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Installing Winxp via winnt32 under Winpe v2.0 (Vista PE)


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I have problems to install Windows XP under WinPE 2.0 (Vista).

so here are the installation steps.

1. Boot into Winpe2 (Vista)

2. Prepare the harddisk with diskpart

3. format harddisk

4. Use bootsect /nt52 c:

5. install from commandline (winnt32 /syspart:c: /s:t:\winnt\i386

/makelocalsource /unattend:t:\winnt\i386\auto.txt)

Under Winpe 2005 (step 4 is not needed) it works fine.

Under Winpe 2.0 the folllowing happens:

- after exit from winpe 2.0 the system boots from hdd an recognized the

ntldr bootsector

- the textmode screen appears an copied the files

- when finished, the PC boots again to enter the GUI mode

- PC stopps immediately when it try to boot from hdd

Error message: A disk read error occured. Press

strl+alt+del key

How can i fix this issue ? I use the RTM Version

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I'm having a similar problem.

I'm using WinPE 2.0 and ImageX for imaging to deploy a windows XP image.

I'm preparing the drive the same way you did. Even with the bootsect command (with and without the /force) and after I restore the image (in vmware) it boots up, finishes the mini setup and blue screens the first time it tries to boot into windows with "unmountable boot volume".

Under WinPE 1.6 this works. But other things I need don't work, thats why I want to go with 2.0.

It seems like the diskpart command creats some kind of unsupported partition with windows xp. I've tried this on a Dell GX150 and vmware and they both fail.

However it did work on a Dell D420. So something is not compatible.

At this point I may have to go back to WinPE 1.6 and use ImageX but I really want to figure this out.

Anybody have any free tools for creating partitions that work under WinPE 2.0?

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It seems like the diskpart command creats some kind of unsupported partition with windows xp. I've tried this on a Dell GX150 and vmware and they both fail.

However it did work on a Dell D420. So something is not compatible.

i try to figure the problem out. Can you give me Bios informations please

What Bios has the Dell D420 and what Bios has the Dell GX150. Have they both award bios ?

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Thanks i know this method, but i want to automate windows via winnt32.


Thanks for your great info. When i set it to "large mode" it works!! :rolleyes:

It seems so that many non Intel Mainboards have this issue. On my tested Intel Mainboards

it works always fine. I have made up a service request to Microsoft.

:thumbup Have a great weekend. :thumbup


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What mother boards did you see this issue on? Do you know what chipset (north/south bridge) it is using?

I'm trying to narrow down the issue to what chipsets are effected, because I think Microsoft is going to say that it is the chipset makers problem.

Let us know what Microsoft says.

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Hi Jazkal,

I've tried it on

MSI Mainboard with the new nvidia61 chipset

Gigabyte 945GZME (Intel 945)

Gigabyte 965P-DS3 (intel 965)

Foxconn 865G7.. (Intel 865)

They all fail with standard setting.

Intel Mainboard works fine:

Intel D945GTP and another Intel Mainboard with 945 Chipset

Intel DQ965GF

I will inform you what Microsoft says.

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His method won't help in this instance. Even if you had a WIM with a captured WinXp install (syspreped), it would still see the same problem when you laid the image down. The problem is with WinPE v2's diskpart or bootsect.

Now to answer you question on how to to this:

You have a base install of WinXP, configured how you want it.

Then you configure your sysprep answer file for mini-setup.

Then you run sysprep to prepare the OS.

Then you bring the machine up into WinPE and run imagex to capture your new WIM.

From this point you can deploy this image to other boxes.

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His method won't help in this instance. Even if you had a WIM with a captured WinXp install (syspreped), it would still see the same problem when you laid the image down. The problem is with WinPE v2's diskpart or bootsect.

Now to answer you question on how to to this:

You have a base install of WinXP, configured how you want it.

Then you configure your sysprep answer file for mini-setup.

Then you run sysprep to prepare the OS.

Then you bring the machine up into WinPE and run imagex to capture your new WIM.

From this point you can deploy this image to other boxes.

sorry if this is a stupid question but how do you use sysprep and what is mini-setup lol. I am a novice currently at this.

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Get your WinXP CD, and look here:


here you will find a deploy.cab file. extract this out and have a look at these two files:



These two files will answer most of your questions.

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