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98SE2ME = Killer Replacements: ME -> 98 SE

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98SE2ME · UPDATED · 8-12-2008

Please see the top of this topic for most recent 98SE2ME update.





* Options 1 + 2: removed WinME ADVAPI32.DLL 4.90.3000 [%windir%\SYSTEM] because of online gaming software errors:


MUST use ADVAPI32.DLL 4.80.1675 from Win98 SE setup CD-ROM/CABs instead [example = change CD/DVD drive letter if necessary]:


This file replacement must be done from native/true/real/pure MS-DOS mode.

[thank you Chozo4]


O2.BAT [which installs 98SE2ME options 1 + 2] actually re-installs automatically ADVAPI32.DLL 4.80.1675 from 98SE setup CD-ROM or from CABs [if on user's hard disk/USB stick/etc] into %winbootdir%\SYSTEM after reboot.


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Here's a list of files that are removed from 98SE2Me

that in my opinion i think belong there.































































Example 1


these files are not included because we can obtain these files

from plus98. I don't have plus98 so i can't use these newer files.

So guess i'm able to use the next best thing which is WinME

THEMES.EXE + THEMES.CPL files, but i have been deprive of that

because you feel as if these files are not important because newer

versions can be found. And i feel, just cause we are able to get them elsewhere

(not all of us) that they still should be added.

Example 2

If i don't use IE6 how am i supposed to obtain these newer files

I feel i should not have to install IE just to get these files

then un-install thats stupid.






Example 3

if most of these files (the latest WinME) are not installed or removed

then i really don't see the purpose for 98SE2ME. Some of these

actually belong in here.I can understand some files are buggy

but what about the ones that are not?

Example 4

Newer is not always better

SETUPAPI.DLL from WinXP is no good but the WinME version

is, but you have it removed for what reason.

I'll just boycott this until you improve this.

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Read the Readme. He explains everything. Many of the items you talk about wreak havoc on 98SE if used. I'm pretty certain no one cares if anyone decides to use 98SE2ME or not, so threaten to spread the word and have everyone boycott the project. No one will care. This is a free offering from an enthusiast that for years has provided amazing things for the community of Windows users. No one will be upset if you go it on your own rather than using the package. MDGx even provides a manual approach like that in the Readme.

Experiment away. It's your system.

As has been explained many times and also in the Readme, a 98SE system that doesn't have the latest available versions of things like Internet Explorer, Direct X, Windows Media Player, etc, cannot be made secure or bug fixed as older versions have not gotten any updates for ages.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I try to install the 8-12-2008 version of 98SE2ME, option 1, but keep getting a 'winoldap caused an invalid page fault in kernel32.dll' error, after O2.bat, I think, finishes running, (the Gamezone files). I then have to reboot and an earlier 98SE2ME loads.

Appreciate any ideas how to overcome this so that 98SE2ME runs to completion.

And many, many, thanks, MDGx, for this OS, and for the tweaked NVidia 82.69 drivers which do wonders on a FX 5500 card in an old BX MB.

Edited by plop
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I try to install the 8-12-2008 version of 98SE2ME, option 1, but keep getting a 'winoldap caused an invalid page fault in kernel32.dll' error, after O2.bat, I think, finishes running, (the Gamezone files). I then have to reboot and an earlier 98SE2ME loads.

Appreciate any ideas how to overcome this so that 98SE2ME runs to completion.

And many, many, thanks, MDGx, for this OS, and for the tweaked NVidia 82.69 drivers which do wonders on a FX 5500 card in an old BX MB.

Try this:

1. Install 98SE2ME.EXE = run the installer but exit [do not select any option] at the options menu.

2. Go to the C:\9!M folder, open O2.BAT in Notepad and remark (comment out) these lines

C:\9!M\START /M /W RUNDLL32.EXE %windir%\SYSTEM\ADVPACK.DLL,DelNodeRunDLL32 %windir%\WIN98SE.9ME
C:\9!M\START /M /W RUNDLL32.EXE %windir%\SYSTEM\ADVPACK.DLL,DelNodeRunDLL32 %windir%\FONTS.9ME

by adding :: [a double colon followed by a space] in front of each one of them.

3. Run the 98SE2ME.PIF shortcut:


and select option 1 or 2.

See if that error still happens.

And please post here if it runs ok, so I can remove those lines.

And many thanks for your appreciation. ;)


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Thanks, MGDx.

The error persists with or without an O2.bat edit; moreover backups can be created, (without edit), upon system restart, so it's not your code. I think it's a problem in my system. Recently I've had sporadic 'frozen' shutdowns, hence the idea to re-install the latest 98SE2ME to try and overcome this.

The winoldap error occurs at -- C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL32.EXE C:\WINDOWS\SHELL32.DLL, SHExitWindowsEx 2 -- when extracting or finished extracting from WIN98SE\WIN98_28.CAB

I don't know if this is from O2 script or another. But the 'forced' shutdown is 'normal', meaning no scandisk on restart. :-)

Sorry to bother you, yet appreciate any ideas I can work on.

Update :

‘Frozen’ shutdowns solved by re-installing the network adapter card. My system was not disconnecting from the network when other computers were on line.

8-12-2008 version of 98SE2ME updates, along with those from July, were installed manually, so I’m back with a stable, up-to-date, speedy OS, thanks to MDGx.

Edited by plop
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  • 2 weeks later...

It would be good if we could have a different banner in the start up menu, one that said "98SE2ME" with a color scheme that matched the splash screen. Right now, if I install option 3, it changes to the generic Windows ME banner, otherwise it stays with the generic Windows 98 banner.

Also, what version of Windows is supposed to be shown on the desktop (if we have that option set in Tweak UI)? Previously, I had installed Gape's SPSE 2.1a along with a version of 98SE2ME from about December of 2007. The version shown on the desktop was the Windows ME version (4.90xxxx). When I reinstalled Win98 and used SPSE 3.0 b3 along with the latest 98SE2ME (Aug. 2008) the version shown was Win 98 (4.10.2222).

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
It would be good if we could have a different banner in the start up menu, one that said "98SE2ME" with a color scheme that matched the splash screen. Right now, if I install option 3, it changes to the generic Windows ME banner, otherwise it stays with the generic Windows 98 banner.

Also, what version of Windows is supposed to be shown on the desktop (if we have that option set in Tweak UI)? Previously, I had installed Gape's SPSE 2.1a along with a version of 98SE2ME from about December of 2007. The version shown on the desktop was the Windows ME version (4.90xxxx). When I reinstalled Win98 and used SPSE 3.0 b3 along with the latest 98SE2ME (Aug. 2008) the version shown was Win 98 (4.10.2222).

I have only modded the banner for the Win98 SE 256 colors patched EXPLORER.EXE [installs from options 1 + 2].

I have never modded WinME explorer.exe banner [which installs from option 3]. And I don't intend to, but if you have your own custom banner, please post here and I'll consider it.

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I just downloaded the Unofficial IE6 Cumulative Upgrade component only ( (mdie6cu.exe). It installed in windows/system the following dlll> iepeers.dll. Not been able to find out if this is necessary in win98SE, but the version installed 6.00.2800.1616 doesn't seem to be listed here: http://www.programchecker.com/file/31791.aspx

Just wondering what it does and do we need it? TIA

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I just downloaded the Unofficial IE6 Cumulative Upgrade component only ( (mdie6cu.exe). It installed in windows/system the following dlll> iepeers.dll. Not been able to find out if this is necessary in win98SE, but the version installed 6.00.2800.1616 doesn't seem to be listed here: http://www.programchecker.com/file/31791.aspx

Just wondering what it does and do we need it? TIA

iepeers.dll is explained here [long live good ol' Google ;)]:


Please post your questions into the appropriate forum.

This is the 98SE2ME forum, and has nothing to do with iepeers.dll.

The MDIE6CU forum is here:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, I've got a bit of a problem.

I've installed 98SE on many machines, and I've been working on another right now.

Installing 98SE2ME (option 1, then option 3) has been pretty routine in my setups, and so far I've had at worst minor issues.

Thing is, this time around, Option 1 installs just fine, but installing Option 3 causes a crash (One of those error messages where you can pick Close or Details) in EXPLORER through process EXPLORER.EXE right after I log on (before the desktop shows up). Thus, I can't access anything. Safe mode will not work either.

Here are the details of the error, taken using a VGA image capture tool on another computer:


I have a feeling that the issue is being caused by something that has changed in one of the update packs I installed before installing 98SE2ME, as this time around I started using newer versions of these packs than I have used before. I'm just wondering what kind of incompatibility might be occuring (and with what file), and how I can fix it.

I have a hard disk image saved of after I installed Option 1, so if the Option 3 installation keeps failing, I can keep restoring my image until the problem is fixed.

Anyways, here's the order I've installed the updates in:

* Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1

*DirectX 9.0c

* 98 SE SP 3.0 BETA 3

*Windows Update, including WMP 9.0

*WUPG98 Carinthian LH Edition

*Autopatcher Dec 2007 FINAL

*Maximus Decim InternetExplorer 6.0sp1 Component Update 2.4

*Maximus Decim Cumulative Update ver.3.05 (includes NUSB 3.3)

*Maximus Decim Data Access Component Update 1.4

*98SE2ME 11-19-2008 Option 1

*98SE2ME 11-19-2008 Option 3 (FAILED!)

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

P.S.: I could have sworn I saw one of those "Not enough memory" errors DOS likes to sometimes give right before my machine rebooted for Option 3. Don't know if this happened for Option 1.

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I have been perusing this forum using much of my time for the last three weeks, AND MGDx's most excellent pages as well as going to Wiki for greater understanding of some terms, and I am STILL not sure of exactly how to go about upgrading my 98SE system to 98SE2ME.

There is the order of install. I believe that it is as follows:



MD's Cumulative Upgrade


I am not sure whether to install the notebook drivers first, last or both. MGDX says first, and some others say at a different place in the upgrade process. Somewhere in there I believe I have to upgrade to IE6.0 of some flavor, but then, as the last thing, I will remove IE completely with IEradicator. This seems to produce more favorable results that removing IE with 98Lite, which can be used to remove all the other stuff necessary. As I am sure IEradicator will remove IE6, and am not sure it will remove later versions, I do not want to upgrade to any later version if there is not some clear cut reason for doing so and no work around. It does not seem necessary to upgrade to a later version of IE, or to upgrade WindowsMediaPlayer at all. IF later versions of IE or WMP have some necessary files, a work around might be to install 98SE with no other upgrades, install the later version of IE or WMP, copy the necessary files to my data drive, and then format the C: drive and start over.

I am doing a fresh install of 98SE on a ca.early 2001 IBM Thinkpad A22m. Currently it is dual boot with XP. The C: drive ONLY contains the OS, all the data is in other partitions. Firefox portable, the last version 98SE runs, is on the D: drive and the same installation is run under 98SE or XP depending on which I booted into.

Are there any things specific to notebooks in general and IBM notebooks in particular which are not in SP2.1 or the Cumulative Upgrade 3.0.5 which I need to install also? IN view of the below, are there things in SP2.1 or Cumulative Upgrade 3.1.5 which I need to change or remove afterwards. I am passing on WUPG98 and AutoPatcher as both seem to install things I don't want, plus I have a dial-up connection.

One thing which makes things confusing are that when Windows 98 first came out, there was a definite distinction between a LAN and the Internet, and now both are classified as Network. Consequently, if your goal is to prevent anything on the internet from running anything on your computer, but you also have a hardwired Ethernet LAN, how do you know what you can remove, or do not need to install in the first place? I do not, for instance, want to allow my notebook to run anything on my desktop or vice versa, even over the LAN.

I used to let the modem talk to the TCP/IP protocol, but removed all bindings to NetBios, IPX, and Windows File Sharing, while using NetBUEI on the Ethernet, and removing any bindings from the Ethernet card to the TCP/IP protocol.

I do not allow anything to update itself or anything else automatically. Back in the days of DOS and WFW 3.11, you got everything installed and then you never upgraded anything unless it was because a newer device or program couldn't work otherwise. Therefore, I want to remove as much code as possible which lets anything update automatically.

What makes things really difficult is the way I configure a computer. I first install 98SE and get it set up properly, and then I disable Windows Update, ActiveX, Active Desktop, and completely remove IE using 98Lite. The dependencies make things very confusing, for instance, for audio sequenciers and programs which interface with MIDI devices, I need DirectX plug-ins, which seem to depend on DirectShow, which seems to depend on COM+. However, it appears the only part of DirectX Media I need is DirectShow, so it appears I can remove or not install much of the rest of it. The same thing with DCOM, I appear to need COM+, but not DCOM, and Steve Gibson thinks that DCOM merely gives a drive by virus opportunity - but where and how do I upgrade COM+ and loose DCOM. Is MSDE needed if you are not running Office or using SQL?

These are merely instances I know about, There are far far more that I do not. The reason I am so completely detailing what I am trying to do is so that others, far more expert than I in this area, can help me learn what to do to create the most stable, impervious to outside manipulation, advanced in respect to running newer software and newer hardware, Win9x installation is is possible for someone who can't write code to create!

The not write code is not completely true, I got an AA in computer science in 1982, but since I haven't written much code in 30 years, I have forgotten how to write Cobal, Fortran, and Assembly on an IBM System 3 using punch cards. :whistle: I took an earlier, ca.1970, correspondence course on computer maintenance in the Air Force, but today knowledge of maintaining the hardware of vacuum tube based computers is an even MORE useless skill!

I also want to make the 98SE2ME installation as compatible with more modern hardware as possible in general, and especially in relationship to USB devices. USB compatibility is why I built the desktop to be an XP machine, and now I have learned that I can make 98SE compatible with most of the USB devices I especially need, Flash cards and USB HDDs, that is why I am attempting to downgrade, most of our computers to 98SE from XP, or at least a dual boot them.

I also want to make 98SE compatible with as much as possible of the newer software which only run on XP, especially Firefox, Thunderbird, and OpenOffice.

Computability to XP means computability to an XP install which has been treated in the same manner, use XPlite to remove WindowsUpdate, ActiveX, Outlook, IE, and WMP. For a media player, in both OS, I use the K-Lite Codec pack with MediaPlayer Classic along with VLC portable. Don't need Movie Maker or any other MS application included as "part" of the OS to do something which can be done better and less intrusively by somebody else. I do not need to make anything compatible with DRM, if something needs DRM, I don't need IT!

Incompatibility to MS applications is perhaps an asset!

Neither version of the OS needs compatibility with running anything in MS Office outside of as much compatibility as possible to read and write Office files, as I haven't ever considered installing it since sometime in the mid 90's when I learned that buried in all the Office files was a GUID so that any document created in Word or Office could be traced back to the computer on which it was created. As there was a period of time where most versions of Word documents could be opened only with Word, the work around, since the GUID was created only when a document was created and not when it was modified, was to download a Word file from MSoft, rename it and then delete the contents and use it as a blank file when creating a new document instead of clicking on "new". That way any documents I created in Word or Excel would be traced back to MS as being the originator. I use SoftmakerOffice 2006, and for things it won't handle OpenOffice.

Insofar as internet compatibility is concerned, I always thought that if a Linux box running Netscape, Opera or Firefox could not view a specific web page or site correctly, my install of Windows shouldn't be able to either! I certainly don't need to be more compatible with Windows Vista servers etc.

OTOH, I want my LAN to be able to transfer any file which XP might be able to write, as on some occasions, I might have an XP and a 98SE box on the same LAN.

I wonder how many of the "security patches" are really necessary to a system set up this way, for instance, if something can create a virus in a Word document giving an ActiveX control the ability to do something awful to your installation of MS Office, how unsecure is a system which has the virus, but does NOT have MS Office or ActiveX?

:thumbup Finally, I want to give GREAT :thumbup MUCH :thumbup and munificent :thumbup thanks to MGDX, for his totally awesome :thumbup site and great contributions and dedication toward keeping the last OS Microsoft designed for stand alone machines alive!!!!! :thumbup

'Sides, it ain't REALLY that old, the OS currently used on the Space Shuttles was designed in the mid '70s, long before the first PC ever came off the Assembly Line!

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