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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/2020 in Posts

  1. /!\ Doesn't work anymore, use the proxy method : Guys, I have good news : A solution has been found to make XP and server 2003 compatible with SHA-2 updates! Special thanks to daniel_k and abbodi1406 on Mydigitalife for the work :https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-update-for-2000-xp-2003-and-vista-is-die-august-2020.82143/page-5 Some registry hacks and patched wuaugen.dll and voilà! A 7zip file contains all necessary files : http://www.mediafire.com/file/1ontv0vkh0ghfbi https://anonfiles.com/P024Sfh0p6 https://download.ru/files/DMFZOv3t
    4 points
  2. Still working fine here, although it can take a couple of attempts to load. For those it's not working for, did you replace wuaueng.dll in the dllcache folder as well as in system32? If you don't, Windows File Protection will just put the old version straight back again!
    2 points
  3. There have been many polls like this in the earlier days of this forum, but none in the era of Windows 8/10. I wonder how the recent changes to Windows will have affected opinions towards Windows and its various releases. Due to poll limitations, the poll options for earlier/more obscure versions have been combined.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Windows 10 is the worst thing that Microsoft has ever done
    1 point
  6. I have to work on a computer that has Windows 10. And it's just a nightmare. I will never install Windows 10 on my home computer.
    1 point
  7. FF45 doesn't work without Kext! I've revised my ini file and removed redundant entries. Not all entries are required to run FF45: ~~~ Definitions ~~~ [ADVAPI32.dll] CredProfileLoaded=z1e [GDI32.DLL] D3DKMTCreateDCFromMemory= D3DKMTDestroyDCFromMemory= [LZ32.DLL] DnsValidateName_W= WinHttpReadData= WinHttpReceiveResponse= [ntdll.dll] _alloca_probe= NlsMbCodePageTag= NlsMbOemCodePageTag= NtImpersonateAnonymousToken= NtUnloadKeyEx=z1e RtlCopyLuid= RtlDeleteElementGenericTable= RtlDoesFileExists_U= RtlEnumerateGenericTable= RtlGetElementGenericTable= RtlGetFullPathName_U= RtlInitializeGenericTable= RtlInsertElementGenericTable= RtlIpv6AddressToStringA= RtlIpv6StringToAddressA= RtlIpv6StringToAddressW= RtlIsDosDeviceName_U= RtlIsGenericTableEmpty= RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor= RtlMakeSelfRelativeSD= RtlNtPathNameToDosPathName= RtlQueryTimeZoneInformation= RtlSelfRelativeToAbsoluteSD= RtlStringFromGUID= RtlUnicodeToOemN= RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToOemString= [RPCRT4.dll] NdrAsyncServerCall= [SETUPAPI.dll] CM_Connect_MachineW= CM_Disconnect_Machine= CM_Locate_DevNode_ExW=
    1 point
  8. Good Old Youtube also does a brilliant job of re-instating the non-polymer youtube interface (which is more lenient towards computer resources, especially applicable on older hardware/OSes), but, as it is an id-less Web Extension not supported on Serpent 55/52, it doesn't install out-of-the-box ; but if you modify its manifest.json file to include a gecko-id, then it will install (and work) OK! { "name": "Good Old YouTube", "manifest_version": 2, "version": "", "description": "Switch back to classic YouTube interface!", "icons": { "96": "images/logo.svg" }, "background": { "scripts": [ "shared.js", "options/default-options.js", "logger.js", "reconstruct.js", "background.js" ] }, "content_scripts": [ { "matches": [ "https://www.youtube.com/*" ], "css": [ "styles/hide-alert.css" ], "js": [ "shared.js", "content-script.js" ], "run_at": "document_start" } ], "options_ui": { "page": "options/options.html" }, "permissions": [ "https://www.youtube.com/*", "storage", "webRequest", "webRequestBlocking" ], "applications": { "gecko": { "id": "{482060de-6804-4020-a1b9-16dc012a3c93}" } } } (The id string is identical to the one generated when the extension is installed in FirefoxESR 52.9.x)
    1 point
  9. Semi-OT: Home-movement is finished(of course most of packed boxes are not released in this moment, and many of them may not be released during this ~2 months period) and server is relocated to new location. lets hope next build will be on time.
    1 point
  10. the download server is up again, and feel free to mirror thingies on the server.
    1 point
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