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Installing Winxp via winnt32 under Winpe v2.0 (Vista PE)


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1. I can't find "bootsect.exe" on my UFD.

I followed the steps from WAIK Walkthrough "Create a Bootable Windows PE RAM Disk on UFD",

(In LRMOPK_TW.iso, we can find bootsect.exe in the BOOT folder)

but I didn't find bootsect.exe in the BOOT folder on my UFD.

So I copied it from "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86" to BOOT folder.

That's correct you have to copy it from your opk kit to your WinPE CD or to a network share.

2. The winnt32.exe will close after "Preparing installation".

I followed the steps you mentioned above,

I run winnt32.exe without unattended file,

I typed the regist key then the setup program went on.

But after "Preparing installation", the setup program closed and return to the command line promote.

could somebody do me a favort?

I've bothered about this for months .

Normaly, after typing in the reg key the setup Program copies the necessary files to your harddisk and

return to the command prompt. after that you have to exit winpe. type exit in winpe and remove your winpe source (i.e. USB Stick, CD)


Thanks for your help.

Now I can complete my winpe UFD.

By the way,at first I typed the following commond

%SOURCE%\i386\winnt32.exe /syspart:c: /unattend:%SOURCE%\i386\WINNT.SIF

After the computer reboot, the setup program asked me to put "windows xp sp2" setup cd into the cdrom.

So I used /makelocalsource and /tempdrive:c: parameters,the full commond is

%SOURCE%\i386\winnt32.exe /syspart:c: /unattend:%SOURCE%\i386\WINNT.SIF /makelocalsource /tempdrive:c:

the unattend setup went on successfully, just like it run from unattend setup CD.

Is it possible run a unattend Xp setup under winpe 2.0 ram disk on UFD without copying all source files to the Hard disk?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you try just creating another folder in your mount or mount\Windows folder before the Prepare your image step?

This would compress it on the .WIM file ... it ceratinly would increase the boot time.

I haven't seen if there is a maximum size for the RAM Drive used (I don't think that information is in TFM)

I am actually going to try this today.

Edited by twalk482
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So, this worked (having the i386 source on the RAMDrive). However, I did not have the option of a USB Key ... So, I created an ISO

I added the logic to get the "WINSRC" directory on the RAMDrive to the batch file I have to create WinPE 2.0

Should be adble to modify the SET statements here to make it work for you

SET WAIKTOOLS_DIR=C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools



Here would be the line(s) that I added to my custom STARTNET.CMD

CD /D X:\WINSRC\i386


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  • 1 month later...

I am currently having problems with WinPE 2.0 and XP install. I am trying to use one WinPE disk to install both XP and Vista. I have the disk set so that the Vista install initiates. Then I create the partitions I want through Vista Setup. If I hit next then Vista installs on the C: Partition. If I exit the Vista Installation after the partitions are created then XP tries to install on the C: Partition.

After creating the partitions and exiting the Vista Setup I am sitting with a 40 GB C Partition and a 120 GB D Partition. I then run the following commands:


Select Disk 0

Select Partition 1

Assign Letter C



format c: /fs:ntfs /q /y /v:Boot

\\XP\I386\winnt32 /s:\\XP\I386 /unattend:\\XP\I386\winnt.sif /dudisable /syspart:c

This copies over the installation files for Windows XP to the local machine. The computer is then restarted

Immediately following the POST i receive the following message:

A disk read error occurred

Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart

I tried updating the bios of the motherboard and using bootsect.exe /nt52 c: /force, and changing the disk type to Auto, CHS, Large, LHS

Ive also integrated the following registry entries into my WinPE disk

reg load HKLM\PE-SYS c:\Winpe_x86\Mount\Windows\system32\config\system

Reg Add "HKLM\PE-SYS\ControlSet001\Services\vds\Alignment" /t Reg_Dword /v LessThan4GB /d 0 /f

Reg Add "HKLM\PE-SYS\ControlSet001\Services\vds\Alignment" /t Reg_Dword /v Between4_8GB /d 0 /f

RegAdd "HKLM\PE-SYS\ControlSet001\Services\vds\Alignment" /t Reg_Dword /v Between8_32GB /d 0 /f

Reg Add "HKLM\PE-SYS\ControlSet001\Services\vds\Alignment" /t Reg_Dword /v GreaterThan32GB /d 0 /f

reg unload HKLM\PE-SYS

All result in the same error

Any ideas?

Edited by toastycheese678
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I am currently having problems with WinPE 2.0 and XP install. I am trying to use one WinPE disk to install both XP and Vista. I have the disk set so that the Vista install initiates. Then I create the partitions I want through Vista Setup. If I hit next then Vista installs on the C: Partition. If I exit the Vista Installation after the partitions are created then XP tries to install on the C: Partition.

After creating the partitions and exiting the Vista Setup I am sitting with a 40 GB C Partition and a 120 GB D Partition. I then run the following commands:


Select Disk 0

Select Partition 1

Assign Letter C



format c: /fs:ntfs /q /y /v:Boot

\\XP\I386\winnt32 /s:\\XP\I386 /unattend:\\XP\I386\winnt.sif /dudisable /syspart:c

This copies over the installation files for Windows XP to the local machine. The computer is then restarted

Immediately following the POST i receive the following message:

A disk read error occurred

Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart

I tried updating the bios of the motherboard and using bootsect.exe /nt52 c: /force, and changing the disk type to Auto, CHS, Large, LHS

Ive also integrated the following registry entries into my WinPE disk

reg load HKLM\PE-SYS c:\Winpe_x86\Mount\Windows\system32\config\system

Reg Add "HKLM\PE-SYS\ControlSet001\Services\vds\Alignment" /t Reg_Dword /v LessThan4GB /d 0 /f

Reg Add "HKLM\PE-SYS\ControlSet001\Services\vds\Alignment" /t Reg_Dword /v Between4_8GB /d 0 /f

RegAdd "HKLM\PE-SYS\ControlSet001\Services\vds\Alignment" /t Reg_Dword /v Between8_32GB /d 0 /f

Reg Add "HKLM\PE-SYS\ControlSet001\Services\vds\Alignment" /t Reg_Dword /v GreaterThan32GB /d 0 /f

reg unload HKLM\PE-SYS

All result in the same error

Any ideas?

There is a website that hosts hotfixes that Microsoft doesn't give out publicly:

In this case, you can get this:


from here:


Try slipstreaming this fix into your installation to avoid the registry edits.

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I'm having an extremely weird problem when I try to install XP using a network share and WinPE 2.0.

Here's what I do (even after using the fix I posted above):


select disk 0


create partition primary


assign letter c



net use t: \\%sharename%\xppro <<asks for credentials...I enter them


cd wkst << has an i386 folder as well as several text files used as unattended setup files.

wkst32.bat %textfile%.txt

Inside the wkst32.bat:

@echo off


echo %TRACK%.txt

t:\i386\winnt32 /m:t:\i386\ /syspart:c: /tempdrive:c: /unattend:t:\wkst\%TRACK%.txt


Anyway, after running this, the setup files copy correctly, then the textmode part runs correctly. Once the GUI comes up, I get the following error message:

Fatal Error-

SXS.DLL: Syntax error in manifest or policy file C:\$win_nt$.~ls\I386\asms\6000\MSFT\VCRTL\VCRTL.MAN on LINE 11

A component's file does not match the verification information present in the component manifest

Now here's the kicker:

The EXACT same source files work fine when using a variation of a DOS-based Ultimate Boot CD. The only difference is that winnt.exe is used with a wkst.bat file:

@echo off


echo %TRACK%.txt

t:\i386\winnt /s:t:\i386 /t:c:\ /u:t:\wkst\%TRACK%.txt

Any ideas?

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Never mind--I solved the problem.

wkst32 edits:

Omissions in bold. Additions in italics

t:\i386\winnt32 /m:t:\i386\ /syspart:c: /tempdrive:c: /makelocalsource /unattend:t:\wkst\%TRACK%.txt

In any case, slipstreaming the hotfix for the Vista diskpart craziness combined with this worked like a charm!

Edited by killerb255
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  • 4 weeks later...

Someone here who wants to make a little walkthrough how to use winpe2.0 with xp setup.. I am looking for a stepbystep guide - otherwise I know i will not suceed in doing this ;(

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do the following only for xp and win2003 installations.

On vista you will get performance problems with raid controllers

if you use the fixbootxp.reg

1. run winpe 2.0

2. regedit /s fixbootxp.reg (attached in this post)

3. use diskpart (

you can use diskpart /s diskpart.ini if you want to format your HDD automatically)

4. bootsect /nt52 c: (you get bootsect from OPK Kit)

5. start winnt32.exe

example t:\i386\winnt32 /m:t:\i386\ /syspart:c: /tempdrive:c: /makelocalsource /unattend:t:\unattend.txt


When you do this kind of installation you get a error message in Windows when it's installed (see picture). But this is normal and doesn't affect

this Installation. I haven't found another way. When you use the chkdsk in GUI Mode you didn't get a error message


Greetings kyor




Edited by kyor
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Heh old thread... anyway i created an XP install image using imagex and winpe2.0

I programed a simple GUI to execute commands like quickformat diskpart and bootsect and such...

anyway.. i use an nLited XP install so its all automated so to prep a drive to capture the install image....

run: winnt32 /unattend:winnt.sif /makelocalsource /noreboot

(you could just run winnt32 /makelocalsource and enter your licence info and whatever...)

then I use ImageX to capture that image

and what i end up with is an image all ready for deployment under winpe2.0

then when i pop in my disc it boots to winpe and my custom shell launcher doober comes up...

Diskpart (or just a quick format if the partition exists)

apply image

bootsect /nt52

more or less three clicks and a Y (to confirm i want to quick format) and i am ready to reboot and it does the normal blue textmode then gui then done.. in like less then 25 min...

My PE Shell has the following commands

Apply image (I call it Install Windows)

Quick Format C:

Run Disk Partitioner (Diskpart till i find a WinPE2 compadible diskpart gui)

Apply NT5x Boot Sector (bootsect /nt52)

Open Command Prompt (cmd.exe)

the kickass ImageX GUI (for imageing jobs beyond the simple apply image)

Open Registry Editor (regedit.exe) Everyone needs a registry editor avilable

and a readme.. which i havent programed yet because im a lazy son of a b***h

it looks nifty the coding is horrific but it all works

but that winnt32 /makelocalsource then capture with ImageX should work... just be sure you apply the NT5x bootsector so it loads NTLDR if you format and not do bootsect it will want to run BOOTMGR and windows xp doesnt come with it...

this method should work with win2k and server03 also

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi :hello: ,

I'm trying to create a server deployment image for Windows 2003 with WinPE 2.1.

My steps are:

1. Boot into Winpe2.1

2. delete partition using diskpart

3. configure HP Disk Array configuration and create an array

4. create new partition

5. format disk

6. install from commandline (X:\W2K3\I386\WINNT32.EXE /syspart:c: /s:X:\W2K3\I386 /unattend:X:\DiskProfilesA\unattend.txt /makelocalsource

step 2 to 6 is run from a vbscript that I had created and compiled as a .exe file and being called out from

startnet.cmd. The W2K3 installation files are copied to a new folder named W2K3 under the winpe\mount folder.

My problem is when I include the W2K3 folder, winpe will load but immediately finish loading, it prompt error and not

execute the startnet.cmd. (I guess it straight jump to the w2k3 setup, but at that point the harddisk is not parepare yet

hence it gives error)

But if I exclude the W2K3 folder, I have no problem, winpe will load then trigger the startnet.cmd and I can type and execute some array configuration manually from the command prompt.

Is anyone have any idea why I can't include the W2K3 installation files together with winpe?

I have no problem with this when I use winpe 2005 in our previous image version.


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