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98SE2ME = Killer Replacements: ME -> 98 SE

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Hey, I've got a bit of a problem.

I've installed 98SE on many machines, and I've been working on another right now.

Installing 98SE2ME (option 1, then option 3) has been pretty routine in my setups, and so far I've had at worst minor issues.

Thing is, this time around, Option 1 installs just fine, but installing Option 3 causes a crash (One of those error messages where you can pick Close or Details) in EXPLORER through process EXPLORER.EXE right after I log on (before the desktop shows up). Thus, I can't access anything. Safe mode will not work either.

Here are the details of the error, taken using a VGA image capture tool on another computer:


I have a feeling that the issue is being caused by something that has changed in one of the update packs I installed before installing 98SE2ME, as this time around I started using newer versions of these packs than I have used before. I'm just wondering what kind of incompatibility might be occuring (and with what file), and how I can fix it.

I have a hard disk image saved of after I installed Option 1, so if the Option 3 installation keeps failing, I can keep restoring my image until the problem is fixed.

Anyways, here's the order I've installed the updates in:

* Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1

*DirectX 9.0c

* 98 SE SP 3.0 BETA 3

*Windows Update, including WMP 9.0

*WUPG98 Carinthian LH Edition

*Autopatcher Dec 2007 FINAL

*Maximus Decim InternetExplorer 6.0sp1 Component Update 2.4

*Maximus Decim Cumulative Update ver.3.05 (includes NUSB 3.3)

*Maximus Decim Data Access Component Update 1.4

*98SE2ME 11-19-2008 Option 1

*98SE2ME 11-19-2008 Option 3 (FAILED!)

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

P.S.: I could have sworn I saw one of those "Not enough memory" errors DOS likes to sometimes give right before my machine rebooted for Option 3. Don't know if this happened for Option 1.

I don't remember making any changes to option 3 scripts in a while, so it should work properly.

If you have 2 different versions of 98SE2ME laying around, please PM me with the O3*.BAT files [zipped] from the older edition, and I'll see what I can do.


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Many thanks for your hard work [and to RetroOS for testing]. :thumbup

I'll take a look at the VXD files , and probably add them to 98SE2ME [soon].

I'm also considering an exe installer [iexpress].

Best wishes.

Edited by MDGx
goals achieved -> therefore crossed out
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Hey, I've got a bit of a problem.

I've installed 98SE on many machines, and I've been working on another right now.

Installing 98SE2ME (option 1, then option 3) has been pretty routine in my setups, and so far I've had at worst minor issues.

Thing is, this time around, Option 1 installs just fine, but installing Option 3 causes a crash (One of those error messages where you can pick Close or Details) in EXPLORER through process EXPLORER.EXE right after I log on (before the desktop shows up). Thus, I can't access anything. Safe mode will not work either.

Here are the details of the error, taken using a VGA image capture tool on another computer:


I have a feeling that the issue is being caused by something that has changed in one of the update packs I installed before installing 98SE2ME, as this time around I started using newer versions of these packs than I have used before. I'm just wondering what kind of incompatibility might be occuring (and with what file), and how I can fix it.

I have a hard disk image saved of after I installed Option 1, so if the Option 3 installation keeps failing, I can keep restoring my image until the problem is fixed.

Anyways, here's the order I've installed the updates in:

* Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1

*DirectX 9.0c

* 98 SE SP 3.0 BETA 3

*Windows Update, including WMP 9.0

*WUPG98 Carinthian LH Edition

*Autopatcher Dec 2007 FINAL

*Maximus Decim InternetExplorer 6.0sp1 Component Update 2.4

*Maximus Decim Cumulative Update ver.3.05 (includes NUSB 3.3)

*Maximus Decim Data Access Component Update 1.4

*98SE2ME 11-19-2008 Option 1

*98SE2ME 11-19-2008 Option 3 (FAILED!)

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

P.S.: I could have sworn I saw one of those "Not enough memory" errors DOS likes to sometimes give right before my machine rebooted for Option 3. Don't know if this happened for Option 1.

I don't remember making any changes to option 3 scripts in a while, so it should work properly.

If you have 2 different versions of 98SE2ME laying around, please PM me with the O3*.BAT files [zipped] from the older edition, and I'll see what I can do.



Thanks to dencorso, I took a look at older 98SE2ME option 3 batch files [*.BAT + *.INF] from Frebruary 2008, and compared them with the newest ones you have.

The only difference was O3WEB.BAT did not contain quotes for LFN folder names so DOS boxes can recognize LFNs properly, which I've fixed later on. This file does not affect option 3 explorer.exe in any way.

All other files are identical.

Therefore if you have used 98SE2ME option 3 within the past 12 months, option 3 files have never changed, and they should work properly on your computer(s).

Maybe there is something else you or some software setup did that messed up 98SE2ME option 3 installation, perhaps explorer.exe WinME version was replaced with Win98 SE version?

Because if WinME explorer.exe had been replaced with Win98 SE version, then your Windows OS would definitely lock up, and would need to have explorer.exe from WinME reinstalled in %windir% [usually C:\WINDOWS] from native DOS mode.


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The version I had before was either 7-18-2007 or 8-27-2007. Pretty sure it was the 8-27-2007 one.
Can you please PM me with these files:






from the version [8-27-2007] you had problems with?

I'll take a look and post here findings.



To my knowledge, the current 98SE2ME edition and all older editions from 2008 install 98SE2ME option 3 properly.

Also, please make sure you are using current [newest] versions/editions of all packs/updates you install, older ones might have bugs.


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98SE2ME · UPDATED · 1-14-2009



* Options 1 + 2: added modded WinME CDFS.VXD 4.90.3002 [from Q274175 hotfix],

CDTSD.VXD 4.90.3001, SMARTVSD.VXD 4.90.3001, SCSI1HLP.VXD 4.90.3001 +

VOLTRACK.VXD 4.90.3001 [%windir%\SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS]:


[thank you dencorso]

* Options 1 + 2: replaced WinME PPPMAC.VXD 4.90.3000 from WinME WIN_20.CAB

with newer PPPMAC.VXD 4.90.3002 from Q301453 hotfix [%windir%\SYSTEM]:


[suggested by PROBLEMCHYLD]


WinME PPPMAC.VXD 4.90.3002 is experimental!

In case of errors/lockups you can restore your original PPPMAC.VXD from

PPPMAC.ORI backup [created by installing option 1 or 2] found in

%windir%\SYSTEM [usually C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM].


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98SE2ME · UPDATED · 1-14-2009

Please see the top of this topic for most recent 98SE2ME update.



* Options 1 + 2: added modded WinME CDFS.VXD 4.90.3002 [from Q274175 hotfix],

CDTSD.VXD 4.90.3001, SMARTVSD.VXD 4.90.3001, SCSI1HLP.VXD 4.90.3001 +

VOLTRACK.VXD 4.90.3001 [%windir%\SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS]:


[thank you dencorso]

* Options 1 + 2: replaced WinME PPPMAC.VXD 4.90.3000 from WinME WIN_20.CAB

with newer PPPMAC.VXD 4.90.3002 from Q301453 hotfix [%windir%\SYSTEM]:


[suggested by PROBLEMCHYLD]


WinME PPPMAC.VXD 4.90.3002 is experimental!

In case of errors/lockups you can restore your original PPPMAC.VXD from

PPPMAC.ORI backup [created by installing option 1 or 2] found in

%windir%\SYSTEM [usually C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM].


Many thanks for your continuing hard work in keeping us updated MDGx! Much appreciated.

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I wonder why a 4.7GB DVD with a few 1GB files is written as UDF (you meant CDFS?) while a similar 4.7GB DVD with many smaller files is written as UDF. Maybe I'm not very focused right now.
@Drugwash: Well, seeing you're back to the forum, I believe now is the time to resume our unfinished discussion... CDFS and UDF are just two alternative filesystems. They are not, in themselves, neither good nor bad, and the choice of using one instead of the other falls on the one who burns the media. The choice is similar to FAT vs. NTFS: one can line up endless arguments either pro or against each filesystem but the issue is intrinsically unresolvable because neither is clearly better or worse, they are just different, and each has its fortes and also has weak points.

Having said this, I'd like to point out that CDFS was originally devised for data storage in CDs (because DVDs and latter media did not exist at that time) and is very well suited for that use, even when applied to DVDs or possibly Blu-Rays.

The original standard music CDs (from 1980 up to the present) use almost no filesystem at all, the Red Book standard being more of a mapping of the mechanical LP concepts onto the (then) new media (the CD). On the other hand, UDF was devised both for data storage and for Video storage, but with this latter use as the main object for its definition. So, while retail music CDs have just an embryonic filesystem, video DVDs are (AFAIK always) recorded using UDF, so as to permit the multiple features a commercial DVD usually exhibit. And, in what regards CDFS, at least in my view, it is the best choice for data storage optical media for almost all uses because it has widespread compatibility and is simpler. Then again, be warned that I favor FAT over NTFS for almost all uses also. The exception being if one *insists* on using files bigger than (4 GiB - 1 byte). Bear in mind that FAT and NTFS were devised for random access media, so using them on optical media entails a lot of useless overhead because these media are squential access only, no matter how fast. If you look closely at it CDFS is even simpler than the venerable CP/M filesystem, although, at the end of the day, both are little more than just a root directory and its bunch of files. And, IMHO, that's the beauty of it.

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Oh well, I'm not exactly back; more like trying to find a temporary refuge for a troubled mind.

Regarding the quoted phrase, it should've been [...] a similar 4.7GB DVD with many smaller files is written as CDFS.

I admit not being familiar with neither UDF nor CDFS and not having the time and will to fill in the blanks right now. All I know is that both DVDs have been burned with Nero Express, who automatically chose the file system and this is where I'm asking (myself) what makes it choose one over the other.

The more important question is how to modify the CDFS driver to recognize large capacity optical media (such as dual-layer DVDs, Blu-Ray and whatever may come next).

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The more important question is how to modify the CDFS driver to recognize large capacity optical media (such as dual-layer DVDs, Blu-Ray and whatever may come next).

No. The more important question is how to modify CDFS driver to recognise multisession DVDs!

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The more important question is how to modify the CDFS driver to recognize large capacity optical media (such as dual-layer DVDs, Blu-Ray and whatever may come next).

No. The more important question is how to modify CDFS driver to recognise multisession DVDs!

@'Marius '95: IMHO, the best way to access all sessions in a multisession optical medium (be it CD or DVD) is by using IsoBuster. If, however, you really wish to have this option as a Windows Explorer feature, you may try the NERO shell extension, neroshx.dll (preferably v., which is part of Nero 5. It adds a tab in the Properties in the right-click menu, that gives access to any session in a multisession disk, one at a time. In my experience it also causes many Explorer crashes, now and then, but works OK, when it doesn't crash. I always remove it from my installations of Nero, because of this instability it causes. On the other hand, multisession DVDs are said to be more prone to problems than multisession CDs, for any given OS, though, AFAIK. I've used my fair share of multisession CDs, way back when, but I confess I have no first-hand experience with multisession DVDs. Today the media is reasonably cheap to my taste, so I now cling to burning single-session, closed at the end, ISO 9660 (with Joliet) optical media, as a rule.

@Drugwash: the problem is what M$ calls a "cosmetic issue" in that the CDFS driver works otherwise correctly, but does report the wrong size when asked. It may require a considerable amount of reverse engeneering to pinpoint and correct. Then again, with some luck, it may yield to a simple patch. I really don't know, but I'll investigate it more closely as soon as I can.

Edited by dencorso
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Well i installed 98SE2ME on a clean install and i got 715 files installed.

your site has 752 listed files not including option 3 files.Where is 37 files thats suppose to install.

Maybe my web site list is slightly out of date? :blink:

If you post the 37 missing file list here, I'll update it soon.


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@'Marius '95: IMHO, the best way to access all sessions in a multisession optical medium (be it CD or DVD) is by using IsoBuster. If, however, you really wish to have this option as a Windows Explorer feature, you may try the NERO shell extension, neroshx.dll (preferably v., which is part of Nero 5. It adds a tab in the Properties in the right-click menu, that gives access to any session in a multisession disk, one at a time.

I have it installed. Never crashed. Doesn't work with DVDs.

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