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New IE Removal Fileset

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Assorted notes & summary for the Desktop Icon and QL issue:

1. Desktop icon:

The W2K rollup forces more down our throats for IE than I previously thought. The "standard" installation makes IE-related changes whether or not you have IE installed. As a favor M$FT did for us, part of this rollup is to force the IE icon on your desktop (amongst other cr@p). When HFSLIP is run, an inf is made from the rollup and is named hfslip10.inf. When the sourcess folder is installed, the hfslip10.inf is parsed, which forces to show the IE shortcut on the desktop. The workaround for now is to remove the "Product.Add.Reg.Professional," from the 5th line from the top. It was my err, and I have redid the script to correct this. FDV, can you check the hfslip10.inf to see if anything needs to get ripped out from it?

2. QL:

The trick here is to rip the file copy stuff out of axant5.inf and put it back into ie.inf where it belongs. This comes with a catch because setup files need to be tweaked so no setup missing file complaints occur during installation.

Here's what to do...

a. mod the txtsetup.sif --->add/correct this

iexplore.lnk = 1,,,,,,,,3,3

iexplore.exe = 1,,,,,,,,3,3 ;1

b. mod the layout.inf ----->add/correct this (FDV, this answers my question I had for you a few months back)

iexplore.lnk = 1,,,,,,,,3,3

iexplore.exe = 1,,,,,,,,3,3

c. mod the axant5.inf ----->Remove the stuff related to placing the QL shortcut and the iexplore.exe files.

The lines remove are these:

DestID's section:

file.copy.ql = 16419,"Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch"

file.copy.ie = 16422,"Internet Explorer"

file.copy.ql section: iexplore.exe.lnk

file.copy.ie section: iexplore.exe

There's lots of other junk that can be removed too. BTW, keeping this INF squeeky clean is good because nlite removes it.

d. ie.inf.... Some tweaks as follows so ie.inf copies the files over.

----> add new FDVPATCH section


AddReg = interface,iepatch,addreg

DelReg = delreg

----> Add new destinationdirs section


file.copy.ql = 53,"Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch"

file.copy.ie = 16422,"Internet Explorer"

----> Add to the defaultinstall sections (last line is new)


AddReg = interface,iepatch,addreg

DelReg = delreg

CopyFiles = file.copy.ql,file.copy.ie


AddReg = interface,iepatch,addreg

DelReg = delreg

CopyFiles = file.copy.ql,file.copy.ie

----> Add file copy section





e. hfslipwu.inf --> replace the FDV section with this:

HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\ZZZ",990,0,"RunDll32.exe %11%\AdvPack.Dll,LaunchINFSection %10%\inf\ie.inf,FDVPATCH"

....note to FDV, the FDVPATCH section is run last to fix the registry bloat from hotfixes.

The above results in a w2k less IE, no IE desktop shortcut, with an IE QL shortcut to the fake iexplore.exe redirector. Steps a thru d are updates to FDV's fileset; step e is an hfslip fix. I mailed FDV the updates to his beta and the new hfslip. If anyone needs advance copies for their enjoyment, PM me with your email addy and I'll send them to you.

FDV, Now that I got this working, do you think you can refine the windows explorer so it doesn't do the stupid large file icons? The large icons remind me of fisher price.... I'm a big boy that doesn't like bloat cartoons for files.

Posted (edited)

changes / fixes in test set 4 (November 27), listed no matter how minor:

- fixed ie desktop icon, thanks tommyp

- fixed quicklaunch, thanks oleg_ii and tommyp

- corrected buggy regedits in IE.INF

- AXANT5 is empty (again) and the filecopy is (back) in IE.INF

if this tests out allright it becomes the next fileset


Does this "patch" also work for Windows XP (pro)?
sorry, no, no one is working on this actually except some nliters. i will be doing 2003.


Should have realized that the update rollup was forcing IE back into the system

we actually knew this but we were focusing on AddReg sections in the new system DLL files. tommyp discovered that it was an AddReg section from an INF file, and not one of the shell files. we were all looking in the wrong place for the icon creation!

HFSLIP has been changed slightly to skip desktop icon creation when processing HFSLIP10.INF. even if the icon is created on the desktop, double clicking it will launch the iexplore.exe "redirect" program. Ha!

Edited by fdv
Posted (edited)


Great work!

In fact FDV already tried to have these copyfile lines in IE.INF but it causes IE.INF didn't process all tweaks that time. That is why he moved iexplore.exe and .lnk to AXANT5.INF. An as I understand he keeps this INF just in case he need to add some tweaks in it. Otherwise this INF could be deleted too ;)


Will IE.INF be processed this time with copyfiles section?

FDV and TommyP

And I was just going to ask this question: is possible that new hotfixes restore some regestry keys during installation that FDV is trying to get rid off?

As far as I understand TommyP takes care about it in this version?

Edited by Oleg_II

TommyP you are the man. :thumbup

Should have realized that the update rollup was forcing IE back into the system because every time I've manually run the update rollup, the IE and OE icon are forced back onto desktop and QL.


Oleg and others, HFSLIP was reposted to fix the above. It works great with the FDVs beta. Glad it all works. Now we can concentrate on ripping more stuff out!

Posted (edited)

Yea :thumbup

Just to confirm with FDV if all IE.INF is processed now because I had this mistake before :blushing:

Some time before FDV already placed these copylines in IE.INF and it caused problems so he moved them to AXANT5.INF.


Can you confirm it and when are you going to release the new version?

Edited by Oleg_II

hello all, i can in fact confirm all is working.

however, everyone must be sure to download the latest HFSLIP.

no silly desktop IE icon, fake IE shortcut in QuickLaunch, everything's working nicely. :angel

this set becomes the official set soon.

the fake or dummy IE that launches your browser of choice sets a reg key for the path.

right now, it's not clear how to reset that if you want to change it, so i have to put that in the documentation.

the location is HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\datafreak\dummy\path and if it's blank, the dummy IE program will ask for the path again.


Hi All, :hello:

had a re-install over the weekend did the following and have my quick lauch working inplace at first logon.

This is what I did,

Creating the source

Starting from a new Win2k OEM SP4 Source copied from Select CD. Slipstreamed Gurglemeyers Sp5 pack (http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showforum=130) into the i386 dir. (Sorry but i haven't had time to get HFSLIP going yet but i will do eventually)

The File Set

Using the latest set, I edited the IE.INF as Oleg_II suggested and the I modified the WINNT.SIF to an unattended WINNT.TXT and changed it suit my region and added a line for my GuiRunOnce cmd file. The modified set was then copied into the i386 dir. The WINNT.TXT then lives in the root.


I created $OEM$ folders in both the Install root and the i386 dir and populated them with the following folders, $1\Install, $1\Drivers and $$\System32 where i include various small addons like PSshutdown, and startup.cpl (Mike Lins excellent startup tool). In the install folder i include Firefox and 7Zip, which I install via GuiRunOnce

The startup.cmd file looks like this.

ECHO Installing Firefox 1.5 RC3
start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\firefox.exe -ms

ECHO Installing 7-Zip 4.23
Start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\7z423.exe /s


I then ran the install from a dos boot disk with this command.

d:\w2k\winnt.exe /s:D:\W2K\i386 /u:d:\win2k\winnt.txt

All went ok apart from I'll have to find the correct switches for 7Zip silent install :) I think the install of firefox creates the QL folder and everything goes swimmingly from there. I know this my not help some of you that want a browser free install, but for me and i expect many it will be an acceptable solution.

I hope this helps someone. Any questions fire away :)


Ian (Tioaboa)

Posted (edited)


Can U put back txfaux, es, msiprov, slayerui registration in AXANT5.INF? I have problem with them again :wacko:

Edited by x-pert

x-pert :hello:

Unfortunately I can't test new versions right now (I'm on business trip), maybe tonight.

What's up with these files? They are not found during the installation?



Mystery with

LoadLibrary("\C:\WINNT\system32\txfaux.dllHKCR") failed - The

specified module could not be found.

LoadLibrary("\C:\WINNT\system32\es.dllHKCR") failed - The

specified module could not be found.

Cannot find the file 'C:\WINNT\system32\wbem,msiprov.dll' (or one

of its components). Make sure the path and filename are correct

and that all required libraries are available.

Cannot find the file 'C:\WINNT\apppatch,slayerui.dll' (or one of its

components). Make sure the path and filename are correct and

that all required libraries are available. :ph34r:

Posted (edited)

ah dang it, always some hitch, huh.

allright i will move file registration elsewhere and see if i get any issues, thanks for reporting on this one. thought i had it fixed.

okay someone check mister fred vorck here please.

according to this and this,

the following should be valid:






yes? no?

file attachment on msfn not working, for whatever reason. so i updated the test set. the only file change was IE.IN_ (another file has a new date too but that has no new edits).

This file is here www.vorck.com/data/IE.IN_

Edited by fdv
Posted (edited)
according to this and this,

the following should be valid:






yes? no?

Tried it before but it never worked for me. It maybe depends on an INF structure. I use AddReg with RunOnce, something like

HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce\Setup,"mshtml.dll",,"%11%\regsvr32 /s %11%\mshtml.dll"

I'm going back home tomorrow evening and can't wait to try the last test-set :yes:

Edited by Oleg_II

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