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-hi MDGx, thx for the recent help...


(-and here comes the BUT ;) ): -BUT, I noticed in your .bat files that you didn't change/remove the

>IF "%winbootdir%"=="" GOTO N@

>IF NOT "%windir%"=="" GOTO N@

stuff... ?... I believe the 2nd one, "%windir%", may cause problems when the user sets that var in autoexec... (unless your recent change of moving the checking to wininit executes the conditional *before* autoexec.bat executes; I'm not familiar w/wininit stuff...) ?


-Re: thumbdrive:

hmmm, MD2.2 worked fine w/it, do u think the changes made into 2.3 are the culprit?

(haven't had the time to find/restore/update/tweak an old backup for testing, yet... might be a while... and it kinda looks like once the thumbdrive was "re"-installed as "Unknown Device", that re-installation nuked it for good, regardless of restoring the 98se2me backup files; at least nothing I've tried has helped, incl. hacking the reg manually... oh well, I was overdue for a clean reinstall anyway, that's part of the reason I haven't kept current on the backups...)



-btw, MDGx, when you remove a file from 98se2me, do you include code to automatically restore that file's 98se backup? If not, that would be a VERY good/helpful idea... (and absolutely vital for people who aren't techies... and even us techies can flake-out sometimes :blushing: , so automating such corrections might save some potential troubles...)


You could create another simple, small .bat and a filelist of all removed files, looping thru em, so in the future it'd be easy to just tack on any additional files to the filelist...


-and for compatibility's sake, make sure you look in all 4 places, sequentially, for the (newest) 98se replacement version:

1) 9!M (or win98se's /options/cabs dir), in case such file has been updated;

2) the current 98se2me Backup dir;

3) previous version 98se2me Backup dirs (old full-OS-backup style)

4) win98se's /options/cabs/xxx.CAB file (for original w98se version, if no newer ones found, above)


(-and here comes the BUT ): -BUT, I noticed in your .bat files that you didn't change/remove the

>IF "%winbootdir%"=="" GOTO N@

>IF NOT "%windir%"=="" GOTO N@

stuff... ?... I believe the 2nd one, "%windir%", may cause problems when the user sets that var in autoexec... (unless your recent change of moving the checking to wininit executes the conditional *before* autoexec.bat executes; I'm not familiar w/wininit stuff...) ?


-Re: thumbdrive:

hmmm, MD2.2 worked fine w/it, do u think the changes made into 2.3 are the culprit?

(haven't had the time to find/restore/update/tweak an old backup for testing, yet... might be a while... and it kinda looks like once the thumbdrive was "re"-installed as "Unknown Device", that re-installation nuked it for good, regardless of restoring the 98se2me backup files; at least nothing I've tried has helped, incl. hacking the reg manually... oh well, I was overdue for a clean reinstall anyway, that's part of the reason I haven't kept current on the backups...)

I have remarked [::] all "IF NOT "%windir%"=="" GOTO N@" lines in all batch files.

That is until I have time to convert all autoexec.bat code to wininit.ini.

Please try 98SE2ME again, see if it works ok this time [3 MB]:


-btw, MDGx, when you remove a file from 98se2me, do you include code to automatically restore that file's 98se backup? If not, that would be a VERY good/helpful idea... (and absolutely vital for people who aren't techies... and even us techies can flake-out sometimes , so automating such corrections might save some potential troubles...)

-and for compatibility's sake, make sure you look in all 4 places, sequentially, for the (newest) 98se replacement version:

1) 9!M (or win98se's /options/cabs dir), in case such file has been updated;

2) the current 98se2me Backup dir;

3) previous version 98se2me Backup dirs (old full-OS-backup style)

4) win98se's /options/cabs/xxx.CAB file (for original w98se version, if no newer ones found, above)

Yes, I do include code in O2.BAT [which installs options 1 + 2] to restore all files previously installed from WinME CABs, but later on found to be buggy one way or another.

Just open O2.BAT with Notepad and scroll down till you find this line [and all lines below it except the RUNDLL32.EXE lines]:

C:\9!M\LOCATE WIN98_28.CAB /D- /G1 /L /N /NP
And yes, the DOS based tool LOCATE.COM scans *all* local fixed and removable drives for Win98SE setup CABs.

If it finds them, all files listed there are extracted, copied over to C:\9S2M and then restored to original locations upon next reboot.

In my experience most users have those CABs somewhere on their local drives.

But you have a good idea, to also search for those files in older backups, just in case the 98SE CABs were not found on any of the local drives.

I guess I could use the LOCATE.COM tool for this purpose, specifying 1 file at a time, and add GETVER.EXE version check.

I'll think about it.


About your USB problems...

Please try the older NUSB 2.2:


and then the newer 2.3:


and see if it makes any difference, and if it does, please let me know.





With regard to a post "I can install the drivers under a "98Lited" Win98SE for AC'97 Motherboard sound cards, but when I install the "ME replacements" I get the error icon showing in device manager for the sound driver. Uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers makes no difference." I have found if I remove the original drivers before installing 98SE2ME, on PC reboot Windows attempts to re-install the drivers and when I point Windows to the Me divers... success!

Also the 8-22-2006 edition of 98SE2ME will now allow the Power Management Options in Windows to work on my PC configuration.


Please try the 8-22-2006 edition of 98SE2ME:


see if everything ok.

And if you have any comments, please post them here:



Many, many thanks to Gape and yourself for all your hard work and effort in to keeping Win98 Alive and Kicking.

I nearly went to Win2000 in favour of XP (I hate that activation crap, on principle, let alone all the headaches it can cause) until I saw... the long, long list of critical updates!

Keep up the Brilliant work.

Waywyrd :)

With regard to a post "I can install the drivers under a "98Lited" Win98SE for AC'97 Motherboard sound cards, but when I install the "ME replacements" I get the error icon showing in device manager for the sound driver. Uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers makes no difference." I have found if I remove the original drivers before installing 98SE2ME, on PC reboot Windows attempts to re-install the drivers and when I point Windows to the Me divers... success!

Also the 8-22-2006 edition of 98SE2ME will now allow the Power Management Options in Windows to work on my PC configuration.

Many, many thanks to Gape and yourself for all your hard work and effort in to keeping Win98 Alive and Kicking.

I nearly went to Win2000 in favour of XP (I hate that activation crap, on principle, let alone all the headaches it can cause) until I saw... the long, long list of critical updates!

Keep up the Brilliant work.


1. I have not tried 98lite recently, because way back, when I tried an older [full] version, it messed up my 98SE computer. That experience steered me away from using 98lite. :(

That's why I do not test 98SE2ME nor any other of my upgrades/replacements on "98lite-ned" 9x Oses.

And that's why I practically don't have any experience with 98lite.

But I'm glad your AC97 sound drivers work again, even if by using a re-install workaround.

2. I'm also glad your APM features work again.

T'was my intention to fix this lil bug in the 98SE2ME 8-22-2006 edition. ;)

3. Win2000 can be used today [only if SP4 and all post-SP4 updates are installed] (almost) as well as XP for all purposes: gaming, CAD, 3D graphics/modeling, A/V editing/encoding, CD/DVD burning etc.

Actually, all u need to do is install AutoPatcher 2000:



But personally, I still prefer a fine-tuned Win98SE anytime. ;)

4. Many thanks for your [too] kind appreciation + compliments.

I'm glad you find 98SE2ME useful.


Posted (edited)

@MDGx: Why when I install 3 option, there isn't moviemk.exe in %programfiles%\moviemaker?

I've read that this file is taken from WinME hotfix Q262806, why didn't you include directly in the package?

So I must install file separately...

Ps: I've WinME CD not updated, maybe is this?

Edited by Max_04
@MDGx: Why when I install 3 option, there isn't moviemk.exe in %programfiles%\moviemaker?

I've read that this file is taken from WinME hotfix Q262806, why didn't you include directly in the package?

So I must install file separately...

Ps: I've WinME CD not updated, maybe is this?

I tested option 3 on my tweaked 98SE system and also on a "virgin" [from scratch, "fresh" install] 98SE system.

Updated Movie Maker 1.0.1377.0 installs properly on both.

Please look inside the "C:\Program Files\MoviMakr" folder [default]. Right-click on MOVIEMK.EXE, should say 1.0.1377.0 under the Version tab.


You must have the WinME setup CD English edition for this to work, because 98SE2ME option 3 extracts original moviemk.exe file from the WinME CABs, and then patches it to the newer version [1.0.1377.0] using a Vpatch patch [PATMM.EXE = found in C:\9!M].

Excerpt from READ1ST.TXT:


If using Windows 98 Second Edition (SE) English edition AND also have a

Windows Millennium Edition (ME) Setup CD-ROM English edition...

98SE2ME REQUIRES Windows 98 Second Edition (SE) ALREADY installed.

98SE2ME REQUIRES Windows Millennium Edition (ME) Setup CD-ROM inside 1st

CD/DVD drive (if more than 1) or Windows ME Setup CABs anywhere on your local

hard disk(s)/partition(s).

Everything here is for English language ONLY.

I also posted this at the 98SE2ME forum [please see 1st post]:


Hope this helps.


Is having a file with a newer date but older version better than a file

with a newer version but older date.The reason i ask is because i notice

Wmp 7 bonus pack have a newer version of DUNZIP32.dll,DZIP32.dll

but have older dates.

@MDGx: Why when I install 3 option, there isn't moviemk.exe in %programfiles%\moviemaker?

I've read that this file is taken from WinME hotfix Q262806, why didn't you include directly in the package?

So I must install file separately...

Ps: I've WinME CD not updated, maybe is this?

I tested option 3 on my tweaked 98SE system and also on a "virgin" [from scratch, "fresh" install] 98SE system.

Updated Movie Maker 1.0.1377.0 installs properly on both.

Please look inside the "C:\Program Files\MoviMakr" folder [default]. Right-click on MOVIEMK.EXE, should say 1.0.1377.0 under the Version tab.


You must have the WinME setup CD English edition for this to work, because 98SE2ME option 3 extracts original moviemk.exe file from the WinME CABs, and then patches it to the newer version [1.0.1377.0] using a Vpatch patch [PATMM.EXE = found in C:\9!M].

Excerpt from READ1ST.TXT:


If using Windows 98 Second Edition (SE) English edition AND also have a

Windows Millennium Edition (ME) Setup CD-ROM English edition...

98SE2ME REQUIRES Windows 98 Second Edition (SE) ALREADY installed.

98SE2ME REQUIRES Windows Millennium Edition (ME) Setup CD-ROM inside 1st

CD/DVD drive (if more than 1) or Windows ME Setup CABs anywhere on your local

hard disk(s)/partition(s).

Everything here is for English language ONLY.

I also posted this at the 98SE2ME forum [please see 1st post]:


Hope this helps.

@MDGx: I'm translating 98SE2ME in italian language, but I have a VPATCH error during installation of option 3, also if continues.

"No suitable patches were found"

Where is the problem?

I've translated all files, I think, but always this error.

Posted (edited)


IE6 SP1 has these files with older versions but with newer dates








and you might wanna replace Internat.exe with the WinMe version since its newer by version and date

This is why a version detection tool would come in handy.


After installing the unofficial DCOM98 Full Update ( http://www.mdgx.com/add.htm#COM ) and using SFC to check the updated files, I noticed discrepancies between replaced files with the same build number. All these files were replaced by files from DCOM98UP.EXE with the same build number, but with an earlier date:

dllhost.exe (build 4.71.3328) went from 08/06/00 to 29/03/99

comcat.dll (build 5.0) went from 08/06/00 to 28/03/99

compobj.dll (build 2.3.2) went from 08/06/00 to 28/03/99

iprop.dll (build 4.00) went from 08/06/00 to 18/11/99

ole2.dll (build 2.3.2) went from 08/06/00 to 28/03/99

olecnv32.dll (build 4.71.3328) went from 08/06/00 to 28/03/99

olethk32.dll (build 4.71.3328) went from 08/06/00 to 28/03/99

rpcltccm.dll (build 4.71.3328) went from 08/09/99 to 08/09/99

rpcltscm.dll (build 4.71.3400) went from 07/02/02 to 07/02/02

storage.dll (build 2.3.2) went from 08/06/00 to 28/03/99

ole32.dll (build 4.71.3328) went from 08/06/00 to 29/03/99

Although the files in DCOM98UP.EXE share the same build number with those installed by 98SE2ME, they are often quite smaller than the ME files (and again, are older).

The files from DCOM98UP.EXE are clearly not the same as the files they replace. Does anyone have any ideas about which Of the two sets of files I should prefer to have installed? If not the DCOM98UP.EXE files, then should DCOM98UP.EXE be updated with the newer files, perhaps?


Posted (edited)

Just to say - one more happy user. :thumbup I reinstalled Windwoes last Friday and thought I might as well try it. Nice, smooth install. I didn't do Option#3. I figured that since I use an alternate shell, I didn't need that too much. Don't need the games either, but I can shuck 'em.

Some things are noticeably improved, and nothing has refused to function so far. My cranky old eMachine600 originally came with ME but my sister sensibly replaced it with 98 - so I inherited both when she gave up on it and dropped it on me.

Edited to add:


Modplug Tracker won't run any more!


Fragdabbit! This is not as bad as not being able to run GIMP, but it is bad. I can't get any version of mpt to do anything but lock up and crash the whole works. Even profiling with Dependency Walker ends in a lockup. Owoo!

Edited by matera

This is my Dr Watson report

If the Taskbar is behaving strangely, try exiting Multimedia background task support module.

Module Name: mmtask.tsk

Description: Multimedia background task support module

Version: 4.90.3000

Product: Microsoft Windows

Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation

Is having a file with a newer date but older version better than a file

with a newer version but older date.The reason i ask is because i notice

Wmp 7 bonus pack have a newer version of DUNZIP32.dll,DZIP32.dll

but have older dates.

File version matters, not file date.

Newer is usually better [but there may be exceptions].

Thanks for the find.

I'll add the newer D*ZIP.* 4.xx files to 98SE2ME soon.

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