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just wait a few days, there will be a spanish release from adobe. meanwhile use english version or the spanish version 7.0.8.



I tried the new release and all worked great except the Help function.

Clicking on Help(F1) causes a crash. (XP+W2k)

I would therefore suggest to include the help files since AR8 may have new operation/functions compared to 7.0.8


I tried the new release and all worked great except the Help function.

Clicking on Help(F1) causes a crash. (XP+W2k)

I would therefore suggest to include the help files since AR8 may have new operation/functions compared to 7.0.8

I wasnt aware of this problem. I didnt specifically remove the help files. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I'll look into this and hopefully release updated files soon.


you're welcome

And for those of you looking to save a few extra MB's I bring you the


This is a fully functional reader

- it is available in english only

- it has no help files (trying to access help will crash the reader)

- it has no updater features

- it has no runtime libraries

Get it from the usual source...



I just would like to say a HUGE thanks to Shark007!

By the way the 7.0.8 Lite worked for me from SVCPACK if I'm not wrong.

Is there going to be a 8.0 Lite SVCPACK compatible installer in the future?

Thanks once again for all these wonderful installers!


If you want to disable annoying autoupdate after install, just move the updater.api to the Optional folder.

Seems to work with other plugins too.


rem # disable Autoupdate #

move "%PROGRAMFILES%\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\plug_ins\updater.*" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\Optional"


Kudos to shark for this neat release, thanks alot.

All I'm missing is the ability to fill out pdf forms (which I do rarely but happen to need now and then).

Does it suffice to copy AcroForm.api from the regular Reader release into the Optional folder as Muchlux wrote?

Posted (edited)

> it has no runtime libraries

does it mean I have to have these 3 dlls and copy them to AR8 dir (or system32 if I want them to be "visible" for other apps, too) or else AR8 won't even work/start? Does AR ~actually~ need ALL these .dll to function?

ps WXP SP2 doesn't have these 3 dlls by default, does it?

Edited by tsk

Hi Shark007,

First of all throughout a wonderful New Year that's happy from the start...

I spent 2 days try repacking Adobe Reader 8 without success... I couldn't get the folders (Common, CommonAppData, program files and Windows) and the .msi file like in yr ar8lite_eng.exe.

In fact, like everybody i downloaded the original AdbeRdr80_en_US.exe, launched it and recover from C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\Adobe Reader 8.0 the files Abcpy.ini, AcroRead.msi, Data1.cab, setup.exe and Setup.ini (39MB).

At this point, with reader 7.0x it was possible to launch an administrative install (setup.exe /a) to recover all folders and .msi file like yours. There is no more administartive install with reader 8, swithes available but should keep 39MB (swithes: /sPB - silent mode with progress bar; /rs - reboot suppress; /rps - reboot prompt suppress; /ini "path" - alternative initialization file; /sl "lang_id" - set language; /l - enable error logging; /msi [command line] - parameters for MSIEXEC).

By launching (reader 8) setup.exe i could get the

Common folder in C:\Program Files\Common\"Adobe"

CommonAppData in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\"Adobe"

program files in C:\Program Files\"Adobe\Adobe Help Viewer" and C:\Program Files\"Adobe\Reader 8.0

regarding Windows i had to find the files in C:\windows\System32 and C:\windows\winsxs.

When i got all those folders and files, AcroRead.msiwas NOT able to install the reader8, it looking for Data1.cab.

Just for my knowledge, may you be kind to unveil yr know how.




I've just would like to know what may be the differences between Adobe Reader and Fox it reader....because I've found both read .PDF and fox it reader using less system resources comparing with great system resource for adbe reader

why do me or other may still need to use fox it reader?

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