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[RELEASE] Boooggy's WMP 11 direct integration solution


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Thank you for this release, I downloaded one of your older version with the custom icon (orange with blue play button), it worked perfectly. I hope this is as good if not better.

One last thing, I don't suspect you have any plans to elaborate on what exactly your registry tweak file does? It isn't commented at all.



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as I said before, I translated your WMP11 tweaked version addon to portuguese brazilian. I have integrated this with nlite on a winxp pro sp2 and I notice that sfc complains about a file after install. I don´t know what file is. can you confirm that or I miss something?

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yeah, but I think this is not the problem...

I replaced your wmplayer.exe with the original one, because I needed an "original source".

I have integrated IE7 too, so, I will make one iso just with wmp11 addon to see what happens.

There is a way to know what file sfc is overwriting?

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yeah, but I think this is not the problem...

I replaced your wmplayer.exe with the original one, because I needed an "original source".

I have integrated IE7 too, so, I will make one iso just with wmp11 addon to see what happens.

There is a way to know what file sfc is overwriting?

It's nLite's way of integrating IE7 that breaks SFC. I believe that this is a known problem.

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Hi, boooggy

When I try to install XP sp2 Italian nlited (or RVMIntegrated) only with wmp11 tweaked 1.4.5, at T-13 I get this message: unable to find file "%16422%\%MP2_FOLDER%\migrate.exe". Verify... etc and setup stops. At first boot WMP 11 is not installed.

Migrate.exe is present on XP cd. Previous versions, tweaked or vanilla, worked perfectly.

It's my fault? wmp addon has been localized but files are the same and only localized strings at the end of the infs has been added



Edited by nonno fabio
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