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Posted (edited)

Hi, I have compiled the version Nero 7 Lite Micro which Acheron has posted the Nero7850SDK. All the works has been done by Acheron www.updatepack.nl, i only repacked and compiled. I have tried it in windows XP and Windows Vista, and it works perfectly. You must have a valid serial to install it correctly and activate it, if not, it will not work.

The Nero Lite pack contains:

  • Nero Burning Rom (with VideoCD Support and MauSau Audio Plug-ins)
  • Nero Express
  • Nero CoverDesigner
  • Nero WaveEditor
  • Nero Toolkit

The Micro version only contains:

  • Nero Burning ROM (with VideoCD Support and MauSau Audio Plug-ins)
  • Nero Express

These are the instructions to install it silently recopiled from the post of Acheron.

;Install Silently
/Silent or /VERYSILENT

/COMPONENTS="Nero_core,xxx" --->Nero_core is obligatory to install it correctly
;Available components:
"Nero_Core" ---> Nero Burning Rom
"Nero_Core\Nero_MauSau" ---> MauSau Audio Plug-ins
"Nero_Core\Nero_VideoCD" ---> Nero VideoCD Support
"Nero_Toolkit\Nero_InfoTool" ---> Nero InfoTool
"Nero_Toolkit\Nero_DriveSpeed" ---> Nero DriveSpeed
"Nero_Toolkit\Nero_BurnRights" ---> Nero BurnRights
"Nero_Toolkit\Nero_CDDVDSpeed" ---> Nero CD-DVD Speed
"Nero_CoverDesigner" ---> Nero CoverDesigner
"Nero_WaveEditor" ---> Nero WaveEditor

;For Micro Version the only components available:
"Nero_Core" ---> Nero Burning Rom
"Nero_Core\Nero_VideoCD" ---> Nero VideoCD Support
"Nero_Core\Nero_MauSau" ---> MauSau Audio Plug-ins

/TASKS="" ---->comma separated list of task names,
;Available tasks:
DesktopIcon = Create Desktop Icon for Nero Burning ROM ---> it is selected by default, if you want to deselect it put in Tasks "!DesktopIcon"
Imagefile_assoc = Associate Nero with standard CD-Image formats (CUE, IMG and ISO)

;Registration details


Here is the final release of Nero Nero 7 Lite Micro for the localized versions posted in the alphabetical order, and also the MD5 hash file attached above. I have also attached the Nero Lite/Micro SDK updated for anyone who want to make its own release. All the files are updated to the date 31-05-2007, there are no changes in the english version respect to the beta version.

Enjoy and Thanks :hello:


Edited by Major

Posted (edited)

I would recommend BIGUPLOAD.com, they have a progressbar when you upload your files. And it's without lots of ads a la rapidshare.

Will test this version, but hey, is it really worth to create new versions? If there is no changelog, then there won't be any new/updated functionality...

Edited by ZileXa
Major: Did you make changes to the 7.8 SDK from Acheron? Perhaps you can upload your updated SDK if so ?

This suggestion gets my vote. :thumbup

Helping others to create their own releases is a definate step in the right direction. Not to distract from you continuing your own efforts because many people just dont have the time or inclination to do all this on their own, and having work pre-prepared is often seen as a godsend. I personally haven't had the oppurtunity to install/test your work, but I do constantly follow your thread for information and responses from users.

I also like your idea of starting a new thread for a new release. This will certainly help keep your threads readable and without to much clutter. (like this post i made)

Your accomplishments so far are outstanding, nice work.



Nero Burning ROM Version number

Release Date: 05-21-2007


* Opening an audio file could lead Nero Burning ROM to stop working properly

* In specific cases no output file format could be selected while creating an image file

* Problem was encountered while burning very long slide shows (2000 pictures)

* Adding non-video files to VCD/SVCD compilations was not possible anymore


Great work Major, i will try this one out and report back..

I love the Micro Version.. its all i ever use.


Posted (edited)

@Braese, @Shark007

Thank you very much @Shark007 for your support.

regarding the files SDK, it is a good idea. When the release is stable, so i will upload the nero SDK for everyone who want to do its own release.

Installs w/o issue. Unable to create Audio CDs.

I will take a look in it.

Best Regards

Edited by Major

Well thanks to your tips earlier Major, I managed to make a Micro this morning.

I just tested burning an audio cd just in case and it copied and burned my Rolling Stones Exile On Main St cd with no problems at all.

I did notice the installer I got in the end was maybe 3MB or so smaller and in the Add/Remove Programs CP it shows my install taking a bit less than the beta micro released earlier.. (Mines at 48MB total)..

Not sure if I left anything out or whatnot, I simply ran the Nero7Lite_english_micro.cmd script first (located in SDK\Script\English) which made me the micro .iss script.. I then just went through this after installing the Nero 7.9.6 Trial and copied what needed to be copied to the SDK\Bin directory.

I had to make a couple of changes to the .iss script due to a couple files that are not present after an install on my system..

Namely this file: Bin\Common Files\Lib\BCGCBPRO86071.dll is no longer present.. There is a new file named BCGCBPRO800u.dll available though so I just commented out the line for the previous one and added the new one.

Also commented out were the install of this file: Bin\Nero Core\uneroscsi.dll which is also no longer present. Everything seems to be working and in order so far..

Not to steal Major's fire but if anyone wants to give it a go here it is:


(Yep good old Rapidshare)..

Major if interested Ive attached my micro.iss script for ya although the default one was 99% in order except for the two files mentioned above..


Posted (edited)

Thx for the info, slavestate!!

I was this close to makin' my own, but I had the same problems you did. It's kinda hard figuring out something new, especially when:

a ) I'm a total n00b with Inno.

b ) I'm trying to decipher someone else's work.

With this info, though, should be quite easy. Thx!! ;)

Edited by RaGhul

@adamlau, @acetken

Installs w/o issue. Unable to create Audio CDs.

I have just burned an Audio CD from the album "the last samurai", the files were .mp3

Would you like please to tell me the error exactly?


Posted (edited)

Sorry, what I said was wrong. Mine was a DVD burning issue. When I try to blank the RW, I get a "Session Fixation Error", but it also happens with the previous version.

Does it matter that I have a SATA burner? It could be that the media my buddy brought over just sucks.

I just burned a CDRW to double check and it came out just fine. (I apologise, I must have misread the previous error post...)

Edited by acetken
Posted (edited)

Maybe you can make another installer thats completely custom, so we can choose not to have nero scout and some of those other forced apps

What i need from nero suite:

Nero burning rom full support

Wave Editor

Audio Encoder with codecs

Image Drive

any video codecs

Micro will do, but Lite has cover designer and toolkit i dont care for.

I would suguest creating a topic with a poll with all the features of nero, ask them which program(s) they DONT USE.

then taking that info, create an installer from that, which allows custom installation where they can choose the programs to install.

For my vote i don't use:

nero scout, nero home, nero mobile, nero mediahome(streaming), nero coverdesigner, nero toolkit, nero

lol maybe easier to ask what programs they do use huh.

Edited by Seven Alive

I think Nero Lite does that trick, is a customer installer. Regarding CoverDesigner, i think most of users use it.

Anyway, we are going to see what they will say the users.

Best regards

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