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Posted (edited)

When ever you get time can you test and add these files





1.when i share folders over my network the hand is missing under the folder

but when i install option 3 it appears but i have to uninstall option 3 because explorer keeps crashing

2.I'm using WinXP Internet games and the ones from 98SE2ME its overwriting them can you fix this

not just with the games but with all files that are newer

it also overwrite TuneUp.exe from Plus98 which is newer than WinME

Also can you re-test WMI files cause i think i need them to run other WinMe components

I'm tryin really hard to get System Restore working.

You can always set it up like

RSRCMTR.EXE is extracted from WinME setup CAB and copied to %windir% only if another RSRCMTR.EXE file is already present in %windir%.

Otherwise RSRCMTR.EXE is not copied anywhere.

I did this [please see related C:\9!M\E0!X.BAT lines = open it in Notepad]because some people [myself included ] either moved RSRCMTR.EXE from %windir% somewhere else or deleted it.


98SE2ME for Life


... 98SE2ME its overwriting them can you fix this

not just with the games but with all files that are newer

it also overwrite TuneUp.exe from Plus98 which is newer than WinME

Also can you re-test WMI files cause i think i need them to run other WinMe components

I'm tryin really hard to get System Restore working.

Actually tuneup.exe from Plus! 98 is older than the 1 from ME:

TUNEUP.EXE = Plus! 98 setup CD


I don't use WMI, I have deleted all related files.

Every time I tried WMI files from WinME, didn't work.

I understand that WMI has [probably] something to do with SR/WFP, but to change WinME system files code to match Win98SE [and/or the other way around] is not likely to happen in this life, unless you want to spend lots of time trying.

And unfortunately I don't have neither the time nor the programming background necessary to do this.

I'll test these files in the near future:




and will add them to 98SE2ME [probably option 2] if they work.

This file:


is only an uninstaller, has nothing to do with the OS itself.


Posted (edited)

-uh oh...


-I ran 98se2me (Option #2) for the first time in a few months, and here's the problems:


1) leftovers:


A. it created (and left) two new dirs in root of C drive: "%WINDIR%" (empty, except for an empty folder called "Tasks"), and "9S2M" (not empty; 49 MB of 666 files)


B. it left this junk at the end of AUTOEXEC.BAT:










2) it did NOT create any backups of the replaced files, even tho I told it to...


3) it doesn't seem to have made any replacements (I only checked a few files, tho), even tho it appeared to execute properly...



(I'll hold off on running Options #3,8 til we work out this stuff first...)



* EDIT: hmm, it must have changed/replaced SOMETHING, because my recycle bin has been reset again (always happens after 98se2me runs... I always have to change it back to "Do not move files to recycle bin")


Edited by PsycoUnc


I've tried all 8 options twice each, and all worked ok [no errors, all files copied ok] on my tweaked system and also on a fresh [from-scratch] install.

Please notice that there is now file check and version check in place to detect if certain files [all files in %windir%, %windir%\sysbckup, %windir%\system\iosubsys, all ME files from C:\9!M which are newer than the ones from the ME setup cd, all files in C:\Program Files\GameZone, etc] are already installed. If newest versions are already installed, those files are not copied over anymore.

Please download 98SE2ME.EXE one more time [3 MB]:


98SE2ME.EXE you had might have been corrupted... [?]

Please try again at your convenience, and please let me know if it works ok.

Thanks for your feedback.


First off... Kudos for the long/hard great work and enthusiasm to keep this project going!

A few issues... After using Option 1/2

After playing ring around the rosey with hardware and situating IRQ's I managed to get Shutdown and

Restart/Restart into MSDos issues worked out for the most part.

However I still had a problem with the Monitor going into Standby. After perusing I found that it appears the

User.exe & User32.dll from WinMe 4.90.301 appears to be the cause so I replaced them with the 98SE

4.10.2231. That looks to have done the trick ... Now the only little quirk left is shutting down into MsDos works

but when trying to restart Win with the 'exit' command it hangs before reaching the gui. Is there something

I missed or is there a workaround for this?

The other issue is JET/MDAC related. Oddly - While typing this I decided to confirm the issue and get exact

error messages but mysteriously part of the issues appear to be resolved now.. Could they have been

caused by the WinME (user*.*) files as well?

I was getting errors when running an app called "Thumbs Plus" from Cerious Software.

The errors occur while creating/scanning a new database or while working with a pre-existing.

One error being "... Microsoft Jet Db engine cannot open the file ... It is already opened exclusively by another user or you need permission to view it's data"

Another which now I can't replicate was during creation causing the app to shutdown.

I know all the above is pretty vague but if you tell me the 'user*.*' files could have been the cause

I'll chalk it up to that and not worry about it unless we want to try and fix it using the Win ME files.


Oh.. Any way to get the Win XP Systray Network/Monitor icon activity/functionality into 98SE?

I believe there were some 3rd part apps which I can't seem to find/recall at the moment but iirc they

either were overkill and didn't serve the simple purpose of being able to see network activity.

Best Regards

First off... Kudos for the long/hard great work and enthusiasm to keep this project going!

A few issues... After using Option 1/2

After playing ring around the rosey with hardware and situating IRQ's I managed to get Shutdown and

Restart/Restart into MSDos issues worked out for the most part.

However I still had a problem with the Monitor going into Standby. After perusing I found that it appears the

User.exe & User32.dll from WinMe 4.90.301 appears to be the cause so I replaced them with the 98SE

4.10.2231. That looks to have done the trick ... Now the only little quirk left is shutting down into MsDos works

but when trying to restart Win with the 'exit' command it hangs before reaching the gui. Is there something

I missed or is there a workaround for this?

The other issue is JET/MDAC related. Oddly - While typing this I decided to confirm the issue and get exact

error messages but mysteriously part of the issues appear to be resolved now.. Could they have been

caused by the WinME (user*.*) files as well?

I was getting errors when running an app called "Thumbs Plus" from Cerious Software.

The errors occur while creating/scanning a new database or while working with a pre-existing.

One error being "... Microsoft Jet Db engine cannot open the file ... It is already opened exclusively by another user or you need permission to view it's data"

Another which now I can't replicate was during creation causing the app to shutdown.

I know all the above is pretty vague but if you tell me the 'user*.*' files could have been the cause

I'll chalk it up to that and not worry about it unless we want to try and fix it using the Win ME files.


Oh.. Any way to get the Win XP Systray Network/Monitor icon activity/functionality into 98SE?

I believe there were some 3rd part apps which I can't seem to find/recall at the moment but iirc they

either were overkill and didn't serve the simple purpose of being able to see network activity.

Best Regards

1. Your answer is here:


or see READ1ST.TXT, the "KNOWN BUGS + FIXES" section:


2. About Jet database errors...

Make sure you have all Jet updates + patches installed for your OS:


IMO, I don't think the USER*.* files from WinME have anything to do with Jet errors.

3. 3rd party network/internet monitors [free(ware)]:


Hope this helps

Best wishes.

I'll test these files in the near future:


This WinME file is binary identical with the 1 from 98 SE setup CD.

Version is also the same [3.10], it's the very old Win3.1 16-bit file. ;)

I don't know of anybody who uses cardfile currently.


Posted (edited)

Ok call it initially lazy and then later sleep deprived.

I knew I should have tracked all the changes I made before later realizing there were issues and spend 3x+ as long going circles trying to figure out why & when it occurred.

The sleep deprived part is why I didn't just replace the user files back to the ME versions before posting to see

if the Jet errors were there again.. Doing so now they are not. So obviously some other God only knows reason

caused them. Normally which would bug me to find out but not worth the efforts since it was an isolated event.

So Jet/MDAC issue resolved as it works with either the WinME or 98SE user*.* files.

Now regarding the restart into dos issue I'm not sure you understood me unless I totally missed the fix again.

The problem is while in dos if I use the "exit" command the system no longer restarts into the Windows GUI, as it hangs while trying. This now occurs whether I use the (user*.*) WinME files or Win98SE files. I can restart into dos whether I use the WinME or 98SE files I just can't restart windows from there.

You also mention the "vpowerd.vxd" being totally different from the WinME but I don't see it ever being

replaced w/option 1 or 2. The version installed is the 98SE v4.10.2225.

Out of curiousity are you aware of what actually changed between the later 98SE and ME versions of the user files?

It appears there a few issues regarding using the ME files and wonder why not just leave them using the 98SE versions unless you use option 3.

P.S. Thanks for the 'netmonitor' links.. Ill have to sift through them and see which/if one fits the bill being low overhead & simply show network traffic.

Edited by teleguise
Why don't you add webvw.dll from MS05-049 to Option 3? It works on ME with no problem, and it only has 2 missing dependencies in 98SE, both in shell32.dll. What you could do is renumber it in Resource Hacker to 5.50.4134.7061.

Also, a little note about Internet Games on your site. 2003 SP1 does not include ANY of the games.


WEBVW.DLL should be re-numbered to version 5.50.4134.7069 not 5.50.4134.7061. The webvw.dll file for Win2k SP4 KB900725 update is version 5.00.3900.7069.

Posted (edited)

I just did a clean install on my sister computer today.

But before i did she had a older version of 98SE2ME

12-14-05 and yes power management on her computer did work and on many others i had installed it on.And the computer shuts down properly

Since the latest update its not working anymore.

I'm sure its a small bug thats all.I know if i install gape sp i can fix it

Also the computers hangs on shutdown.It don't shut down at all.I have press the power button.

Posted (edited)
Now regarding the restart into dos issue I'm not sure you understood me unless I totally missed the fix again.

The problem is while in dos if I use the "exit" command the system no longer restarts into the Windows GUI, as it hangs while trying. This now occurs whether I use the (user*.*) WinME files or Win98SE files. I can restart into dos whether I use the WinME or 98SE files I just can't restart windows from there.

You also mention the "vpowerd.vxd" being totally different from the WinME but I don't see it ever being

replaced w/option 1 or 2. The version installed is the 98SE v4.10.2225.

Out of curiousity are you aware of what actually changed between the later 98SE and ME versions of the user files?

It appears there a few issues regarding using the ME files and wonder why not just leave them using the 98SE versions unless you use option 3.

Sorry about misunderstanding your question.

The USER*.* files don't have anything to do IMO with DOS mode exit/restart.

What you describe are 2 different DOS modes, which you can go to in different ways.

1. DOS box/window/session is a virtual DOS mode emulated within Windows [a.k.a. Virtual Machine (VM)].

From that [either windowed or even full screen, don't let that fool you] you can type EXIT and press Enter to return to the Windows UI [user Interface].

2. Native/pure/true/real MS-DOS mode is outside Windows UI, and can be achieved 2 ways:

A. Either boot directly to real MS-DOS [with no way to return to Windows UI, unless you type WIN and hit Enter, which loads the UI] by tweaking your MSDOS.SYS:





B. Go to native MS-DOS [but be able to return to Windows UI by typing EXIT or WIN and pressing Enter] by running the MS-DOS Prompt shortcut created by Windows when you 1st installed your OS.

More info:




Therefore, the inability of returning to Windows UI by typing EXIT and pressing Enter is not related [to my knowledge] to replacing system files with WinME versions by 98SE2ME.

That is because I'm usually very careful not to disable Win98 SE features, especially the ability of accessing DOS modes.

DOS shortcut properties can be changed by modifying a PIF file settings [the "Exit To DOS.PIF" shortcut for example] or whatever custom PIF [Program Information File] you might be using, or a PIF created/modified by some software/game you were installing/running [please see 3 URLs above for more details].

When you access native DOS under Windows [native DOS, but with the WIN module loaded in memory as TSR, you can see by running MEM/C/P], Windows creates temporary *.WOS files [backs up config.sys + autoexec.bat] and modifies original files to add this line:


This line won't allow Windows UI to (re)load/(re)start until you remove it from your config.sys and then reboot. More details at URLs above.

There are other ways of disabling the return to Windows UI after going to DOS mode [similar to running "Exit To DOS.PIF"]. Example:

modding WIN.COM as described here [you can download as 98ATXFIX.ZIP linked at URL below]:


and/or loading NOOFF.COM in memory [as TSR = Terminate and Stay Resident] from autoexec.bat or from config.sys or from DOS prompt.

NOOFF.COM is also linked at URL above.

VPOWERD.VXD cannot be replaced with WinME version, because does not work at all.

The explanation in the BUG + FIX issue you have read, refers to vpowerd.vxd, only to explain better the dependencies among system files.

The USER*.* files from WinME to my knowledge [i have not compared them byte by byte nor decompiled them, and there is no documentation at MS web site that would explain such differences] correct a few system bugs [like mouse random moves, lockups, GPFs, IPFs etc], enhance performance by using better memory access, and probably streamline some UI features. Of course, all this is speculation, found by searching MSKB for USER.EXE + USER32.DLL bug fixes:


I've been using the WinME USER*.* files on my 98SE computers for > 5 years, and never had any errors that I could have linked back to them.

I've also installed 98SE2ME on some friends' computers, with similar effects.

I see no need to associate the USER*.* files strictly with option 3, because the file dependencies resolve ok with the WinME system files replaced by option 2, and these 2 files bring a large enough benefit to the OS in my opinion, in order to keep them as part of option 2.

Another thing you may want to try, is fix or disable APM/ACPI/BIOS/CMOS/USB/monitor/hard disk power management features, which are the more likely culprit for DOS lockup and/or Windows shutdown/power off errors:


In conclusion, to my knowledge 98SE2ME does not change DOS access abilities, but if you determine otherwise after detailed research, please let me know and I'll try to fix it.

A good place to start is to restore 98SE system files 1 by 1 from the backups created by 98SE2ME option 2 in %windir%\SYSTEM.9ME [usually C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.9ME].

Reboot each time after restoring a file.

Please notice any difference in behaviour, and if you do, please let me know.

Hope this helps

Edited by MDGx
Posted (edited)
I just did a clean install on my sister computer today.

But before i did she had a older version of 98SE2ME

12-14-05 and yes power management on her computer did work and on many others i had installed it on.And the computer shuts down properly

Since the latest update its not working anymore.

I'm sure its a small bug thats all.I know if i install gape sp i can fix it

Also the computers hangs on shutdown.It don't shut down at all.I have press the power button.

Sorry, I have not kept old 98SE2ME versions to compare, and besides, all the changes I've made in the past ~ 8 months or so are too numerous and too complex to try to go back.

But if you kept the old 12-14-2005 98SE2ME.EXE edition, please send it to me attached to email [please click the blue E-mail link]:


and I'll see what I can do.

As I said before, I don't think 98SE2ME is related to shudown/power off errors, those are Win98 SE errors that are quite well known, and there are a lot of things that can be done to fix them.

More info:


APM/ACPI/BIOS power saving issues are usually involved.

Another good idea is to restore 98SE system files 1 by 1 from the backups created by 98SE2ME option 2 in %windir%\SYSTEM.9ME [usually C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.9ME].

Reboot each time after restoring a file.

Please notice any difference in behaviour, and if you do, please let me know.

Hope this helps

Edited by MDGx
Posted (edited)


I have attached a list of file changes between 12-14-2005 and now.

Just thought I'd help you out a little bit.


Edited by the_guy
Posted (edited)


Million thanks for taking the time to do this.

That was the easy part though, to enumerate the added/removed/changed files.

But the hard part [i was thinking of] is to figure out all the INF + REG changes since Dec 2005.

Although I just reviewed all the INF files [and REG entries], and didn't find anything that would make a difference.

In a nutshell [thank you again]:















The only files I can think of that could make a difference here might be the GDI*.* files [although they shouldn't].

The rest don't matter.



Please try to use the GDI*.* files from 98SE2ME 12-14-2005 on your syster's computer, see if they make any difference.


Edited by MDGx
Posted (edited)

MDGX, remember my old problem left unsolved?

Did anybody notice a decrease of speed when copying large files from network after installing 98SE2ME?

This week I reinstalled Windows. After installing 98SE2ME, the problem was back. This time I investigated the problem. It's not related to network, but to windows disk cache.

When I copy files from network (shared on Windows XP, one switch between computers) tranfer rate drops when the disk cache is full.

See the atached images:

First image = Disk cache set to 512MB - network tranfer and disk write speed drops

Second image = Disk cache set to 64MB - network transfer and disk write speed remains high

Replacing VCACHE.VXD v4.90.3000 with default Win98 version solved the problem.



Edited by Marius '95

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