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Yeah well, like the situation is atm it appears the coder HGK doenst like VB as much as before since he discovered Java..

Unfortunately an update is not planned in near future.

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Yeah well, like the situation is atm it appears the coder HGK doenst like VB as much as before since he discovered Java..

Unfortunately an update is not planned in near future.

Actually, the situation is as follows: I don't have alot of time to work on RT.NET and to post updates because my study is taking away most of my time. Lots of projects at school (mostly Java :-P). In 2 months I've summerbreak (thus no projects for school) so I hope I can release some beta versions during summerbreak, and hopefully a final version after summerbreak.



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Update: developments are going very well right now. Currently we need to do some bugfixing and the website then we're done.

The application will generate .reg tweaks for both XP and Vista or applies tweaks with one click on a button :D

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hi no programmer in here.....just a user.Thats a great effort u people r makin....keep it up.

as a user what i suggest is it should atleast have all the tweaks present in Autopatcher....i found a no. of them missing.They r pretty essential.

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  • 2 months later...

First, XML is no "new technology", it's ages old. And second, I'm working on the client, so there's no "we"! And don't release stuff that isn't finished yet.

Edited by HGK
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