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I'm nearing my final unattended XP CD build, and I'd like all you wizards to go over my code, make any suggestions, etc. :)



   Hibernation = No









   IEBrandingFile = install.ins


   CustomDefaultThemeFile = "%WinDir%\Resources\Themes\Classic.theme"



@echo off

ECHO Adding User "Valkyre"
net user Valkyre /add
net localgroup "administrators" Valkyre /add
net localgroup "users" Valkyre /delete
net user administrator /active:no

REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\Install\user.reg

ECHO Removing Wallpapers...
DEL "%systemroot%\Blue Lace 16.bmp"
DEL "%systemroot%\Coffee Bean.bmp"
DEL "%systemroot%\FeatherTexture.bmp"
DEL "%systemroot%\Gone Fishing.bmp"
DEL "%systemroot%\Greenstone.bmp"
DEL "%systemroot%\Prairie Wind.bmp"
DEL "%systemroot%\Rhododendron.bmp"
DEL "%systemroot%\River Sumida.bmp"
DEL "%systemroot%\Santa Fe Stucco.bmp"
DEL "%systemroot%\Soap Bubbles.bmp"
DEL "%systemroot%\Zapotec.bmp"
DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\Crystal.jpg"
DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\Friend.jpg"
DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\Home.jpg"
DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\Moon flower.jpg"
DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\Peace.jpg"
DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\Power.jpg"
DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\Purple flower.jpg"
DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\Radiance.jpg"
DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\Ripple.jpg"
DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\Stonehenge.jpg"
DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\Vortec space.jpg"
DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\Ascent.jpg"
DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\Autumn.jpg"
DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\Azul.jpg"
DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\Follow.jpg"
DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\Red moon desert.jpg"
DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\Tulips.jpg"
DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\Wind.jpg"

ECHO Removing useless shortcuts...
DEL "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Windows Update.lnk"
DEL "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Set Program Access and Defaults.lnk"
DEL "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Windows Catalog.lnk"

ECHO Removing Screensavers...
DEL "%systemroot%\system32\dllcache\scrnsave.scr"
DEL "%systemroot%\system32\dllcache\ss3dfo.scr"
DEL "%systemroot%\system32\dllcache\ssbezier.scr"
DEL "%systemroot%\system32\dllcache\ssflwbox.scr"
DEL "%systemroot%\system32\dllcache\ssmarque.scr"
DEL "%systemroot%\system32\dllcache\ssmypics.scr"
DEL "%systemroot%\system32\dllcache\ssmyst.scr"
DEL "%systemroot%\system32\dllcache\sspipes.scr"
DEL "%systemroot%\system32\dllcache\ssstars.scr"
DEL "%systemroot%\system32\dllcache\sstext3d.scr"
DEL "%systemroot%\system32\scrnsave.scr"
DEL "%systemroot%\system32\ss3dfo.scr"
DEL "%systemroot%\system32\ssbezier.scr"
DEL "%systemroot%\system32\ssflwbox.scr"
DEL "%systemroot%\system32\ssmarque.scr"
DEL "%systemroot%\system32\ssmypics.scr"
DEL "%systemroot%\system32\ssmyst.scr"
DEL "%systemroot%\system32\sspipes.scr"
DEL "%systemroot%\system32\ssstars.scr"
DEL "%systemroot%\system32\sstext3d.scr"

ECHO Deleting Shared Documents Files
DEL /Q "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Music\*.*"
DEL /Q "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures\*.*"

COPY "%systemdrive%\Install\Classic.theme" "%systemroot%\Resources\Themes\"

ECHO Installing DirectX 9.0b
ECHO Please wait...
start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\DX9b\dxsetup.exe /opk

ECHO Installing Windows Media Player 9
ECHO Please wait...
start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\WMP9\wmp9.exe /Q:A /R:N

ECHO Installing Firebird 0.6
MD "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Firebird\"
XCOPY /S /E "%systemdrive%\Programs\Firebird" "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Firebird\"

ECHO Installing Thunderbird 0.2
MD "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Thunderbird\"
XCOPY /S /E "%systemdrive%\Programs\Thunderbird" "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Thunderbird\"

ECHO Installing Miranda IM 0.3.1
MD "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Miranda IM\"
XCOPY /S /E "%systemdrive%\Programs\Miranda IM" "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Miranda IM\"

ECHO Installing Default Wallpapers
MD "%systemroot%\Wallpapers\"
XCOPY /S /E "%systemdrive%\Install\Wallpapers\" "%systemroot%\Wallpapers\"

REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\Install\regtweaks.reg

ECHO Deleting Temporary Installation Files...
RMDIR /S /Q %systemdrive%\Install\
RMDIR /S /Q %systemdrive%\Programs\
RMDIR /S /Q %systemdrive%\Drivers\

ECHO Restarting the sytem in 1 minute...
shutdown -r -f -t 60 -c "Windows XP will now restart in 1 minute"



Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;Disables Windows Tour bubble popup

;Disable thumbnail cache

;Disable StickyKeys
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\StickyKeys]

;Disable Desktop Cleanup Wizard

;Disable highlighting of new programs

;Use small icons for start menu programs

;Disable automatic restart in the event of a BSOD

;Disable Error Reporting

;Disable Windows Time service

;Remove shortcut arrows

;Speed up NTFS

;RAM usage tweaks
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

;Prefetcher tweak
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters]

;Changes Windows Driver Signing Policy 'prompt' to 'ignore'
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Driver Signing]

;Disable System Restore
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore]

;Disable Remote Assistance
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server]

;Disable autoupdates

;Disable autoupdates
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update]

;Disable QoS

;Disable low disk space check

;IE stuff
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]

;Disable Windows File Protection
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]

;Speed-up access to AVI media files

;Speed up NTFS

;Speed up shutdown
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]


;Do not receive media player licences

;Disable media player identification through internet sites

;Disable automatic codec downloads

;Do not synchronize time via internet


;Disable ALL BalloonTips






;Open 16-bit applications in a seperate memory space

;Enable boot optimization when defragging

;Set Notepad preferences

;Remove "Shotcut to..." in new shorcuts

;Disable the "search-dog" assistant
"Use Search Asst"="no

;Show "Connect To..." menu

;Disable Autorun

;Disable ALL visual effects

;Configure Start Menu

;Configure Services















































































Let me ask you one thing. when U say:


In what folder of the cd do you put the batch?

I can't to understand where does %systemdrive%\Install\ is actually...

Hope for reply.. tnks

Let me ask you one thing. when U say:


In what folder of the cd do you put the batch?

I can't to understand where does %systemdrive%\Install\ is actually...

Hope for reply.. tnks

On the root of the CD, my OEM folder structure looks something like this...















$OEM$\$1\Programs\Miranda IM\

Your $OEM$ directory should be placed on the root of the CD, like say D: was your CD drive letter, your path would look like D:\$OEM\$1\


I should also add, that anything inside your $OEM$\$1\ folder will be copied to your hard drive, on the root of the drive. (ex. C:)


Hum... now I understand I thought that $OEM$ should be placed in the i386 directory..

that was really a great help thks... []s

Hum... now I understand I thought that $OEM$ should be placed in the i386 directory..

that was really a great help thks... []s

No worries, I made that same exact mistake 3 times in a row, before I finally figured it out. :)


;Speed up NTFS


"NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation"=dword:00000001 = dangerous and breaks regression and some ntfs regression compatibility with non 2k/xp certified and ntfs aware applications

"Win31FileSystem"=dword:00000000 = safe

"Win95TruncatedExtensions"=dword:00000001 = dangerous and breaks regression compatibility only for use with 2k and xp certified apps

"NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate"=dword:00000001 = safe

;RAM usage tweaks

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

"DisablePagingExecutive"=dword:00000001 = safe with non ati video drivers

"LargeSystemCache"=dword:00000001 = safe with non ati video drivers

"IoPageLockLimit"=dword:1bf00000 = unneccessary with the kernal update 820128 and can cause memory starvation in low/mid memory systems under 1gb

"SecondLevelDataCache"=dword:00000100 = safe

;Prefetcher tweak

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters]

"EnablePrefetcher"=dword:00000003 = unnecessary, set by guisetup to default, interloks to ntfs journaling and index manager = do not disable it


This is the full components listing of what you would want to consider when turning components on and off from the install phase



AccessOpt = On

Appsrv_console = On

Aspnet = On

AutoUpdate = On

BitsServerExtensionsISAPI = On

BitsServerExtensionsManager = On

Calc = On

Certsrv = On

Certsrv_client = On

Certsrv_server = On

Charmap = On

Chat = On

Clipbook = On

Complusnetwork = On

Deskpaper = On

Dialer = On

Dtcnetwork = On

Fax = On

Fp_extensions = On

Fp_vdir_deploy = On

Freecell = On

Hearts = On

Hypertrm = On

IEAccess = On

Iis_asp = On

Iis_common = On

Iisdbg = On

Iis_ftp = On

Iis_htmla = On

Iis_doc = On

Iis_inetmgr = On

Iis_internetdataconnector = On

Iis_nntp = On

Iis_pwmgr = On

Iis_serversideincludes = On

Iis_smtp = On

Iis_smtp_docs = On

Iis_webadmin = On

Iis_webdav = On

Iis_www = On

Iis_www_vdir_printers = On

Iis_www_vdir_scripts = On

Iis_www_vdir_terminalservices = On

Indexsrv_system = On

Inetprint = On

Licenseserver = On

Media_clips = On

Media_utopia = On

Minesweeper = On

Mousepoint = On

Msmq_ADIntegrated = On

Msmq_Core = On

Msmq_HTTPSupport = On

Msmq_LocalStorage = On

Msmq_MQDSService = On

Msmq_RoutingSupport = On

Msmq_TriggersService = On

Msnexplr = On

Mswordpad = On

Netcis = On

Netoc = On

Objectpkg = On

OEAccess = On

Paint = On

Pinball = On

Pop3Admin = On

Pop3Service = On

Pop3Srv = On

Rec = On

Reminst = On

Rootautoupdate = On

Rstorage = On

Solitaire = On

Spider = On

Templates = On

TerminalServer = On

TSWebClient = On

Vol = On


WMAccess = On


Zonegames = On


Spheris, thanks for the full list. I have being searching over the web and no such luck. By any chance, do you have a description of each components? Some of them, it's hard to decipher by looking at the name of the component.




I see you used the net user command to create a new user, this does not seem to have a password but you use the automatice logon registry script later in your setup, i dont think it is neccessary, because windows xp will automatically login the first account that is not the administrator account. Please check that..


sunil: you are quite correct, as long as the admin account does not appear on the welcom screen and as long as there is only one user the system will automatically logon.

on a side note

if you ceate a user called System before your first logon ie: in your cmdlines.txt cmd script the system will auto logon without the admin account without the need for it to be set in winnt.sif and it will also show on welcome screen<<<------ completly useless i agree but informative non the less


Quick question. (didn't want to start another thread)

Should I just remove the "AutoAdminLogon=1" line from my user.reg file? Or should I remove the user.reg file altogether?


Looks really nice!

Question; Is there a complete list of commands that is OK to use in the winnt.sif?

And which command go under which heading?

Curious as usual :)

/ SwedenXP

Quick question. (didn't want to start another thread)

Should I just remove the "AutoAdminLogon=1" line from my user.reg file? Or should I remove the user.reg file altogether?

The AutoAdminLogon will only work the first time you start windows, but if no user account is created beside that one, it will continue to work, as for the removal of the reg file, this not necessary because it will lon the first time for you and all the other times after that, until you create another user account...

Looks really nice!

Question; Is there a complete list of commands that is OK to use in the winnt.sif?

And which command go under which heading?

Curious as usual  :)

/ SwedenXP

Have a look in deploy.cab under support\tools on ur XP CD, there is a ref.chm file , it contains all information u would need :rolleyes:

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