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longhorn using unix kernel?


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Since microsoft has licenced unix technologies from SCO, do you think that it's possible that the rumours of longhorn running on a unix based kernel is true? Or is it just a move to crush linux in the open-licence form that it is?

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  • 1 year later...

>Since microsoft has licenced unix technologies from SCO, do you think

>that it's possible that the rumours of longhorn running on a unix based

>kernel is true? Or is it just a move to crush linux in the open-licence

>form that it is?

Because they want to be less secure? This is more ridiculous than Linus working for MS.

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now think on microsoft policy: windows is more secure because is not an open source system like unix desktops...

if we combine this with the idea of longhorn running on an unix based kernel, then we got that this is mostly imposible :)

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now think on microsoft policy: windows is more secure because is not an open source system like unix desktops...

if we combine this with the idea of longhorn running on an unix based kernel, then we got that this is mostly imposible :)

no UNIX-Desktops are NOT open source, LINUX is open source, or have you ever seen the source code of Solaris.

NT/2000/XP is AFAIK also based on UNIX technologies so I'm not surprised.

I hope I don't need to explain you why open source software is much more secure than closed source, have I? Ok, well open source software can be fixed by everyone so everybody can fix the problems, where Microsoft has max. 100 people knowing the code and fix them while developing on Longhorn.

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no UNIX-Desktops are NOT open source, LINUX is open source, or have you ever seen the source code of Solaris.

NT/2000/XP is AFAIK also based on UNIX technologies so I'm not surprised.

I hope I don't need to explain you why open source software is much more secure than closed source, have I? Ok, well open source software can be fixed by everyone so everybody can fix the problems, where Microsoft has max. 100 people knowing the code and fix them while developing on Longhorn.

Welcome to the GNU Project web server, www.gnu.org. The GNU Project was launched in 1984 to develop a complete UNIX style operating system which is free software: the GNU system. (GNU is a recursive acronym for “GNU's Not UNIX”; it is pronounced “guh-noo.”) Variants of the GNU operating system, which use the kernel Linux, are now widely used; though these systems are often referred to as “Linux,” they are more accurately called GNU/Linux systems.
from http://gnu.mirrors.ilisys.com.au/ :)

and i didn't say closed source was more or less secure, i said microsoft policy is "windows is more secure because is not an open source system" ;)

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Longhorn is not and will not run on the Unix kernel...that would be shameful for M$. They are adding some tenchologies maybe but not the kernel in itself.

And as for the source code of Solaris that will not take too long. I hear in a few months, OpenSolaris which is already online will have the source code for people to download and tinker with...with a restricted license of course in that any modifications made at once becomes property of Sun.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Since microsoft has licenced unix technologies from SCO, do you think that it's possible that the rumours of longhorn running on a unix based kernel is true?  Or is it just a move to crush linux in the open-licence form that it is?

Fat chance of *any* version of Windows being based on Linux or Unix. More likely, it's going to be like a Windows XP SP4 or SP3. LOL. It's probably going to be based on Windows XP.

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  • 3 weeks later...


microsoft always uses unix (solaris) technologies. not all releases of microsoft are of their own, except the shell. (so called windows). All most 75% of the solaris OE is implemented in microsoft. And UNIX is not open source. So, there is no doubt that microsoft may use unix or linux kernel arch for better stability ( as they say). Im not sure abt it. I suppose the winFX file system is based on solaris zettabyte FS. and it has also got Dtrace utility. Microsoft is not only user frndly but also virus and worms frndly. wht ever it is unix is best for the server side and linux will do gud (growing) for desktop. IF you want your system to be stable.

Implementing a better shell (not that) is gud. But they failed to develop a better kernel. so microsoft should try developing a better kernel first.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Microsoft will never, ever, make longhorn or any of their OSes use the UNIX kernel. It would be the same as MS going out and saying their platform stinks, and UNIX/Linux is better. It just won't happen.

The reason why the bought licenses from SCO is probably because the need them for Windows Services for UNIX . (Services for UNIX is a product for interoperability between Windows and UNIX.)

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I hope I don't need to explain you why open source software is much more secure than closed source, have I? Ok, well open source software can be fixed by everyone so everybody can fix the problems, where Microsoft has max. 100 people knowing the code and fix them while developing on Longhorn.

Isn't this line of thinking somewhat backwards? Wouldn't it be easier to find a security flaw in software if you had the source code in front of you? Yeah, sure, everyone can fix the open-source code, but then you have to release your fixes to the public under GPL... at least with a small group of people, they know exactly what's going on left, right, and centre.

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Since microsoft has licenced unix technologies from SCO, do you think

that it's possible that the rumours of longhorn running on a unix based

kernel is true? Or is it just a move to crush linux in the open-licence

form that it is?

Because they want to be less secure? This is more ridiculous than Linus working for MS.


Why would the do that?

1) They wouldn't give up the Windows kernal... Bad Press...

2) They are pretty far with the Server 2003 base -- Why start over again?

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The reason why the bought licenses from SCO is probably because the need them for Windows Services for UNIX . (Services for UNIX is a product for interoperability between Windows and UNIX.)

Your words are wise :yes:

This is the reason

Services for UNIX 3.5


a very complete unix posix complete subsystem for nt plataforms, works like the real thing :yes:

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