MDGx Posted July 26, 2007 Author Posted July 26, 2007 ...... the installation updated two system files to WinME versions:PSMON.DLL: 4.10.1998 to 4.90.3000PSCRIPT.DRV: 4.10.2222 to 4.90.3000Both CutePDF and these files seem to be working fine, so far. Is there any reason you know for why these ME files are not included in 98SE2ME?TIA.Thanks for your feedback.No reason, just never crossed my mind those files could make any difference.Sounds like CutePDF installs the Post Script driver for compatible printers [?], that's why it needs those 2 files, and obviously you do have such a printer.I'll do some tests, and eventually add them to 98SE2ME one of these days.Thanks.
wrayal Posted August 12, 2007 Posted August 12, 2007 I'm working on inserting 98SE2ME into an unattended disc, but I just had a quick question - is it totally impossible to integrate option 3 with all the others without a reboot in between? If so, out of interest, why is that?Thanks,Wrayal
Xstyle Posted August 12, 2007 Posted August 12, 2007 Hy! I am guy that tested all the packs and all the stuff that exist on this forum and i can say that 98se2me it's very unstable, the explorer crashes very fast and it slows the computer, all the revelation packs are the same, very unstable. The best thing is Unoficial SP2 for win98. That's all i can say.
Max_04 Posted August 12, 2007 Posted August 12, 2007 Hy! I am guy that tested all the packs and all the stuff that exist on this forum and i can say that 98se2me it's very unstable, the explorer crashes very fast and it slows the computer, all the revelation packs are the same, very unstable. The best thing is Unoficial SP2 for win98. That's all i can say.Depends how do you have applied these packs.Never had particular problems with all packs in this board, except windows explorer patch to 256 colors and few things.
Xstyle Posted August 12, 2007 Posted August 12, 2007 Hy! I am guy that tested all the packs and all the stuff that exist on this forum and i can say that 98se2me it's very unstable, the explorer crashes very fast and it slows the computer, all the revelation packs are the same, very unstable. The best thing is Unoficial SP2 for win98. That's all i can say.Depends how do you have applied these packs.Never had particular problems with all packs in this board, except windows explorer patch to 256 colors and few things.I installed them like the book....but still explorer crashes.
Xstyle Posted August 12, 2007 Posted August 12, 2007 Another problem: i have a cable internet conection PPPoe and after the 98se2me instalation my conection can't conect to the internet. So? How can i fix this?
dencorso Posted August 13, 2007 Posted August 13, 2007 Another problem: i have a cable internet conection PPPoe and after the 98se2me instalation my conection can't conect to the internet. So? How can i fix this?Hi, Xstyle: RTFM! Relevant Excerpt from the "98SE2ME ReadMe Text Guide"found as html at and as plain text at excerpt begins ---------KNOWN BUGS + FIXES[...]* BUG:Active network/internet connection may stop working after installing 98SE2ME option 1 or option 2 on some computers connected to [uSB] xDSL modems and/or using (RAS)PPPoE protocol/drivers: BUG is not completely fixed yet!If you discover a fix, please post it here [thank you]: are the only known workarounds:1. Reset/reconfigure/reinstall/repair TCP/IP protocols + Client for Microsoft Network either from Control Panel -> Network or by using one of these free(ware) repair tools: Run these 2 commands:IPCONFIG /release_allIPCONFIG /renew_allIPCONFIG.EXE should exist in %windir% [usually C:\WINDOWS].More info @ MSKB: If that doesn't work, restore these Windows 98 SE system files [%windir%\SYSTEM = usually C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM] from setup CD-ROM or CABs or BACKUPS if you selected to backup your entire OS before installing any 98SE2ME options [the 1st time]:CFGMGR32.DLLCFGWIZ.DLLFINSTALL.DLLINDICDLL.DLLMSNET32.DLLMSPP32.DLLMSTCP.DLLNDSWAN16.DLLNDSWAN32.DLLNETAPI.DLLNETAPI32.DLLNETDI.DLLNETOS.DLLRASAPI16.DLLRASAPI32.DLLRNAUI.DLLSETUP4.DLLSETUPAPI.DLLSETUPX.DLLTAPI32.DLLCABL98SE.TXT lists the exact location of these files: to extract files from CABs: %windir%\SYSTEM files MUST be replaced ONLY from native MS-DOS mode.How to exit/reboot into native/true/real/pure MS-DOS mode:A. Left-click the Start button -> click Shut Down... -> select Restart in MS-DOS mode -> click the OK button.B. OR hold down Shift + F5 at the same time during BIOS boot POST (Power On Self Test) sequence.C. OR scroll down using the down arrow to the "Command prompt only" option and then press Enter from the Windows 95/98 Startup Menu: OR from a Windows 95/98/ME Emergency/Bootup/Startup floppy/CD/DVD/USB/external disc/stick/tape.Replace these files in small groups, for example start with:NDSWAN16.DLLNDSWAN32.DLLif that doesn't work, replace:RASAPI16.DLLRASAPI32.DLLif that doesn't work, replace:RNAUI.DLLif that doesn't work, replace:NETAPI.DLLNETAPI32.DLLNETDI.DLLNETOS.DLL... etc.Reboot normal when done and then repeat (only if necessary) all steps at #1 + #2 above.Windows 98 SE system files [located into %windir%\SYSTEM] used by RASPPPoE protocol/drivers:ADVAPI32.DLLCOMCTL32.DLLGDI32.DLLINDICDLL.DLLKERNEL32.DLLMSVCRT.DLLOLE32.DLLRPCRT4.DLLSHELL32.DLLSHLWAPI.DLLTAPI32.DLLVERSION.DLLUSER32.DLLexcerpt ends ---------HTH
Xstyle Posted August 14, 2007 Posted August 14, 2007 Another problem: i have a cable internet conection PPPoe and after the 98se2me instalation my conection can't conect to the internet. So? How can i fix this?Hi, Xstyle: RTFM! Relevant Excerpt from the "98SE2ME ReadMe Text Guide"found as html at and as plain text at Thanx, i forgot about that! I will try...
bizzybody Posted August 15, 2007 Posted August 15, 2007 After doing a clean install of 98SE, drivers, IE6, 98SE2ME, 98MP10, the unofficial IE6 update- what's safe to install from Windows Update?Something I've run into on both IE6 and Firefox on this laptop now is that most sites will not load until I hit stop then refresh.
dj.tuBIG/MaliceX Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 Hey. I'm new around here and was wondering...Should I install 98SE2ME after the Windows 98SE unofficial service pack 2.1a, then install Revolutions Pack 7?Just wondering. Thanks.
Xstyle Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 Hey. I'm new around here and was wondering...Should I install 98SE2ME after the Windows 98SE unofficial service pack 2.1a, then install Revolutions Pack 7?Just wondering. Thanks. That's the way you should do it!
dj.tuBIG/MaliceX Posted August 19, 2007 Posted August 19, 2007 Done. I had some trouble with RP7 due to its custom boot logo being incompatible with my set up. I got 98se2me's startup one back, but i can't seem to get the shutdown one to appear... (all I see is the DOS cursor.)LOGOS and LOGOW.sys are still present in C:\windowsI've already checked with the RP7 thread so...yeah.
Max_04 Posted August 25, 2007 Posted August 25, 2007 (edited) @ MDGX:I've updated 98se2me to the last version, but I've problems to replace icon of 98SE2ME.exe with your last MAINICON (I use restorator for this).When I do it, I receive this error if I execute 98SE2ME.exe after replace:"Setup Files are corrupted."Thank you for all your work. Edited August 25, 2007 by Max_04
MDGx Posted August 28, 2007 Author Posted August 28, 2007 @ MDGX:I've updated 98se2me to the last version, but I've problems to replace icon of 98SE2ME.exe with your last MAINICON (I use restorator for this).When I do it, I receive this error if I execute 98SE2ME.exe after replace:"Setup Files are corrupted."Thank you for all your work.Actually, this is what I did [from INNOFILE.TXT]:How to replace MAINICO with custom (smaller) icon to reduce size of installerexecutable:1. Download + install Inno Setup 5.0.3-beta executable [my favorite, createssmallest installer]: Download + unZIP Resource Hacker [freeware]: need an unZIPping tool to extract files from ZIP archives [most arefree(ware)]: Replace MAINICON Icon Group with my own INNOSMAL.ICO (included) from these5 Inno Setup files:ISCMPLR.DLLSETUP.E32SETUPLDR.E32COMPIL32.EXEISCC.EXEOpen each of these 5 files with Resource Hacker executable -> scroll down toIcon Group in left hand pane -> double-click Icon Group -> double-clickMAINICON in right hand pane -> left-click 1033 -> left-click Action from Filemenu -> click Replace Icon... -> click Open file with new icon... -> browse tothe location of INNOSMAL.ICO -> double-click INNOSMAL.ICO -> click Open ->click Replace -> click File -> click Save as... -> double-click same file nameyou opened in Resource Hacker -> answer Yes to overwrite file -> exit ResourceHacker.You may want to backup these 5 files before modifying them.INNOSMAL.ICO is now part of Inno Setup source files ZIP [17 KB]:
MDGx Posted August 28, 2007 Author Posted August 28, 2007 Done. I had some trouble with RP7 due to its custom boot logo being incompatible with my set up. I got 98se2me's startup one back, but i can't seem to get the shutdown one to appear... (all I see is the DOS cursor.)LOGOS and LOGOW.sys are still present in C:\windowsPlease rwad these 2 fragments from READ1ST.TXT:* BUG:After installing 98SE2ME options 1 or 2 which install patched WinME USER32.DLL+ USER.EXE 4.90.3001 among other WinME system files [see "* Option 2:" under"98SE2ME.PIF COMPLETE GUIDE" chapter further above] wait-to-shut-down +shut-down logos: %windir%\LOGOW.SYS + %windir%\LOGOS.SYS [%windir% = usuallyC:\WINDOWS] will not display anymore.FIX:In such case replace WinME USER32.DLL + USER.EXE 4.90.3001 with patchedUnofficial Win98 SE USER32.DLL + USER.EXE 4.10.2233: download [418 KB]:* BUG:After installing 98SE2ME options 1 or 2 which install patched WinME USER.EXE4.90.3001 among other WinME system files [see "* Option 2:" under "98SE2ME.PIFCOMPLETE GUIDE" chapter further above] on portable (laptops + notebooks)computers with power saving features turned on you may experience powersaving, standby, suspend etc restart in MS-DOS mode and/or shutdown errors,because:- WinME USER.EXE does NOT natively support "Restart in MS-DOS mode".- All USER.EXE versions have to call functions in VPOWERD.VXD for shutdownand standby, and WinME VPOWERD.VXD is very different from the Win98 SE one.FIX:In such case replace WinME USER32.DLL + USER.EXE 4.90.3001 with patchedUnofficial Win98 SE USER32.DLL + USER.EXE 4.10.2233: download [418 KB]:
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