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Sampei.Nihira last won the day on July 23 2021

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About Sampei.Nihira

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  1. I noticed that a new version of Supermium for W.10/11 was released 2 days ago. Could any forum member show me how the browser is looking at the sandbox level? I would also be curious to know if the outgoing Internet Cache,when you have set the data deletion on closing the browser remains as disastrously high as that of Chrome?
  2. The main difference is that uBlock Origin is MV2. The others I listed are MV3. Raymond Hill will waste no time developing uBlock Origin for Chromium-based browsers after that extension is removed from the Chrome Web Store and the Microsoft Store. So unless there are independent developers who will continue the development of a fork of this extension,with a reliability,in my opinion,reduced to at least 50%,sooner or later every user will have to consider this transition. Or go elsewhere,DNS blocking,AdGuard for Windows,Chromium-based browsers with native ads/trackers blocking capabilities..........
  3. Bad. You are the perfect user to use uBlock Origin Lite. Install the extension. Choose the “Complete Mode.” Then go into the thread I opened of uBlock Origin Lite and take a screenshot of the filter lists that are selected and then I'll tell you the ones you need to select extra. At 10:00 I have to go to the doctor.....so before this time.
  4. Don't you use an ads/tracker blocker as a browser extension? uBlock Origin uBlock Origin Lite AdGuard Adblocker v.5.x ................................................
  5. As a precautionary measure, do a scan with AdwCleaner (for W.XP): https://support.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039579393-Windows-XP-and-Vista-compatibility-with-AdwCleaner add this list of filters to your adBlocker: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/durablenapkin/scamblocklist/master/adguard.txt
  6. Yes. The developer should not make any changes that you can make by the users themselves. For example, every Chromium browser has a default sandbox setting that (for me) is insufficient. But users of Chromium-based browsers can improve the security/privacy efficiency of sandbox. So there is no need to wait for the developer to change this aspect of Supermium.
  7. He did an illogical thing,it is obvious. That flag should be returned to the “disabled” condition.
  8. The "Experimental Web Platform features" flag is not in the usual condition of the other flags (default) is disabled. Those who enable it (but it is an illogical thing to do) mean that the problems that are not there go looking for them. I use 12 the flags enabled in Edge,if interested, I can post a list upon request. P.S. Those who want to get more benefits in Supermium, instead of looking for "miracles" in flags, should consider Command Line Switches and/or Policies.
  9. I recently installed Thunderbird 136. I changed the sandbox value I was using at default (6) to the value (8) like the one in Firefox 136. In my opinion it works perfectly because before I had all processes at IL Low and now I have one process at IL Untrusted as per the table: Now it is necessary to check whether the client-email functionality has remained unchanged.
  10. I improved my score by 1 point with Edge + uBlock Origin considering the Feb. 15 test. I am more than satisfied. I did not spend any time on improving the score in Firefox.
  11. It would be interesting to test this browser at the sandbox level. namebrowser://sandbox These days I am doing RIDL mitigation in Chromium-based browsers + Intel CPUs for a former colleague of mine. But my PC is AMD. Almost an (effective) excuse to go back to my old classroom and lab....
  12. Yes you can activate the MV2 extension again,but after June it will be advisable to consider an MV3 extension and then do some testing to see which one is best suited to everyone's personal characteristics. P.S. Considering that this forum is more oriented to fingerprinting remedies I will show you a recent test (Cover Your Tracks) I did with Edge + ublock Origin Lite and Chrome + Adguard Adblocker v.5.0.202 You will notice that both browsers get the exact same score of 15.42 Bits of Identifying Information. A very good score considering that probably the average user of Chromium-based browsers settles on values of 17-18 Bits.
  13. Test scores cannot appear confusing because they report mathematical values,it would be like saying that the math itself is confusing and questionable. The Speedometer 3.0 test score (before the changes I made in Edge) in Firefox higher than Edge is due to the fact that I have,in a nutshell,decreased Edge's security in favor of speed. uBlock Origin Lite makes the browser inherently less secure even though the lower CPU + memory consumption and content blocking done by the browser itself compared to the MV2 extension evidently provide a speed surplus. Same with the reduction in security for visited websites,a change I made in Edge. I have recovered such security in other ways. I do not mention the specific steps because no one is interested and I do not waste time. The confusion is due to the fact that others probably do not have the ability to do the same. This, however, is not my problem. The tests done by others do not have my specific settings. Example. If we take the tests done by PrivacyTestOrg every browser is tested to default it is easy to say that Edge is inferior in privacy compared to Brave or LibreWolf. However, this does not mean that all browsers Brave and Librewolf always outperform (any browser) Edge in privacy.
  14. uBlock Origin Lite improves performance on Speedometer 3.0 test of my primary browser compared to uBlock Origin:
  15. There is no reason to upgrade to the latest version of Firefox 115 ESR: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/115.20.0/releasenotes/ This version of Firefox 115 ESR will support your operating system until September 2025, with automatic updates to version 115.27 (if there is no other support extension): https://whattrainisitnow.com/release/?version=esr
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