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  1. Also, keep in mind Roytam's disclaimer about Basilisk 55 (Moebius): Basilisk 55 should nonetheless be reasonably secure. But for the (how does glnz put it) supercalifragilistic-XP-paranoid, Basilisk 52 & NM 28 are probably the safest of Roytam's offerings.
    2 points
  2. Thank you for the clarification Roytam1. That's great to know they are both receiving security updates. Both FF45ESR and Basilisk work well for me for the record. I'm glad I found this site and specifically your New Moon builds EDIT: Caught your posting Mathwiz just after I hit reply. Thanks! "supercalifragilistic-XP-paranoid" Lol :D
    1 point
  3. Still, we are not in the 90s, nowadays it would seem unreal/a waste of time if I think about going to the bank to do basic things like checking a statement or paying my rent, paying Bills and so on. I mean, you have to get to your branch, sometimes it's close to where you live, sometimes it's not. If you live in a big city, you are better off using the tube 'cause it would be a nightmare going there with your car and... once you get there... there's probably a queue. Anyway, it's just an example, but my point is: technology is here to help and we should use it. Sure, there will always be bad guys working in the background, but once you are protected from the most common mass attacks, why should you care? I mean, if you are not a very important and famous person or a company, it's unlikely that they would target you specifically. And even if you are a VIP and you implement very strong defensive protections, if an attacker is skilled enough, he will always find a way, just like the NSA does with terrorists and other suspects to protect the country (even on Linux). Conclusion: As things are now, overall, I think that XP users with updates, Firewall and antivirus are not less safe than Win7 ones, but again it always comes to common sense.
    1 point
  4. Please don't compare apples with oranges. FF45ESR is for SSE-only machines, providing security updates (imported from TenFourFox FPR). While Basilisk is more a like of derived work of FF52ESR (talking about BK52 here), having ESR 52 security patches, and continuing development.
    1 point
  5. That is true, and I mentioned that at the time. But decrypted data never appears anywhere on the network; only within buffers on the PC running HTTPSProxy. Data to/from localhost isn't sent out the Ethernet port; it never leaves the PC. A script injection attack wouldn't work either, because neither server listens on any external network address. So from outside the PC (say, a compromised router), it's impossible to tell HTTPSProxy is even running. So an attacker would need to get malware onto your PC to exploit this "vulnerability." But if an attacker has managed to do that, they could more easily read decrypted data directly from your screen or keyboard! So unless you think Heinoganda has secretly installed malware in his updates, you really don't have much reason to worry.
    1 point
  6. I see, so it's not like an old-fashioned proxy that sends all the traffic through a server somewhere in the world and gets it back, but it filters it internally in the machine. If that's correct, then I'm gonna ask you to send me an updated version once again 'cause I'll start using it again.
    1 point
  7. Intel might support Windows 7 on a special Coffee Lake chipset: https://www.anandtech.com/show/13201/intel-preps-h310-revision-with-win7-coffee-lake-support I wouldn't be surprised if they support Windows 7 but not 8.1 on it, although I would like to have both 7 and 8.1 drivers. Desktop users are really lucky. Mobile/portables will be stuck with Windows 10 Windows-as-a-Scam.
    1 point
  8. Yes, sorry for the typo, I meant crypt32.dll By the way, as to home banking, my XP is updated and I have Avast Premier with the full customer service support, which basically means that not only I'm protected, but if something screws up my computer (like a ransomware) the guys from Avast Support have to log into my computer and fix the problem. It's the same level of support that companies have. My actual layers of protection: Internet -> NordVPN (Open VPN Protocol with kill switch on the router) -> UFW (Linux Switch Firewall) -> Nod32 Premium (Linux Switch Antivirus) -> Windows XP Firewall -> Avast Premier Firewall -> Avast Premier Antivirus. I'm pretty confident I'm far more protected than many people running W7/8/8.1 or 10 who don't update anything, especially because Avast Premier is a pretty reliable product itself, but making it work as a second layer of security after Linux... well... simply makes my computer safe. You may be arguing that these layers of protection slightly slow internet down, but my speed is 2400 kB/s in download and 1600 kB/s in upload and is more than enough. As to the ping, I stopped playing games in 2012, 'cause when you start thinking about having your own family, you stop playing games and you grow up, so I don't really care if it's slightly higher than normal 'cause I don't even notice.
    1 point
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