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[Desktops] 2007

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Very nice Dagonet! I'm guessing that you're running Vista, correct? It looks like you're using ObjectDock for the dock application, but what's giving you the weather?

Hey Zxian... Thanks.

It's a Desktop X widget. Clear Weather. All part of Object Desktop.

You're right it is Vista, Ecliz is the skin (JJ Ying), Object Dock, Nordagan is the Icon Pack.

The wall is Road From New Jersey, available here http://interfacelift.com/wallpaper/index.p...;id=&page=2

Cheers Dude.

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Here's a picture of my file server's desktop. I use this machine to rip my DVDs to XviD as well, hence the tools on the desktop. :P

I also managed to get a simple Samurize taskbar configuration going, just for the important stuff.



And... for my desktop - I decided to go back to looking at the beautiful Billie Piper. :D



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