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WPI 5.2 Wish List

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1. Could there be an option to arrange the items in the left of the config window as install order instead of alphabetical.

Although I use a category install I still add install order numbers to keep track. I think you could probably do away with the Config Lister aswell if you implement this.

2. I don't know If you can do this but could there be a mini header for each catagory thats installing, not a biggie if you can't but it would be nice.

Edited by kof94
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i'd like to see 2 new features in wpi:

1) a checkbox in application configuration pale to disable a specific entry. at present i'm able to do that using the "flase" keyword in condition entry, but i think it would be more pratical and less mnemonical with a little checkbox

2) i have a couple of apps that force my system to rebbot... no flag can avoid this. but i'd like to add them to wpi, to give the opportunity to install. what i'm asking is a flag that make a entry not selected even if a user choose "select all". so i can install thos apps manually with wpi but i must not fear that a user can select it if i choose "select all"

thanks for your job


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Some of the features I'd like to see:

  1. In the percentbar of the install dialog the percentage of each program should be proportional to the file size of the invoked setup (for example office should have a much bigger range on the percentbar than small programs like emule)
  2. If possible a smooth percentbar animation, instead of the percentbar jumping from a value to another.
  3. The ability of forcing all the windows opened by certain setups to stay minimized in background this can be done by tracking the handle that calls each process.
  4. The "Begin install" button on the bottom-right side, like it is in the wizard that appear after windows has installed.
  5. Windows installer integration with the install dialog to show what is currently the windows installer doing(this requires windows installer messages parsing and I don't know how hard it is to implement, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default....r_messages.asp)

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how about the ability to use WPI has a standalone cd without the need for i.e. and having to tell windows to go to C:\Windows\system32\mshta.exe to run WPI.hta or having to run a .reg file manually to register WPI.hta.

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That would be great. But since it is HTML/JavaScript based it needs a browser front-end. That is where mshta.exe comes in. It would have to be ported to C to be a stand-alone program. Then all the custom user modifying would be elimated, too.

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how about the ability to use WPI has a standalone cd without the need for i.e. and having to tell windows to go to C:\Windows\system32\mshta.exe to run WPI.hta or having to run a .reg file manually to register WPI.hta.

IE can be launched as standalone but I think that including IE binaries inside WPI archive would violate just a few hundred copyright laws.

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1. comment : pause button can be nice. something like , if you press this button , the entry in use will be finish

the next entries will be ignored (+/- execute after ??)

2. on topic : maybe for 5.3 , but

if we have tool tips , why cannot see them in install window ???

...somewhere somehow... i have 1024x768 pixels

if a program is installed , during this,

its tool tips can be showed, somewhere the text , someelse the image...

3. on topic : a scrolled window pointed to a file info_ro, info_en..., in lang golder (or other names)

info_xx , containing tips ... like

<!-- Buttons bar -->

<td width="235" valign="top" nowrap>

and others .

position of this window : Interface tab ( a lot of space there).

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The abort feature has been on the drawing board for quite some time now. Just recently the installer has been updated to have a Pause and Abort buttons. Stay tuned for that.........in final testing stage.

The tool tips in the installer: I doubt it. If you don't mind using extra space for a text box to show the tips (not a true tool tip popup), then possibly. But not reallyh necessary since it is supposed to be "unattended".

I am not sure what you mean in #3. More details.

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use different wpi.htm for different resolution


use wpi_600.htm for 800x600

use wpi_768.htm for 1024x768

use wpi.htm if wpi_xxx.htm not exist

What would be the purpose of this when you can program all of the changes and values for each resolution into one wpi.htm...

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