same time again, just for that... ITS WORTH IT!!! just to let you guys know http://half-open.com/ there you can find it edit: oh ****... just saw the post above me well, at least it works guys
  20. well, due to the scriptlanguage i use, you wont have a choice, dont use vistapack reloader, or get a good AV now if you really dont want to spend any money... i am sure there other ways to get a AV for free... but thats all up to you... i dont support that, and neither does MSFN, but hee... its your PC, and you decide what to do with it damian666
  21. well, originally its a wallpaper from windows vista, so the vista site is your best guess... but that would have the vista brand on it, we just reformed it to 2000 Damian666
  22. no man, its a wallpaper from m$, there you can also download it no problem whatsoever IMHO Damian666
  23. ok, cool man let me know if you find any errors ok? before trying stuff please Have fun... Damian666
  24. @CBC , if only you would have waited for me to fix it for ya, instead of trying to figure it out... i am sorry man, really i am... but i am still curious about which error it gave you... and yeah, mara is right, it would f*** it up more man. so or you just wait for windows update to update the files. which will revert it back... or you reinstall the pack, knowing you can never ever get your old XP back, but atleast you have a nice look on your PC. thats all man i cant offer you anymore help, sorry... @Mara, oh thats cool man, to bad Damian666
  25. so you have run the uninstaller directly, without using the patcher??? dude, why the hell do you think i hide that uninstaller??? O.o your not supposed to run that yourself... ****... that means your f***ed... no way of uninstalling anymore man, you just deleted the backupfiles... i really dont know what to do now man... didnt you read the helpfile? Damian666
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