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Everything posted by Railman5

  1. Thinking of getting a new laptop but baffled by all te processor types available. A opinions to which would be the most reliable and give good performance. my old laptop is only a couple of years old and shows signs of age (slow compared to my core 2 desktop! Budget around the £500 mark Thanks
  2. Thanks Bledd I'll give that a try
  3. i too was constantly annoyed by the incessent interuptions of User Account Control so i downloaded and installed the http://www.replaceuac.com/ utility recommended by noguru. however i have uninstalled this as it was interfeering more than M$ UAC!!
  4. Pen and paper - write it down. store it somewheres safe! or try http://www.lostpassword.com/word.htm
  5. I'm .cgi ! Clint _ I had trouble copy and pasting also so i cheated and uploaded a gif file as attachment - works for me!
  6. So how did you manage to do this as well! I am intregued!
  7. plugged the hdd in the spare comp. started it up nd went straight to BIOS nadia it just listed the spare comps drive. zilch on the second dead hd yes I did set it to slave !! guess its a gonner RIP!
  8. I'll check all this out when and report back
  9. jaclaz Thanks for that info. What confuses me though is the disk worked fine as a back up BEFORE i used disk defragger. so wonder if its hardware or software related issue???? i'm gonna try what you sugested to see what happens
  10. Thanks guys No its a desktop 3 1/2" I'll try and hook the disk as a slave to my dev pc and see if that does anything. any sugestions a sto data recovery tools available? Thanks
  11. FI-NO –noun a pale, very dry sherry of Spain.
  12. I backed up my desktop files to a external drive via USB cable. all went well. dont know why but i defragged the external drive. now the drive will start to spin, then fail. I cant see the drive in 'my computer' on the desktop do you think the disk is now U S? Is there any way of recovering this data - except paying an arm and leg Thanks I have googled this and no joy - hence trying here
  13. LIDO A term meaning resort often used to describe a particular deck, usually where pools are located. cruises.lovetoknow.com/wiki/Cruise_Ship_Vocabulary
  14. JUDA nounan ancient kingdom of southern Palestine with Jerusalem as its center
  15. RA-SA Pronunciation Key - [ruhs-uh] –noun (in Hindu aesthetics) flavor, sentiment, or emotion: regarded as one of the fundamental qualities of classical music, dance, and poetry. [Origin: 1790–1800; < Skt rasa sap, fluid, essence ]
  16. WordNet - Cite This Source - Share This ovis nounsheep WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University. Yea I got one! If I dont come up with anymore this side of xmas - everyone have a great christmas holiday
  17. Good one. thats some clever thinking poodle!
  18. ABUT Function: verb Inflected Forms: abut·ted; abut·ting intransitive verb : to touch along a border or with a projecting part —used with on, upon, or against <the land abuts on the road> transitive verb : to border on : reach or touch with an end <two lots that abut each other> Well, at least Mijzelf, you gave the game a new life. eyes down again chaps
  19. brucevangeorge I think Mijzelf is now infamous for the killing of this ddictive game tain tut Tut cheating. where would that lead us if we all did that. I have racked my brains and cant think of a follow on word. NOTS3W goos stats!
  20. SKOT. (skät) (optics) A unit of luminance, used particularly to measure low-level luminance, equal to 10-3 apostilb, or 10-3/π nit
  21. SKAG Noun1.skag - street names for heroin big H, hell dust, nose drops, scag, thunder, smackdiacetylmorphine, heroin - a narcotic that is considered a hard drug; a highly addictive morphine derivative; intravenous injection provides the fastest and most intense rushstreet name - slang for something (especially for an illegal drug); "`smack' is a street name for heroin"
  22. not sure of your problem. when you create a drop down field populate itand then protect it, produces a drop arrow to select your choice. this is in word 2003. what version are you using?
  23. TWIG
  24. Your so right I cant spell Never mind I''l drink some SAKE to you for correcting me hic! I lie till I wake in the morning and wane away my wand in the sand thinking am I sane to save sage? Must get in the stats now with that little ditty IcemanND?
  25. Grrrr I'm gonna MAME something just so i can see Hello everybody. nice to be back we have been busy Ooooo Then I'm gonna MACE up some MAZE
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