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Is windows defender better than Mcafee Antispyware?


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Is windows defender better than Mcafee Antispyware?

Is it a rule that the shareware is always better?

Please advice

Another question, Are these programs take care of malwares as well, or I need a separate software for it?


Edited by Mamoun
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i dont know if windows defender is better or worse then mcafee but i know for sure that defender is free....

and of course is not a rule that software which cost money are better then the free ones....

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i dont know if windows defender is better or worse then mcafee but i know for sure that defender is free....

and of course is not a rule that software which cost money are better then the free ones....

Yea, just look at how much better AVG anti-virus seems to be when compared to Norton. But I'd rather go with tried and true spyware scanners like Spybot S&D, or ad-aware.

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Yes, it is far superior to McAfee. McAfee will result in several false positives; whereas I have only ONCE seen a false positive with Windows Defender.

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I think its better, but i have to say microsoft antispyware was way better, i don't know how it went down in efectiveness when it has more money poured into it but its still one of the better.

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I use Windows Defender and Lavasoft Adaware Personal and I don't have any problems.

I use Windows Defender to protect my computer and Adaware to run manual scans now and then. And I don't have to pay a penny. :)

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