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98SE2ME = Killer Replacements: ME -> 98 SE

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Hey. I'm new around here and was wondering...

Should I install 98SE2ME after the Windows 98SE unofficial service pack 2.1a, then install Revolutions Pack 7?

Just wondering. Thanks.

Please read this fragment from READ1ST.TXT [the "FAQ" section]:


* This is the order [can be changed depending on personal preferences] I

recommend to install Windows 98 SE OS and ALL current/NEWest (Hot)Fixes,

Patches, Updates, Upgrades + Service Packs, and refers strictly to Win98 SE

English edition so you can take advantage of SP2, 98SE2ME, 98MP10, NUSB,

MDCU, WUPG, RP, KernelEx etc:

1. Windows 98 SE OS from MS setup CD-ROM, preferably "fresh" [from scratch,

onto an empty (eventually newly formatted) hard drive/partition], preferably

after copying ALL *.CAB files from the CD onto your local hard disk to

minimize install time.

Better to automate OS install by using unattended mode MSBATCH.INF scripts:


to skip annoying steps and add favorite apps/games/tools/tweaks/mods/etc to

your list at install time.

If you plan on multi-booting with Windows NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista, 95/ME

and/or Linux/FreeBSD/BeOS/MacOS/etc, it is best to:

A. Use a partitioning tool:


and create at least as many partitions as many OSes you plan to install.

B. Install a multi-boot manager:


C. Install each OS + all its apps/tools/tweaks/games/mods/etc into its own

drive/partition/root directory.

2. DirectX 9.0c + ALL Patches + Updates:


MUST install DirectX 9.0c: besides implementing support for most newer video,

audio, gaming + networking Serial, PCI, AGP, USB + FireWire internal +

external hardware devices, also corrects most BUGs + errors from ALL older

DirectX releases.

3. Internet Explorer (IE) 6.0 SP1 + ALL Patches + Updates:


MUST install NEWest IE + ALL current Patches REGARDLESS of which other

browser(s) you use to surf the net, because of Windows "browser integration".

This means a lot of system files from %windir%\SYSTEM used by your OS to

access/connect to the network(s)/internet are also part of IE browsing engine,

and MUST be kept up to date to avoid ANY known bug, flaw, security

vulnerability etc, to avoid exposing your computer(s) to network/internet

based spyware/malware/etc attacks.

MS stopped making patches for ALL older MS IE versions [5.0, 5.01, 5.5 SP1,

5.5 SP2 + 6.0] EXCEPT 6.0 SP1. That's why you MUST install MS IE 6.0 SP1 AND

ALL its security patches, because this is the ONLY way you can keep your Win98

SE computer(s) as secure as possible.

4. Windows Media Player 9.0 (WMP9) + ALL Patches + Updates:


MUST install NEWest WMP + ALL current Patches REGARDLESS of which other

multimedia tool(s) you use to play/record/edit/stream/decode/encode

audio/music/video/movies/DVDs/etc, because most such tools (including media

players + web browsers) use WMP DirectShow + NetShow DirectX APIs, engine +

codecs, and most importantly because most current WMP patches plug security


MS stopped making patches for ALL older WMP versions [6.4, 7.0, 7.1 + 8.0]

EXCEPT 9.0, 10.0 + 11.0. That's why you MUST install WMP9 AND ALL its security

patches, because this is the ONLY way you can keep your Win98 SE computer(s)

as secure as possible.

5. System Add-ons, Components + ALL Patches + Updates:


6. ALL Windows 98 SE Patches + Updates:


7. Unofficial Windows 98 SE Service Pack 2 (SP2):


Benefits: fixed OS BUGs + security flaws, improved graphical interface,

performance + better hardware compatibility.

8. 98SE2ME [optional]:


Benefits: fixed OS BUGs + security flaws, improved graphical interface,

performance + better hardware compatibility.

9. 98MP10 [optional]:


Benefits: fixed WMP9 BUGs + security flaws, newer XP SP2 WMP10.

10. Unofficial Native USB Drivers (NUSB):


Benefits: fixed USB BUGs + better USB + FireWire hardware compatibility.

11. Unofficial Revolutions Packs (RP) [optional]:


Benefits: enhanced OS graphical interface + shell.

12. Unnoficial KernelEx Project [optional]:


Benefits: may allow NTx specific apps/games to install/work in Windows 98 SE.

13. ALL current 3rd party/add-on/proprietary drivers needed by your computer

hardware devices from their manufacturer/developer/vendor web/FTP sites:

install first Windows ME specific drivers, and if those don't work, install

Windows 98 SE specific drivers.

14. Applications, tools, tweaks, games, mods etc + ALL their current

patches/updates [optional].

15. Go play [optional]. ;-)

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I'm working on inserting 98SE2ME into an unattended disc, but I just had a quick question - is it totally impossible to integrate option 3 with all the others without a reboot in between? If so, out of interest, why is that?



98SE2ME option 3 can be automated [install completely unattended, but you need to have (preferably) the WinME CABs in the same directory where the 98SE2ME scripts are located] if you add these lines to your custom MSBATCH.INF file [this is a fragment from READ1ST.TXT, the "FAQ" section]:


To add 98SE2ME scripts + Windows ME setup CD-ROM CABs to your custom

unattended Windows 98 SE setup boot CD/DVD:

- Copy ALL *.CAB files from \WIN9X [Windows ME setup CD-ROM] to your CD/DVD.

- Open with Notepad or better plain text editor/viewer:


ALL *.BAT + *.INF files from C:\9!M and replace ALL C:\9!M text strings with

X:\9!M where X is your CD/DVD drive letter [make sure it matches your actual

drive letter].

- Copy ENTIRE C:\9!M folder + ALL its files [installed by 98SE2ME.EXE]

modified as detailed above to your CD/DVD root folder.

To install ONLY Windows ME Explorer, Shell, Dialog, Folders + Movie Maker

[98SE2ME option 3] onto your Windows 98 SE OS WITHOUT installing ANY OTHER

98SE2ME components, just add this line to your MSBATCH.INF [example = modify

if necessary]:

-----Begin cut & paste here-----





------End cut & paste here------

where X is your CD/DVD drive letter [make sure it matches your actual drive


O3.BAT is responsible for installing 98SE2ME option 3.

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Hy! I am guy that tested all the packs and all the stuff that exist on this forum and i can say that 98se2me it's very unstable, the explorer crashes very fast and it slows the computer, all the revelation packs are the same, very unstable. The best thing is Unoficial SP2 for win98. That's all i can say.
Hello Xstyle,

Just because you had a bad experience with 98SE2ME, that doesn't make it unstable or bad. ;)

I know a few other thousand people who had a positive experience, and some of them still use 98SE2ME files on their computers [i am among them, I've been using 98SE2ME files for ~ 7 years now, with no problems].

But, I [nor any of my friends] don't have DSL [RASPPPoE], so I can't test that environment.

Maybe you can. Please see READ1ST.TXT [the "KNOWN BUGS + FIXES" section]:

* BUG:

Active network/internet connection may stop working after installing 98SE2ME

option 1 or option 2 on some computers connected to [uSB] xDSL modems and/or

using (RAS)PPPoE protocol/drivers:



This BUG is not completely fixed yet!

If you discover a fix, please post it here [thank you]:


These are the only known workarounds:

1. Reset/reconfigure/reinstall/repair TCP/IP protocols + Client for Microsoft

Network either from Control Panel -> Network or by using one of these

free(ware) repair tools:


2. Run these 2 commands:

IPCONFIG /release_all

IPCONFIG /renew_all

IPCONFIG.EXE should exist in %windir% [usually C:\WINDOWS].

More info @ MSKB:


3. If that doesn't work, restore these Windows 98 SE system files

[%windir%\SYSTEM = usually C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM] from setup CD-ROM or CABs or

BACKUPS if you selected to backup your entire OS before installing any 98SE2ME

options [the 1st time]:





















CABL98SE.TXT lists the exact location of these files:


How to extract files from CABs:


Certain %windir%\SYSTEM files MUST be replaced ONLY from native MS-DOS mode.

How to exit/reboot into native/true/real/pure MS-DOS mode:

A. Left-click the Start button -> click Shut Down... -> select Restart in

MS-DOS mode -> click the OK button.

B. OR hold down Shift + F5 at the same time during BIOS boot POST (Power On

Self Test) sequence.

C. OR scroll down using the down arrow to the "Command prompt only" option and

then press Enter from the Windows 95/98 Startup Menu:


D. OR from a Windows 95/98/ME Emergency/Bootup/Startup

floppy/CD/DVD/USB/external disc/stick/tape.

Replace these files in small groups, for example start with:



if that doesn't work, replace:



if that doesn't work, replace:


if that doesn't work, replace:





... etc.

Reboot normal when done and then repeat (only if necessary) all steps at #1 +

#2 above.

Windows 98 SE system files [located into %windir%\SYSTEM] used by RASPPPoE
















If you are using the current 98SE2ME release, options 1 + 2 do not install nor modify EXPLORER.EXE in any way.

Only option 3 installs EXPLORER.EXE from WinME CABs. And READ1ST.TXT:


states clearly in 2 places, that:


WinME files installed by option 3 may change and/or lose Win98 SE interface

functionality, stability and/or performance!

If that is the case, please uninstall option 3 [from backups] as instructed in READ1ST.TXT:
How to restore your original Windows 98 SE files:

- Start button -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs -> select

"98SE2ME Option 3: Restore Win98 SE Explorer, Shell + UI" -> click Add/Remove

button -> reboot.


- (Double-)click on %windir%\INF\O3RES.BAT [%windir% = usually C:\WINDOWS].


IF you have ALREADY installed option 3 [see complete list of files above] at

LEAST ONCE BEFORE, AND IF after that you have DELETED the Win98 SE *.98A

BACKUPS [see complete list of files above], you MUST NOT REinstall option 3,

because IF you do, you will NOT be able to RESTORE ORIGINAL Win98 SE system

files anymore!

In such case you MUST RESTORE Win98 SE system files from Windows 98 SE CABs or

setup CD-ROM BEFORE trying to REinstall option 3!

to get back Win98 SE explorer.exe .


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Hey again! Just got back from posting to the 98MP10 thread and the Auto-Patcher thread (long one there).

Anyway, the problem I wanted to tell you about in 98SE2ME is regarding the old problem of AUTOEXEC.BAT still having all your lines in it even after it successfully did everything and all of 98SE2ME is installed along with those files replaced by the AUTOEXEC.BAT commands.

I checked in there just to be sure (in sysedit) and unfortunately there were all the commands. I just deleted them so all is well, but how come that occurred long, long ago and now occurs again every so often (I noticed someone else complaining a while back about this)?

Of course my deleting the lines stopped the thing from trying to run at every startup, but a newbie isn't going to know to check there after everything seems fine, so it is a problem.

I've got that problem left over after 98MP10's install in its thread as well as a long post in the Auto-Patcher thread, so if you can check them out perhaps you can answer some of my ponders?

I just don't want to type up the same stuff in all 3 places so hopefully I did a good job of putting the specific questions or statements in the appropriate threads.

Hey! Just feels nice to be using 98SE and having some stuff to post about again! Gosh, it would be especially nice if this 98SE install holds stable and doesn't give me that stupid IOS error. I bootup holding my breath every time!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So can I just install this update or do I have to uninstall the previous edition then run this? I'm running 98SE2Me on a Toshiba Tecra 8000 PII 300Mhz laptop. I'tll randomly bluescreen when shutting down- always seems to be some different reason each time. Sometimes it shuts down just fine.

Before applying 98SE2Me, I installed 98SE, IE6, DirectX 9.0c, and all the Toshiba drivers for the laptop and the Deskstation V+ doxking station. After 98SE2Me it can't tell if it's docked or not. I have to select the configuration manually at boot.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi MDGx,

I've been using your 98SE2ME pack for six months now.

I've manually made changes according to your release notes for the last few updates.

A lot of Windows Me GUI and features were really good... except the kernel and System Restore (shh, not so loud!)...

That's why I like 98SE2ME since it takes the cool stuff out of Me and then uses the better 98SE kernel!

Originally 98SE2ME installed without a hitch and has run ever since.

I also use Tihiy's Revolutions Pack 7 to further enhance the GUI and features.

I've been applying soporific's Auto-Patcher 98 as it comes out.

I only ever had problems with Auto-Patcher with Revolutions Pack (now solved - thanks MDGx!).

A big thank you MDGx :hello:

Keep up the good work!

Viv' la Windows 9x!

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Done. I had some trouble with RP7 due to its custom boot logo being incompatible with my set up. I got 98se2me's startup one back, but i can't seem to get the shutdown one to appear... (all I see is the DOS cursor.)

LOGOS and LOGOW.sys are still present in C:\windows

Please rwad these 2 fragments from READ1ST.TXT:


* BUG:

After installing 98SE2ME options 1 or 2 which install patched WinME USER32.DLL

+ USER.EXE 4.90.3001 among other WinME system files [see "* Option 2:" under

"98SE2ME.PIF COMPLETE GUIDE" chapter further above] wait-to-shut-down +

shut-down logos: %windir%\LOGOW.SYS + %windir%\LOGOS.SYS [%windir% = usually

C:\WINDOWS] will not display anymore.


In such case replace WinME USER32.DLL + USER.EXE 4.90.3001 with patched

Unofficial Win98 SE USER32.DLL + USER.EXE 4.10.2233:


Direct download [418 KB]:



I have this same problem too. But before I apply this fix, I was wondering if there is anything (features, bug/security fixes, or otherwise) that I'm losing by changing my USER32.DLL and USER.EXE versions...

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So can I just install this update or do I have to uninstall the previous edition then run this? I'm running 98SE2Me on a Toshiba Tecra 8000 PII 300Mhz laptop. I'tll randomly bluescreen when shutting down- always seems to be some different reason each time. Sometimes it shuts down just fine.

Before applying 98SE2Me, I installed 98SE, IE6, DirectX 9.0c, and all the Toshiba drivers for the laptop and the Deskstation V+ doxking station. After 98SE2Me it can't tell if it's docked or not. I have to select the configuration manually at boot.

No need to uninstall any older 98SE2ME version you might have.

Just install the new one, it will take care of all changes from the time you installed the old one up to the most recent release.

Unfortunately, I don't have access to a laptop to test the docking issues.

Any volunteers?

Best wishes.

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Done. I had some trouble with RP7 due to its custom boot logo being incompatible with my set up. I got 98se2me's startup one back, but i can't seem to get the shutdown one to appear... (all I see is the DOS cursor.)

LOGOS and LOGOW.sys are still present in C:\windows

Please read these 2 fragments from READ1ST.TXT:


* BUG:

After installing 98SE2ME options 1 or 2 which install patched WinME USER32.DLL

+ USER.EXE 4.90.3001 among other WinME system files [see "* Option 2:" under

"98SE2ME.PIF COMPLETE GUIDE" chapter further above] wait-to-shut-down +

shut-down logos: %windir%\LOGOW.SYS + %windir%\LOGOS.SYS [%windir% = usually

C:\WINDOWS] will not display anymore.


In such case replace WinME USER32.DLL + USER.EXE 4.90.3001 with patched

Unofficial Win98 SE USER32.DLL + USER.EXE 4.10.2233:


Direct download [418 KB]:



I have this same problem too. But before I apply this fix, I was wondering if there is anything (features, bug/security fixes, or otherwise) that I'm losing by changing my USER32.DLL and USER.EXE versions...

Not that I'm aware of, unless you have had erratic mouse cursor problems, like I used to have when I was using Win98 SE USER*.* files, that were fixed by the WinME USER*.* files.


If using 98SE2ME option 3, you may want to keep the WinME USER*.* files.


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Not that I'm aware of, unless you have had erratic mouse cursor problems, like I used to have when I was using Win98 SE USER*.* files, that were fixed by the WinME USER*.* files.


If using 98SE2ME option 3, you may want to keep the WinME USER*.* files.


I did install option 3...

So do you I reccomend I keep my system unable to view shutdown logos if option 3 is installed?

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Not that I'm aware of, unless you have had erratic mouse cursor problems, like I used to have when I was using Win98 SE USER*.* files, that were fixed by the WinME USER*.* files.


If using 98SE2ME option 3, you may want to keep the WinME USER*.* files.


I did install option 3...

So do you I reccomend I keep my system unable to view shutdown logos if option 3 is installed?

It's all up to you, whichever you prefer...

1. see the logos when you shut down Windows or

2. keep the features installed by 98SE2ME option 3 [and the rest of WinME files].


IMHO: I keep the WinME files, I don't care about any wait-to-shut-down +/- shut-down logos, the only logo I want to see is the startup/bootup logo [C:\LOGO.SYS], which is not affected by the WinME USR*.* files. ;)


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