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WPI 5.1 Bug Reports

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2 Djé

Hmm i use at same time first fix http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&amp...amp;p=533799%5b

and second fix



Thats it. Install order - fine, installation - fine, red cross near every programs (in log everything is Success) - not fine.

Where i must check?

Edited by fanatf1
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Well that's really bad ... You can't use them at the same time. Choose one of them and apply it. And also apply the first fix which is this, especially if you are using my second fix.

You did no counted well the fixes: here is how it goes: my first fix - the one which replaces i with item. My second fix - the one which replaces i with k. The third fix (Djé's) - the one which adds a var i in the function.

The first fix is good to apply no matter what you choose next. But you have to choose between the other ones.

Edited by sadicq
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You can't use them at the same time.

Why not? The 3 fixes are applied to 3 different functions. I'd say that applying the 3 of them is the best solution. Or I'm missing something? :unsure:

Other than that, I totally agree:

@fanatf1: when we talk about 1st & 2nd fix, it's refering to both sadicq's fixes, not mine.

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Hm, but your fix declares the i variable which will not be modified if my second one is applied.

So, using the 3 fixes together has an useless variable declared (i), but will work.

But if you use only my second fix and your fix, we have an i called in the InstallOne() fucntion which will remain the same no matter what happens in the other function.

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DIRCOPY is the built-in command. Use DIRCOPY like you would %CDROM%. If you are not using it that way, base your command line on this:

DIRCOPY gets replaced with:

CMD /C xcopy /I /E /Y .......

CMD /C opens a command window.

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So, using the 3 fixes together has an useless variable declared (i), but will work.

:blink: But it's declared in a totally different function (ReplacePath()) located in a different file (generate.js)!

It's not useless because anyhow, the i variable is used in that other function.

Declaring it (in ReplacePath) prevents it from interfering with other i variables in other functions... Which fixes the bug and any forthcoming one of the same order.

Of course replacing i by k also kills the interference related to our bug.

That's why both fixes do work.

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A small unrelated bug:

When switching between different configurations from the gui installer, WPI sometimes fails to select all the proper check boxes. This only happens when switching between configurations that default to competing exclusions.

For instance, in the attached config.js, the Laptop configuration has SAV10 Unmanaged selected while the desktop configuration has the SAV10 Managed option selected. If choose the Laptop config in the dropdown menu on the left, it selects SAV10 Unmanaged just fine. If I then select desktop, it unchecks SAV10 Unmanaged but leaves SAV10 Managed unchecked as well. The problem is fixed if I unselect everything between selecting the different configurations.

Help me MSFN, you're my only hope.



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Hey all,

New to this and trying to make this work right. I read through and I didn't see if anyone had the same problem I'm having. I have set up my config.js and all, I start up the WPI.hta again, and get this error:


So when I click yes, I get this:


I turned debugging on as well, and you can see at the top that it say's it's loading everything.


This has been happening since I grabbed the Ultimate skin I think.

Any help would be appreciated. I want to use that skin and make this thing work.

[EDIT:] I just tried out a different skin and same error.

Edited by Spanishearl
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Guest Edvinas

Any comment on this?

Seems that backslashes in parameter causes a problem for WPI

cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Install\\7-Zip\\7z442.exe /S /D=%programfiles%\\Tools\\7-Zip'];


I am getting Java script error while trying to install 7-Zip to specific folder:


After that error WPI install progress window stays open it is impossible to close it.

7-Zip installation in fact is successful.

My log file and config java scripts are attached.





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