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[Discontinued] AutoRIS V2.10

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Sorry I missed your release with these drivers. These are BroadCom 57xx drivers for RIS. Had to install a new AV program in the building. I noticed that your sif file has the line OemPnPDriversPath= in it. This gives my systems fits (they freeze at the T -34 mark) so I deleted it. Hope you don't mind.


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@dgould393, hey you're actually supposed to modify the .SIF file to suite your needs. I threw in the OemPnPDriversPath in there for those who might want it there. That way they wouldn't have to look up which section it needs to go into. Lord knows I could never remember. So I don't mind at all. Also, thanks for the driver. I'll make sure it gets in the next release.

@all, currently I'm working on a partial solution to automating the BTS Driver Packs. This is really turning out to be more of a problem of logistics than code. I feel like the instructions are already getting lengthy for a program that does so little. I really need to get this thing ported to AutoIt ASAP so that I can implement a GUI interface and an .INI file to store settings.

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@RogueSpear - I assume your using RIS in a corporate environment. Have you run into any problems using the RVM pack? Im debating whether using this is a good idea as opposed to simply downloading the newest hotfixes, and either adding them to svcpack.inf, or cmdlines.txt. It seems that you cant upgrade on top of previous versions of RVM, so it seems awfully limiting. Not to mention the time required to go through the RIS conversion process to update it.

Having said that I am quite interested in the process, and the update packs that have been created. Im just curious if youve run into any stability issues, or otehrwise that should be noted.

Good work on AutoRis. Its a great automation tool.

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Using RyanVM's Update Pack is far superior to using /integrate or any other method I've ever seen. I can't possibly recommend it enough, whether for RIS or optical media. Now as far as upgrading to a newer version - Version 2.0.0 is a clean break from the past. You can't upgrade over a source that used a previous version. The newly released V2.0.1 can be used on top of V2.0.0.

Personally, I always go fresh. This is the entire reason I created AutoRIS. Using a fairly modern PC (P4-3.2HT), AutoRIS takes me around a half hour to run and this includes RVM with two addon packs, XPize, and nLite. Not too shabby I think.

I've begun work with integrating the BTS Driver Packs using Method 2 and a couple of other things that should hopefully save some time.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

V1.50 - 12/31/2005

- AutoRIS settings are now retrieved from an .ini file, AutoRIS.ini.

- More and better error checking and handling.

- Deleting the default .SIF file, RISTNDRD.SIF, is now an option (set in AutoRIS.ini).

- Updated existing NIC drivers, and added support for Broadcom NICs.

- Integrating additional NIC drivers is now an option (set in AutoRIS.ini).

- VMware or VirtualPC, if present will be launched automatically after the BINL service is restarted on the RIS server.

- nLite is now automatically launched.

- Final compression of .INF and .PNF file is now optional.

- AutoRIS now indicated that it is terminating both at the completion of processing and when it encounters path errors.

- A "Full" version of AutoRIS is now available for download. This version includes support for cmdlines.txt, RunOnceEx, automatic integration of .NET runtimes, and more.

This is a rather significant upgrade. I wasn't able to implement a GUI inteface, but I'm not sure it matters that much. Looking in hindsight at how huge the full version is. I will probably bust that up in future into individual parts. For instance all four of the .NET installers and the VMware Tools installer are available at my installer thread (in my signature). You would just have to rename the files so that the scripts work with them appropriately.

As always, let me know about problems... Happy New Year everyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

V1.51 - 01/12/2006

- Corrected a fairly serious bug in which not all compressable files were being compressed.

- The location of additional NIC drivers to be integrated is no longer user definable in AutoRIS.ini.

- All VBscripts have been updated and there is one less reboot required during the setup now.

- There is no more Full and Lite versions. The AutoRIS download now includes all of the VBscripts.

- Links are provided for the additional addons and installers.

In case anyone is curious as to why I use installers rather than Group Policy for the .NET runtimes, it's because I don't think it's a very good idea to uninstall these things. I know there are plenty of folks who say it's just fine to do that, but I'd prefer to install them immediately and remove the chance of someone "accidentally" uninstalling them with the Group Policy snapin. Also I like to have .NET 1.1 at least installed from svcpack.inf so that any software requiring it will install just fine from a Group Policy deployment.

Edited by RogueSpear
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Hi let me first say good job on the AutoRIS script it has helped me immensley while setting up RIS for our network. I have also got many ideas from your other scripts but I have noticed you using a lot of lines like

If fs.FileExists("""%PROGRAMFILES%\Raxco\PerfectDisk\PDcmd.exe""") Then

Using environment variables. It was my understanding that you had to expand these to get them to work like you have done in other places:

sysdrv = ws.ExpandEnvironmentStrings ("%SYSTEMDRIVE%")

These will work in your ws.run lines:

ws.Run("""%PROGRAMFILES%\Raxco\PerfectDisk\PDcmd.exe"" /SCHEDBOOT /All /AllDrives"),0,True

As it treats them like a command line.

I tested this myself using ntregopt which I have added to my install by doing the construct the way you do it which didnt work then expanding it to a variable then using that and it seems to be true. You have used it extensively though which makes me doubt what Im saying.

Is it just me or could you clarify this?

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The defrag scripts are generally pretty small. I used to expand the environment strings and use them whenever possible there, but I found things just got a little too convoluted. See there's a difference between fs.FileExists and ws.Run. FileExists is much more flexible in that spaces in paths/filenames don't seem to matter, where as Run follows the rules of a command prompt. For the sake of readability and consistancy I just used the environment variables.

Like any programming languages, there's preferred methods, but also there's more than one way to do a lot of things also.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys the script seems to just pause and never end at Integrating Sneakys BTS No processor activity nothing

heres my config


nLiteEXE=C:\Program Files\nLite\nLite.exe

VMwareEXE=C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmware.exe

VPCEXE=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Virtual PC\Virtual PC.exe









Any ideas?

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Me again!

Well ive got the script working now by amending

objDoc.Writeln "Integrating Bashrat the Sneaky's Driver Packs<BR>"

ws.Run(RISTEMP & "\RUN_ME.CMD"),0,True

to read

objDoc.Writeln "Integrating Bashrat the Sneaky's Driver Packs<BR>"

ws.Run(RISTEMP & "\RUN_ME.CMD"),1,True

Dont know if this is a mistake on your part or there is a reason for it?

Anyway it all goes good now, ive done a full install with just RyanVM and that works fine however when i finally got BTS to integrate im getting problems at the beginning of the GUI setup following first reboot.

I didnt write it down but it was something like cannot find OEM/BIN/Watchdriversigning or something. Ive looked at my RIS install folders and no OEM folder exists however the file is present in REMINST\Setup\English\Images\winxp.pro.sp2\$OEM$\$1

Im integrating all driver packs including mass storage using the mehod to copy the files to the root of AUTORIS after following method 2 from the BTS batch files.

Any ideas???!

Many Thanks for this great project

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Well ive got the script working now by amending

objDoc.Writeln "Integrating Bashrat the Sneaky's Driver Packs<BR>"

ws.Run(RISTEMP & "\RUN_ME.CMD"),0,True

to read

objDoc.Writeln "Integrating Bashrat the Sneaky's Driver Packs<BR>"

ws.Run(RISTEMP & "\RUN_ME.CMD"),1,True

Dont know if this is a mistake on your part or there is a reason for it?

This is a mistake on my end of things. I'll be putting out V1.52 in the next couple of days and will resolve that particular issue. Currently my integration of BTS DP's is clumsy at best. I'm going to have to go over it some more to see how I can make it smoother. I just don't want to devote too much time to it since BTS is actively working on the next generation of BTS slipstreamer which will work much differently than the current method. It's possible that I will have to go back to the old method of simply pausing AutoRIS to give the user an opportunity to perform the BTS integration on their own.

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If you use my Method 2 helper addon, presetup.cmd looks for WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe and SetDevicePath.exe in \OEM not \OEM\bin. The M2 helper is really meant for those who are not integrating DP Mass Storage. When you're not integrating DP Mass Storage things are much simpler and I've found in the majority of environments it's not needed anyway. Give me a day or two and I'll update everything to essentially remove BTS Integration and simply insert a pause so you can do BTS DP integration.

Like I said I've messed around with this a bit and am having a hard time coming up with a great solution. About the only thing I could do is some mods to run_me.bat. At this point though I would rather just wait for the new BASE slipstreamer since it is supposed to have far better automation options than the current setup.

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