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WPI v5.0.1

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I have a problem with the new installer / execute before-after function. If I use the func I get following error:


The WPI Folder is still on HDD. Ive tried some paths, like these:

- %WPIPath%\Install\test.exe

- %CDRom%\Install\test.exe

- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Desktop\WPI\Install\test.exe ( real path )

but doesnt work. Always the same error if I activate the execute before-after function.

In WPI5RC2 it works, in final it does not.

what to do?

Edited by wixfigura
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In WPI5RC2 it works, in final it does not.

I must have break it :blushing:

I'm looking into it right now.

[edit]I've just send a fix to mritter.

Edited by Djé
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so so strange!

after comlpeting install all my softwares, WPI5 starts again with the countdown timer

any one to explain this , I had to close manually by Ctrl+F4

any one give a help

also I wanna ask about how to use WPI by only keyboard e.g. Begin Install

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@Wesmosis: The keyboard shortcuts I think I can do, but might be a problem with images only. On my To Do List.

The other, I have no idea. It should never reopen the main WPI window.

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It seems like there are lots of problems with the "final" 5.0 version. For those who were running earlier versions like 1.2 Lite... do you recommend waiting for a more bugfree final version?

I've used WPI for a long time and this is one of the more exciting releases but I am very discouraged from incorporating it into my CD at this point. It seems like there were features introduced between the final RC and the actual release which invites more issues.

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If you look at it one way: I may have jumped the gun with the "final" release. The only "major" issue on the table was the installer, and that was taken care of. That was top priority. Everything else were minor little details that the average user would not probably come across. I found some that only I would ever come across as the programmer.

The other way is: Let's move on to v5.1 and get the user submitted ideas/requests implemented to keep the ball rolling. This actually helps weed out more issues. Most of all it keeps everyone happy that their input was read, considered, and maybe implemented. I already have 12 new items/fixes done in 5.1. I say: keep on rockin'!

nlite 1.0 RC8.......been how long???? To me it's stable. All that is being added are new features, minor issues addresses. Just like every program.

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I still have got the problem, that my order of install isn't right. The Framework should get installed BEFORE ATI CCC, but it does not. Can someone help me?

EDIT: If I change "InstallByCategory" in the useroptions.js to "false", the order is right. So could you please change that in the WPI code, that the order is more important and above the "InstallByCategory" ?

Edited by Dynaletik
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You can fix your issue with the install order, and keep your install by category feature by altering you category sort order to have your system programs install first, and your treiber programs install second.

i altered the user options to reflect this and it installed as advertised.

hope this helps.

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No offense, but I agree with azaze1. I think that describing it as "final" could be misleading since there are, indeed, problems. I pointed out another problem on the previous page, and I'll look into fixing it right now. Overall, though, I think "final" was slightly premature. (and I say that without malice, ill-intent, etc. I will still try to contribute toward WPI's development.) :)

edit: Nevermind. I take back my point about the "problem" that I found. It had to do with a custom setting that I put in the CSS file. The fault was entirely my own. However, there have been reports of other bugs, but I do see your reasoning for wanting to just move on. :)

Edited by Dumpy Dooby
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I found the FileExists function doesn't like the quotes around the filename so I moved the code which adds the quotes to after the FileExists check within installer.js e.g.:

if (cmdLine.indexOf(" ") != -1 && cmdLine.substr(0,1) != '"')


if (!FileExists(cmdLine))



cmdName=(cmdName=='regb') ? 'Reg Before' : (cmdName=='rega') ? 'Reg After' : cmdName;

WriteLogLine(cmdName+' '+result+' (returned code '+ReturnCode+'): RegEdit /S "'+cmdLine+'"');




if (!FileExists(cmdLine))



cmdName=(cmdName=='regb') ? 'Reg Before' : (cmdName=='rega') ? 'Reg After' : cmdName;

WriteLogLine(cmdName+' '+result+' (returned code '+ReturnCode+'): RegEdit /S "'+cmdLine+'"');



if (cmdLine.indexOf(" ") != -1 && cmdLine.substr(0,1) != '"')


I also made the following change in core.js to remove the security prompt that occurs everytime sleep.exe is called:



sleepCmd="cmd /c "+wpipath+"Tools\\Sleep.exe";

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