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Windows 7 x86
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It works for all the other users so there should be something else. You could try a new Windows installation with newer v4.9.0 UpdatePack (Test the updated .iso on a VM before installing in a real system.
Before you ask, there's a small bug in v4.8.0 that will be fixed in upcoming release. Here's an easy workaround for running systems: copy and paste these lines in Notepad. [Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" [DefaultInstall] AddReg =REGEntries.AddReg [REGEntries.AddReg] HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\62A79A60FA1136F438E2F4263C7A1D63","DC3BF90CC0D3D2F398A9A6D1762F70F3", ,"%24%" HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\7A0DCDED98788304DB93CC7B4D95E24D","DC3BF90CC0D3D2F398A9A6D1762F70F3", ,"%24%" HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\815DE197FE1BE664CB88CB6D3CA9C629","DC3BF90CC0D3D2F398A9A6D1762F70F3", ,"%24%" HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\FD01C6A9B00EFA749A5683F6D47045BD","DC3BF90CC0D3D2F398A9A6D1762F70F3", ,"%24%" HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\FD01C6A9B00EFA749A5683F6D47045BD","00000000000000000000000000000000", ,"%24%" and save with .inf extension (EG fix.inf). Then run it, this should fix the MU issue
I hope this can help you: http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=62447#62447
How to add/delete code in Windows 7 installation First you must convert .reg file registry lines in INF file lines: for this you need n7Epsilon Reg2Inf tool Here's is an example of windows 7 tweak reg file: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\PcaSvc] "Start"=dword:00000004 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\PcaSvc] "Start"=dword:00000004 Export it with Notepad and send it to Reg2inf and you should get this: [Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" [Optional Components] MyRegTweaks [DefaultInstall] AddReg =REGEntries.AddReg DelReg =REGEntries.DelReg [MyRegTweaks] OptionDesc ="Registry Entries" Tip ="Registry Entries" Modes =0,1,2,3 AddReg =REGEntries.AddReg DelReg =REGEntries.DelReg [REGEntries.AddReg] ; Reg2Inf v0.46 - http://tinyurl.com/fgqyf HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\PcaSvc","Start",0x10001,04,00,00,00 HKLM,"SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\PcaSvc","Start",0x10001,04,00,00,00 [REGEntries.DelReg] ; Reg2Inf v0.46 - http://tinyurl.com/fgqyf You can already directly use this inf file: if you name it Test.inf the entries.ini command will be: [color=limegreen];This section contains entries that need to go into the [Components] section of the OCSysPrep.inf file. [/color] [SysPrepOC] Test=advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection,Test.inf,MyRegTweaks [color=blue];for nLite RVMi in case you want to integrate the addon in Windows 2000/XP/2003 too[/color] [color=limegreen];This section contains entries that need to go into the [Components] section of the Sysoc.inf file.[/color] [sysoc] Test = ocgen.dll,OcEntry,Test.inf,HIDE,7 If you want a more professional and/or customized inf file, the only lines needed are the ones under following sections: REGEntries.AddReg and REGEntries.DelReg; got them and create an inf file compatible with both nLite/RVMi in Windows 2000/XP/2003 and DXIntegrator in Windows Vista/Seven: see more here (italian): http://www.eng2ita.net/forum/index.php/topic,7071.0.html Here is a real example on how will must be your inf file in this case: [Version] - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff547502%28v=VS.85%29.aspx in a normal inf file normale you need only signature command under this section: [Version] signature="$Windows NT$" [color=green]; or signature="$Chicago$"[/color] Also these commands are default in the inf file structure, so they read and used by DX WinNT6.x True Integrator too to take out info, etc.: DriverVer=11/14/2010, %DSCP_ProductVersion% Provider=Microsoft These command instead: Customizedby=Berserk - DMD PackageDisplayName=%ProductName% PackageReleaseType=True AddOn PackageLanguage=%LANGNAME% PackageDescription=%DSCPTip% are optionals. They are read by DXIntegrator only, in general they're not mandatory because when DX WinNT6.x True Integrator integrates an addon it reads entries.ini file and it writes them by itself if they're are missing. [Optional Components], is the section read by SYSOC in Windows 2000/XP/2003 during Windows setup to install optional components. You can write here from one to more section name to install, in this example DSCP onlyDSCP [Optional Components] DSCP [DSCP] is the section indicated by Optional Components section, so this is the one that SYSOC will install in Windows 2000/XP/2003 Setup Following command are SYSOC defaults: this means, for example, that if Modes is missing so SYSOC don't installs this section in Windows Setup OptionDesc ="%ProductName%" Tip ="%DSCPTip%" Modes = 0,1,2,3 About AddReg: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff546320%28v=VS.85%29.aspx AddReg = DSCP.Reg.Add.Values, DSCP.Add.Reg.ARP This command can be used in every kind of inf file both from SetupAPI and Advpack etc., in this case it is used to install or add our regentries in system (in the example TWEAK doesn't consider regentries deletion so DelReg is not used) [DSCP.nt] is the section read and prepared for Windows Vista/Seven Setup by DXIntegrator in this case AddReg = DSCP.Reg.Add.Values, DSCP.Add.Reg.ARP BackupReg = DSCP.Reg.Restore.Values BackupReg is a command used in advanced INF options (when LaunchINFSectionEx is used: http://www.mdgx.com/INF_web/backup.htm). Now with DXIntegrator you can run it also from SetupApi or LaunchINFSection. In DX WinNT6.x True Integrator this command has same purpose: it saves the reg before installation and then restores it during Remove or Uninstall. The only difference in this case is that DX WinNT6.x True Integrator backs up the reg in the same inf file, very useful in our case because reg rollback can be restored both in offline mode when DxIntegrator runs and in Online mode, for example when you want to unistall an addon from the Control Panel. The rollback section name is the same but with ".RollBack" at its end, for example the reg to be saved in DSCP.Reg.Backup section will be written by DXIntegrator lin DSCP.Reg.Backup.RollBack section (In this case it's not present because DSCP.Reg.Backup.RollBack will be created by DX WinNT6.x True Integrator when the addon is installed in Offline Mode) [DSCP.PerUser] is an optional section: Sometimes regentries are not added in a correct way or Windows setup overwrites them so better add it always after setup using peruserinstall. Peruserinstall run always before first desktop in Windows setup, after Runonce and RunonceEx, this means it is the latest configuration of system. In this example is not needed but it is here to give you an example, to enable it you only need to add ".PerUser" in entries.ini section name like this: [color=limegreen];This section contains entries that need to go into the [Components] section of the OCSysPrep.inf file. [/color] [SysPrepOC] DSCP=advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection,DSCP.inf,DSCP.PerUser [DestinationDirs] - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff547383%28v=VS.85%29.aspx [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 17 in this section you need to indicate directory destinations where to copy/delete/rename/etc. files. In the example is added to use "DefaultDestDir" command, and it shows where to copy inf file inf [DSCP.Reg.Add.Values] is the section shown in AddReg command under "DSCP" and "DSCP.nt" sections (as always this regline works with both Windows XP and Windows 7) [DSCP.Reg.Add.Values] [color=limegreen]; Disables Program Compatibility Service[/color] HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\PcaSvc","Start",0x10001,04,00,00,00 HKLM,"SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\PcaSvc","Start",0x10001,04,00,00,00 [DSCP.Add.Reg.ARP] is the section shown in AddReg command under "DSCP" and "DSCP.nt" sections: these regentries adds removal option in Control Panel [DSCP.Add.Reg.ARP] HKLM,"%KEY_WIN_CURVER%\Uninstall\DSCP" HKLM,"%KEY_WIN_CURVER%\Uninstall\DSCP","DisplayIcon", ,"%10%\regedit.exe" HKLM,"%KEY_WIN_CURVER%\Uninstall\DSCP","DisplayName", ,"%ProductName% %DSCP_ProductVersion%" HKLM,"%KEY_WIN_CURVER%\Uninstall\DSCP","DisplayVersion", ,"%DSCP_ProductVersion%" HKLM,"%KEY_WIN_CURVER%\Uninstall\DSCP","OnlineVersion", ,"%DSCP_ProductVersion%" HKLM,"%KEY_WIN_CURVER%\Uninstall\DSCP","Publisher", ,"DMD" HKLM,"%KEY_WIN_CURVER%\Uninstall\DSCP","UninstallString", ,"rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %17%\DSCP.inf,DefaultUninstall" HKLM,"%KEY_WIN_CURVER%\Uninstall\DSCP","URLInfoAbout", ,"http://www.eng2ita.net/forum/index.php/topic,6164.0.html" HKLM,"%KEY_WIN_CURVER%\Uninstall\DSCP","ParentKeyName", ,"OperatingSystem" HKLM,"%KEY_WIN_CURVER%\Uninstall\DSCP","ParentDisplayName", ,"%PARENT_DISPLAY_NAME%" [PerUserInst] is the section shown in PerUserInstall command under "DSCP.PerUser" section [PerUserInst] DisplayName=%ProductName% Version=1.0.0000.0 IsInstalled=1 ComponentID=DSCP GUID={x0020200-ecbd-11cf-8b85-00aa0050dscp} Locale=en StubPath=rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %17%\DSCP.inf,PerUser.Install,1,N StubPath command shows the command to run: in the example it runs the command which installs "PerUser.Install" section [PerUser.Install] is the section to be installed in PerUser Mode in StubPath command under "PerUserInst" section [PerUser.Install] AddReg = DSCP.Reg.Add.Values, DSCP.Add.Reg.ARP DelReg = PerUser.CleanUp [PerUser.CleanUp] is the section indicated in DelReg command under "PerUser.Install" section [PerUser.CleanUp] HKCU,"Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\>{x0020200-ecbd-11cf-8b85-00aa0050dscp}" HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\>{x0020200-ecbd-11cf-8b85-00aa0050dscp}" HKU,".DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\>{x0020200-ecbd-11cf-8b85-00aa0050dscp}" HKU,"S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\>{x0020200-ecbd-11cf-8b85-00aa0050dscp}" HKU,"S-1-5-19\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\>{x0020200-ecbd-11cf-8b85-00aa0050dscp}" HKU,"S-1-5-20\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\>{x0020200-ecbd-11cf-8b85-00aa0050dscp}" this will remove all regentries used in peruser mode: better do this as peruser mode has been used only to execute a single command and nothing else but generally you can also not remove these lines, so everytime you add a new user account, with new configurations "rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %17%\DSCP.inf,PerUser.Install" will start again. Warning: this is valid with DX WinNT6.x True Integrator in Windows Vista/Seven only: in Windows 2000/XP/2003 nLite/RVMi won't work because SYSOC doesn't recognize PerUserInstall command. In Windows 2000/XP/2003 you must use a different way (see inside Onepiece's IE7/8 addon) [DefaultUninstall] is the section indicated in "DSCP.Add.Reg.ARP" section, in other word the section executed when Control Panel uninstall is chosen [DefaultUninstall] BeginPrompt = BeginUnInsPrompt AddReg = DSCP.Reg.Backup.RollBack DelReg = DSCP.Add.Reg.ARP UpdateInis = DSCP.OCSysPrep.CleanUp EndPrompt = EndUnInsPrompt CleanUp = 1 [DSCP.OCSysPrep.CleanUp] is the section indicated in UpdateInis command under "DefaultUninstall" section [DSCP.OCSysPrep.CleanUp] %17%\OCSysPrep.inf,Components,DSCP=* This section removes the component from [Components] section in %WinDir%\inf\OCSysPrep.inf (as SYSOC does in Windows 2000/XP/2003) [beginUnInsPrompt] is the section indicated in BeginPrompt command under "DefaultUninstall" section [BeginUnInsPrompt] Title = %ProductName% Uninstaller Prompt = %UnInsPrompt% ButtonType = YESNO ;<- YESNO or OKCANC This opens a windows before removal starts, prompting if you want to proceed or not: if you click on YES removal starts, if you click on NO removal is aborted. [EndUnInsPrompt] is the section indicated in EndPrompt command under "DefaultUninstall" section [EndUnInsPrompt] Prompt = %EndUnInsPrompt% This opens a windows at the end of removal process, informing if removal has been successful or not, etc. [DefaultInstall] is the section which starts when installation is manually run clicking on inf file. [DefaultInstall] BeginPrompt = BeginInstPrompt CopyFiles = @DSCP.inf AddReg = DSCP.Reg.Add.Values, DSCP.Add.Reg.ARP UpdateInis = Update.Sysoc EndPrompt = EndInstPrompt About command CopyFiles http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff546346%28v=VS.85%29.aspx Warning! According to inf file rules, if no section name has been indicated in installation command, DX WinNT6.x True Integrator always search for DefaultInstall section, and if found customizes and installs it, for example if in entries.ini you use these lines [SysPrepOC] DSCP=advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection,DSCP.inf then DXIntegrator search inside DSCP.inf file DefaultInstall section and customizes and installs it [update.Sysoc] is the section indicated in UpdateInis command under "DefaultInstall" section [Update.Sysoc] %17%\OCSysPrep.inf,"Components",,"DSCP=advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection,DSCP.inf,DSCP" This section adds the component in [Components] section in %WinDir%\inf\OCSysPrep.inf (as SYSOC does in Windows 2000/XP/2003) [beginInstPrompt] is the section indicated in BeginPrompt command under "DefaultInstall" section [BeginInstPrompt] Title = %ProductName% Uninstaller Prompt = %InstPrompt% ButtonType = YESNO ;<- YESNO or OKCANC This opens a windows before installation starts, prompting if you want to proceed or not: if you click on YES installation starts, if you click on NO installation is aborted. [EndInstPrompt] is the section indicated in EndPrompt command under "DefaultInstall" section [EndInstPrompt] Prompt = %EndInstPrompt% This opens a windows at the end of installation process, informing if installation has been successful or not, etc. [strings] - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff547485%28v=VS.85%29.aspx is the section where you can place the variables used in your inf file These are the main options but inf file have endless possibilities. For further information follow Microsoft Guides INF Sections - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff547465%28v=VS.85%29.aspx INF commands - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff547388%28v=VS.85%29.aspx Adding an entries.ini file created as usual, now you can create with your inf file a .cab Addon using CabTool http://www.eng2ita.net/forum/index.php/topic,6628.0.htm Here is a windows 7 registry tweaks collection http://www.eng2ita.net/forum/index.php/topic,6164.0.html (italian) and here are some sample addons (italian): DMD Windows 7 Raccolta Tweak di registro True AddOn http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/FEIZWDR4/DMD_Windows_7_Raccolta_Tweak_di_registro_True_AddOn.cab_links Update (March 23-2011) Hash MD5 F103C39522A8D64A29E8F5603AFE5210 Filesize: 6.77 KB (6942 bytes) DMD Abilita visualizzazione .mkv in MediaCenter True AddOn http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/1RVRKCB5/DMD_Abilita_visualizzazione_.mkv_in_MediaCenter_True_AddOn.cab_links Update (March 23-2011) Hash MD5 ECF5893C528E3093857CCDF393F26554 Filesize: 4.00 KB (4102 bytes) DMD Aggiungere comandi COPIA e SPOSTA True AddOn http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/OMJJNBAA/DMD_Aggiungere_comandi_COPIA_e_SPOSTA_True_AddOn.cab_links Update (March 23-2011) Hash MD5 859956469C3C264698AD2E2FDC668EBD Filesize: 3.07 KB (3144 bytes) DMD Apertura Menu rapidi True AddOn http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/U3JDXZUD/DMD_Apertura_Menu_rapidi_True_AddOn.cab_links Update (March 23-2011) Hash MD5 5F60D1A500C7D87709EC2CF14D2BB477 Filesize: 2.89 KB (2964 bytes) DMD Apparizione cestino in esplora risorse True AddOn http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/ND2MSZRY/DMD_Apparizione_cestino_in_esplora_risorse_True_AddOn.cab_links Update (March 23-2011) Hash MD5 FD20BEBC067AB9A15BB999BCA9A6EA3F Filesize: 2.98 KB (3058 bytes) DMD Disattiva il servizio compatibilità programmi True AddOn http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/0NH8TPK8/DMD_Disattiva_il_servizio_compatibilit___programmi_True_AddOn.cab_links Update (March 23-2011) Hash MD5 38AC0AD68FE1A029FF8B4C79750F56C6 Filesize: 2.93 KB (3002 bytes) DMD Impostazioni dei Valori UAC True AddOn http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/1WAZSM6K/DMD_Impostazioni_dei_Valori_UAC_True_AddOn.cab_links Update (March 23-2011) Hash MD5 740D25D741A25A0B7AA1FEF2405BA169 Filesize: 3.25 KB (3330 bytes) http://voidseesaw.com/onepiece/images/13679894.png http://voidseesaw.com/onepiece/images/85633910.png http://voidseesaw.com/onepiece/images/99169059.png http://voidseesaw.com/onepiece/images/63015826.png http://voidseesaw.com/onepiece/images/aaals.png http://voidseesaw.com/onepiece/images/aaa2u.png http://voidseesaw.com/onepiece/images/aaa3.png http://voidseesaw.com/onepiece/images/20523994.png
DX WinNT6.x True Integrator INF file syntax To create a Multiple Platforms and Operating Systems setup.inf file you can use in your addon inf file these sections: http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?/forum/128-inf-discussion/ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff548687%28v=VS.85%29.aspx http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd309538.aspx http://www.ryston.com/x/INF_web/ http://www.osronline.com/ddkx/install/create-inf_4l47.htm So the inf file of a True AddOn for Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Seven must be as follows: [color=green][b];section installing Optional Components in 2000/XP/2003[/b][/color] [Optional Components] SectionName [color=green][b];Optional Components section for Windows 2000/XP/2003 in nLite & RVMi[/b][/color] [SectionName] .... .... [color=green][b];Optional Components section for Windows Vista/Seven in DX WinNT6.x True Integrator[/b][/color] [SectionName.nt] .... .... In this case Sysoc doesn't read section with ".nt" etc., so you can use directly section name inside inf file to install the component both in Windows 2000/XP/2003 and in Windows Vista/Seven so if AddOn will be integrated in Windows 2000/XP/2003 with nLite & RVMi, sysoc will install [sectionName] section during windows setup If AddOn will integrated in Windows Vista/Seven with DX WinNT6.x True Integrator instead, then DX WinNT6.x True Integrator will read inf file according to microsoft rules about .inf file, meanging it will start to read sections in this way, first [sectionName.ntx86] or [sectionName.ntamd64]; if not found, then it will search for [sectionName.nt], then [sectionName], so in this case (Windows Vista/Seven) it wil find and install [sectionName.nt]; In this way [sectionName.nt] can be customized for a Windows Vista/Seven installation and [sectionName] for a Windows 2000/XP/2003 installation instead. Multiple Platforms For an inf file designed for a Multiple Platforms addon, you need these sections: [color=green][b];Install component only in x32 systems (x86)[/b][/color] [SectionName.ntx86] .... .... [color=green][b];Install component only in x64 systems (amd64)[/b][/color] [SectionName.ntamd64] .... .... In this case DX WinNT6.x True Integrator wil choose which section will install according to choosen OS Multiple Operating Systems For an inf file designed for a Multiple Operating Systems AddOn instead, you need these sections (Warning: microsoft doesn't support these options during Defaultinstall; They can be used only if you integrate them with DX WinNT6.x True Integrator. Microsoft supports them in inf file in HW install only http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff550743%28v=VS.85%29.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff539924%28v=VS.85%29.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff550743%28v=VS.85%29.aspx 6.0 = Vista 6.1 = Windows 7 [color=green][b];Install component only in Windows Vista[/b][/color] [SectionName.6.0] .... .... [color=green][b];Install component only in Windows 7[/b][/color] [SectionName.6.1] .... .... or [color=green][b];Install component only in Windows Vista[/b][/color] [SectionName.nt.6.0] .... [color=green][b];Install component only in Windows 7[/b][/color] [SectionName.nt.6.1] .... ;in case of Multiple Platforms http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff539924%28v=VS.85%29.aspx [color=green][b];Install component only in Windows Vista x32 (x86)[/b][/color] [SectionName.ntx86.6.0] .... .... [color=green][b];Install component only in Windows Vista x64 (amd64)[/b][/color] [SectionName.ntamd64.6.0] .... .... [color=green][b];Install component only in Windows 7 x32 (x86)[/b][/color] [SectionName.ntx86.6.1] .... .... [color=green][b];Install component only in Windows 7 x64 (amd64)[/b][/color] [SectionName.ntamd64.6.1] .... ....
entries.ini commands supported by DXIntegrator [sysPrepOC] Component_Name=advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection,INF_FileName,SectionName ;or Component_Name=setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection,INF_FileName,SectionName ;;;example [SysPrepOC] Unlocker=advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection,Unlocker.inf,Unlocker Silverlight=setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection,MSSlight.inf,Silverlight [General] ;;;example [General] BuildDate=2010-10-27T11:05:11Z Description="Freeware tool which overcomes a Windows bug" Language=English Title=Unlocker Version=1.9.0 WebSite=http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/ processorArchitecture=x86 ; --> Warning: this key is used to force addon integration only in a certain system architecture; if present OS architecture is not the one defined in this key, DXIntegrator skips the AddOn ForceLang=Italiano ; --> Warning: this key is used to force addon integration only in a certain system language; if present OS language is not the one defined in this key, DXIntegrator skips the AddOn ReleaseType=True AddOn Customizedby=OnePiece Copyright=CEDRICK 'NITCH' COLLOMB Company=CEDRICK 'NITCH' COLLOMB InstallPackageName=Unlocker.inf LastUpdateTime=2010-10-27T11:05:11Z about Dirids: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff553598%28v=VS.85%29.aspx about Security Descriptor Definition Language to be used in [securityRegistry*Integration] and in [securityFiles*Integration]: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa379567%28v=VS.85%29.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc982153.aspx http://blogs.technet.com/b/askds/archive/2008/04/18/the-security-descriptor-definition-language-of-love-part-1.aspx http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc512610.aspx [securityRegistryBeforeIntegration] ;;;example [SecurityRegistryBeforeIntegration] "MACHINE\%KEY_SOFTWARE%\ProgramName",0,"D:P(A;CIOI;GR;;;BU)(A;CIOI;GA;;;BA)(A;CIOI;GA;;;SY)(A;CIOI;GA;;;CO)" [securityRegistryAfterIntegration] ;;;example [SecurityRegistryAfterIntegration] "MACHINE\%KEY_SOFTWARE%\ProgramName",,"D:P(A;CIOI;GR;;;BU)(A;CIOI;GR;;;BA)(A;CIOI;GA;;;SY)(A;CIOI;GA;;;CO)" DXIntegrator loads this HIVES as default, so like previous example if want to add reglines in HKLM\Software, you need to use MACHINE\%KEY_SOFTWARE%, if you want to add or delete reglines in HKLM\System instead, you need MACHINE\%KEY_SYSTEM% "%MountDir%\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE" = %KEY_SOFTWARE% "%MountDir%\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM" = %KEY_SYSTEM% "%MountDir%\Windows\System32\config\SECURITY" = %KEY_SECURITY% "%MountDir%\Windows\System32\config\SAM" = %KEY_SAM% "%MountDir%\Windows\System32\config\COMPONENTS" = %KEY_COMPONENTS% "%MountDir%\Windows\System32\config\DEFAULT" = %KEY_DEFAULT% "%MountDir%\Users\default\ntuser.dat" = %KEY_NTUSER% "%MountDir%\Windows\system32\smi\store\Machine\schema.dat" = %KEY_SCHEMA% "%MountDir%\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\NTUSER.DAT" = %KEY_NTUSER_SP% "%MountDir%\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat" = %KEY_USRCLASS_SP% "%MountDir%\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\NTUSER.DAT" = %KEY_NTUSER_LS% "%MountDir%\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat" = %KEY_USRCLASS_LS% "%MountDir%\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\NTUSER.DAT" = %KEY_NTUSER_NS% "%MountDir%\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat" = %KEY_USRCLASS_NS% "%MountDir%\Users\Administrator\NTUSER.DAT" = %KEY_NTUSER_ADMIN% "%MountDir%\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat" = %KEY_USRCLASS_ADMIN% [securityFilesBeforeIntegration] ;;;example [SecurityFilesBeforeIntegration] %11%\FileName.exe,0,"D:P(A;;GA;;;BA)(A;;GR;;;SY)(A;;GR;;;BU)" %PROGRAMDATA%,0,"D:PAI(A;;0x1200a9;;;SY)(A;OICIIO;GXGR;;;SY)(A;;FA;;;BA)(A;OICIIO;GA;;;BA)(A;;0x1200a9;;;BU)(A;OICIIO;GXGR;;;BU)" %10%\regedit.exe,0,"D:P(A;CI;GR;;;LS)(A;CI;GR;;;BU)(A;CI;GR;;;PU)(A;CI;GA;;;BA)(A;CI;GA;;;SY)(A;CI;GA;;;CO)" [securityFilesAfterIntegration] ;;;example [SecurityFilesAfterIntegration] %11%\FileName.exe,0,"D:P(A;;GR;;;BA)(A;;GR;;;SY)(A;;GR;;;BU)" %ALLUSERSPROFILE%,0,"D:P(A;CI;GR;;;BU)(A;CI;GA;;;BA)(A;CI;GA;;;SY)(A;CI;GA;;;CO)" %16422%,0,"D:P(A;CI;GR;;;BU)(A;CI;GA;;;BA)(A;CI;GA;;;SY)(A;CI;GA;;;CO)" [TweaksAddReg] ;;;example [TweaksAddReg] HKLM, "%KEY_SOFTWARE%\ProgramName", "Test", %REG_SZ%, "Test....." HKLM, "Test\Test2", "Test2", %REG_SZ%, "Test2....." [color=green];;;see example in [ProcessesToRun*Integration] where RegHive has been loaded in HKLM\Test[/color] [TweaksDelReg] ;;;example [TweaksDelReg] HKLM, "%KEY_SOFTWARE%\ProgramName" SourceFiles = Directory where the addon has been extracted MountDir = Directory where the image has been mounted Warning: %MountDir% is an optional variable, there's no need for it as MountDir is always DIRID 24 (Root directory of the system disk), so %24%\ is always mount directory destination [ProcessesToRunBeforeIntegration] ;;;example [ProcessesToRunBeforeIntegration] reg load HKLM\Test "%Mountdir%\Windows\System32\config\RegHive" "%SourceFiles%\ResHacker.exe" -delete "%16422%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe", "%16422%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe", Icon,, "%SourceFiles%\ResHacker.exe" -addoverwrite "%16422%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe", "%16422%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe", "%SourceFiles%\Icon.res",,, "%SourceFiles%\ResHacker.exe" -delete "%MountDir%\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe", "%MountDir%\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe", Bitmap,, "%SourceFiles%\ResHacker.exe" -addoverwrite "%MountDir%\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe", "%MountDir%\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe", "%SourceFiles%\Bitmap.res",,, [ProcessesToRunAfterIntegration] ;;;example [ProcessesToRunAfterIntegration] reg unload HKLM\Test "%SourceFiles%\ResHacker.exe" -delete "%MountDir%\windows\system32\FileName.exe", "%MountDir%\windows\system32\FileName.exe", Bitmap,, "%SourceFiles%\ResHacker.exe" -addoverwrite "%MountDir%\windows\system32\FileName.exe", "%MountDir%\windows\system32\FileName.exe", "%SourceFiles%\Bitmap.res",,, "%SourceFiles%\ResHacker.exe" -delete "%11%\FileName.exe", "%11%\FileName.exe", Icon,, "%SourceFiles%\ResHacker.exe" -addoverwrite "%11%\FileName.exe", "%11%\FileName.exe", "%SourceFiles%\Icon.res",,, Warning, these sections do same job of [securityFiles*Integration] sections but in different ways; they've been added for they who find hard to understand microsoft guides about "Security Descriptor Definition Language", so you can use these too; anyway it is suggested to use [securityFiles*Integration] section, safer e also faster 1 = gives Admin permissions for a file or a directory 2 = when destination is a directory, gives Admin permission for all files and subdirectories of specified directory 3 = when destination is a directory, if it doesn't exist will be automatically created [FilePermissionsBeforeIntegration] ;;;example [b][FilePermissionsBeforeIntegration][/b] %10%\regedit.exe,1 %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%,1 %16426%\Filename.exe,1 [FilePermissionsAfterIntegration] ;;;example [FilePermissionsAfterIntegration] %10%\test.exe,1 %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%,1 %16428%\Test,3 [AddProgram] ;;;example [AddProgram] Filerefox.exe [color=Green];or[/color] install_flash_player.exe -install -force "SetUp XXX.exe" /S [string] ;;;example [Strings] LANGNAME = "English" LANGUAGE = "ENU" MuiCultureDirectory = "en-US" LangIdHex = "409" Lang = "EN" LCID = "0409" UnlockerTip = "Freeware tool to overcome a Windows bug" ;or use multi local about International INF Files http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff540208%28v=VS.85%29.aspx [Strings.0409] LANGNAME = "English" LANGUAGE = "ENU" MuiCultureDirectory = "en-US" LangIdHex = "409" Lang = "EN" LCID = "0409" UnlockerTip = "Freeware tool to overcome a Windows bug" [Strings.0410] LANGNAME = "Italiano" LANGUAGE = "ITA" MuiCultureDirectory = "it-IT" LangIdHex = "410" Lang = "IT" LCID = "0410" UnlockerTip = "Strumento freeware per superare un bug di Windows" DXIntegrator adds as default these keys in Strings section REG_SZ = 0x00000000 REG_EXPAND_SZ = 0x00020000 REG_DWORD = 0x00010001 REG_QWORD = 0x000B0001 REG_BINARY = 0x00000001 REG_MULTI_SZ = 0x00010000 REG_NONE = 0x00020001 REG_KEYONLY = 0x00000010 REG_KEYONLY_COMMON = 0x00002000 REG_UNKNOWN = 0x00030001 REG_NOCLOBBER = 0x00000002 REG_DELVAL = 0x00000004 REG_OVERWRITEONLY = 0x00000020 REG_APPEND = 0x00000008 ;Append a given value to that of an existing named value entry. This flag is valid only if FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_MULTI_SZ is also set. The specified string value is not appended if it already exists. REG_64BITKEY = 0x00001000 REG_32BITKEY = 0x00004000 REG_SZ_64BITKEY = 0x00001000 REG_SZ_32BITKEY = 0x00004000 REG_SZ_NOCLOBBER = 0x00000002 REG_SZ_NOCLOBBER_64BITKEY = 0x00001002 REG_SZ_NOCLOBBER_32BITKEY = 0x00004002 REG_SZ_DELVAL = 0x00000004 REG_SZ_DELVAL_64BITKEY = 0x00001004 REG_SZ_DELVAL_32BITKEY = 0x00004004 REG_SZ_OVERWRITEONLY = 0x00000020 REG_SZ_OVERWRITEONLY_64BITKEY = 0x00001020 REG_SZ_OVERWRITEONLY_32BITKEY = 0x00004020 REG_EXPAND_SZ_64BITKEY = 0x00021000 REG_EXPAND_SZ_32BITKEY = 0x00024000 REG_EXPAND_SZ_NOCLOBBER = 0x00020002 REG_EXPAND_SZ_NOCLOBBER_64BITKEY = 0x00021002 REG_EXPAND_SZ_NOCLOBBER_32BITKEY = 0x00024002 REG_EXPAND_SZ_DELVAL = 0x00020004 REG_EXPAND_SZ_DELVAL_64BITKEY = 0x00021004 REG_EXPAND_SZ_DELVAL_32BITKEY = 0x00024004 REG_EXPAND_SZ_OVERWRITEONLY = 0x00020020 REG_EXPAND_SZ_OVERWRITEONLY_64BITKEY = 0x00021020 REG_EXPAND_SZ_OVERWRITEONLY_32BITKEY = 0x00024020 REG_DWORD_64BITKEY = 0x00011001 REG_DWORD_32BITKEY = 0x00014001 REG_DWORD_NOCLOBBER = 0x00010003 REG_DWORD_NOCLOBBER_64BITKEY = 0x00011003 REG_DWORD_NOCLOBBER_32BITKEY = 0x00014003 REG_DWORD_DELVAL = 0x00010005 REG_DWORD_DELVAL_64BITKEY = 0x00011005 REG_DWORD_DELVAL_32BITKEY = 0x00014005 REG_DWORD_OVERWRITEONLY = 0x00010021 REG_DWORD_OVERWRITEONLY_64BITKEY = 0x00011021 REG_DWORD_OVERWRITEONLY_32BITKEY = 0x00014021 REG_QWORD_64BITKEY = 0x000B1001 REG_QWORD_32BITKEY = 0x000B4001 REG_QWORD_NOCLOBBER = 0x000B0003 REG_QWORD_NOCLOBBER_64BITKEY = 0x000B1003 REG_QWORD_NOCLOBBER_32BITKEY = 0x000B4003 REG_QWORD_DELVAL = 0x000B0005 REG_QWORD_DELVAL_64BITKEY = 0x000B1005 REG_QWORD_DELVAL_32BITKEY = 0x000B4005 REG_QWORD_OVERWRITEONLY = 0x000B0021 REG_QWORD_OVERWRITEONLY_64BITKEY = 0x000B1021 REG_QWORD_OVERWRITEONLY_32BITKEY = 0x000B4021 REG_BINARY_64BITKEY = 0x00001001 REG_BINARY_32BITKEY = 0x00004001 REG_BINARY_NOCLOBBER = 0x00000003 REG_BINARY_NOCLOBBER_64BITKEY = 0x00001003 REG_BINARY_NOCLOBBER_32BITKEY = 0x00004003 REG_BINARY_DELVAL = 0x00000005 REG_BINARY_DELVAL_64BITKEY = 0x00001005 REG_BINARY_DELVAL_32BITKEY = 0x00004005 REG_BINARY_OVERWRITEONLY = 0x00000021 REG_BINARY_OVERWRITEONLY_64BITKEY = 0x00001021 REG_BINARY_OVERWRITEONLY_32BITKEY = 0x00004021 REG_MULTI_SZ_64BITKEY = 0x00011000 REG_MULTI_SZ_32BITKEY = 0x00014000 REG_MULTI_SZ_APPEND = 0x00010008 REG_MULTI_SZ_APPEND_64BITKEY = 0x00011008 REG_MULTI_SZ_APPEND_32BITKEY = 0x00014008 REG_MULTI_SZ_NOCLOBBER = 0x00010002 REG_MULTI_SZ_NOCLOBBER_64BITKEY = 0x00011002 REG_MULTI_SZ_NOCLOBBER_32BITKEY = 0x00014002 REG_MULTI_SZ_DELVAL = 0x00010004 REG_MULTI_SZ_DELVAL_64BITKEY = 0x00011004 REG_MULTI_SZ_DELVAL_32BITKEY = 0x00014004 REG_MULTI_SZ_OVERWRITEONLY = 0x00010020 REG_MULTI_SZ_OVERWRITEONLY_64BITKEY = 0x00011020 REG_MULTI_SZ_OVERWRITEONLY_32BITKEY = 0x00014020 REG_NONE_64BITKEY = 0x00021001 REG_NONE_32BITKEY = 0x00022001 REG_NONE_NOCLOBBER = 0x00020003 REG_NONE_NOCLOBBER_64BITKEY = 0x00021003 REG_NONE_NOCLOBBER_32BITKEY = 0x00024003 REG_NONE_DELVAL = 0x00020005 REG_NONE_DELVAL_64BITKEY = 0x00021005 REG_NONE_DELVAL_32BITKEY = 0x00024005 REG_NONE_OVERWRITEONLY = 0x00020021 REG_NONE_OVERWRITEONLY_64BITKEY = 0x00021021 REG_NONE_OVERWRITEONLY_32BITKEY = 0x00024021 REG_KEYONLY_64BITKEY = 0x00001010 REG_KEYONLY_32BITKEY = 0x00004010 REG_KEYONLY_NOCLOBBER = 0x00000012 REG_KEYONLY_NOCLOBBER_64BITKEY = 0x00001012 REG_KEYONLY_NOCLOBBER_32BITKEY = 0x00004012 REG_KEYONLY_DELVAL = 0x00000015 REG_KEYONLY_DELVAL_64BITKEY = 0x00001015 REG_KEYONLY_DELVAL_32BITKEY = 0x00004015 REG_KEYONLY_OVERWRITEONLY = 0x00000030 REG_KEYONLY_OVERWRITEONLY_64BITKEY = 0x00001030 REG_KEYONLY_OVERWRITEONLY_32BITKEY = 0x00004030 REG_KEYONLY_COMMON_64BITKEY = 0x00003000 REG_KEYONLY_COMMON_32BITKEY = 0x00006000 REG_KEYONLY_COMMON_NOCLOBBER = 0x00002002 REG_KEYONLY_COMMON_NOCLOBBER_64BITKEY = 0x00003002 REG_KEYONLY_COMMON_NOCLOBBER_32BITKEY = 0x00006002 REG_KEYONLY_COMMON_DELVAL = 0x00002005 REG_KEYONLY_COMMON_DELVAL_64BITKEY = 0x00003005 REG_KEYONLY_COMMON_DELVAL_32BITKEY = 0x00006005 REG_KEYONLY_COMMON_OVERWRITEONLY = 0x00002020 REG_KEYONLY_COMMON_OVERWRITEONLY_64BITKEY = 0x00003020 REG_KEYONLY_COMMON_OVERWRITEONLY_32BITKEY = 0x00006020 REG_UNKNOWN_64BITKEY = 0x00031001 REG_UNKNOWN_32BITKEY = 0x00032001 REG_UNKNOWN_NOCLOBBER = 0x00030003 REG_UNKNOWN_NOCLOBBER_64BITKEY = 0x00031003 REG_UNKNOWN_NOCLOBBER_32BITKEY = 0x00034003 REG_UNKNOWN_DELVAL = 0x00030005 REG_UNKNOWN_DELVAL_64BITKEY = 0x00031005 REG_UNKNOWN_DELVAL_32BITKEY = 0x00034005 REG_UNKNOWN_OVERWRITEONLY = 0x00030021 REG_UNKNOWN_OVERWRITEONLY_64BITKEY = 0x00031021 REG_UNKNOWN_OVERWRITEONLY_32BITKEY = 0x00034021 ; ServiceType values SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER = 0x00000001 SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER = 0x00000002 SERVICE_ADAPTER = 0x00000004 SERVICE_RECOGNIZER_DRIVER = 0x00000008 SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS = 0x00000010 SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS = 0x00000020 SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS = 0x00000100 SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_SHARE_PROCESS = 0x00000120 ; StartType values SERVICE_BOOT_START = 0x00000000 SERVICE_SYSTEM_START = 0x00000001 SERVICE_AUTO_START = 0x00000002 SERVICE_DEMAND_START = 0x00000003 SERVICE_DISABLED = 0x00000004 ; ErrorControl values SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE = 0x00000000 SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL = 0x00000001 SERVICE_ERROR_SEVERE = 0x00000002 SERVICE_ERROR_CRITICAL = 0x00000003 SPSVCINST_TAGTOFRONT = 0x00000001 SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE = 0x00000002 SPSVCINST_DELETEEVENTLOGENTRY = 0x00000004 SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_DISPLAYNAME = 0x00000008 SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_STARTTYPE = 0x00000010 SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_ERRORCONTROL = 0x00000020 SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_LOADORDERGROUP = 0x00000040 SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_DEPENDENCIES = 0x00000080 SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_DESCRIPTION = 0x00000100 COPYFLG_WARN_IF_SKIP = 0x00000001 COPYFLG_NOSKIP = 0x00000002 COPYFLG_NOVERSIONCHECK = 0x00000004 COPYFLG_FORCE_FILE_IN_USE = 0x00000008 COPYFLG_NO_OVERWRITE = 0x00000010 COPYFLG_NO_VERSION_DIALOG = 0x00000020 COPYFLG_OVERWRITE_OLDER_ONLY = 0x00000040 COPYFLG_REPLACEONLY = 0x00000400 COPYFLG_REPLACE_BOOT_FILE = 0x00001000 COPYFLG_NOPRUNE = 0x00002000 this is the integration process executed by DXIntegrator 1 [FilePermissionsBeforeIntegration] 2 [securityFilesBeforeIntegration] 3 [ProcessesToRunBeforeIntegration] 4 [securityRegistryBeforeIntegration] 5 Offline Install Execution (installs addon AddOn) 6 [TweaksAddReg] 7 [TweaksDelReg] 8 [securityRegistryAfterIntegration] 9 [ProcessesToRunAfterIntegration] 10 [securityFilesBeforeIntegration] 11 [FilePermissionsAfterIntegration]
Here's a sample to show how to build a Windows multiplatform true addon: OnePiece Unlocker v1.9.1 AddOn INTL http://www.adrive.com/public/695858d17be0b091f858d03610505e560f7c6dc88d153616b5b54ef76377731b.html Update (May 13 2011) http://ifile.it/slvdo06/OnePiece_Unlocker_v1.9.1_AddOn_INTL.cab Update (May 13 2011) http://cramitin.eu/bds5v8ld91qv Update (May 13 2011) http://www.filesonic.com/file/986102241/OnePiece_Unlocker_v1.9.1_AddOn_INTL.cab Update (May 13 2011) http://www.filefactory.com/file/cb94fb2/n/OnePiece_Unlocker_v1.9.1_AddOn_INTL.cab Update (May 13 2011) http://www.fileserve.com/file/MjZHdq5/OnePiece_Unlocker_v1.9.1_AddOn_INTL.cab Update (May 13 2011) http://www.uploadstation.com/file/xnwSKxQ/OnePiece_Unlocker_v1.9.1_AddOn_INTL.cab Update (May 13 2011) http://www.wupload.com/file/403438/OnePiece_Unlocker_v1.9.1_AddOn_INTL.cab Update (May 13 2011) Hash MD5 DBB2473169D7FC710646E2C093EF98E9 Filesize: 119.2 Kb (122024 bytes) This addon is compatible with Windows Vista and 7 x86 and x64 versions when used with DX WinNT6.x Integrator. It works also with XP SP3 (and/or 2000/Server 2003): in this case you need Nlite or RVM Integrator. Unlocker addon don't add shortcuts in Start Menu but in Control Panel. Please keep in mind that this addon has been released mainly to show to addon maker how a Windows 7 must be and to let users test DX WinNT6.x Integrator abilities. So probably it will be rarely (or never) updated
Onepiece's DX WinNT6.x True Integrator is a DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) GUI, based on Microsoft command-line Dism.exe, default in Windows 7 (see here for info http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd744566%28WS.10%29.aspx) DX WinNT6.x True Integrator is full international: your system language is selected on start by default but if you have different languages you can force to start with needed one by adding the "language display name" in a /%LANG% switch, ie, if your Windows 7 has english and german langpacks add "/German" (without quotes) for german (switches list) Once started, you must choose wim image path, mount directory and kind of image you want to modify, then press "Mount". DX Integrator can work also on a previously mounted image and automatically remount it only if needed. Now DX WinNT6.x True Integrator can process all Windows editions (starter, home, pro, ultimate,...) in single WIM files. The edition to be mounted is the one highlighted in blue with your mouse. If you need to process other editions, then add a check in correspondant checkbox (in the example, #2 will be mounted and modified. When finished, automatically #1 and #3 will be processed at the same way) Important! you must click on "next" if you want to process all editions you've checked. If you click on "apply", only the edition higlighted in blue will be processed. NB. For time/space saving reason Windows PE x64 is used in this video tutorial. Next step you can enable and disable Windows features. Please be careful here, because if you choose to enable or disable unsupported features, your image will be damaged and become unusable, so you must unmount the image and mount it again. When done, press Apply to immediately apply the modifications to the image or Next to apply them at the end. Then you can add packages like hotfixes and langpack. Both *.cab and *.msu are supported but it's better to use .cab files extracted from *.msu packages, because DISM.exe handles them more directly. You can also uninstall from image an existing hotfix (listed in the upper packages list) by clicking on "state" column. DX Integrator is also able to recognize file version and silently uninstall older hotfixes or deny obsolete ones installation. The order of hotfixes integration can be changed and everything is checked when you press "apply". You can also check the correct integration of every single hotfix in image by switching "IGNORE-CHECK" (default) in "CHECK-STATE" but remember that this requires additional 20-40 seconds per hotfixes and now there are about 300 w7 official-unofficial hotfixes... Now you can add drivers. The upper window lists existing third-party drivers which you can also choose to uninstall, in lower window you can add new drivers in your image (force unsigned driver to install option is activated by default) ... to be continued...(?)
WinNT6.x True Integrator Update (May 19 2011) Update (May 19 2011) Update (May 19 2011) Update (May 19 2011) Update (May 19 2011) Update (May 19 2011) Update (May 19 2011) Update (May 19 2011) Update (May 19 2011) Update (May 19 2011) Update (May 19 2011) Update (May 19 2011) Update (May 19 2011) Update (May 19 2011) Update (May 19 2011) Hash MD5 FF2F224DDF24C555D265A66D8EEE6B06 Filesize: 1.3 MB (1402354 bytes) DX WinNT6.x True Integrator is a DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) GUI, based on Microsoft command-line Dism.exe, default in Windows 7 (see here for info http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd744566%28WS.10%29.aspx). You can use it to integrate hotfixes, updates, drivers, features and especially .cab addons (even in "true" mode") inside your Windows 7 (or Vista) source (only .cab addons can be integrated with DXI at this moment: no 7z, rar, etc.) For Addon Makers: DX WinNT6.x True Integrator Addon Syntax Existing XP True addons can be added by simply modifying the entries.ini file and adding [sysPrepOC] section, for example: [SysPrepOC] CCleaner=advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection,CCleaner.inf,CCleaner or [SysPrepOC] Silverlight=setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection,MSSlight.inf,Silverlight XP Svcpack addons don't need any modification but they won't appear in Installed addon list view, however they can be installable/uninstallable same way of true addons. Credits: Siginet http://www.ittechware.com has inspired this tool. Thanks also to Nuhi, Kelsenellenelvian, ricktendo64 and all the mates. Thanks also to Stephen Podhajecki Eltorro (Author of XMLDomWrapper) per _XMLGetAllAttribIndex function and trancexx (Author of CRC32, MD4, MD5, SHA1 -for files) for _MD5ForFile function. Changelog: final release improved/fixed entries.ini ReplaceFilesIfExist directive improved/fixed Run(Pre/Post)SetupCommands directive process
http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=135066&view=findpost&p=881463 Actually, as Sp0iLedBrAt wrote, Nlite doesn't like multiple sessions on same source so you can do the first integration of UpdatePack and all the tweaks; test it on a Vm and if it works, proceed by adding one by one your addon using RVM Integrator v.1.6.1b2.1
forget bout what they say about ur onepiece update pack, u n onepiece had work very hard, thx a lot man!