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I have no problem with you trying to take up where my program left off. It would of being nice of you to ask but there u go.

From your alpha it looks pretty much the same as mine except missing functionality, I dont see any improvements over mine. From what I understood people wanted a more flexible program, they wanted it to be data driven so they could add there own tweaks and not have everything hard coded, ie xml driven.

As for releasing your source code, if people laugh at it then thats just immature of them. Every programmer has his own way of coding which is unique to himself, as long as its commented and can be understood improvements can be given.

But people who want the add their own tweaks can write a .reg file by hand. Then they don't need the program. When the program was data driven, people had to edit a INI, XML or some other config file, start the program and let the program write a .reg file I don't see the point in that.

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Ok, I get it now :D. It's a nice feature, maybe a bit hard for me to realize at this point, but maybe it will be possible in later releases. Keep the ideas coming :thumbup

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I know, not much activity the last days (not on this forum atleast :P). But the project is moving on! I'm bussy with a data driven section, so that the user can add their own tweaks. The alpha testers sign-ups are also open (visit our forums), please sign-up as tester 'cause I need some ppl to test some new features before I implant them ;)

Greetz B)


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hi Mike! :)

would there be updates to your good work?

if i remember it correctly, the soure code was lost somehow or something, right?

no luck in getting ah old of it again? :(

hi Freakyboy! :)

looking forward to this ... would it be much better?

what other features are there?


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what other features are there?

Besides all most used regtweaks, there is going to be a page where you can add your own tweaks not covered in the other pages..

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And I must redesign the GUI at some point since ppl with low resolution wants to run it too. But I want to implant some more tweaks first. Btw the "User Tweaks" panel is fully operating, so that's all covered. The ability to add your own tweaks will be right there from the first release :). Since the Alpha Tester sign-ups aren't that popular, I think I might release a public Alpha again sooner or later ;)

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If you ppl have time, can you please test this latstest alpha?

Download: here

Please report all bugs.

Thanks :D



What would be better: encrypted user profiles or INI format user profiles? I mean the user profiles, not the User Tweaks. I'm waiting for sugestions ;). Btw RT.NET will not be open source, if there's high demand for total control we rather make the total application data driven (although not before a complete release :P)

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  • 2 months later...

Too bad! If it was open source I'm sure a lot more people would be interested, including myself. But since it's not, this will be my only post on the matter.

Though, I just wanted to post to say good luck and while not open source I still appericate the effort to make it easier for everyone. Job well done!

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  • 3 months later...

No that's true. Unfortunatly our host gave up :( and the project has been idle for some time. I'm bussy with school so not much time. But I just picked the project up again. There's some news. The GUI will be totally redesigned (to run in lower res, like metioned earllier) and the app will be totaly data driven (MySQL database). Only thing we need now is a good host who can host both our website (PHP + 1 MySQL database) and our MySQL database for RT.NET.


Development is going smooth. The client is ready for a first release, so I posted a screenshot to show the new GUI. I'm currently busy with the management application of the project. To manage the database I'm working on a web-based application in PHP. If all goes well it should be finished in two weeks (could be a few days if I don't have to go to school :P). Only problem is the host. We need a good reliable host for the management application, our website and 2 MySQL Databases (one for RT.NET and the other one for our website). I think we must go for a paid hosting package I guess :P.


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hi Freakyboy! :)

looking forward to this ... would it be much better?

what other features are there?


Main feature will be:

RegTweakage.NET automatically retrieves all tweaks from the internet database upon startup.


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Just a quick update on the development. HJW (5128) and I have Client v0.1 (Pre Beta) running, which is fully functional. I'm currently bussy with RT.NET ServerSide (name may change :P).

Current Client features:

- Retreive developers log, categories and tweaks from database

- "Compile" selected tweaks and save as *.reg or *.txt

Current ServerSide features:

- Login required (accounts will be availlable for entheusiasts once beta testing begins)

- Add/edit users (admin only)

- Edit developers log (admin only)

- Add categories

Features I'm curretly working on:

- Add tweaks


HGK (Freakyboy)

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waiting ... waiting ... ;)

Development is going smoothly.. Actually I can say we are ready to release its first version. However we have a little issue with the hosting of the database :blink: - the host we're going to use doesn't support outbound connections...(neccesary for the application because it's supposed to connect to the DB).

As soon as we have found a solution for this problem we're going to release the first beta version of RegTweakage.NET.


problems with hosting solved.

Testing application atm.

first release within a week.



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