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Can the grey condition be set to override an exclusion and lock both check boxes?

At present my menu is set to grey any installed item. I also have two exclusions set so that to different anti-virus programs can not be installed together.

However, if one of these items is installed (greyed) the exclusion overrides this and makes both items still selectable (one or other).

I would prefer that if one item is installed the grey condition takes control and disables both check boxes to save any error.

I would, however, suggest this be added to the options menu as not everyone uses grey conditions for this same reason.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Faster load time with IE7 installed on system. White screen shows for a long time before the wpi screen comes up.


This is in direct correlation with the size of your config.js file. The more config items you have, the longer it takes to load. I'm not sure that there is much that can be done to speed up the process. I would say that it is a limitation of javascript, but thats just my two cents.

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It also has to do with your screen resolution and the numbers of items in each categoty. Example: I had a user send me his config with like 500+ entries. On my 1280x1024 AMD64 it took 4 minutes to render. On his at 1600x1200 AMD64 it only takes 40 seconds. My smaller resolution was doing more column overflow checks and making new columns and more pages, etc.

I will be getting back into the full swing of things again here real soon. The "Pro" version has a new progress display to show what it is doing at startup, not just a blank screen.

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Nice to have add-on

I wish I could reboot and continu with the installation without any user intervention...

A parameter in the product catalog that would enable me to select wether I what to reboot before or after an installation. Once the reboot done, the installations start where they left off.

Configuration options could be set with user credentials for autologon.


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Idea to use vars like %ROOT% in Batch-files:

To use wpi-vars in own batch-files WPI should create an WPIVars.cmd on a specified folder (o.g. in options dialog set the path to %USERPROFILE% or %TEMP% or ...)

And add the SET-commands (SET ROOT=...) for all WPI-vars to it.

On own batch-file we can call this file and access all WPI-vars in it (e.g. %ROOT%\Tools\myTool.exe).


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well, i wish the installer window deviates more from the 'RunOnceEx" look. I mean, even though the current version's installer windows is a little different from the "RunOnceEx" one, i just wish it would be more "WPI" look..

Maybe a full screen installer would be good!?

This way you can't be playing around whilst the installations take place.


Fullscreen could be a bit like the XP-installationscreen...

On the left: the install-list

On the right: Screenshots from the installing software...

And by keeping it 'on top', maybe even cmd-windows would be hidden without using 'cmdow.exe' :w00t:

...just some little idea... :D

Better not so, while testing... (unless...with the possibility to minimize) B)

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