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Nlite 1.2.1 & WMP11 Final

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Posted (edited)

Here's something I've always wondered....

Just as we can integrate IE7 into the Windows Source, wouldn't it be possible to simply integrate the WMP11 Final the same way? I know Booogy (or whatever he calls himself..lol) makes his WMP11 addon packs....but what I'm more interested in is direct integration of WMP11 into the Windows Source now that WMP11 has gone final. I just am VERY curious what would happen if I included the WMP11 .exe file in the list of updates/hotfixes section of nLite..... has anybody else ever even tried this? if so, what was the result?

If this isn't possible ATM, I'm sure it wouldn't it be too much more difficult for Nuhi to make another small adjustment to include WMP11 in the source. Completely up to him and I won't complain either way......just letting everyone know I certainly wouldn't mind to see this possible...maybe in the next update of nlite.

Thanks and have a good day/week. Happy Halloween!

><>Me<>< :)

Edited by sunnyboymark

Posted (edited)

well i already talked to nuhi about this.

and is not that easy as it looks.


sunnyboymark lol to u or whatever u call yorself.....

Edited by boooggy

I'm trying an ISO where I integrated using the /integrate switch the following files:






In that order also...I figured that wmp11 should be last...I'll let you know how this turns out...


This is the last time that I'll repeat this:

nLite supports IE7 because direct integration of it without full nLite internal support could be impossible.

WMP addons exist and why would I do the work which is already done.

WMP addons exist and why would I do the work which is already done.

Because you love a challenge or else you never would have do as much as you have with nLite. ;)

Posted (edited)

After using the /integrate switch with these files extracted from WMP 11 Final:






I went into the $OEM$ folder, created the $$ folder (windows), then created the System32 folder (files in this folder would go to c:\windows\system32\) and placed these to files to be copied into the system32 folder:



Worked like a charm. This method directly integrates WMP 11 into your Windows XP installation source.

Edited by tap52384
Posted (edited)


what programs do these files relate to?





wmp11.exe - i'm guessing this is WMP11 itself


ignore as opening in winrar gives all those files above



That method worked a treattap52384, thank you

if only IE7 was as simple


Edited by oioldman
  • 3 weeks later...

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