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Posted (edited)


Hello MSFN fan B) ,

My pal and I decided to openup our programming skills and tried to create a replacement for UA RegTweakage DOTNET programmed by Mike Wilson. His program isnt under further development anymore due lost of the source code.

Our RegTweakage.NET contains mainly the same features. Nevertheless we added / are going to add some extra things. Our first release will be the client version only though. When most bugs are fixed we'll add extra features and stuff.

We count on your feedback, and hope this is a nice continue of RegTweakage.NET by Mike.

Edit january 22th:

- Added 100+ Tweaks

- Testing current tweaks

- Adding more.

Edit january 2007:

- We are currently testing the application and try to remove most of the bugs.

- This application is database driven. So basically we only have to update the database and you can keep your version of the client

Main Features:


First ScreenShots:


Download Regtweakage.NET 0.2 Beta !

Currently Testing Application and adding more tweaks.


- Use arrows to navigate through tabs [left and right arrow]

- You can use arrows and spacebar to check the boxes more quickly

Siginet (RyanVM Integrator and PowerPacker creator :thumbup ) thanks for hosting our project :)

We will approach some members on this forums if they would like to be one of our administrators


The Netherlands

Edited by HJW


Yep not many enthusiastism for the project, and that's the thing that makes me less motivated to continue this project. I will continue anyway, if nobody wants to use it we can always use it for our Unattended XP DVD :). I understand the community here, you all probably think this is vaporware, well it's not! :P

Posted (edited)
Keep it going. Make an option to work in 800*600 or lower reso.

That's maybe something for the future, but for now I want to keep this size of the user interface.


Since I want RegTweakage.NET as bug free as possible from the beginning, we might need some alpha testers soon. Once we need testers you can sign up at our forums, of course we will announce here once the sign-ups are open :)

Edit 2:

Thanks for all your ethusiasm, I found the motivation again. Currently coded lines: 1900 (that's lines I coded, so I didn't count the lines that VB2005 wrote behind the scenes ;)

Edited by Freakyboy

nice of you to ask before you make some replica of my application. also pointless unless you add something to it which makes it better (more tweaks isnt better).

Posted (edited)
nice of you to ask before you make some replica of my application. also pointless unless you add something to it which makes it better (more tweaks isnt better).

I'm very sorry. But on the UA Registry Tweakage DOT NET thread people where asking for a "replacement". My friend HJW (5128 here on the boards) asked me if I could do that, and I asked him if he had your permission, and he said he had. So I'm very sorry :(. If you want me to abandon this project, just say so. And again I'm very sorry.

Edited by Freakyboy
Posted (edited)


I dont see the problem actually..

First of all it might look like your program, wilson.. But we've already mentioned we are going to put additional features in it with the second release.

Why would people use outdated software? also something to think about. Especially when the programmer has lost its source code as well.

I dont see this as stealing somebodies idea or program..

"I hope someone can built a worthy replacement and continue the legacy" has been said by a MSFN member...

that's what I and my pal are trying to do.

But you're completely right we didnt contact you on this before.. srry for that.


Edited by 5128
Posted (edited)

I dont see the problem actually..

First of all it might look like your program, wilson.. But we've already mentioned we are going to put additional features in it with the second release.

Why would people use outdated software? also something to think about. Especially when the programmer has lost its source code as well.

I dont see this as stealing somebodies idea or program..

"I hope someone can built a worthy replacement and continue the legacy" has been said by a MSFN member...

that's what I and my pal are trying to do.

But you're completely right we didnt contact you on this before.. srry for that.


So we won't quit :P??


I wanted to show you how the app feels, so I decided to make the first Alpha a Public Alpha. Tomorrow I'll make a topic on our forums where you can sign-up to receive future Alphas.

Click here to download RT.NET Alpha 1

Edited by Freakyboy
Posted (edited)

Well, if Unattended Registry Tweakage DOTNET v0.4 has lost its source code, then I don't see the problem starting up a replacement project. While Mike Wilson has done a great job pioneering and implementing the idea, it is also great to see you guys attempting to revive the program.

Not to make the same mistake again, it would be best to make it Open Source, so it is community developed. :)

Edited by McoreD
Well, if Unattended Registry Tweakage DOTNET v0.4 has lost its source code, then I don't see the problem starting up a replacement project. While Mike Wilson has done a great job pioneering and implementing the idea, it is also great to see you guys attempting to revive the program.

Not to make the same mistake again, it would be best to make it Open Source, so it is community developed. :)

Yep that might be a good idea (hope no body's gonna laugh at me when I release the source, maybe my code looks weird because I just started in VB.NET :blushing:)


I have no problem with you trying to take up where my program left off. It would of being nice of you to ask but there u go.

From your alpha it looks pretty much the same as mine except missing functionality, I dont see any improvements over mine. From what I understood people wanted a more flexible program, they wanted it to be data driven so they could add there own tweaks and not have everything hard coded, ie xml driven.

As for releasing your source code, if people laugh at it then thats just immature of them. Every programmer has his own way of coding which is unique to himself, as long as its commented and can be understood improvements can be given.

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