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reboot in between

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I wondered if it is possible to use WPI and have reboots after any program wanting it.. Everyone always surpresses reboot, but I assume that the program wants to reboot for a reason. If enough programs installed, isn't there a chance that by surpressing the reboot something goes wrong?

How to go around having the reboots and continue WPI where it left off?

Thank you all in advance... love the interface

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this is a native way to be of WPI before version 3.0 .

if you have 20 programs and you restart after the 8th , after reboot will continue

with same list from 9th to 20th ! without loose some there !

or maybe you wish anything else ?

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Oke, let me be more clear in what I would like:

After installing any application that prefers to reboot the computer, I WANT TO REBOOT the computer. I understand this will slightly increase installation time, but it assures the proper installation of each and every program, and since it is unattended, I don't care for the longer period. Not like I'm going to sit there for the whole time anyways...

Is it possible with the new WPI? (4.2) Or should I downgrade to a old version? If so.. where to get it still? I really love the look and feel of this program and want to use it, unless this isn't possible..

Keep up the excellent work,


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I think he means that when a program installs it sometimes says effects/changes will not take place until next reboot.

he therefore wants this to apply to whatever program asks for a reboot to sort of clear out any cashe temp files etc I think!


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I Haven't tried it but as I know WPI uses the command RunOnce which means that if you reboot your computer after an installation of an application the next commands remain in registry until they executed. So I imagine that is possible to use reboots in each installation

But a few programs need to restart after their installation.

All programs that their installation uses Windows Installer means that it's safe to install them without reboot. Some other programs asks reboot for starting some services but is not necessary to do it.

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