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I've just would like to know what may be the differences between Adobe Reader and Fox it reader....because I've found both read .PDF and fox it reader using less system resources comparing with great system resource for adbe reader

why do me or other may still need to use fox it reader?

well, fox it reader is fast and has less features like adobe reader such as digital signatures, more pdf iso-standard complaining and security features like embedded media in pdf. if you want to read "plain" pdf files stick to foxit, if you need form filling and the other features use adobe's.

  • 2 weeks later...
Hello, Will you be patching this switchless installer as soon as Adobe address the below problem?



NO , i never update my releases. I believe in screw the user, its how i get my chuckles.[/sarcasm]

darn sarcasm tags dont work.

On a more serious note, updating my releases is 1/2 the fun, sharing my releases is the other 1/2

Feel free to post a notice when anything i release is updated by the authors. (except for codecs)

I'm a busy person and am not always aware of the real world.


After some research it seems v8.0 is NOT affected.


Hi Shark007, First of all throughout a wonderful New Year that's happy from the start...
Thanks., hope your holidays were good to you also.
I spent 2 days try repacking Adobe Reader 8 without success... I couldn't get the folders (Common, CommonAppData, program files and Windows) and the .msi file like in yr ar8lite_eng.exe.
darn, 2 days huh...
In fact, like everybody i downloaded the original AdbeRdr80_en_US.exe, launched it and recover from C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\Adobe Reader 8.0 the files Abcpy.ini, AcroRead.msi, Data1.cab, setup.exe and Setup.ini (39MB). At this point, with reader 7.0x it was possible to launch an administrative install (setup.exe /a) to recover all folders and .msi file like yours. There is no more administartive install with reader 8 <--- NOT TRUE
I used msiexec /a AcroRead.msi TARGETDIR=D:\temp /qb to get the admin setup files. Note; D:\temp must pre exist.
Just for my knowledge, may you be kind to unveil yr know how. Regards, coucou

shared... sorry i was slow to respond, the nudge woke me



Hi Shark007,

first of all ... GREAT WORK !

I downloaded your german version and must say ... I love it !

THX for this work.

I love it so much, that I want to learn from your work and even want to try to build a version by my own.

Sorry if the following question is to stupid ...

I followed the command "msiexec /a AcroRead.msi TARGETDIR=D:\temp /qb" to get the admin setup files,

but where is the main installfile ? There are "only" all files belonging to Adobe Reader.

Do I have to build my own installer referring to these files, or do I need a special program ?


El Nebuloso

P.S.: Sorry for my bad english

Hi Shark007,

first of all ... GREAT WORK !

I downloaded your german version and must say ... I love it !

THX for this work.

I love it so much, that I want to learn from your work and even want to try to build a version by my own.

Sorry if the following question is to stupid ...

I followed the command "msiexec /a AcroRead.msi TARGETDIR=D:\temp /qb" to get the admin setup files,

but where is the main installfile ? There are "only" all files belonging to Adobe Reader.

Do I have to build my own installer referring to these files, or do I need a special program ?


El Nebuloso

P.S.: Sorry for my bad english

The AcroRead.msi found in the TARGETDIR is the installation file.

It contains the 'logic' and registry entries that perform the installation.

The original setup.exe simply calls the AcroRead.msi to perform the install.

In my distribution, I use msistub.exe to call the *.msi



Added 2 new versions to the 8.0 releases - UNTESTED

Czech file information: 13.7 MB - MD5 = 7416581088f54fb652c3922055a7577c

Slovak file information: 13.0 MB - MD5 = f3059f8328284bf438adf56bf2588043

I cannot test versions other than English,

If there is a problem during install, please report here.


Added 2 new versions to the 8.0 releases - UNTESTED

Czech file information: 13.7 MB - MD5 = 7416581088f54fb652c3922055a7577c

Slovak file information: 13.0 MB - MD5 = f3059f8328284bf438adf56bf2588043

I cannot test versions other than English,

If there is a problem during install, please report here.


Thanks Shark :thumbup

I´ll test it and let you know.


Hi Shark

I tried to install slovak version, but without any success.

In the middle of installation process it showed an error.

Could you try to repair this release?

Hi Shark I tried to install slovak version, but without any success. In the middle of installation process it showed an error. Could you try to repair this release?

I'd love to fix it but since i am not able to install it on an english machine,

I need you to supply more information.

What does the error message say? (translated to english)


  • 2 weeks later...
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