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Installing Winxp via winnt32 under Winpe v2.0 (Vista PE)


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Nope, is not even reach the startnet.cmd yet.

Immediately after the loading progress bar finish, it prompt the error as attached.

This won't happen if I don't include the W2K3 setup files into the winpe boot DVD.

Is there any reason that the W2K3 setup files/folders (I only copied the i386 folder from the installation CD)

cannot be inlcude to the WinPE boot DVD together?



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Do you include the i386 folder into the wim file ?

If so, make sure you have enough RAM Memory in your System, because the whole wim file is loaded into memory

before it execute

If you boot Winpe from DVD you can place the i386 Folder outside of the wim File, so you need less memory for the system

I think Wim File Container have a limit of max 4 GB. So make sure your Wim file is below that threshold

Edited by kyor
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another thing to keep in mind... a base WinPE2.x WIM needs a min of 385+/- RAM memory to load correctly, plus extra ram if you have added files and drivers. So if your wim has an additional 500+ mb of i386 folder, then you need at least 885+ RAM to boot correctly.

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Thank you very much to Kyor and Jazkal,

Initially I was include the i386 folder into the wim, I guess that cause the wim file size problem.

However I had tried to move those files out from the wim, so it seems ok now.


So great that I can find help from this forum....

Really appreciate that

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  • 4 weeks later...


I am having issues in the fact that I have managed to launch Winnt32 with the following procedure, but setup fails to go into the GUI portion of setup

This is my current Startnet.cmd

@echo off
regedit /s fixxpboot.reg
Echo Executing Diskpart script
Diskpart /s DiskpartActivate.txt
Echo Formatting C: drive..please wait
echo y | Format c: /fs:ntfs /V:SYSTEM /Q /X
echo Preparing boot sector...
bootsect /nt52 c: /force
echo Beginning Windows XP installation...
F:\WinXP\I386\winnt32.exe /s:F:\WinXP\I386 /syspart:C /tempdrive:C /unattend:F:\WinXP\I386\winnt.sif /makelocalsource

Winnt32.exe launches , however after XP copies the files locally, runs the text mode setup once and reboots, the process is repeated..meaning the Blue textmode setup runs again, instead of going into the GUI portion of the Windows setup routine..

I am completely stumped!

Any ideas why this happens?

Also, I noticed that Bootsect.exe from the OPK is 110k in size, compared to that of the WAIK of 83k...does it matter which one is used? I have tried both without success


Edited by lyledg
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I am having issues in the fact that I have managed to launch Winnt32 with the following procedure, but setup fails to go into the GUI portion of setup

This is my current Startnet.cmd

@echo off
regedit /s fixxpboot.reg
Echo Executing Diskpart script
Diskpart /s DiskpartActivate.txt
Echo Formatting C: drive..please wait
echo y | Format c: /fs:ntfs /V:SYSTEM /Q /X
echo Preparing boot sector...
bootsect /nt52 c: /force
echo Beginning Windows XP installation...
F:\WinXP\I386\winnt32.exe /s:F:\WinXP\I386 /syspart:C /tempdrive:C /unattend:F:\WinXP\I386\winnt.sif /makelocalsource

Winnt32.exe launches , however after XP copies the files locally, runs the text mode setup once and reboots, the process is repeated..meaning the Blue textmode setup runs again, instead of going into the GUI portion of the Windows setup routine..

I am completely stumped!

Any ideas why this happens?

Also, I noticed that Bootsect.exe from the OPK is 110k in size, compared to that of the WAIK of 83k...does it matter which one is used? I have tried both without success


As I have spent quite a lot of time to solve this puzzle, I have finally cracked it and thought I would share this and my scripts with others:

I was getting symptoms of the textmode setup looping and running twice...and then getting the error:

"Setup was unable to verify drive C:.Your computer may not have enough memory to examine the drive, or your Windows XP CD may contain some corrupted files.To continue, press Enter."

Scripts that I used to get this to work..


Select Disk 0


@echo off
Echo Intialising WinPE 2.0 environment
Regedit /s fixbootxp.reg
Echo Executing Diskpart script
Diskpart /s DiskpartActivate.txt
Echo Formating drive..please wait
Echo Formatting C: drive
echo y | Format c: /fs:ntfs /V:SYSTEM /Q /X
MD C:\Build
MD C:\Build\i386
Xcopy /CHERKY F:\I386\*.* C:\Build\i386
echo Preparing boot sector...
bootsect /nt52 c: /force
echo Beginning Windows XP installation...
cd build\i386
Winnt32.exe /syspart:c: /unattend:C:\Build\i386\winnt.sif

A few things to note:

1) If you follow the recommendations from MS, it says to use the /syspart:c: with the /tempdrive:C switch...I think this was the switch giving me hassles as after I removed this I found it worked for me in the end, omitting the /tempdrive:C in the command line

2) I copied the i386 locally first...I guess the /makelocalsource command would do the same thing, just not tested.

3) I used the Bootsect.exe (110k) from the OPK...not the WAIK...again I am sure they are the same

4) The Drive letter "F" in my startnet command is my CD ROM

Hopefully this helps the next guy


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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't think its related, but is there a reason why you are not having diskpart format the drive?

No not really, guess I like to keep all the commands in one batch file, easier to manage over time..


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  • 1 month later...

maybe, guys shoulde to try "Setup Xp launcher v1.8"its work whit the correct version of the diskpartitione in bartpe.

i dont tested the install process fully , but with its you will be format disk, and launch the setup for unnatended install.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having a slight problem with the actual install of XP

I have an nlited source that I have robocopied to my thumbdrive (actually made 2 nlite xp source files)

I can boot via thumbdrive into PE2.0

The diskpart works fine

the XP setup GUI works fine (Winnt32.exe etc...)

My problem occurs in the DOS mode when it is copying the files. It complains about a missing "MFPLAT.DLL" at about 60% complete. I have verified that the file exists in the thumbdrive and in the source file folder.

If I burn the files to a DVD and setup via that disk, there is no error and setup concludes correctly.

If I skip the file it again errors at "WMDRMSDK.DLL" at 85%. Skip that file, and the GUI setup starts and runs for a while before complaining about un2regmp.exe (or something similar)

It will complete eventually, but there are many missing shortcuts and missing applications.

This does NOT occur if booting from a DVD to do a typical unattended XP install.

I have made 2 deductions about these files:

1. they are not compressed in the i386 folder... MFPLAT.DLL not MFPLAT.DL_

2. They seem to be WMP files that I slipstreamed in via "WMP11 Integrator"

Anyone come across this?

Edited by Radimus
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Radimus, I'd bet 10 to 1 that it is a problem with your nlite source. They have always had issues doing winnt32.exe installs. Most of the user base for nlite does CD\DVD installs, so they don't get a lot of testing from the other side.

I could be wrong, but like I said, I'd give you 10 to 1 odds that I'm not. ;-)

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I'll give it a shot building the source by hand... since SP3, there really aren't a bunch of hotfixes to apply, so I'm really only using it to slipstream IE7, WMP11, and a bunch of drivers... winnt.sif does most of the config after that

I suppose I can just add WMP and ie7 afterward

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