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Build 5.1.2195 Released - Download Now


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i was wondering, as i begin the dial-up download of usp 5.1.2195, if it were possible to put the extras into a separate service pack.

Such things are not unknown elsewhere. OS/2 delivers the drivers in a separate service stream to the base OS. The second service pack could be multi-platform thing, eg Win2k / xp / ???.


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doesnt work that way...

even though it could it would make more trouble for end users.

for example, if we would have packs a b and c

and pack a and c need file editiong of file x but b nead a complete update of file x than wicht of those packs should we change file x first, and what happends when the end user doesn't install a b and c in Our Prefered (and calulated) order.

this is probebly the biggest problem with creating windows service packs...

and recomanded thing to do is as a friend to download it on broadband and burn you a cdrom with it...

btw most drivers and patches are OS-specific, though most aplications work on both 2 and XP drivers and sucht wil not, as the base code and kernel has taken quite a lot of change.

and a rumour goes, in SP3 comming Q4 of this year (or so it should). thing regarding drivers wil change in full,

Edited by -I-
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so that is imposible?

how about something such as "roll-up" or "post update" like M$ done with "update roll-up sp4"?is it impossible too?

really i don't have friends that use broadband connection near (they all in different city and some of them different island) i use a small shared 128kbps connection here and the max download speed is only 10-15kb/s so download USP can take up to 4-6 days or maybe a full 2 days :(


i have seen other team that work on "AutoPacther 2K" project, they seem already solved that problem, they have a patch every month that only 10-20 mb and the full patch (desember 2005) is the base (huge, ~500mb)

and a rumour goes, in SP3 comming Q4 of this year (or so it should). thing regarding drivers wil change in full,

i have read some official news, it will release on 2007 just a couple month before vista release


Edited by Dels
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how about something such as "roll-up" or "post update" like M$ done with "update roll-up sp4"?is it impossible too?
I really prefer to eliminate as many problems as possible in advance, rather than making a mess of updates like good old MS have done. I'm sure you get my point ;) Convenience is one of the main purposes of USP's :yes:
really i don't have friends that use broadband connection near (they all in different city and some of them different island) i use a small shared 128kbps connection here and the max download speed is only 10-15kb/s so download USP can take up to 4-6 days or maybe a full 2 days sad.gif

242971184 bytes / (10240 bytes/second) / 3600 seconds/hour = 6 hours 35 minutes. Try downloading SP3 with 5.5 kb/sec - now those were the days.... :rolleyes:

/G B)

(PS - Don't worry - I already have an idea on "smart compression" - I need to run some tests)

Edited by Gurgelmeyer
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(PS - Don't worry - I already have an idea on "smart compression" - I need to run some tests)

you mean extract all *.??_ files, recompress as a solid 7z archive, then reconstruct the *.??_ files after download? that'd save 27 MB from the download: (*.??_) = 102 MB, and all those files extracted and 7z'ed = 75 MB.

you could also extract the two driver.cab files (42 MB and 30 MB) and combine them to one 7z archive (34 MB) to save another 38 MB. that's 65 MB saved overall.

of course the price of this is sitting through the re-compression on the user's side. it'd take around 10 minutes on a current system. i don't think that's a huge price though - how often do people apply service packs? there'd always be the option to leave the reconstructed version on the hard drive so it only has to be done once. it could be worth it as another download option at least. w2ksp51.exe as 144 MB vs 209 MB?

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In theory a lot like that. My thought is, that each and every file should be stored only once - no matter how often it appears, no matter under which names, no matter how many different ways it is compressed, no matter if it's (recursively) embedded in MSI streams or other cabinets. It's perfectly simple - it could even be expanded to handle more than just the MSCF formats. The only difference to the end user would be that (s)he would have to download an EXE file instead of a ZIP file.

Best regards

Gurgelmeyer B)

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Hi Gurgelmeyer. sorry I wasnt able to follow up my old topic about the FP2k KB838018 hotfix. I was busy in the other side of the MSFN forums site.

wonder if the KB139071 OLE automation hotfix is or will be included in your unofficial Win2k SP5 pack.

Files are build 4528; replaces the previous 4526 build from KB886765. MS KB article 139071:


I have this Win2k hotfix. someone sent it to me. let me know if you need it.

Edited by erpdude8
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btw. G from around next week or so i got myself a (powerhouse)

> (dualcore 1,8ghz cpu) with 2gb of ram...

so if for any reason you nead any cpu-time for building it or compressing it.. just ask...

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Hi Gurgelmeyer. sorry I wasnt able to follow up my old topic about the FP2k KB838018 hotfix. I was busy in the other side of the MSFN forums site.

It is included in the 5.1.2195.21 release. :rolleyes:

wonder if the KB139071 OLE automation hotfix is or will be included in your unofficial Win2k SP5 pack.

Files are build 4528; replaces the previous 4526 build from KB886765. MS KB article 139071:


I have this Win2k hotfix. someone sent it to me. let me know if you need it.

That is not included - yes, I need it ;)

/G B)

PS - @-I- - Cool - I might need some compression stats later on :)

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wonder if the KB139071 OLE automation hotfix is or will be included in your unofficial Win2k SP5 pack.

Files are build 4528; replaces the previous 4526 build from KB886765. MS KB article 139071:


I have this Win2k hotfix. someone sent it to me. let me know if you need it.

That is not included - yes, I need it ;)

/G B)

PS - @-I- - Cool - I might need some compression stats later on :)

I have sent the KB139071 win2k hotfix to MDGx and it's mentioned on his web site. you can get it here directly:


I havent been able to use my email for several days since my brother and I paid for a high speed DSL internet connection last week.

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just send me a PM and we'll set something up (havn't got the darn thing yet though, (thay said i should expact it this week),

by the way: as soon as i have in ill add the specs to a siggy (with a link to som pick LOL (benchmark-scores included ofcaurse)

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My thanks to Gurgelmeyer for this great contribution.

I did notice that update KB832414 for MSXML 2.5 (msxml.dll 8.0.7002.0) is not included.

I am not sure how useful or necessary this update is if later versions of MSXML are also installed. Nor am I certain how this update plays together with current updates of Internet Expolorer, or if it has somehow been made obsolete.

KB832414 has been totally changed from its original appearance. It no longer has a download link to this update but points on to KB887606 which only covers later versions of MSXML.

Anyway, the download link for this update can still be found at MDGx's site on the page for Internet Explorer.

P.S. Edited addition (made after the following post by -I-):

I just noticed that my laptop at work, which has XPSP2 installed by IT people, and where I do not have admin rights, also has the updated msxml.dll file among others. So I guess that at least it probably is not harmful.

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if im not mistaken its an outdated patch. (and outdated xml version, SP5 should use a newer version i believe,

But to be sure id have to check...

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